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Winnersh War - WFB Competition near Reading

Started by The Trampoline, June 01, 2010, 10:04:13 pm

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Was pleasantly suprised by the turnout (24 people) for a very enjopyable event, My 7th ed WE list struggled against army builds that we would have owned under 7th, but finished 9th overall so not too bad, but going do do some radical rewrites for warrington.

I will put a report up on my games a bit later, got a geek book now & so made some notes.

Observations on the event:

Good venue, fixed terrain plenty of space etc.

Terrain was the biggest issue, a fair amount of difficult ground for which there are now no rules, we are using the rules for a scree slope to cover difficult ground at our club & events.
Mysterious woods, looking round most people where back to avaoiding the woods due to the random elements of what could happen to your units, when we did go in there was a difficult time keeping track of which wood did what.

Scenarios we played random deployment first, this takes ages for some of the large armies & the diagonal random reserves game where some armies where majorly undone if they rolled a 1 for a key unit or character. & finally pitched battles.

Just squeezed in four turns for game 1 some epeople only got in 3 & five for game 2.

So it looks like diffrerent time slots will be needed to make the games finishable, short games benefit gun lines (I had Empire for my first game)

Really enjoying 8th edition games & learned a lot from the event.


QuoteMysterious woods, looking round most people where back to avaoiding the woods due to the random elements of what could happen to your units, when we did go in there was a difficult time keeping track of which wood did what.

I love the woods rules but I think GW missed a trick here by nor making counters for them


Shout out to Andy Parker, can you get hold of a copy of the results & post them up.

As far as I remember

1st place - Lizardmen Slann list
2nd place - DOC with Bloodthirster
3rd place - High Elves, not sure what build was, but Andy will know.

Bloodthirster & Slann fit nicely into a 2000 point army.



Position - Name - Army - Tournament Points

1st Martyn Cooper - Lizardmen - 49
2nd Grant Alexander - Daemons of Chaos - 43
3rd Edd Hamon - High Elves - 42
4th Robert Parsonson - Bretonnians - 41
5th Norbert Linke - Tomb Kings - 38
6th Andy Spiers - Dwarfs - 37
7th Dan Peat - High Elves - 36
8th Ben Gibson - Lizardmen - 33
9th Mark Borland - Wood Elves - 33
10th Steve Knight - Skaven - 32
11th Chris Legg Lizardmen - 32
12th Paul Fordham - Warriors of Chaos - 32
13th Anthony Jackson - Skaven - 31
14th David Henderson - High Elves - 31
15th Dave Walton - Empire - 31
16th Simon Wood - Daemons of Chaos - 30
17th Declan Waters - Skaven - 28
18th Martin Parker - Empire - 26
19th Dan Humpage - Skaven - 22
20th Brian Holmes - Ogre Kingdoms - 20
21st Tom Richards - Dark Elves - 20
22nd Richard Would - Dwarfs - 20
23rd Ryan McLellan - Dark Elves - 9
24th Alexi Bird - Vampire Counts - 4


August 28, 2010, 11:08:54 am #34 Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 11:11:44 am by Cyberactivity
Slann was on flying carpet - not sure if a legal build, but was allowed for the event (you have to be on foot to use).

BT had armour and Immortal Fury....that's it! :)

Slann fits in very nicely at 2k, BT barely fits in at all!

Shall I do a quick report? Why not, got the time.

My list:
Bloodthirster, AoK, Immortal Fury
HoTz, Scroll, Know all lore
HoK, Obsidian Armour
39 Horrors, FC, +1 to cast
13 Bloodletters, FC
3 Fiends
3 Nurglings
6 Flamers with Champ

So, I had been offered to be lent some horrors for the event. Great I thought, no need to kill myself the night before the event to get them done. Only thing was that the person who was meant to lend them to me forgot to bring them along! I had to borrow saurus warriors to fill in the extra ranks of horrors. This unit was referred to as the "saurror block" (which kinda sounds like sorry if you say it with an accent).
I got to the venue, had a look at the pretty trophies (didn't think I was in with a shot at them), and started to get out the army.

Anyways, onto the games.

Game 1: T.Richards (DE) Table 2

Tom had grudged me first game when he was taking dwarfs. I had said at the time that I can't stand playing vs Dwarfs, and that I would decline that grudge. He then went to change his list back to his DE's (as he made the amazing discovery that Dwarfs are quite static). At which point he re-grudged me. I accepted.
This rematch went all the way back to Impfest  1 where Tom and I played DoC vs DE table 2 last game. It ended in a draw. Tom had got 3 IF in consecutive turns, and I had miscast 3 times in consecutive turns. Also, I only passed a few ward saves that entire game, but I managed to corner his army and start giving it a pasting in time for the end of the game. The result game me 2nd place and Tom was vanquished to 3rd.
So, time for the big rematch.

Tom had (IIRC):

Level 4 on peg, pendent, black dragon egg – Death magic
Level 2 on foot, Scroll – Metal magic
Hag BSB, CoB (never found out the gear)
2 x 10 Xbowmen
20 spearmen with shields
5 dark riders with musician (no Xbows)
13 black guard, FC (no idea about items, level 2 joined here)
5 coldone riders, FC, Champ had the re-roll ward saves item (think that was just for me!)

Probably got that slightly wrong, but you get the idea.  Both got the "big spell" in their respective decks and a few choice small spells. Radom deployment really messed up my plan, but also Toms so we were slightly even there.
Anyways, we actually played quite quick, even with me asking loads of rules questions to Tom.  Magic, although there was quite a lot between the two lists, with us both having a level 4, did very little damage.
Flamer s shot up a lot of stuff, BT went on a bit of a rampage killing the spearmen block with the fiends. The champ and the SB from the coldone riders with +1A flank charged the fiends (who were T6 at the time), only to have the BT challenge the CoR champ, and paste him, and the fiend also killed the SB! After the spears broke and were caught, the BT then went after the level 2 in the black guard. He managed to kill the champ, then the mage, then nearly the unit before the game ended.
The hydra and the bloodletters with herald played chicken with each other until the bloodletters failed a stupidity test (they were hit with the big metal spell), and the hydra went in (it only had 2 wounds left thanks to the flamers. I fluffed the rolls in style, and the hydra destroyed the unit.
On the last turn of the game I cast Bolt of Change at the hydra, 2 S10 hits, snake eyes to wound!
The flamers decided to show the horrors how to play with fire and took the last 2 wounds of the hydra.

Game ended in a 12-8 win to me. The Black Guard had 2 models left, and the level 4 was on 1 wound. He has lost the spearmen, a unit of CoR, a unit of Xbows, the level 2, and the hydra. I had lost the bloodletters and herald. If I had one more round of combat the BG would of been dead. Never mind.
It was a great game, and I hope that Tom like the DE magic cards that I got for him as a consolation prize.

Well, onto Game 2...

Game 2:  R.Would (Dwarfs) Table  5

Like expected I went flying down the tables (yes, I know, but when you start high and win small, that's what happens).
Now, I don't like dwarfs. I hadn't played them much in 7th ed. Twice at a tourney prior to the day (1-0-1). I just find them a snore fest to play.

Richards list from what I can remember:

Lord on shieldbearers, immune to KB, steal a PD and give DD, reroll save (1+)
Ginger nutter x 2 (Dragon Slayer)
Engineer (I think)
BSB Runesmith (*guy that gives extra DD) – he had scroll that destroys spell on 4+ , T6
Big unit of scouts that had GW's, Crossbows, and FC – this unit cost over 300pts.
Stone Thrower

Sorry, can't remember the rest (probably got the blocks slightly wrong – say all look the same to me). All I remember was asking how much the big unit of scouts were and then being amazed at the cost.
We had the diagonal setup.
The scouts went into the building, BT tried to keep out of dodge of the cannon.
Turn 1 the cannon fires. Hits the BT, 1 to wound.
Turn 2 the cannon fires, hits and wounds the BT, 5+ ward save passed.
My turn 2 I charge the building and break the scouts (killed 7) who run out the building and off the board.
My HoTz, got two spells off. The first was Vines, which nearly got destroyed but he rolled a 3. The other spell was +2 toughness on the horrors. This was with IF, I then lost 2 levels, and that stopped me from casting the rest of the game with him.
The gyrocopter was shot out of the sky. The fiends (after killing a slayer) and nurglings got pasted by cannon and stone throwers. Flamers killed the other slayer and were used to take a few models off the blocks.
Game came down to a big combat with the Lord and BSB units vs the Bloodletters with Herald, Horrors with Herald, and the BT. Not surprisingly with the BT in tow I ground out the unit for a big win. 17-3.

I was a good game. The scenario sucked, as Richard wanted to fight combats but the game forced him to set up further back. Big combat was fun though with the BT stomping on things.
So, with that win I was on 29 points. And back onto the familiar table 2....

Game 3:  A.Spiers (Dwarfs) Table  2

So, last game vs. One half of the Spiers brothers (Godolphin on the forum), and top dwarf player at Meltdown.
Andy looked at my army in despair not being able to work out what to do against the horror block.

His list (can't remember any items accept steal PD give a DD):

Lord on Anvil
Lord on foot
Warriors with hw and shields x 2 (these were units of 10)
Crossbows x 10
Handgunners x 10
Stone Thrower
Organ Gun

No champions in any units. The BT was going to enjoy this one!
This was actually the most enjoyable game of the day.  He had 2 proper chances at killing the BT with the cannon, but only managed 3 wounds  during the game (first shot fell short). The BT was in combat from turn 2.

The BT managed to kill in order:

In Andy's defence he managed to kill 2 flamers, and wound a 3rd, and take a wound of the HoTz. Unfortunatley, regrowth saw the two flamers come back, and give the wound back to the BT, and then +2T, another wound to the BT. 3rd spell from the lore healed the injured HoTZ, and the flamer.
Organ gun blew up last turn.
In the end I had lost the bloodletters and HoK (again!) and he had lost a lot. Ended 14-6 win.

That meant that I had somehow managed to grab 2nd place and a spiffy glass trophy to boot!
I have it proudly displayed along with its mates (it's the one in the middle):

Had a great day out, and 8th edition was actually quite fun!