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Characters and Chariots

Started by katarr, November 30, 2011, 09:34:55 pm

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Hey guys, confusing myself concerning chaos characters mounted on chariots atm.  Firstly how can an opponent direct attacks - rulebook seems to imply attacks can be allocated against chariot or character as it is considered a monstrous mount however how much does this contradict the chariots own rules whereby the chariots toughness is tested against for incoming wounds? I suppose if you can allocate attacks the attacks will be allocated against the profile of the character or the chariot?

Secondly just wanted to check a character mounted in a chariot only gets the standard +1 sv?

Finally concerning WoC Eye of the Gods where they must declare a challenge, if they are mounted on a chariot does this affect impact hits - I for some reason can't find when the challenges are declared and wanted to make sure I wouldn't charge and be like impact hits and opponent to tell me I can't as its separated from the main combat in the challenge?

One last thing, does the ward save of a character on a chariot affect the whole model against shooting/magic/combat or are they basically completely separate?


The rider and chariot keep their separate profiles. Any bs based shooting attacks get randomised whether they hit the rider or mount. Any template based shooting hits all parts, so both the rider and chariot and work out damage for each.

In combat, the model making the attacks can choose whether to attack  the chariot or hero.

Unless theres a special ruling in the army book, Eye of the gods affects only the hero not the chariot. Same with magic items. Spell effects depend on the wording, if it says "the unit" then i believe the chariot would get bonuses.

Impact hits always go against the unit as they are distributed as shooting. So unless there's less than 5 rank and file models, the character will be unaffected.

That's all I got for now.
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


agree with lee

impact hit happen before challenges so no confusion there

you would get +1 to AS as the character is mounted
Brought : To much
Painted : not enough


Quote from: katarr on November 30, 2011, 09:34:55 pm
Hey guys, confusing myself concerning chaos characters mounted on chariots atm.  Firstly how can an opponent direct attacks - rulebook seems to imply attacks can be allocated against chariot or character as it is considered a monstrous mount however how much does this contradict the chariots own rules whereby the chariots toughness is tested against for incoming wounds? I suppose if you can allocate attacks the attacks will be allocated against the profile of the character or the chariot?

When its a character in a chariot, they both have seperate stats, so most people try to kill the chariot first...

QuoteSecondly just wanted to check a character mounted in a chariot only gets the standard +1 sv?


QuoteFinally concerning WoC Eye of the Gods where they must declare a challenge, if they are mounted on a chariot does this affect impact hits - I for some reason can't find when the challenges are declared and wanted to make sure I wouldn't charge and be like impact hits and opponent to tell me I can't as its separated from the main combat in the challenge?

Impact hits are before CC starts, so are not affected by challenges

QuoteOne last thing, does the ward save of a character on a chariot affect the whole model against shooting/magic/combat or are they basically completely separate?

Only if the items specifies it affects the whole model


Thanks again guys for clearing this stuff up. Most of the time the rules you tell me are my first thought and then for some reason I think I'm wrong and this happens several times until I have lost all logical chain of thought....its pretty badass  :endit: