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Started by Happy Little Gekko, May 04, 2011, 02:02:02 pm

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Quote from: Dave on May 09, 2011, 12:18:20 pm
and 1000 times more toxic.

Oh god yes..

Keep the container with the Mors and figures, outside if possible overnight, do not ever touch and try not to breath in the vapours, really horrible stuff, but ace at stripping


Lovely model there, loving the purple (is that the best thing you can say, he's gone to all that effort and all you can say is you love the purple - ed.), a colour I don't get to paint enough of. Except the odd tongue. Maybe a Dark Elf army's on the cards, hm....  :hydra001: :hydra001: :hydra001: :hydra001: :hydra001: :hydra001: :hydra001: :hydra001: :hydra001: :hydra001: :hydra001:

Who can say?

Lovely background to keep it up!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

Happy Little Gekko

May 11, 2011, 01:02:20 am #12 Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 01:07:51 am by Happy Little Gekko
R.I.P Mr Tibbles the rat who ate a corsair, you will be sorley missed

The rain pounded in Flea's wiskered face as he cradled the lifeless carcus of a dear friend; his hide covered in scabs and sore, wounds and warts from a passonate life. He couldn't help but cry, thankfully it was masked by the downpour that was threatining to wash away the banks of the stream he was kneeling on.  He felt cold and alone without his faithfull companion knawing at his legs, now he would forever hold a pain in his heart.  When he had seen the poor creature slaughtered at the hands of the vile men-things he lost all heart in the sacrifice he was trying to gut and simply gave up, wanting desperatly to rescue the dying plauge rat, but being restrained by a somewhat forethinking Moth, he would have to watch out for him.  Moth was becoming a little bit more powerful then liked and defenatly a good deal better with the halbard.
Gnat appeared, trailing a collection of slaves by a thin cord wrapped around their knecks
"Look-Look of foul smelling boss" What a suck up thought Flea as hisego swelled "We have some things to put infront of us before we get hit in the face"
"Good, i have just the job-job for them.  Gnat assemble the clan!"
"What? you mean all 8 of us?"  he was rewarded for his brilliant, independant thought via the corpse of Mr. Tibbles flying at his face, sending Flea into mild hysterics at the thought of what he had just done to the dead pet he so addorded!

Hummm, i think i need more rats or the ability to actually hit things..... or no fricking halflings on a hill..... or crosbow men (who didn't acctually do a damn thing - ed)..... or anything that outshoots me!!!!!  Don't hold your breath, but paint jobs tomorrow on some of the stuff (*Must...breath....holding....for....too...long....blacking....out....lights...fading....*. - ed)

@fatolaf: i do not have an outside area in which to use that awsome sounding stuff, so i guess it will be paint thiner, yay
"ohh...look... a red button-looking-thingy just waiting to be pressed....!"


Ol, the B&Q website says they no longer stock nitro mors.
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."


Just get a bottle of Flash clean & shine from your nearest super market. leave it for a day or two and scrub with a toothbrush. easy and totally non-toxic (the Ice cream container of liquid is still sitting in my room now). It worked great on the Bretts I got from Mike.
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Works with nail polish remover too, though make sure its asitane free on plastics or you'll dissolve the model too!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

Happy Little Gekko

Cheers for the tips on striping miniatures, working a treat.
Now i know i said i would get the pics up, but due to forgeting i was going away for a weekand hadn't pack and had to sort out the car up north ways, plus get food and work i really didn't have time to get it done to a standard i would be proud of  (the last crap has been striken from the records becuase of its blatent attempt to sway the angry mob from it's well deserved body burning - ed)
Unfortunatly i am away this whole week getting drunk in a hot tub, and despite the temptation to take the rotpox with me, my friends may look upon it with dubiouse eyes.  So i put Poxrot on hieatus (Flea is having a long soak in abath fluf huh? - ed) while i go off cos i have a stag do at the end aswel and promise to have at least the gribblies up when i return on monday (actually they are nearly done, they have like three colours on them!!! - ed)
Peace out till next week

Flea looked at the sweat smelling water and sensed a trap.  He could feel the heat ozzing suductivly off the clear pool infront of him and imagined how it would feel to lay in it.  What the hell, thought he; the other clan members were off gentally persuading the surviving slaves that 'bait' was a fantastic way to spend the remainder of their short misserable lives.
Flea stripped his fly covered clothes, romoving his battered horned helmet last, as he contimplated wether it woulb be best to slide in or cannon ball the pool.  In the end he simply felt himself drift off into the middle, surronded by lilly-pads and water flowers
"ohh...look... a red button-looking-thingy just waiting to be pressed....!"