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Tides - Grant and his daemons

Started by Marauder Mitch, May 14, 2010, 01:52:47 pm

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Marauder Mitch

Seeing that Grant is getting a lot of grief and he look sad when his DE's died in a civil war, Me and John have given tides as a time to use his daemons for one more event, but we have made the following restrictions and this is a closed list

No flesh hounds/No Master of Sorcery

Kipper, level 2
Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot
Herald of Nurgle, Palanquin
Herald of Khorne, Jugger - one of the armours but he said the 0+ armour save was ok

10 bloodletters
10 horrors
10 daemonettes
11 plaguebearers, std, champ

6 seekers, Std, Champ

2 Bloodcrushers, std
3 Fiends

What do you guys think???

Undead Dan

How about... "don't make a deal if you aren't prepared to stick to it"? :moonwalker:


Normally I wouldn;t have caved in but Grant misses the podium so much!!  :doomwheel001:
2011 Record
Orks            W3, D2, L3
Empire         W1, D0, L6
High Elves    W1, D2, L4

Marauder Mitch

But after seeing grant use his DEs and get destroyed by mine he was not a happy bunny i thought for 1 event, also he is pretty stressed so he might need a idiot proof army.  Also he has a spirit swallower kipper as well.  Dan howabout have a comp with Grant for top swallower daemon

Undead Dan

May 14, 2010, 03:04:28 pm #4 Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 03:06:00 pm by Undead Dan
Why would anyone care so much about a single game? It's not like losing to Rob's max-filth means the army sucks...

So how's the Oldblood Challenge coming along chaps.


oh yeah the OldBlood challenge, forgot about that!
2011 Record
Orks            W3, D2, L3
Empire         W1, D0, L6
High Elves    W1, D2, L4

Marauder Mitch

Well since Hugo came along and exams next month painting lizards has become a lot lower priority.  My list hard but not that bad, just grant deployed badly.

I will use the lizards in the future but painting time has been drastically reduced especailly with moving as well next week.

Basically after the game grant said he wants to go back to daemons.  The DE dragon army apparantly didn't feel right and the lizards didn't as well.

Funkadelic Erik

May 14, 2010, 03:39:51 pm #7 Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 04:07:01 pm by Funkadelic Erik
If he needs to win, then let him use the army unrestricted.
Official Sniper, Troll, Bad Egg and Forum Antagonist.


Pledge 2010: Bought 20 Painted 71

Undead Dan

It's really none of our business which armies you chaps use, at the end of the day, if you want to take a certain army, then just do it! And don't bother asking us because it's the warhammer equivalent of "does my bum look big in this" (yes it does)...

Yes fine, it's Hugo's fault that you can't use an Oldblood Rob, absolutely true, if it was up to you I'm sure you'd be busting out the Oldblood at every event you could, but yeah Hugo says you can't, so that's that :wink;m:: Hell I'd rather fight that Daemon list posted than yet another Dark Elf Dragon list anyway so go ahead Grant, just don't make us any more deals about not using Daemons again :thumbsup:

Marauder Mitch

To be honest i am looking forward to using the Beasts or Orcs again in the future, but i need a lot of practice with them as they are my WIP project.  Especially with 8th i hope beasts get a push as they look cool well apart from the minotaur models.

From what grant was telling me at lunches he hasn't found a army that is as reliable as daemons so, i thought lets give him a 7th ed send off with them.