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Wargames New Year Resolutions 2011

Started by fatolaf, December 31, 2010, 02:02:17 pm

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I found mine!

QuoteTHIS YEAR.....I aim to....

1- Fully Paint up a big VC army. I'm mostly there, but I want it all FULLY painted, finished, complete (should be soonish) and then lots more ghouls, maybe some skellies, and billions of zombies, so my army is super flexible and can do big big games.

It's not huge, but I have made what I got much nicer. I got shedloads more ghouls painted, all my spirit host, a varghulf, wraiths... actually yeah I done shitloads. Zombies and skellies on back seat, I'm doing my [varghulf] Cthulu next!

2- Paint/convert my ghoul and skellie mantic 3 ups into faded viney statues as terrain
I forgot about this! hmmm maybe as two of my terrain peices for carnage, I'd be scared of them ending up in a boot though!

Quote3- Learn the bloody WFB rulebook!!!! I'm rubbish with numbers and modifiers as people tell me before I can think about it what I need to roll, so anybody I play from now on (unless it's gone 10 and I'm falling asleep) let me try!

have got MUCH better. Still not awesome, but much much better, and noticing how many times people try to cheat! I reckon this will keep getting better too, lots of things seem to have finally clicked.

Quotetheyre the basics, if that happens, I'll be happy.

but if I do (and get spare time over summer)

- read through and understand Malifaux, and get my people painted up super nice.
- see above, but for Faction Wars.

malifaux put on hold for a bit, Faction Wars started but also on hold.

And on top of that seem to have started two CoE armies!

On top of things, hooray :thumbsup:!
I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!


Ok my updated list (having accidentally deleted my last post when trying to quote it  :bash;m:

1. Fully paint a TK army in 1.5 months to use at the ETC, dwarfs just not cutting it I'm afraid.
2. After the TK not buy anything else (seriously I have almost finished the lizards, barely started the skaven, have chaos in a box, Eldar, a tonne of other stuff and am buying TK!)
3. Continue to log and blog my painting achievements (currently at 276 painted models this year).


Quote from: Dave on June 28, 2011, 02:45:35 pm
1. Fully paint a TK army in 1.5 months to use at the ETC, dwarfs just not cutting it I'm afraid.
This makes me sad  :cry:
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."

The Trampoline

Quote from: Crompton on June 28, 2011, 04:58:32 pm
This makes me sad  :cry:

Not me, every less Dwarf army fielded is a good thing.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


Andy, you are painting a red DE army and a blue DE army. Filth bag.
Vive le french abuse

The Trampoline

Quote from: Julien on June 28, 2011, 05:58:23 pm
Andy, you are painting a red DE army and a blue DE army. Filth bag.

Well I've knocked the red one on the head at the moment.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


So mid year, lets look at what I got done

Quote from: fatolaf on December 31, 2010, 02:02:17 pm
My resolutions for 2011

1) Paint my Beast army and take it to at least one tournie (aiming for SCGT)

Fail, took WoC instead, Beasts on the back shelf till TK painted, which has to be done by August for Carnage

Quote2) Assemble and Paint a WoC army (with a very different approach  :cool3:)

Done, used, got some top 5 finishes, and then army sold...

Quote3) Assemble and Paint at least 1000 pts of my Tau army

Army assembled, games been played, Acid Rain paint scheme started

Quote4) Paint my Bone Griffons fleet and play lots of Uncharted Seas

Possibly will happen now, with resurgence of interest at the club

Quote5) Learn to play Warmaster, paint my Tomb king army for it

Army will be sold soon, it's just not for me

Quote6) Break into top 100 of WFB rankings, and get a top 20 finish at a 70+ person event this year

Dont give a hoot about the rankings any more, but still aiming for that top 20 at either Cardiff or Warlord..

Quote7) Play alot more of the AGOT LCG and actually have a clue what is going on

Been playing much more Invasion and CoC (till Mike buggered off up north), but enjoy all 3, and now LOTR LCG is out, we have another one... :))

Quote8) Play a BattleLore campaign and get at least a couple of club members into it

Still must do this...

QuoteAnd for fun

9) Take my LM to at least one Tournie with no slann but an Oldblood riding a Carnasaur as the general, win at least one game with this.... :thumbsup:

LM sold, now just got TK and BoC


1. Play at least 12 tabletop games AND write battle reports for them
Working on it (ok i've done 1 report, but played 3 games, not counting Waaaargh games)

2. Come better than last in a Wandsworth Waaargh

3. Paint all of my scenery
I've painted a Barrel.

4. Paint up my Malifaux crew (Nicodem)

5. Construct my Warhound Titan (out of wood and brass!)
Currently constructing out of Foam first. (I only have the base of 2 feet.....)
Charge.  Flee.  Your Turn.

Angelus Mortifer

Been meaning to do this for a while, and it's a bit of joke coming in half way through the year but...

1 - Paint 2 Stormravens (black and red resp. ;) ).
2 - Paint a squad of Vanguard Vets.
3 - Paint 2 squads of Sanguinary Guard and Dante.
4 - Paint a Land Raider.
5 - Paint a Terminator Priest and Librarian.
6 - Paint a Sternguard squad and Drop Pod.
7 - Get some more work done on my Chapter Fortress display/terrain.
8 - Start my Dark Eldar army.
9 - Paint 1850pts of Dark Eldar.
10 - Paint my Skaven Warband for Mordheim.
11 - Finish top 25% in a 40k tourney.
12 - Finish Top 10 at the Rochester NY GT. 
13 - Take Best Painted in a 40k Tourney (2nd + 3rd so far in two attempts).
14 - Realise that even if I had started at the beginning of the year, even then this list is unachievable :) .
"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to take us to victory, and wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father - Sanguinius holds it all." Horus

Wargame Website

Have now hit my resolution about achieving mid-table mediocrity by coming 61st out of 92 at the Midlands Open.

Also got two wins again which was good.
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