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South Coast GT - 16th/17th of April 2011

Started by fatolaf, December 06, 2010, 01:33:58 pm

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In the summer of 2011 he moved North... spreading the word of House OG.

I am Mike of House OG.  Ogger in the North.  And Ginger is coming.


Hmm, since we'd have to be on the Sunday do you fancy making it a two-venue weekender? Sort of a madman's mini London GT... ;)

Tom Hale

HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn


I'm mad enough for it! We'd all have to meet up in london on the friday and get hammered for it to feel like a proper gt though!
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?


If its just going to be Oggers and Imps then how about a Home & Away Club match if enough are interested?
In the summer of 2011 he moved North... spreading the word of House OG.

I am Mike of House OG.  Ogger in the North.  And Ginger is coming.


The problem I've got at the IMPs end is that one of our solid Warhammer players is moving back to Berlin in April, and another is likely to be catching the tail end of the snowboarding season in March. We have had a healthy injection of new blood recently, so it may not be beyond the bounds of possibility.

I'll see if anyone is up for such a thing, but I know we'd want scenarios and stuff for a home and away inter-club thingy, so perhaps not best suited for something that in my mind is basically a SCGT practice day/weekend.

Once we've settled into our new Sunday gaming slot (we're only changing over this coming Sunday) I really want to get some inter-club action going on. I've already vaguely penned something in with The Overlords (a 40K only club in Dagenham), basically for whenever I actually pick 40K up again and nag the other guys at the club about it, and I'm sure we can do something for Fantasy with OG, perhaps even involving a Saturday night curry or something, maybe on neutral turf like Brick Lane, or more accurately one of those floating resteraunts on the Thames... ;)


To keep it simple, lets simply have 2 one dayers, one at ours and one at yours, if someone wants to go to both, they can...simples...


Has anyone actually read the SCGT comp???

Apart from the points limit on units, the rare cap (for some) and the shooting / PD cap, there is no comp..

So Book of Hoeth, Puppet, Drakenhoff, Pendant, cupped hands, banner of world dragon, siren song, all in baby...

Filth fest awaits.... :cry:


Even the frenchman is allowed. Filth, I tell you filth... :endit:
Vive le french abuse

Tom Hale

but im not allowed two warp lighting cannon (grumble grumbel grumble grumble)
HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn