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South Coast GT - 16th/17th of April 2011

Started by fatolaf, December 06, 2010, 01:33:58 pm

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You think? Are you sure they are not just warming up the line "but I played TK when they were rubbish!"
Ogres 15-11-18
Dwarves 11-1-5
Space Marines 1-1-0
In the middle of a rage quit


Quote from: Veldemere on April 11, 2011, 11:20:06 am
You think? Are you sure they are not just warming up the line "but I played TK when they were rubbish!"

The new TK are not going to be a patch on how good TK were in 7th (played correctly)..

I bet I know exactly who is taking them...


I am still hopeful they might be playing them just for fun and that there are a few players joining me on the lower tables for a giggle
Ogres 15-11-18
Dwarves 11-1-5
Space Marines 1-1-0
In the middle of a rage quit


There will be plenty of fun players going to this (and also just because they take a filth army, does not mean they have written a filth list).
I have lost count the number of times I have faced a filth army run by a player who either does not know how to play or does not know how to write a optimised list, fun times... :thumbsup:


From last years experience, as Ol says, there is a fair few people who are just going for a laugh. I am definitely one of them! Not really bothered where I finish, so long as I don't get the wooden spoon its all good!

I wonder how many Arachnarok's will be kicking about?


I'm surprised how few Dwarf players are going. Beaten by Bretts and Ogres, just means fewer people I need poison on the saturday night I guess.
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."


I was one of 3 dwarf players at the same event last year.  There are generally very few dwarf players on the tournament scene because:
1. They aren't that good
2. Their playstyle is considered boring
3. Victory conditions make them unable to score big wins regularly, therefore seldom compete for overall
4. People call you a hobby killer and moan their arses off at you before the game even starts until you get sick of it.  Even when they have had a massive smash up and everything on both armies is dead they'll seldom say it was an enjoyable game because they dwarfs will doubtlessly have played a tight and solid game and very unlikely to have done anything expansive and exciting or used the anvil to play an expansive game which is considered unfair because it can't be stopped.

Rock <- me -> hard place

Regular dwarf players:
Andy Spiers - loves dwarfs but also one of the only player out there who plays them hard as far as I can tell, definitely plays in that style of the 'top players'.
Chris Appleford - mid tabler, like me just loves the army, takes them all the time but I know he's working on a new army.
Shane Metcalf - Has been running them in 8th to generally good success, with a couple of high placings
Andrew Russell - won the first tempest big fish with them and plays them reasonably often

Most other people have used them a couple of times then switched to something else and a few of the regular players have now moved on to other armies (like i've done).

I know Andy is going and is desperate to get no 1 (dwarf) in the rankings, with his low score being 39pts I'd imagine he'll be looking for a top 1/2 finish probably being enough to give him it.


Quote from: Dave on April 11, 2011, 03:50:59 pm

Shane Metcalf - Has been running them in 8th to generally good success, with a couple of high placings

Played Shane, Game 1 at the last Warlord GT.
V hard list, not helped by my Slann blowing his own head off turn 1  :endit:

At least Shane then had the good grace to blow his Anvil up turn 2... :thumbsup:

Close game, my skinks picked his warmachines off, but the 2 big units of slayers and Xbow hid in builings and my Steg failed to finish off his rangers, giving Shane a 12-8 win..

Great opponent, good laugh


So, trains... Any idea yet on which train to take, etc... Whilst I could travel on my own, perhaps splashing out on a 1st class ticket for my precious army, I much prefer the idea of getting a few drinks chatting bricks and letting the train take the strain...


Dave, me and Ritchie are taking the 13:45 from waterloo to Rowlands castle, there is a train about every 30 mins, journey takes 1:30 hours