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Battle for Planet OG - Game 1 Draw

Started by fatolaf, July 14, 2011, 12:21:12 pm

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July 14, 2011, 12:21:12 pm Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 02:55:28 pm by fatolaf
Game One

Table 1: The Cheese Draw: Ian (IG) vs Rob P (SM)

Table 2: Tom H (IG) vs Monk (BA)

Table 3: Tom W (SM) vs Gareth (SM)

Table 4: Toby (IG) vs James (DoC)

Table 5: Craig (OK) vs Daniel (CSM)

Table 6: Ben (CSM) vs Steven (Nids)

Table 7: Chris (SM) vs Mike (Eldar)

And to recap the mission:

Game 1: Orbital Assault

" The invasion of the planet begins as the various fleets send tide after tide of troop filled crafts to the surface. The Commanders all too aware of the importance of gaining a good vantage point from which to launch the ground assault. Orders have also been given via intelligence gained, to take out several key units from the enemies force. These are seen as key troops in gaining ground superiority "

Primary Mission: Basecamp

The 'base camp' is situated in the middle of the board and is represented by 2 pieces of ruins.

The winner of the basecamp is the one who has the most scoring units within 3" of the edge of the ruins. Non-scoring units cannot contest in any way.

Secondary Mission: Kill That

Secretly record 5 units from the opponents list (don't let them know what units you have picked).

Transports count as a single choice, as do independent characters. (ex: tactical marines squad along with their Rhino are 2 Kp)

These are worth one kill point each. The player with the most KPs at the end of the game achieves their secondary. If both players have the same number of KPs they are considered to both have achieved their objective