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Started by fatolaf, January 23, 2010, 12:37:54 pm

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January 23, 2010, 12:37:54 pm Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 02:31:53 pm by fatolaf
Meet the boys

Quote1) Real name: Ritchie
2) Avatar :Veldemere
3) How long have you been playing WFB:22 years
4) Which armies do you own:Ogres, Empire, Daemons (WIP)
5) Favourite army:Ogres
6) What one rule would you like to see changed in WFB 8th Ed:immune to psych
7) Best Tournie placing so far (which one):highest ranked ogre (well, it is about the best I can hope for), several
8) Favourite movie:Star Wars
9) Gaming ambition for 2010: To win a few more games with the fat boys and complete my set of greater daemons killed by them, to qualify for the GT final.

Quote1) Real name: Lee Palmer
2) Avatar : Maelzch
3) How long have you been playing WFB: about 12 years!
4) Which armies do you own: Chaos Orcs (Warriors of Chaos) & Chaos Dwarfs (Indt GT/RH/Dwarf book)
5) Favourite army: Chaos Dwarfs!
6) What one rule would you like to see changed in WFB 8th Ed: Ward saves modified by magic attacks
7) Best Tournie placing so far (which one): 13th at Basingstoke 2009 (helped by soft scores!)
8) Favourite movie: hard choice, but I'll go with Anchorman
9) Gaming ambition for 2010: take my Chaos Dwares to loads of tourneys, win at least 1 best painted

1) Real name: Mike
2) Avatar :Mike!! Or Vispilio if im feeling cool.
3) How long have you been playing WFB: 8 years (with a 14 year gap inbetween!!)
4) Which armies do you own: Skaven (previously Dark Elves for 7 years!... got bored)
5) Favourite army: Skaven! Variety is the spice of life!.
6) What one rule would you like to see changed in WFB 8th Ed: All the rules that result in my being beaten.... Or bamboozled by some rules lawyer who just quotes pages at you till you give in crying for your mommy and let him have his 20in charge over 4 buildings, round a U-turn and into the side of that unit he couldn't see.
7) Best Tournie placing so far (which one): Singles : 14th GT Heat 3 2008, Doubles : 2nd Brighton Warlords
8) Favourite movie: Care bea..... erm.... Blues Brothers
9) Gaming ambition for 2010:
- Participate in more tournaments than last year, but mainly the independent ones. 
- Play more doubles! 
- Teach Ritchie to suck eggs. 
- Get Lee to make his 1st post in a tournament thread that doesn't include the line 'Can I use my Chaos Dwarves'.
- Get Ol to say something nice about Daemons without weeping blood. 


Quote1) Real name: Thomas Hale   
2) Avatar : Sainthale1988
3) How long have you been playing WFB: 12 years
4) Which armies do you own: Vampire Count, Beastmen, Dark Elves (Lizardmen)
5) Favourite army: The next one
6) What one rule would you like to see changed in WFB 8th Ed: if i can see a flank, if i can reach a flank, despite not being in a 'flank zone' i should be able to flank! That or a shooting cap
7) Best Tournie placing so far (which one): didn't do so bad in a Brighton Warlords torny years ago
8) Favourite movie: impossible question
9) Gaming ambition for 2010: win


Quote1)Real Name: Steve Hursell
2)Avatar: None yet (find me one!)
3)How long have you been playing WFB: about 6 years
4)Which armies do you own: Orcs and Goblins, Empire
5)Favourite army: Orcs and Goblins
6)What one rule would you like to see changed in WFB 8th Ed: Not much really, i'm pretty happy with 7th (i'd like to change the whole Dark Elf book though!)
7)Best Tournie placing so far (which one): Do best painted nominations count!?? A few!!!
8)Favourite movie: Brewster's Millions
9) Gaming ambition for 2010: Some more best painted nominations... some top 20's would be nice too!

Don't ask  :angel:, and yes that is Ritchie...

Quote1)Real Name: Ol Knesebeck
2)Avatar: Fat Olaf
3)How long have you been playing WFB: 25 years
4)Which armies do you own: VC, TK, Skaven, LM, O&G
5)Favourite army: Pygmies... :thumbsup:
6)What one rule would you like to see changed in WFB 8th Ed: Building Footprint 'rule'
7)Best Tournie placing so far (which one): 17th GT heat one 2008
8)Favourite movie: Blade Runner
9) Gaming ambition for 2010: Top 3 finish

Quote1)Real Name: Matt Palmer
2)Avatar: Ron Burgandy
3)How long have you been playing WFB: 12 years
4)Which armies do you own: Warriors of Chaos, Daemons
5)Favourite Army: Chaos Warriors
6)What one rule would you like to see changed in 8th edition: get rid of the outnumber by fear/terror causer snake eyes thing
7)Best Tourney placing so far (which one): 131st (GW GT heat 1)
8)Favourite Movie: Pulp Fiction or V for Vendetta
9)Gaming Ambition for 2010: to finish my WoC army!

Quote1) Real name: Mark Garner
2) Avatar :StubbornMark
3) How long have you been playing WFB:4 years
4) Which armies do you own:Dark Elves, High Elves, Wood Elves, Dwarfs, Bretonnians, Warriors of Chaos(WIP), Demons of Chaos(WIP)
5) Favourite army:Dwarfs(only 'cause it makes Ol mad)
6) What one rule would you like to see changed in WFB 8th Ed: would like to see an army wide panic test if general dies
7) Best Tournie placing so far (which one):42 warrington warlords'09
8) Favourite movie:Superman 3
9) Gaming ambition for 2010: Qualify for GT with my filth.

1) Real name: Daniel Gibbons
2) Avatar : Undead Dan
3) How long have you been playing WFB: 15 years
4) Which armies do you own: Vampire Counts, High Elves, Ogre Kingdoms, Warriors of Chaos and Goblins
5) Favourite army: Goblins right now!
6) What one rule would you like to see changed in WFB 8th Ed: Fear/outnumber
7) Best Tournie placing so far (which one): 1st at Dragons Tears in 2006
8) Favourite movie: The Dark Knight
9) Gaming ambition for 2010: Win more than I lose with the greenskins

Quote1) Real name: John Rose Jnr
2) Avatar : StarDragonFTW
3) How long have you been playing WFB: 13 years man and boy
4) Which armies do you own: For Fantasy:VC,Empire,High Elves,Orcs and Goblins, Dwarves, Wood Elves, For 40k -> Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Orks and Eldar
5) Favourite army: Orcs and Goblins
6) What one rule would you like to see changed in WFB 8th Ed: Daemonic Instability re-instated
7) Best Tournie placing so far (which one): 73rd in Warhammer GT Heat 1 (2009) or 24th at Regarding Retribution (2008)
8) Favourite movie: Apocolypse Now or The 13th Warrior
9) Gaming ambition for 2010: Paint better, play more 40k including the GT Heats and Qualify for Fantasy GT Final

Quote1) Real name:Mark Borland
2) Avatar : khaosgoblin
3) How long have you been playing WFB: 26 years
4) Which armies do you own: Painted: Wood Elves, high Elves, Dwarfs, Chaos Dwarfs, Beasts of Chaos, Warriors of Chaos, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Orcs, Forest Goblins, unpainted Dark Elves
5) Favourite army: Wood Elves
6) What one rule would you like to see changed in WFB 8th Ed: Ward Saves
7) Best Tournie placing so far (which one): 1st  at Whoops Apocolypse, 5th at Pompey Pillage
8) Favourite movie: 13th Warrior & Life & Times of Judge Roy Bean
9) gaming ambition for 2010 To become the top Wood Elf general for at least a week


Piccies needed from team members please, the more embarrasing the better..

Please PM me the pic link