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The Official OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Started by cunningmatt, December 01, 2011, 07:38:58 am

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Friday 23rd December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Just one more day of Advent Calendar goodness to go after today, which leaves just 48 hours to run around madly truing to get everything done!!

Friday 23rd: Gotrek & Felix

Name: Gotrek Gurnisson & Felix Jaegar

Original Points Cost: 477 points

Background: Gotrek got very grumpy, no one knows why (maybe he had a bet on Shaun Ryder to win I'm A Celeb...) and became a slayer, however despite all his slaying efforts no one seems to be able to kill him. Felix was one of the instigators of the Window Tax Riots of Altdorf, a demonstration that erupted into an outbreak of looting and mob violence towards Nick Clegg. In a drunken binge afterwards (possibly at an OG Games night) Felix signed up to record Gotrek's eventual doom as his official biographer (available now in WHSmith at half price).

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs - 4th Edition

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs – 4th Edition, as official characters with rules! However that wasn't the last we'd see of them. A second version of the models was later released and they of course had a series of Black Library novels based on them. More recently a new collector's edition set of models to accompany the books was released in White Dwarf 319:

And to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of White Dwarf (White Dwarf 330), a new White Dwarf model carried by Gotrek and Bugman as shieldbearers was released:

Special Rules: Gotrek follows all the Slayer rules, except cannot join any unit, Felix must be with him and is Unbreakable so long as Gotrek is alive. Gotrek's Doom special rule means any wound suffered by Gotrek or Felix is ignored on a D6 roll of 4+. Gotrek carries Gotrek's Axe all hits in close combat wound on a 2+, with no armour save except magic armour which is at -3. All wounds do D3 wounds, except on Dragons and Daemons which suffer D6 wounds. Felix carries the Blade of Leaping Copper +2 Attacks.

My Memories of the Character: Great models, I still prefer the originals to all the other subsequent versions. Don't think I ever played with them much, as they were quite expensive, but is shame that such iconic characters don't have a place in the actual game at present. Fingers crossed they'll return for Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs – 8th Edition.

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Robin Cook and Lembit Opik

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Pretty straight forward actually. Gotrek's Doom simply becomes a 4+ Ward Save, other than that they use the basic Daemon Slayer and Empire Captain statistics. Both magic items can be put together and costed from Dwarf Runes, as can the 4+ Ward save rule. Simple. I think I may even use them!

2011 Update: Lee claims that Gotrek & Felix appeared in a 6th/7th edition update to Dogs of War, but we are yet to see any evidence. My fingers have been crossed all 2011, they remain crossed for 2012.


Surely you've got the hang of it by now?! There's another special character in Procrastination by Numbers click here if you don't believe me?!: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37095#new

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Saturday 24th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

This is it the final day of the OG Games Advent 2011 Advent Calendar, I hope you enjoyed this thread and discovering what happened to last year's Forgotten Special Characters, hopefully you'll agree Door 24 is a fitting ending:

Friday 24th: Golgfag

Name: Golgfag

Original Points Cost: 285 points in the 6th edition for Golgfag and three Ogres including Skalf the Standard Bearer and Unnamed the Horn Blower, but in the 5th edition you ask, twiddles thumbs, do-do-doo, don't have the book.

Background: Golgfag switched sides between the Orcs of Gnashrak Badtooth and the Dwarfs of Ungrim Ironfist in a fight, after a disagreement over payment and in fact fought his way out with Gnashrak's severed arm. The Ogre band became famous mercenaries fighting many battles with the Bretonnians, and Gnashrak even ate Skalf's leg after being imprisoned by the Dwarfs. He then went onto to a pop career releasing Halleluiah to be Christmas Number One and was team captain on Series 3 of Hole in the Wall – may have made that last bit up, don't have the book!

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War – 5th Edition

(and released in White Dwarf 226, where I got all the info from!)

Last Appearance: Updated rules in White Dwarf 252 for 6th Edition.

Sadly they never made Warhammer Armies: Ogre Kingdoms

Best I can do for an Ogre Kingdoms character I'm afraid, only one book means no one can be forgotten you see!

Special Rules: They caused Fear. That's it. Could be hired by anyone except the Bretonnians – those notoriously cheap Knights!

My Memories of the Character: None, never had Dogs of War or played when they were around. Heard of Ungrim Ironfist though, does that count?

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: The famous leg-eating Mitchell brother... I don't know, he doesn't remind me of any one in real life he's an Ogre. Oh maybe Shrek! Love that film, and 2, but not 3 - not so good.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Yes very complex special rules - they'd cause Fear.

2011 Update:


Oh yes thanks to our petitioning on this very forum (maybe?!) Golgfag has made a triumphant return and earned a surname! Golgfag Maneater is now a fully fledged special character in Warhammer Armies: Ogre Kingdoms – 8th Edition:

And he's even got a brand new model fresh from White Dwarf 381 (September 2011):

Personally I can't think of a happier note to end this recap of 2010's Forgotten Special Characters!! Awwww I feel all magical just in time for Christmas!


Don't cry it's not all over, there's another special character in Procrastination by Numbers click here to see them: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37095#new

Oh you've already been there? Oh well it is over, cry lots now!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146