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Tempest II: Resurrection - Feb 12th & 13th - draft rulespack

Started by fatolaf, November 01, 2010, 02:31:00 pm

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So me and Steve and Tom went to this last year and it was great fun despite sleeps in bins and trips to A&E.... :))

Draft comp so far, but tickets on sale tonight form 7pm, If I can do it (Wifes Bday on 14th) then I will be there again

Quote from: Bobo the Vampire Monkey


[size=120]February 12th & 13th, 2011[/size]

Well hello there, stranger – fancy seeing you here. We're pleased to announce the follow-up to the wildly successful Tempest Rising tournament held in Stockport last year: Tempest Resurrection!

The event will be held on the 12th and 13th of February at the new and improved custom tournament venue, the Marauder Gaming Centre, and will be run by Isaac Alexander and Andrew Chesney (plus our highly capable, if coerced, assistants).

The tournament will be using 8th edition Warhammer Fantasy rules, and as with last year will be using a modified rules set (composition system) designed to take the edge off some of the more hideous combinations possible and force players to think outside the box a little more when it comes to designing their armies. The restrictions are still under development and will not be released in a hurry – we want at least another couple of months of rumination to figure out what this game needs! This is just a general announcement letting everyone know that the event will be running and the details.

So mark the dates in your calendars. If didn't manage to secure yourself a ticket last year, we have good news: the capacity of the venue has increased since then and there will be 100 places available. Attendees will also be pleased to know that we have begun working with a new external caterer who is proving more than capable of feeding the hungry masses (to be honest with you, this is more for our benefit than yours, since we like food a LOT).

If you're wondering what the tournament will be like, you can check out our official event gazette from last year. As with all our events we'll be having an emphasis on fun, with whacky spot prizes, a great selection of trophies, quality terrain, beer wenches (yes, you read that right) and a super duper replica weapon for the main prize.

Not sure what else there to say, really! Tickets will be available from Monday the 1st of November (at 7pm) and will cost approximately £30. There will be 100 places available and as always we will be taking paid reserves to ensure the event stays at maximum capacity.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Below you will find the provisional rules pack for this event. Note that while it is currently labelled 'draft format' we have given it great consideration and based it on last year's back which was very well received. We are willing to consider suggestions based on anything that is felt to be a major oversight, but please be aware that we are looking only for tweaks, not huge overhauls.

Quote from: Tempest II rules draftPoints values & selection guidelines
•   All armies will be 2600 points. Ignore the percentage guidelines in the Warhammer rulebook, and instead use the following points distribution table when writing your army list:
Lords & Heroes (combined total): 750pts maximum
Core: 750pts minimum
Special: 1000pts maximum
Rare: 500pts maximum
•   Special/named characters or named unit champion upgrades such as the Changeling may not be taken
•   All current army books are allowed, to qualify they must have been released at least 4 weeks before the tournament date. Ravening Hordes, Annuals, articles from White Dwarf and fan works may not be used
•   The common magic item 'Power Scroll' may not be taken
•   When characters in units are affected by the following spells they simply take a single wound instead of dying: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, Dreaded Thirteenth Spell

•   A maximum of 12 Power or Dispel dice may be used in any single phase
•   No more than 3 war machines may be taken
•   No more than 3 chariots or units of chariots may be taken (including character mounts).
•   Lord choices may not be duplicated
•   No more than 3 of each hero type may be taken
•   No more than 2 of the same Special choice may be taken
•   Rare choices may not be duplicated, with the exception of High Elves who may duplicate once
•   No more than 2 units of flyers, including any flying characters, may be taken.
•   For every model in your army with a missile weapon (range 12" and above) you must also include 1 model without a missile weapon (or with range 12" and below)

Chosen Men
Within each army-specific section below is a short list of units referred to as 'Chosen Men'. When taken in sizes of 10 or more models these 'Chosen Men' units receive a complimentary free command group (standard bearer, musician and champion equivalent) where available. This upgrade is not compulsory and not all elements of the command must be taken to qualify – individual upgrades are also free.
*If a different number (eg, 5+) is shown in brackets beside the unit that is the minimum size needed for free command options – this overrides the usual minimum of 10 models given above.

• Ignore all "restrictions"
Chosen Men: Bestigor, Gor Herd, Ungor Herd, Minotaurs (3+)
• Banner of the Lady may not be taken
Chosen Men: Men at Arms, Peasant Archers, Questing Knights (5+)
Dark Elves
• Pendant of Khaeleth, Focus Familiar, Black Staff and the Sacrificial Dagger may not be taken
• Assassins do not count towards any category's percentage total
• Shades are a 0-1 choice, with a maximum unit size of 6
• Power of Darkness is removed from the Dark Magic spell list
Chosen Men: Corsairs, Witch Elves, Executioners
Daemons of Chaos
• Icon of Despair, Siren Song, Icon of Endless War and Master of Sorcery may not be taken
• Each unique kind of Herald (Khorne, Nurgle etc.) is limited to 0-1
• Daemonic Gifts (including Daemonic Icons) may not be duplicated
• All Core units are limited to 30 models in size
Chosen Men: Plaguebearers
• Runes may not be duplicated
• Gyrocopters do not count towards your total number of war machines; the Anvil of Doom counts as 1
Chosen Men: Dwarf Warriors, Troll Slayers (receive one free Giant Slayer!)
• Van Horstman's Speculum, Casket of Sorcery and Rod of Power may not be taken
• The Steam Tank counts as 2 war machines towards your army's total
Chosen Men: Spearmen, Halberdiers, Greatswords
High Elves
• Banner of Sorcery, Book of Hoeth and the Banner of the World Dragon may not be taken
• Allowed one duplicated rare choice
Chosen Men: Spearelves, Lothern Seaguard, Silver Helms (5+), Ellyrian Reavers (5+), Shadow Warriors (5+)
• Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, Focused Rumination, Focus of Mystery, Higher State of Consciousness and Becalming Cogitation may not be taken
• Terradons have a maximum unit size of 3
• Chameleon Skinks are a 0-1 choice, with a maximum unit size of 6
• Each unique type of Stegadon (including Engines of the Gods) are 0-1 choices
• Bane Head may not be taken on a Slann
Chosen Men: Skinks (not Skirmishers), Temple Guard when not including a Slann, Saurus Cavalry (5+), Kroxigor (3+)
Ogre Kingdoms
• Ignore all "restrictions"
• Big Names do not count towards a character's magic item allowance
• Hunters are not subject to the 'Loner' rule
• A Hunter's harpoon crossbow may march and fire
• You may take a Slaughtermaster without needing a Tyrant in the army
Chosen Men: Bulls (3+), Ironguts (5+), Gnoblar Fighters, Gnoblar Trappers
Orcs and Goblins
• A maximum of 5 fanatics may be included in your army
Chosen Men: Common Goblins, Orc Boar Boyz (5+), Savage Orc Boar Boyz (5+)
• Warp Energy Condenser, Warp Tokens, Storm Banner and the Doom Rocket may not be taken
• Slave units are 0-1 per Clanrat, Stormvermin or Giant Rat unit, provided the aforementioned unit contains at least 20 models
• Slave units do not count towards the minimum Core percentage
• Giants Rat with 20 or more models do count towards the minimum Core percentage
• Units pushing a Screaming Bell or Plague Furnace are limited to 30 models in size
• Gutter Runners are a 0-1 choice and limited to 6 models in size
Chosen Men: Stormvermin, Night Runners, Rat Ogres (3+)
Tomb Kings
Chosen Men: Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Heavy Cavalry (5+), Skeleton Light Cavalry (5+)
Warriors of Chaos
• Infernal Puppet and Third Eye of Tzeentch may not be taken
Chosen Men: Chaos Warriors
Wood Elves
• Ignore all "restrictions"
• Eternal Guard are always considered a core choice
Chosen Men: Glade Guard, Eternal Guard, Dryads, Glade Riders (5+), Treekin (3+), Warhawk Riders (3+)
Vampire Counts
• Book of Arkhan, Black Periapt, Forbidden Lore, Drakenhoff Banner and Crimson Gem of Lahmia may not be taken
• Each bloodline power may not be taken more than once in the same army
• Helm of Commandment is 'Wight King or Necromancer Only'
• Cairn Wraiths have a maximum unit size of 5
Chosen Men: Skeletons, Dire Wolves (5+)


nice comprehensive comp list! I'm liking Chaos Warriors as 'chosen men'!
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?


Quote from: maelzch on November 01, 2010, 02:39:14 pm
nice comprehensive comp list! I'm liking Chaos Warriors as 'chosen men'!

Yeaaah, one of many 7th Ed comp bits still in there, think that might be changed to chosen and forsaken...


This is going to be my tournie to try an dget my beasts ready for, as LM took a a bit of a hit me thinks...


Yeah I'm pretty keen to head up, those restrictions look good to me.

And Ol, I hope you are gonna try and break the Beasts. I just know theres a way to do it somehow...
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!

The Trampoline

I'm thinking about this althought it will go against my decision to only go to local tournaments whilst I'm studying. If only there was more stuff down south.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum

Tom Hale

great last year, definetly up for it again and hell ive got my mighty 11th to defend!
HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn


Hm, if anything can tempt me to do tournaments again, it would be this comp.

May be up for it


Bought Tickets for me & my mate Steve Knight probably WE for me & Ogres for him.

I will mainly be going to events with comp with maybe one GT style unrestricted event per year.



So tempting but then the team event 2 weeks later means I'll probably give it a miss.  But might be going to the rugby with the g/f's dad the weekend of the team event in which case this one will be a definite.  Should know shortly.

Will need to see just how bent I can make my list, I suspect the answer is very unless unit numbers are capped which might do me over.