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The attraction of Tournaments (any system)

Started by Idiotproof Dalek, December 16, 2014, 04:14:48 pm

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Quote from: fatolaf on January 02, 2015, 12:56:02 pmAnyway Pip, since you have not bought a new figure since 4th Ed, not sure why you would be bothered if the game died  :wink;m::

Oi! This bloke wants a word.

Quote from: Idiotproof DalekThe plural of anecdote is not Data!

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Quote from: GuillaumeA game like warhammer can't survive on a casual basis due to the large investment of time and money it takes to build am army, I will agree that the game suits casual play just fine but it's the competitive players (always purchasing new things to fine time am army) and total
Beginners (buying their first army) who are the largest contributors in terms of sales

That statement is still true if you take away the "competitive players" part of the sentence. The tournament crowd is a tiny fraction of the Warhammer player base, which is why GW has never, ever catered to them.

As Ol mentioned, I built most of my Lizardman collection way back when. The first Lizardmen I ever got, I got for Xmas as part of the intro box when I was 9. I loved the Lizardmen and kept collecting them, both to play the game with my friends and to fill out a really impressive army. I went to a couple of tournaments when I was 18/19 but I was not a "competetive player".

Since I've returned to the game I've been repainting my old OOP lizards and it's been a massive task - that spotty kid collected over 8,000pts of them. Meanwhile as an older, more "competitive" player I've only made a few Lizardman purchases, mostly through ebay... because I have a budget to stick to and adult constraints on my time.

GW is a toy company. Kids are the big market; go into any GW shop and you'll see.


Quote from: Idiotproof Dalek on January 02, 2015, 09:03:02 pm
I don't appreciate the derogatory 'GW fanboys' talk.

A GW fanboy is someone who can't take any criticism about the game or the systems no matter how true or justified, nothing to do with what systems you play.
I have met my fair share of them over the years, and they seem to be getting more rabid and blinkered as the company lurches downhill and alienates more of its customer base.
Never called you a fanboy, and since you started off this thread expressing criticisms about WFB as a good Tournie game. I don't think you are..

QuoteAnecdotal evidence only gets you so far

You see here is the problem in the fact you don't know me, quick explanation. Been playing the game since 2nd edition, spent a good 3 years on the road when I set up the club and company and played in hundreds of events all round the country as I spread the OG word. Met thousands of players, kept in contact with many players and TO's and people who ran clubs.
There are many reasons why so many i know have dropped out of the games, kids, job, money, other games, rules have become poop.
But the fact is, that the game has lost a huge percentage of its players, it's not anecdotal, it's fact..

I agree about the prices, but the comment about 'playable rules' is coming from someone who's only view of the game is as a competitive sport. Those who play for shits and giggles are enjoying this stuff just fine!

Again, you don't know me and have not actually read what I have posted so far, I did do a lot of events, but my main criteria was always to have fun, it is what this clubs mantra was based on, and why so many of us got best sports awards on the scene.
The only reason I ever went to events was to have fun, could not give 2 hoots about winning.
The problem with playing the game for giggles, is you still need to comp the game, it's so broken that all you need is one player to bring the wrong army and its no longer fun. And even in a fun game, it's no fun being wiped out by some random 6 dice skillz in the magic phase.
We will have to agree to disagree, if you still enjoy the game and dont want to go to events then that's fine.

I like many others loved the events for the social side but grew sick of a game that has gone as far as it can and sick of the attitude of a company who only cares now about squeezing every last £ out of its dwindling consumer base and does not care one bit about its actual product which is a fatal cancer for a games company.....

Any further discussion can be made via PM with me, as I think this thread has gone as far as possible and totally off topic