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Campaign Round 5 : Missions & Results

Started by fatolaf, February 05, 2014, 01:46:13 pm

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Team Oliver (evil) stormed to victory over 9 battles in Round 4, taking it on an average score of 8-6.
The campaign is now level at 2-2 with 2 rounds left...

Please post your results for Round 5 here, and please make sure to put who is which team...

Angelus Mortifer

It is with a due sense of shame that I pen this battle report as a combination of the mission, and JD's horrible dice, conspired to make this a pretty heavy uphill struggle for him - particularly when the mission forced me to attack him, and his equally attacking force had to survive.

We played the CSM mission "Vendetta", and after rolling on the special table we got a 6 indicating each and every Vendetta option was in play - lovingly called "TOTAL VENDETTA!!" This is in itself strange, as I like JD... he's a good egg... has never put a foot wrong with me... so why all the "hate" Seb, why?

Essentially, JD had to keep as many of his units alive (chellenging to do when three of them start in Drop Pods), and I basically had to wipe out as much as possible. We each got 1 VP for each unit completely destroyed, and either/or would get a bonus 3 VPs if a specific unit was destoyed or not; in this case Pedro, the Centurion Sq, the Centurion Sgt as well (giving up a total of 7VPs if the unit was wiped out), and one of his Drop Pods. On top of that, 3 extra VPs could be had either way if I could get his overall model count down to 14 models.

Cue total mayhem, the choicest instances detailed below in no particular order:

- For a second game against JD, my Vindi trundles on from Reserve in a far corner ready to splatt Pedro's Sternguard Squad, only to immobilise itself on the first bit of terrain it encountered (Note To Self: find 5 bloody points for a bloody Dozer Blade... you numpty Seb!).
- JD's unpleasant looking quad-Plasma Cannon Dev Squad gets toasted by the Frag Dread, the last survivor breaking ranks and running off the board to give up First Blood.
- Several instances of JD's army living up to the stoicism and ideals of the Crimson Fists by not dying quickly and grinding assaults over several turns. Marine of the game had to be a lone Multi-Melta dude who survived 3 rounds of shooting to immobilise the Frag Dread, whilst all around him fire and brimstone reigned.
- Classic comedy moment: in an effort to take out the chosen Drop Pod for 4 VPs, my Lascannon Tac Marine actually loses a shooting duel with the Pod and promptly dies to Strom Bolter fire.
- Front Page News - "Pedro Leaves His Iron Halo At Home Shocker!!". Having minced through Pedro's Sternguard with my DC Dread, Pedro leaps in to have another go, confident of weathering the initial attacks to then punch said Dreadnought in the face with his Power Fists. Dread scores 4 hits, all of which wound, meaning he needs to save at least one to get his chance....



...JD manages to roll four 1's!!!! (Not even the children are spared!!)
- Overkill of the game: There is nothing quite so satisfying like picking up a bucket of dice... and then picking up a bunch of enemy models and putting them back in the box :wink;m:: . Have to take my hat off to this one, as Pedro's Sternguard squad land, unleash 2 Hvy Flamers and a whole bunch of Special Ammo wounding on 2's, to take out a full 10-man Asst Sq in cover with one salvo. Awesome sight, and a perfect indication of how scary JD's Drop Pod killers can be.

All-in-all a very good game, and ultimately closer than we originally thought last night. Final score was a win for the Chaos side, 27-20:

JD scoring 2 destroyed units and 3 VPs each for his survivors: 2 Drop Pods, 2 Combat-Squadded Sternguard, 2 Combat-Squadded Tacs.

Seb took out 9 units, got Linebreaker, First Blood and Slay the Warlord, and 3 VPs each for Killing the Warlord, chosen Character, chosen Infantry Squad, chosen Vehicle and reducing JD's army by 75%.

"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to take us to victory, and wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father - Sanguinius holds it all." Horus


February 14, 2014, 02:01:54 pm #2 Last Edit: February 14, 2014, 02:14:45 pm by LietKar
Oliver CSM (evil) 1 - Alex Dark Eldar (good) 4: Mission Slayers of King - Victory Alex

Very interesting mission where the attacking army need to keep his HQs alive while the defending one need to take them down. With only 1 HQ in his army, the victory was straight forward: die or live.
Oliver had a great first turns where is Obliterator refused to die after about 16 saves and 4 covers saves, same for his Forgefiend, and his counter attack was bloody: 1 raider, 1/2 squad of wracks, a squad of Reaver jetbikes and the entire squad of Beastmaster (34 wounds!!!!) in one turn!!!
The Dark Eldar response was swift: The surviving wracks annihilate a full squad of CSmarines with their Liquifiers, and the all army turned its poison weaponry against the Bike squad and the Khorne lord.
The game ended after the Hell drake failed to join the fight twice, the Talos disposed of the Forgefiend in close combat while wracks and Archon poisoned the Chaos spawns to death in a massive fight.
The Khorne lord, true to his god keep charging in my positions but him and his squads fell to numerous splinter weapons, giving me 3 VPs and Slay the warlord.


Monday 3rd March is the last day for is round and the campaign....


Looks like the campaign ends with a draw ...

Players faded away meaning we had very few active players in the last few rounds, but that basically always happens...

Anyway hope you had fun, and if anyone wants to run another one in the future, feel free....