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Tides of Chaos 2010 Results

Started by The Trampoline, July 11, 2010, 09:08:21 pm

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July 18, 2010, 04:03:17 pm #30 Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 04:05:36 pm by fatolaf
I have mixed feelings about 8th, having played quite a few games now, I can see both the good and bad points..
I do however sadly now think that the paper / scissor / rock element that made 7th such a chore is in fact even greater in 8th, the gulf between some armies is now insane. The ability to charge is not needed now by some armies, WoC in particular and the ridiculous decsion (IMO) to give so much power to the Iniative stat means some races are totally screwed..

I was so excited by 8th but now I'm actually a bit depressed about the whole thing, I have 2 low comp 8th tournies approaching in the form of Cardiff and then Warlord but I am contemplating dropping out and having a big break from WFB, to me Herohammer is back with some mentally unbalacing rules and a top tier of untouchable armies..

Thank god for Cthulu.... :thumbsup:

Edit: These thoughts are subject to change and probably will, currently just a bit down...

Steve H

I agree with Ol at the moment which is a bit of a shame... i'm thinking about dropping out of the big tournaments that im signed up to just so I can get my head around the massive change and sort myself out a half decent army.

I think part of my problem with 8th at the moment is that I dont have an army that I want to play with under the system, and I will need to buy and paint loads of new models to make some lists that i feel im happy with.

Think I might just play it at the club for a while 'til i work things out... apart from Mark's tournie in Milton Keynes - that is going to be awesome!
In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!


Quote from: Steve H on July 18, 2010, 06:23:40 pm
I think part of my problem with 8th at the moment is that I dont have an army that I want to play with under the system, and I will need to buy and paint loads of new models to make some lists that i feel im happy with.

My problem exactly, Of the 3 armies I have left, Beasts have improved, the new book was god awful in 7th but makes more sense in 8th, however there core troops are woeful and the big hitters (minos) will get battered in most charges, due to being so light armoured.
My TK are way out of date, and the new book is welcome, however will this be just another bandwagon, which I hate being part of, or a hashed book a la Beasts.
My LM remain, as a viable option for me, lots of saurus and the now awesome Salamanders could tempt me...

Just my heart is not in it at the moment, a few weeks off playing might help...

Undead Dan

I'm quite happy with how goblins are in 8th edition, the big problem with them in 7th was having to have a Black Orc Warboss to lead the horde, now that psychology has been dramatically scaled back you can get away with just gobbo characters which is very nice.

I am going to have to cancel my NWGT ticket though owing to not being in Engerland at the time...

The Trampoline

Back on topic photos of the winners have been added. Big thanks to all the people who took part.

Cheers, Andy

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum

Funkadelic Erik

Same shite, different number edition.

Hordes/warmachine scene = load of embittered ex warhammer players.
Official Sniper, Troll, Bad Egg and Forum Antagonist.


Pledge 2010: Bought 20 Painted 71