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Tale of OG Gamers - High Elves

Started by cunningmatt, September 02, 2010, 09:35:11 am

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Star lance is awesome buddy, ignoring armour save against Scar vet tanks, etc is very very handy..

Here is my idea for kit:

Prince: Star Lance, Talisman of Loec, Armour of Caledor, Dawnstone

Wizbit: Seerstaff of Saphery (not cheesy unless you pick shadows), Dragonbane gem, Gem of Courage (with your dice, v useful)


Quote from: fatolaf on May 08, 2011, 10:52:01 am
Star lance is awesome buddy, ignoring armour save against Scar vet tanks, etc is very very handy..

Very good point, I forgetting horrendous character builds and their minus 5+ armour saves!

Quote from: fatolaf on May 08, 2011, 10:52:01 am
Prince: Star Lance, Talisman of Loec, Armour of Caledor, Dawnstone

Nice armour save combo there, and the Dawnstone with Star Lance would be an excellent charge  - not such a fan of taking a wound but there we go. And crazily the Talisman of Loec isn't actually a Talisman, it's an Enchanted Item - go figure.

Quote from: fatolaf on May 08, 2011, 10:52:01 am
Wizbit: Seerstaff of Saphery (not cheesy unless you pick shadows), Dragonbane gem, Gem of Courage (with your dice, v useful)

No one ever seems to take flaming attacks against me (maybe it's personal) but I guess if they did Dragonbame Gem would be good. As for the Gem of Courage, I'm not sure best 2 dice from 3D6 is enough, with my dice I need to pick 2 from 8D6 - or get someone else to roll them, how many points would that be?

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


May 11, 2011, 11:33:49 am #512 Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 11:37:46 am by fatolaf
Quote from: cunningmatt on May 10, 2011, 11:16:36 pm
Nice armour save combo there, and the Dawnstone Talisman with Star Lance would be an excellent charge  - not such a fan of taking a wound but there we go.

I think you meant to say the Talisman, did not see the bit about taking a wound, but I think it's still worth it for that must win round of combat, plus he has 3 wounds anyway...

No one ever seems to take flaming attacks against me (maybe it's personal) but I guess if they did Dragonbame Gem would be good.

Thinking more  along the lines of it's only 5 points, so why not?

PLus if you find out someone has flaming attacks, you can use the wizard to challenge him out, plus gies you protection against Fire spells, you could leave a unit and bait the fire mage into trying to fry Wizbit instead of the unit he's in, that sort of thing...

An alternative build for your Prince and an alternative use would be:

Reaver Bow
Shield of Ptolos
Dawnstone or Healing Potion

So with his BS of 6, you can fly round the battlefield, shooting 15 shots off in a game at S5 and hitting most of the time on 2's.

So you can use him to pick off all the fast cav, redirectors, war machines, beasties etc, he will have a 1+ AS against shooting that is either re rollable or you can simply heal him back if his wounds get low.
Give him Dragon Armour as well for the all important 2+ ward vs flaming, which gives him protection against most Dwarf war machines as they all have (usually) flaming runes...


Wednesday 11th May - WEEK 19

I'm going to start with a confession this week, I have nothing to show you painting wise – not a jot, sorry, stuff has been happening but nothing really worth getting my camera out for, and given the random stuff you know I get my camera out for, you can imagine how little has actually happened. In fact there are no pictures at all this week – I need to bring down my average to keep the internet online, but hopefully you don't need the pics to get you through this amble.

My lack of painting gives me an ideal chance to talk about a topic close to my heart, the reason that nothing has actually been painted, and something probably important to you too – given the fact that you've found the time to read this blog. That something, is the art of procrastination, also known as faffing or what women like to refer to as multitasking. Yes, we know your secret female kind, you're not doing multiple things at once, your doing multiple things whilst putting off doing something useful – it's not special or unique don't be proud. We can all do it.

At this point I'd like to point out that I was inspired to talk about procrastination by Dave's wonderful blog – entitled Dave's OGPurchases (not to be confused with the TV Channel Dave, which shows decidedly more Top Gear) which can be found at this url – http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=738.msg26806;topicseen#msg26806. Crazy fact of the week, url stands for Uniform Resource Locator (which is a posh name for a sign in a police station to the cupboard with all the jackets in – sorry lame joke bit O couldn't resist!). Dave's painting blog has two major advantages over mine, 1) he actually does some painting in it, and 2) unlike mine it can be read within the natural lifespan of the Universe.

Not only is Dave's blog a good source for something to do when procrastinating, not that I need extra procrastination outlets, but Dave did a good job himself procrastinating with discussions on how to work out how many models he has painted this year. However the main thing about Dave's blog that got me thinking about procrastination, is the speed at which he paints his models. A Skaven Screaming Bell in 5 hours, and an Eldar person-thing (whatever one of those is), in 20 minutes before work!! Two questions here, if you can paint a model in 20 minutes, how can you be at a deficit of 250 more models bought than painted this year? Secondly, simply, how? In 20 minutes I could maybe paint a shoe of one Elf, or highlight a Beastmen's axe head, but certainly not paint a Beastmen's horn – far too complicated.

It was whilst thinking about why I couldn't paint a Skaven Screaming Bell in 5 weeks, let alone 5 hours that I realised that procrastination is very likely the answer. An exhaustive study has shown that an average hour long painting session with me progresses something like this:

0hrs 00minutes – get out paints, fill up pot with water and lay down newspaper.
0hrs 01minutes – read interesting article on the newspaper from two months ago, and wonder what the picture of the Go Compare man in the paper would look like if I painted the word "Dick" on his forehead.
0hrs 02minutes – complete the above experiment involving the Go Compare man, and be amused.
0hrs 03minutes – open up first paint, and find it's gone hard. Think about whether it would be worth mixing a little water into paint to extend its life – tap's too far away though.
0hrs 04minutes – decide to look to see if there's another pot of said paint.
0hrs 05minutes – there isn't so write down missing paint on a draft text I always keep with paints that need replacing (that way when I got into Games Workshop or wherever I know what paints to buy, clever eh?!)
0hrs 06minutes – think it's a bit warm in the room, open the window.
0hrs 07minutes – realise it's too cold in the room, close the window.
0hrs 08minutes – check OG Forum to see if anyone's replied to Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves thread, they haven't, don't they realise the effort it takes to write this, and how deeply insecure I am and require constant adoration from all my fans?
0hrs 09minutes – toilet break.
0hrs 10minutes – decide its quiet in room, put on iTunes for music.
0hrs 11minutes – realise my taste in music is s**t and turn off iTunes.
0hrs 12minutes – nip to get drink and food from kitchen, could go to tap with dried up paint but I'm busy.
0hrs 13mintues – find out of date chicken in fridge, smells a bit iffy and should throw it away, but shove it in the freezer – it'll be fine.
0hrs 14minutes – check rest of fridge for out of date food.
0hrs 15minutes – for no reason at all wonder what the Movement of a Centigor is, go and look up and find out it's 7.
0hrs 16minutes – scratch genitalia.
0hrs 17minutes – look at currently painted army, basking in glory of most newly painted model.
0hrs 18minutes – break arm of newly painted model, swear, place on side to fix next to other models all broken over the last seven months, which are awaiting repair.
0hrs 19minutes – think of funny joke for this week's Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves.
0hrs 20minutes – forget funny joke for this week's Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves, so have to use usual crap ones instead.
0hrs 21minutes – decide it's quiet in room again, so switch on BBC iPlayer, find an episode of Qi, realise I've already seen it on Dave... five times.
0hrs 22minutes – change painting water.
0hrs 23minutes – go to toilet again, would be weird to go twice in 14 minutes, but it's the "other end", so ok.
0hrs 24minutes – check internet, still no replies to Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves, decide to Google my own name – turns out I am both "internationally recognised as one of Ireland's finest exponents of Irish traditional music today" and died in the September the 11th attacks – dependent on whether I am a Matt or Matthew.
0hrs 25minutes – check mobile phone, no messages.
0hrs 26minutes – wonder if I should go into the lounge and paint and be socialable with my flatmate.
0hrs 27minutes – pack all models, paints and brushes onto lap tray and lug heavy daylight lamp into lounge.
0hrs 28minutes – find out flatmate is watching Coach Trip omnibus and has fallen asleep, return to bedroom so as not to disturb.
0hrs 29minutes – lose little plastic cap for paint brush, why the hell are they transparent?
0hrs 30minutes – look for little plastic cap for paint brush.
0hrs 31minutes – still look for little plastic cap for paint brush.
0hrs 32minutes – give up on little plastic cap for paint brush and let brush get wrecked.
0hrs 33minutes – turn on MSN Messenger, talk rubbish to annoying friend about their day.
0hrs 34minutes – answer annoying friend's question about what they should do about their love life, as if I'm a f**king expert!
0hrs 35minutes – make up excuse as to why I can't meet up with annoying friend anytime between now and Armageddon.
0hrs 36minutes – check Games Workshop website to see what kits I haven't got in my High Elf army, same as when I checked yesterday.
0hrs 37minutes – go to BBC News website, ignore all stories of a newsworthy nature and go straight to funny stories about people falling into sceptic tanks, usually in Eastern Europe – why do grim stories about personal hygiene only happen in Eastern Europe?
0hrs 38minutes – arrange all my paint pots into the shape of cock and take picture as "funny" photo for Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves blog.
0hrs 39minutes – think about sex.
0hrs 40minutes – Google porn.
0hrs 41minutes – empty box of tissues.
0hrs 42minutes – rearrange all Citadel Paints into alphabetical order, to see if this makes them quicker to retrieve or not. It doesn't.
0hrs 42minutes – wonder if clock has stopped.
0hrs 43minutes – check TV Guide to see if there's anything good on telly. There isn't.
0hrs 44minutes – go to toilet, now is getting weird.
0hrs 45minutes – arrange unit am currently painting into formation to see what they look like, given no painting has been done today, they look surprisingly similar to yesterday.
0hrs 46minutes – spill Gryphonne Sepia all over the place, have to change newspaper and buy more Gryphonne Sepia.
0hrs 47minutes – change painting water, gone cloudy even though only the tinniest amount of paint has been used.
0hrs 48minutes – wonder how much a unit of Dwarf Ironbreakers costs, check in army book.
0hrs 49minutes – remember have left washing in washing machine, empty and hang up, have left tissue in pocket and covered all washing in fluff.
0hrs 50minutes – go and look at box of unassembled models and think how much fun it would be to assemble them if I ever finish what I'm currently painting.
0hrs 51minutes – play Solitaire on computer.
0hrs 52minutes – write what I think is witty comment on a new popular post on OG Forum, no one ever replies to comment, conversation killed. Still no replies on Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves.
0hrs 53minutes – think probably should write this week's blog.
0hrs 54minutes – don't.
0hrs 55minutes – text message received, go to other side of room to retrieve phone, it's from T-Mobile.
0hrs 56minutes - go on Facebook, remember have no friends, despite this a surprising number of people have thrown sheep at me.
0hrs 57minutes – go to toilet again, at what point do I diagnose this as complete renal failure?
0hrs 58minutes – shape blob of green stuff into a smiley face for no reason at all.
0hrs 59minutes – all bristles fall out of Fine Detail brush.
1hr 00minutes – think have done too much painting, go and play on Wii instead, brushes are not washed and get damaged.

As you can see the chance of painting anything in that hour is limited, though I challenge you not recognise at least 12 of the things on that list from your own experiences - to be honest if you don't recognise all 60 you're a better man than I.

Procrastination is probably the most useful thing I learnt in my education, and it certainly was the most practiced, from doing homework, writing coursework and essays, revising for exams and even covering your textbooks in wallpaper, so that the original book published in the 1950s had a chance of surviving yet another year, there were a myriad of things I put off doing during my education. Of all of those things exam revision is surely the biggest procrastination driver of all time, a tedious task that can never be completed (like watching all of BBC News 24's output), at no point could you ever say revision was finished as it is only really finished when the exam's done. So, unlike other tasks, with exam revision you can't simply put your head down and get on with it - and here are the ingredients for the biggest opportunity for procrastination in your life. Every year from April to June whilst I was at University I was a hot bed of procrastination activity. Vacuuming the stairs, rearranging my Windows Start menu, putting up shelves and descaling the kettle all became tasks of vital importance whilst textbooks lay open and unloved on my desk. Snooker even became attractive, what with the World Championships always falling during exam revision I even ended up watching a frame or 17 of snooker. So much so, snooker has now become so associated with exam procrastination that even seeing a bit on telly now when flicking the channels brings back a pang of guilt as I think I should be pouring over some dusty book from the library only to realise that I finished my final year exams about 5 years ago.

Upon reading this blog, you may have realised procrastination is still with me, mainly in a literary sense as my train off thought wanders off to discuss all manner of unrelated topics but also in the simple task of sitting down and writing this blog. You may have noticed a flurry of replies from me on this forum at around 11pm on Tuesday night, that was caused by me trying to write my minute-by-minute account of an hour spent painting. As you can see procrastination can occur even doing things you like and painting is of course no exception. The main cause for this I think is that painting isn't fully immersive, my brain feels it can do other things whilst painting, and this is the problem if I was completely and utterly engrossed then I wouldn't let other things into my brain at the time of painting and they wouldn't vie for my attention.

Here's my top 5 attention grabbers, tasks that I have on the background to keep me entertained but which subtly corrupt and steal valuable painting time:

5. Eating - At number 5 is eating, an odd procrastination hobby that can be dangerously unhealthy if left unchecked. The simple thought, "I'll just do painting whilst having lunch" soon becomes "I'll just gorge myself silly on a never eating buffet of food from lunch until dinner, whilst I look at painting" - maybe that's just me. As an added negative my Scorched Brown ends up full of crumbs.

4. Music - You'd think music would be fine, you really would, how can putting some music on in the background stop me painting? One word, iTunes, constant faffing about, replaying tunes you like, skipping tunes you don't like, burning tunes from CDs, making playlists... but no bloody painting.

3. MSN, now known as Windows Live (for you cool kids) - It could be Skype or Facebook Chat or even text messages, but MSN is my time wasting chat tool of choice. Developed by someone who clearly really didn't want to revise for the exams, MSN allows you to ask utterly bloody pointless questions in conversations you wouldn't start if you actually had to pay for them. "How are you?" sounds like a simple question, but ask it to the same two people every bloody day on the internet and you'll soon get to the point where you don't care!

2. Internet - 45 trillion productive hours must have been wasted browsing the .com's and the .co.uk's of this world, and that's just by me. The OG Forum, Facebook, BBC, Digital Spy, Badger Porn and Games Workshop's website all drawing me away from my beloved painting. Painting in front of the computer is always a no go.

1. Telly - And finally at Number 1 is the telly, it always seems like a good opportunity to catch up on your favourite programmes whilst doing that all important painting, or just watch general trash on TV but iPlayer and 4oD claw your attention, until you find yourself just starting at the screen brush in hand as all the paint has dried up whilst you've been motionless for half an hour. Current favourites are BBC Two daytime quizshow Pointless, whose name also explains my feelings on watching it, and Channel 4's high cash game show The Million Pound Drop Live, which has the satisfying plot point of watching people's cash plunge down a trapdoor - that and the fact all the contestants are improbably attractive. A bit like the cast of Hollyoaks, only less plastic. I even tried Radio, and have gone middle class with Radio 4's News Quiz and Just a Minute amusing me, but I find myself simply starring at the blank iPlayer screen just as if it was TV. I'm coming to the conclusion I am odd.

Whilst writing this, I became distracted by the thought of what other things I could be doing altogether. Technically these aren't procrastination events, just other tasks winning my precious painting time. So here's my Top 5 "I'm not even pretending to be painting" distractions:

5. Exercise – sadly I have to do exercise, and even more sadly no one's found a way I can do painting whilst running or swimming, however they have found a way I can do painting whilst eating doughnuts. How do they expect me to stay thin(ish)?

4. Wii – No it's not the Geordie greeting "Wye-Eye" (I do know someone who genuinely thought this), but it's the world's first games console deliberately designed to make you look like an idiot in your living room. Currently I am collecting power stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2, if only all plumbers were this easy to get hold off.

3. Work – Annoyingly work expect me to go and perform menial tasks in return for pay, how rude. And how extremely annoying that we're back to 5-day weeks, I'm just not ready for them yet/ever.

2. Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 – You may not remember this classic theme park building game on the PC, but after a recent visit to Thorpe Park (no painting, but I did read the White Dwarf on the train there, does that count?), I was inspired to play this. Yes there is a 3rd edition, but who needs souped up 3D graphics when a simple isometric 2D quaint set of animations do the job so well. Though if anyone knows how to stop the guests from constantly throwing up I'd be grateful, I'm literally drowning in vomit.

1. The Apprentice (this segment contains spoilers regarding this week's shows) – New in at Number 1, it's back and it's just as good as ever The Apprentice is here, fortunately becoming once weekly after this week else nothing would get done. The format's changed, yes they've got rid of the token "normal" candidate in favour of a complete bunch of weirdoes – more on them lately. Also Lord Sugar is now looking for a business partner rather than an Apprentice – making both the show title "The Apprentice" and the catchphrase "You're Fired" completely redundant. Lord Sugar spends the opening episode criticising the moaning in this country of not being able to setup new businesses as people didn't get loans from the bank – he of course didn't need one. And to prove this point he's giving 16 candidates the chance to rip each other's eyes out for a quarter of a million pound injection into their company, proving once and for all that a cash injection is not required for successful business. What most of the candidates haven't realised is, it would be much easier to get the £250,000 by just appearing on Deal or No Deal?, though in fairness they would have to meet Noel Edmonds.

Talking of contestants we have an odd set this year, overall I find it interesting so many of them had jobs at  the age of 13, I'm sure all I was legally allowed to do at that age was deliver papers, certainly not become a chartered account as some of them seem to have done in that really depressing way that makes you feel totally inadequate. A full survey of my office, reveals that none of the candidates this year are attractive – female or male, so you'll just have to jack off to Nick and Karen.

Here's my individual thoughts, not on jacking off, and when I say thoughts I mean rants:

Leon Doyle – Think he will come to regret his hysterical boardroom fumble where he couldn't decide who to bring back with him, he actually had a job as a paperboy though so credit there.

Alex Britez Cabral – Good luck to all the media outlets trying to pronounce his surname tomorrow. He says "I've got a good head on my shoulders. I'm intelligent, driven, ambitious", well he cut bread and then got fired. Literally the worst thing since sliced bread.

Melody Hossaini – Week 1's annoyingly successful project manager, don't you just want to see her fail? She's been educated by Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama, Shirin Ebadi and Al Gore – don't imagine that was a comprehensive. She also gave the genius quote "Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the Moon" – firstly the phrase "the sky's the limit" is a metaphor, you've taken it too far you stupid bitch, secondly it's a metaphor implying there's no limit so your comment makes no sense on any level whatsoever.

Felicity Jackson – She has a name and a face that seems to be straight out of EastEnders, she's worked in children's entertainment (who the hell would do that?!) and is "inspired by the T-Mobile brand" – normal people aren't inspired by brands, idiot.

Edna Agbarha – A witch, and a witch with elbow length black gloves at that. She says "I'm the type of person who likes to get to the root cause of the problem" – sort of like an intercontinental ballistic missile gets to the root of the problem, she scares me.

Susan Ma – Annoying little whiney girl, she describes herself as an "adrenaline junkie" – I hate people who describe themselves as adrenaline junkies.

Ellie Reed – says "I'm just a nice person really, but I have got a dark side if somebody treats me badly", nice. Wouldn't use it as an opening line at a dinner party, though. She also chased a burglar out of her house at the age of 17 – I'd employ her as a guard dog.

Helen Louise Milligan – she appears to have had her face sucked out, not sure if it's plastic surgery, as it doesn't look desirable. She says "I don't think there's anything that I set my mind to that I haven't achieved" – t**t.

Natasha Scribbins – after watching two episodes I don't think she's actually appeared once. According to her profile she "achieved only four GCSEs", so she's a little bit thick then. She said "I'm tenacious, I'm charming, I'm witty" and a little bit thick.

Vincent Disneur – looks like a smarmy French King, his hair needs degreasing along with his personality, on his profile he claims to be a film buff, which is something you put on your CV when you have no real skills to mention. On this point Lord Sugar please stop referring to CVs as résumés, they aren't called that in the UK!

Jim Eastwood – started working in his father's fish and chip shop at the age of 9, this is illegal arrest him! However he seemed to demonstrate a strange mind control power to talk Alex out of taking him in the boardroom. I like him, but I'm not sure he's not willing me to think this.

Edward Hunter – he says "I'm the wheeler dealer who accidentally became a finance professional", accidentally yes but doesn't want to be one. To prove he wasn't just an accountant he refused to do any accountancy in Week 1, and was fired because his team didn't do any accounting.

Gavin Winstanley – seems to be this year's nitpicker constantly criticising – on an unrelated note I like him! He claims "I've done it all, I've been the best at everything I've ever done", really so you've slept with a squirrel then, and been good at it. I think not, (he has a nut allergy).

Tom Pellereau – is a cross between a business man and Archie the Inventor from Ballamory, he made the world's first curved nail file. I don't know about you, but my gentleman's handbag wouldn't be complete without one. Today he invented a traffic light app, that doesn't do anything.

Glenn Ward – took apart and rebuilt an entire computer at the age of 8 (I think it was a LEGO model), he came up with the crap app that lost Week 2's task. He says "To be honest, I am pretty great" – he's a compulsive liar.

Zoe Beresford – another person I'm not actually convinced has been in the show yet, she apparently bought a house at the age of just 12! Really, god banks did lend everyone money before the credit crisis. Though perhaps she just means her Sylvania Families house?

On that note, and having wittered on for 4,119 words (according to Microsoft Word's count) about everything bar what I'm supposed to talk about, I'd like to finish by saying I am an expert procrastinator, it's my greatest skill. I intend to represent Great Britain in the 2012 Olympics, if I stop putting off the procrastinating training.

I hope you see something of yourself somewhere in all these methods of procrastination. Don't worry about it though! Long live procrastination, down with efficiency I say!!

Hopefully by next week I'll have got round to assembling my Razagor... although the resident 4-year old artist's felt pens could be rearranged into colour order. Hmmm. I think you know what I'll be doing!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


I smiled at your procrastination process. Although I'm a slow painter I generally find that in an hour my only procrastination is making about 1 cup of tea and getting distracted by the TV. I need some degree of background noise going on, and usually I can ignore it but every now and then I become engrossed.

My real procrastination comes when I try to exercise. Its too hot, too cold, too wet, I've just eaten, its nearly time to eat...I'll do it tomorrow. As they say in Bugsy Malone, tomorrow never comes.
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."


Brilliant post, insightful and funny as always.

The only criticism I would have is

Quote from: Matt
0hrs 40minutes – Google porn.
0hrs 41minutes – empty box of tissues.

Surely you can last longer than 60 secs (unless you have a hand like a traction engine!!).

2011 Record
Orks            W3, D2, L3
Empire         W1, D0, L6
High Elves    W1, D2, L4


Quote0hrs 08minutes – check OG Forum to see if anyone's replied to Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves thread, they haven't, don't they realise the effort it takes to write this, and how deeply insecure I am and require constant adoration from all my fans?
Do you get frustrated when people don't respond when you put up high quality painted figures too, or is that just me?  :bash;m:

You do touch on a couple of my keys to not procrastinating
1.  I don't like television and I don't really watch it.  The only thing I'm currently watching is series 2 of the wire on DVD and I watch this at the glacial pace of around 30mins per sitting because Ciara wants to watch it too.  Problem is she falls asleep after about half an hour on average so I get to watch the second half of every episode twice if I don't just stop it and give up on TV.  For a few years I didn't even on a TV, it was great, my productivity soared to... Actually that's a lie, I just downloaded more porn, personally I'm not a fan of badgers but each to their own.

2.  Check out the time at which a lot of my posts are made.  While I'm a "hard working professional" as long as I deliver what is expected of me I can largely fit in some t'internet time in working hours.


Quote from: Crompton on May 12, 2011, 09:17:16 am
Although I'm a slow painter I generally find that in an hour my only procrastination is making about 1 cup of tea and getting distracted by the TV.

My real procrastination comes when I try to exercise. Its too hot, too cold, too wet, I've just eaten, its nearly time to eat...I'll do it tomorrow.

Really?! That's your only procastination! I did 14 of the things on my list just writing this reply. Yes exercise is hard, however having just seen my naked body without a girdle on I'm finding encouragement easier.

Quote from: StarDragonFTW on May 12, 2011, 10:24:25 am
Brilliant post, insightful and funny as always.

Surely you can last longer than 60 secs (unless you have a hand like a traction engine!!).

Cheers glad you enjoyed. I can last longer than 60 seconds, but come on I have painting to get back to!

Quote from: Dave on May 12, 2011, 10:40:41 am
Do you get frustrated when people don't respond when you put up high quality painted figures too, or is that just me?  :bash;m:

Officially, no it's always nice when people pass nice comments on your work, but I never expect. Unofficially, between you and me, in a whisper - yes, it consumes my sole like a dark and unholy beast.

Quote from: Dave on May 12, 2011, 10:40:41 am

1.  I don't like television and I don't really watch it ... For a few years I didn't even on a TV ... personally I'm not a fan of badgers but each to their own.

As someone who works in telly, that's most upsetting to hear! And as Homer Simpson I believe once said "no telly, where does all your furniture point?". Learn to appreciate badgers, then you can really enjoy the BBC Natural History Unit.

Quote from: Dave on May 12, 2011, 10:40:41 am
I'm a "hard working professional"...

I believe I am the antithesis of every word in that statement.

Whilst replying to replies, I neglected to reply to Ol's post about magic items, ironically I was procrastinating about procrastination instead.

Quote from: fatolaf on May 11, 2011, 11:33:49 am
Thinking more  along the lines of it's only 5 points, so why not?

Plus if you find out someone has flaming attacks, you can use the wizard to challenge him out, plus gies you protection against Fire spells, you could leave a unit and bait the fire mage into trying to fry Wizbit instead of the unit he's in, that sort of thing...

Good point, sounds odd but genuinely can't think of a situation where I've been the victim of flaming attacks so haven't had to think this way before!!

Quote from: fatolaf on May 11, 2011, 11:33:49 am
An alternative build for your Prince and an alternative use would be:

Reaver Bow
Shield of Ptolos
Dawnstone or Healing Potion

So with his BS of 6, you can fly round the battlefield, shooting 15 shots off in a game at S5 and hitting most of the time on 2's.

This does sound like a very tempting build, and I have been the victim of this before! However I think I'm going to try the close combat build first, don't want my army to become too shooty, I like the idea of using the Elves magic, shooting and movement to allow them to hit the enemy when and where they want on my terms. And having a hard Lord on Griffon plunge out of the sky seems to fit that plan the best... cut to four games later when all that's left of my Griffon in all the games was a pile of feathers and we'll be doing the safely, safely, shoot from afar approach!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


May 12, 2011, 03:22:30 pm #518 Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 03:26:45 pm by Dave

for some reason the spelling filter doesn't like the use of my word doc umentary, interesting.

I wrote around 6 paragraphs venting my anger on reality tv then accidentally deleted it whilst adding this comment.  How frustrating.  Safe to say I can't be bothered rewriting it but to be clear, I dislike what passes for entertainment television on the whole these days and the apprentice is just about the prime offender.


I will use this thread to apologise to both Dave and Matt for not commenting on your pics of wonderful painting. I generally post here whilst at work and the evil IT man (which is actually myself) has blocked most image sharing sites. Thus your photos don't appear for me to comment on. I should really have a word with myself to change this.
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."