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The Milton Keynes Royal Massace 290411 Results below!

Started by khaosgoblin, January 18, 2011, 12:11:33 pm

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January 18, 2011, 12:11:33 pm Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 08:55:59 am by khaosgoblin
With the prospect of a free bank holiday looming, we at MKWGS have decided the best way to celebrate the Royal wedding is to play Warhammer & thus we present:

The Milton Keynes Royal Massace
Bank Holiday Friday 29th April 2010
Warhammer Fantasy Battles Tournament
Three games of 2,400 points
Generic comp will be in place
There will be a maximum of 30 places
Cost for the day will be £5

Interested players are listed below & their slots will be held until the end of February by which time the rules pack will be issued & payment will be required, for now I just need names/clubs & a contact email address.


Mark Borland
Tournament Organizer
Milton Keynes Wargame Society.

{EDIT} Added to calendar - Lee


I am not sure what I am up to yet but want to go to another MK tourney as I enjoyed the last one I went to. But on the day of the wedding you are having a SINGLES tourney!!!

Oh and of course I am still holding out for an invite to the nuptuals
Ogres 15-11-18
Dwarves 11-1-5
Space Marines 1-1-0
In the middle of a rage quit


Quote from: Veldemere on January 18, 2011, 12:16:20 pm
But on the day of the wedding you are having a SINGLES tourney!!!

lol, when I had the idea for this & sent out an email to gauge interest I was a little suprised to get 20 replies on the same day from blokes desperate to avoid the wedding!
So perhaps it should have titled "Rage Against the Royal Wedding"

Should be a bit of fun, but I know its a fair trek for you guys just for the day.

Hoping to make it down to the next waaagh! myself.



Quote from: khaosgoblin on January 18, 2011, 01:30:38 pm
Hoping to make it down to the next waaagh! myself.

Well hurry up then mate, only 2 spots left... :))

Count me in, always a great day out...


February 02, 2011, 12:01:45 pm #4 Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 04:13:05 pm by khaosgoblin
I have now confirmed that the Milton Keynes "Royal" Massacre will take place on the Royal Wedding bank holiday on Friday 29th April.

The cost for the event is £5 & does not include lunch, you may bring your own or purchase localy, (free tea & coffee will be provided), there is no bar but you may bring your own drinks (as long as you take your empties away) & there is a pub within 5 minutes walk along with a number of take-away's & shops.

Rules pack link: http://www.medialightbox.com/public/free-khaosgoblin/i8x837ga

Below are listed players who have have indicated an interest, these places will be held until 28 February 2011 after which places will be awarded to paid entrants only (paid reserves will also be taken).

No Name Club
1 Mark Wildman 1st Company Veterans
2 Matt Howley 1st Company Veterans
3 Craig Bennett Derby Wargames Society
4 Ian Bennett Derby Wargames Society
5 Warren Webb Derby Wargames Society
6 Steve Wren Dragon Slayers
7 John Broome Gatekeepers Club
8 Kevin Weaver Gatekeepers Club
9 Bryan Carmichael Hydra Gaming Club
10 Joe McGough Hydra Gaming Club
11 Luke Grant Hydra Gaming Club
12 Ryan Mclellan Hydra Gaming Club
13 Ben Hampshire Milton Keynes wargame Society
14 Dave Ireland Milton Keynes wargame Society
15 Jim Moore Milton Keynes wargame Society
16 Kim Mitchell Milton Keynes wargame Society
17 Matt Perriss Milton Keynes wargame Society
18 Shaun Mitchell Milton Keynes wargame Society
19 Steve hampshire Milton Keynes wargame Society
20 Steve Knight Milton Keynes wargame Society
21 Tony Hayle Milton Keynes wargame Society
22 Alan Thompson Northampton Warlords
23 Paul thompson Northampton Warlords
24 Ol Knesbeck OG Games
25 Warren Stephens Pheonix Gaming Club
26 Darrell Lee Pheonix Gaming Club
27 Ben Harris Warhamsters
28 Albert James Barr
29 James Staples
30 John Westlee Barr

Fitz Hydra Gaming Club
Greg Dann Hydra Gaming Club
Dan Comeu Hydra Gaming Club

Also of note is that our normal club night is on the Thursday so if anyone wants to drop down for a game the night before, let us know via our forum: http://mkwgs.eamped.com


Mark Borland
Tournament Organizer
Milton Keynes Wargame Society


First round draw below:

Table   Player   Club   Army
1   Warren Stevens   Phoenix Gaming Club   Orcs & Goblins
1   Kevin Weaver   Gatekeepers Club   Warriors of Chaos
2   Paul thompson   SQUIG   Vampire Counts
2   Darrell Lee   Phoenix Gaming Club   Daemons of Chaos
3   Craig Bennett   Derby Wargames Society   High Elves
3   Paul Fordham   Independent   Dark Elves
4   Joel Henry   SQUIG   Orcs & Goblins
4   Matt Perriss   Milton Keynes wargame Society   High Elves
5   Mohammad Ashraf   Channel 4 News Team   Lizardmen
5   Richard Harris   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Orcs & Goblins
6   Adam Hutchinson   SQUIG   Vampire Counts
6   Ben Harriss   Phoenix Gaming Club   Empire
7   Warren Webb   Derby Wargames Society   Dark Elves
7   Bryan Carmichael   Hydra Gaming Club   Daemons of Chaos
8   Sue Hampshire   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Wood Elves
8   Thomas Cowlin   Channel 4 News Team   Dark Elves
9   John Donaldson   SQUIG   Empire
9   Steve Knight   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Wood Elves
10   Steve Hampshire   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Daemons of Chaos
10   Albert James Barr   Independent   Skaven
11   Chris Fitzsimmons   Hydra Gaming Club   Wood Elves
11   Ben Hampshire   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Dark Elves
12   Alan Thompson   SQUIG   Orcs & Goblins
12   Greg Dann   Hydra Gaming Club   Warriors of Chaos
13   Tony Hayle   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Empire
13   Nick Bunting   SQUIG   Lizardmen
14   Dan Comeu   Hydra Gaming Club   Vampire Counts
14   Jim Moore   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Lizardmen
15   Paul Godbold   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Vampire Counts
15   Martyn Cooper   Cross Swords   Lizardmen
16   Chris Legg   Dragon Slayers   Daemons of Chaos
16   John Westlee Barr   Independent   Warriors of Chaos
17   Ben Halford   SQUIG   Skaven
17   Dave Ireland   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Dark Elves
18   Ryan Mclellan   Hydra Gaming Club   Dark Elves
18   Ian Bennett   Derby Wargames Society   Dwarfs

No Ogger's this time, but there are a fair number of familiar names.

C U Sunday



Player   Club   Army   Finish   TP   VP
Martyn Cooper   Cross Swords   Lizardmen   1st   53   6288
Mohammad Ashraf   Channel 4 News Team   Lizardmen   2nd   51   5154
John Westlee Barr   Independent   Warriors of Chaos   3rd   46   6110
Albert James Barr   Independent   Skaven   4th   45   5904
Ryan Mclellan   Hydra Gaming Club   Dark Elves   5th   44   5970
Bryan Carmichael   Hydra Gaming Club   Daemons of Chaos   6th   44   5692
Ben Hampshire   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Dark Elves   7th   43   4748
Steve Hampshire   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Daemons of Chaos   8th   42   6360
Jim Moore   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Lizardmen   9th   41   4771
Tony Hayle   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Empire   10th   41   4743
Warren Stevens   Phoenix Gaming Club   Orcs & Goblins   11th   40   4289
Thomas Cowlin   Channel 4 News Team   Dark Elves   12th   40   3543
Dan Comeau   Hydra Gaming Club   Vampire Counts   13th   39   4534
Alan Thompson   SQUIG   Orcs & Goblins   14th   38   4735
Greg Dann   Hydra Gaming Club   Warriors of Chaos   15th   37   5029
Joel Henry   SQUIG   Orcs & Goblins   16th   35   4794
Steve Knight   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Wood Elves   17th   35   3850
Alex Read   Northampton Warlords   Warriors of Chaos   18th   34   3525
Chris Fitzsimmons   Hydra Gaming Club   Wood Elves   19th   33   2963
John Donaldson   SQUIG   Empire   20th   30   4019
Paul Godbold   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Vampire Counts   21st   30   3651
Paul Fordham   Independent   Dark Elves   22nd   27   3692
Paul thompson   SQUIG   Vampire Counts   23rd   23   4527
Richard Harris   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Orcs & Goblins   24th   23   3395
Adam Hutchinson   SQUIG   Vampire Counts   25th   23   3227
Dave Ireland   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Dark Elves   26th   21   3317
Ben Harris   Phoenix Gaming Club   Empire   27th   21   3048
Darrell Lee   Phoenix Gaming Club   Daemons of Chaos   28th   20   2426
Matt Perriss   Milton Keynes wargame Society   High Elves   29th   19   3284
Mr Spare   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Beastmen   30th   16   3223
Warren Webb   Derby Wargames Society   Dark Elves   31st   15   3366
Ben Halford   SQUIG   Skaven   32nd   14   2227
Nick Bunting   SQUIG   Lizardmen   33rd   10   2032
Sue Hampshire   Milton Keynes wargame Society   Wood Elves   34th   4   1347
Craig Bennett   Derby Wargames Society   High Elves   35th   3   2296
Ian Bennett   Derby Wargames Society   Dwarfs   36th   0   325

