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VC rumours - New book in Jan

Started by fatolaf, October 12, 2011, 11:21:32 am

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From the usual good sources, seems VC are next..

Quote from: Harry;5828207Old thread got shelved ... for going off topic.

So I have started a new one ... because as far as I know Vampire Counts are the next thing for fantasy.

I will start it again with Huan Qu'itts excellent summary of all the scraps so far with some added bits:

Originally Posted by Harry 
I said : I had VC, Empire and Dwarves in the frame.

Originally Posted by ihavetoomuchminis 
And VC come in January. Believe it or not.

Originally Posted by 75hastings69 
The WD VC article should be viewed as a stop gap between books, terrorgheist will be in proper print much quicker than some people may imagine

Hastings also mentioned new Krell mini coming:

Originally Posted by 75hastings69 
Wait till you see the other new vc stuff new krell anyone?

some time ago flesh golems and black coach appeared in the rumour-mill:

Originally Posted by Harry 
Yeah but you wouldn't say no to a plastic black coach and some flesh Golems would you.

Originally Posted by Tonny 
Ah yes, I think Hastings mentioned the Flesh Golems.
I am quite exited about a new VC book

Originally Posted by Harry
He did. The concept art for them is very cool. Half way between a big zombie and a ghoul with lots of stitching,

Originally Posted by Harry (in reply to Huan Qu'itt post ... 'unless I am reading to much into Harry post about  a new black coach kit')
Nope, you are reading fine.

Originally Posted by ihavetoomuchminis 
It seems that the Black Coach will be a dual kit.

Originally Posted by ihavetoomuchminis 
About the Monstruous infantry unit, i've been told that they are more of Big ghouls than big zombies. Oh, and the models can have something no MI in the game have yet..... maybe something like the terrorgheist, but smaller? Don't know, just guessing.

Originally posted by Frgt/10
Heard about this a while ago but wasn't sure what to make of it. Seems there might be something to it though:

The next army to go on stock rundown in GW stores is Vampires.

This is before things like Empire which some people have been whispering about as well; so my money would be on the toothy ones being released first.

A summary of the rumours so far:

- VC are next army book to be released (Harry, 75hastings69  Frgt/10), in january (ihavetoomuchminis)
- new unit "flesh golems" - something like a mix of large ghoul and zombie with a lot of stitches (Harry, 75hastings69, ihavetoomuchminis) with something no monsterous infantry has had before (ihavetoomuchminis)
- new plastic black coach mini (Harry), dual kit (ihavetoomuchminis, Harry)
- new krell and female vampire minis (75hastings69)
- and some old rumour concerning new plastic black knights - (Riders confirmed by Harry but not "black knights").

Thanks to Huan Qu'itts for pulling all this together.

Some bits from me. The 'black coach kit' is not a straight replacement (like say the steam tank was for the Empire) and it is a dual kit. Also, we do get riders ... but they are not straight replacement for the black knights either.

Some more stuff from this thread from me:

Harry, can you confirm these riders are not surfers?
Yes ... They are not surfing.

There is a black coach that isn't exactly a black coach and it makes something else thats defo not a black coach.
There are riders that are not black knights thats another thing.
Obviously the Terrorgeist will be in.
Hastings said there is a new mini for Krell so he will be in ... so at least one new character.
The female Vampire could be seen as a return to the book of the Lahmian Bloodline.
So Yes I would say there are plenty of rumours for new stuff.
My understanding is the book has five new units + Lords/Heroes.
That is alot of exciting new options/builds.

Posted by NatTreehouse

What I know:
New Black Knights/Some other mounted stuff kit
New Dual Kit makes two war machine things, NEITHER is a Black Coach
Monstrous Infantry Dual Kit
Ghouls up to 10pts
Current Black Coach kit stays and goes finecost
February release.

But opinions vary ....

Posted by frgt/10

What I know:
New Dual Kit makes two war machine things, NEITHER is a Black Coach
Current Black Coach kit stays and goes finecost

February release.
this is all incorrect from what im hearing

Backed up by ihavetoomuchminis:

Frgt 10 is right, that info is all wrong from what i've been told.

But Harry throws his lot in with Nattreehouse:

I think of what Nattreehouse says sounds about right.
The duel Black Coach kit in which neither is exactly a black coach :D Check.
The current black coach staying and going finecast. Check ... which along with the plague cart gives you a fair few 'wagon type war machines' to go at. :D
Duel Monsterous infantry. Check
I hadn't considered a duel cavalry kit.
I know about new cavalry ... so assumed no Black Riders ... but a duel kit is doable.

Exciting isn't it? :D


So long as they get rid of magical charging and hitting on 2's with re-rolls, then I will be happy


More titbits

QuoteI've been told that one of the reasons VC are being released in Jan is to reign in the crazy amount of magical item/toys they have. Also the knights were supposed to be released when the Terrorgheist Was released but got pulled at the last second and involved scrapping quite a few White dwarf.
Also randomly December will contain a number of mini releases of a few armies (I knw it's not VC related)


Could the new Knights just simply be some new plastic Blood Knights?
2011 Record
Orks            W3, D2, L3
Empire         W1, D0, L6
High Elves    W1, D2, L4


Quote from: StarDragonFTW on October 12, 2011, 01:49:13 pm
Could the new Knights just simply be some new plastic Blood Knights?

By all accounts, they will be new entirely , bat riders???


October 12, 2011, 03:06:23 pm #5 Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 03:13:20 pm by fatolaf
If you read into the posted rumours just a little bit.
If there is a black coach that isn't exactly a black coach and it makes something else thats defo not a black coach.
If there are riders that are not black knights thats another thing.
Obviously the Terrorgeist will be in.
Hastings said there is a new mini for Krell so he will be in ... so at least one new character.
The female Vampire could be seen as a return to the book of the Lahmian Bloodline.

So Yes I would say there are plenty of rumours for new stuff.

My understanding is the book has five new units + Lords/Heroes.

That is alot of exciting new options/builds.


Could the coach be ethereal from the get go...?

QuoteWhat I know:
New Black Knights/Some other mounted stuff kit
New Dual Kit makes two war machine things, NEITHER is a Black Coach
Monstrous Infantry Dual Kit

Ghouls up to 10pts

Current Black Coach kit stays and goes finecost

February release.

That is all.


Quote from: fatolaf on October 12, 2011, 01:50:17 pm
By all accounts, they will be new entirely , bat riders???

Maybe they're just bringing back the old skellington horsemen. I could see that being a dual kit... you'd just need some armoured rider bodies/snap-on barding to make them into Black Knights.

Would be a bit of a slap in the face for TK players, though.


Quote from: Pip on October 12, 2011, 06:34:04 pm
Maybe they're just bringing back the old skellington horsemen. I could see that being a dual kit... you'd just need some armoured rider bodies/snap-on barding to make them into Black Knights.

Would be a bit of a slap in the face for TK players, though.

They used to have Carrion riders..

I think it will be the flesh golems that are the mounts (of a sort)...


QuoteThey used to have Carrion riders...

Yeah, but Carrion got farmed out to the TK. Don't see the midget reapers making a return, unless they're bringing back Nagash (they always seemed to be the Nazgul to Nagash's Sauron... 'wraiths on wings', and one of them brought Nagash's demands to Sigmar right before their big bust-up).

I hope it's not (ogre-equivalent)-riders... too wacky for Vamps. Legions of the risen dead, that's all they need to make their army cool. The rumours you quote do sound like they're talking about separate kits when they mention the flesh golems and the new cavalry unit, or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

QuoteCould the coach be ethereal from the get go...?

If it's just a balance fix, I imagine they'll revert the coach's tricks to being based off its melee kill count. Maybe make it generate a PD or a DD or something, like the casket, but just a fixed bonus.

If they bring back bloodlines and write a balanced book with plenty of love for zombies and skellies, my desire to do an undead Empire army will be back. That's a fairly hefty wish-list, though, so I doubt it.

roland murat

If this is true it might help me find the motivation to paint up my mantic undead. Its taking ages as the finished army just wouldn't appeal as it stands.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!