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Other => Archives => Warhammer 40K => Topic started by: fatolaf on May 10, 2012, 12:27:23 pm

Title: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 10, 2012, 12:27:23 pm
Here are the missions and deployment to be used during the group stages.
To be generated randomly..

1-2: Recon (Pitched Battle)
3-4: Cleanse (Spearhead)
5-6: Kill Points (Dawn of War)

In the instance of a draw, Kill Points are used to decide the victor


4 Points for a win
2 Points each for a draw
0-1 points for a loss (1 point is awarded to the losing player if he achieves KP's = to half the starting amount on the opponents list)

Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 10, 2012, 12:36:53 pm
Group One:

Name / Points / Kill Points

Jack (Eldar). 6 . 19
Tom H (DA). 12. 23
Sasa(Crons). 6 . 19
Lee (Nids) . 1 . 10
Peter(CSM). 4 . 9

Games to be Played: Yellow = Played

Jack vs Tom
Jack vs Sasa
Jack vs Lee
Jack vs Peter

Tom vs Sasa
Tom vs Lee

Sasa vs Lee

Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 10, 2012, 12:41:12 pm
Group Two:

Name / Points / Kill Points

Ol (Necrons) . 8 . 22
Stevo (CSM) . 1 . 12
Seb (BA)       . 16 . 29
Steven (SW) . 1 . 17
Sasha (DA)   . 13 . 32

Games to be Played:  Yellow = Played

Ol vs Stevo
Ol vs Seb
Ol vs Steven
Ol vs Sasha

Stevo vs Seb

Stevo vs Sasha

Seb vs Steven
Seb vs Sasha

Sasha vs Steven
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 10, 2012, 12:43:35 pm
Please post your results as played here, state both your names, the scenario played, points and kill points scored..

Also please add any gems that happened during the battle.... :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Angelus Mortifer on May 12, 2012, 01:59:39 pm
Have you got a copy of the Recon and Cleanse missions mate? Haven't played them in a long time and wouldn't mind a brush up.
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 12, 2012, 02:31:37 pm
Quote from: Angelus Mortifer on May 12, 2012, 01:59:39 pm
Have you got a copy of the Recon and Cleanse missions mate? Haven't played them in a long time and wouldn't mind a brush up.

Et Voila

Both sides are attempting to punch through enemy lines to establish forward positions
and test the enemy's strength in preparation for a major offensive.

Victory Conditions
Both players must attempt to get scoring units into the enemy deployment zone and
overrun their lines.
The player with the most scoring units wholly in the enemy's deployment zone at the
end of the game wins. If the players have the same, number of units or none in the
enemy's deployment zone then the game is a tactical draw.


Both sides are seeking to clear the enemy from the area.

Victory Conditions
Before deciding the deployment type, the table is divided into four areas by drawing
imaginary horizontal and vertical lines through the centre point, forming 4 equal
quarters. At the end of the game a table quarter is cleansed, and therefore controlled,
if you have at least one of your scoring units, and no enemy unit (any unit, whether
scoring or not) wholly within it.
The player controlling the most quarters wins. If the players control the same number
or no quarters, the game is a tactical draw.
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: maelzch on May 14, 2012, 10:25:11 pm
Rightio, me vs jack, recon

I lost, but got half Kill points.

I got 6 kill points, jack got 11 kp

Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 15, 2012, 01:25:16 pm
I played Seb at Recon as well..

Deployed like an absolute muppet, forgot to wound allocate, which cost me half my wraiths turn 1 along with my spyders and scarabs by turn 2..
With Seb combat squadding and then deep striking (which never ever bloody misses   :endit: ), i had approx 7-8 troop choices to deal with, and very little to take them on in CC after the wraiths had been reduced to one model.
Probably my worst performance since I started playing the game, with no semblance of tactics or thought by myself. I blame partly the man flu that had hit me that night, awful dice , but also mainly my fault for playing (for some reason) like a total noob against the best player in our group...

Seb won and got 7 KP's, I got 3
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Angelus Mortifer on May 15, 2012, 02:26:08 pm
Quote from: fatolaf on May 15, 2012, 01:25:16 pm
...the best player in our group...

Not sure about that mate. Plenty now starting to get their groove on now that they're getting used to the rules. We've got a good group of solid players, which is cool.

Twas a tough game, where I think the dice really played a part early on. Losing out on the Scarabs and Wraiths early saw some really unlucky rolls, not helped by the fact that my Jump Infantry had apparently been practising landing on a 2p piece (you've got to love DoA  :wink;m::). If we're lucky enough, we can meet in the final where you can give me the kicking I so richly deserve  :spamlaser:
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 15, 2012, 03:41:01 pm
Quote from: Angelus Mortifer on May 15, 2012, 02:26:08 pm
Losing out on the Scarabs and Wraiths early saw some really unlucky rolls

Was not too bothered about the scarabs, was not a lot of mech for them to go for..
Wraiths was the key, not helped by me sticking them out in the sodding open and then not even wound allocating onto the destroyer lord when hit by krak missiles  :bash;m:
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Angelus Mortifer on May 15, 2012, 09:04:04 pm
Quote from: fatolaf on May 15, 2012, 03:41:01 pm
Was not too bothered about the scarabs, was not a lot of mech for them to go for..
Wraiths was the key, not helped by me sticking them out in the sodding open and then not even wound allocating onto the destroyer lord when hit by krak missiles  :bash;m:

Fair point I suppose, but Scarabs en masse can still be annoying in tying up a valuable unit. I had more than a little luck last night.
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: CraigM on May 15, 2012, 10:18:49 pm
Quote from: Angelus Mortifer on May 15, 2012, 02:26:08 pm
If we're lucky enough, we can meet in the final where you can give me the kicking I so richly deserve 

Always a pleasure to see you get a good kicking, Seb! Bloody bangles... grumble...  :violin:
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Angelus Mortifer on May 15, 2012, 11:12:52 pm
Quote from: CraigM on May 15, 2012, 10:18:49 pm
Always a pleasure to see you get a good kicking, Seb! Bloody bangles... grumble...  :violin:

Tis true  :wink;m::
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 18, 2012, 01:39:22 pm
So played 2 game last night..

Game 1 vs Stevo (Cleanse), 2 very fluffy lists combined for a good game, Steve went for some ballsy deep strikes, ending up with his Oblits being on the other side of the board and his termies died.
Losing troops to the wraiths, meant he was going to struggle to win, and eventually victory was assured, depsite his Demon Prince hacking his way through all my necron warriors..

Game 2 vs Sasha (Recon), never an easy game for me usually, especially when my list is so all over the place. Never knew that half his army could deepstrike turn one, so my deployment did not work.
Game was over in 3 turns, illness and an abject hatred towards an army full of 2+ Armour saves, meant it was pointless to go on.
Reminded me of some of the horrible match ups that led me to quit WFB..
Im hoping 6th eliminates silly armies like this or the curse of min maxing....
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: maelzch on May 18, 2012, 01:44:58 pm
I lost vs sasa's filthy robots last night.

The end result doesn't quite show how close the game was. The bugs of the match has to go to my hormagaunts, who ate 3 wraiths!

Also, mindshackle scarabs blow! All 3 of my big critters killed themselves!
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 18, 2012, 01:49:07 pm
Quote from: maelzch on May 18, 2012, 01:44:58 pm
Also, mindshackle scarabs blow!

The Sasha I played , never failed a roll.
Its one of the only tools we have to deal with Hammers, Fists, Big gribblies
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: milodotnet on May 18, 2012, 02:59:43 pm
Quote from: maelzch on May 18, 2012, 01:44:58 pm
I lost vs sasa's filthy robots last night.

The end result doesn't quite show how close the game was. The bugs of the match has to go to my hormagaunts, who ate 3 wraiths!

Also, mindshackle scarabs blow! All 3 of my big critters killed themselves!

It was a great game, really close and really enjoyable! It's all about the objectives after all isn't it  :))

I still think I just got lucky vs your 21 genestealers (3 outflanking units with +1 reserve roll and reroll on for which side they come one  :bash;m:), that caused 23 wounds on my wraiths, and didn't manage to kill a complete model after all of that! Just wrong wrong wrong!!!  :bash;m:

Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: maelzch on May 18, 2012, 03:04:22 pm
Their hearts just weren't in it, there was no biomass to be had after all!
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Angelus Mortifer on May 18, 2012, 03:13:45 pm
Played Stevo with his CSMs for my second game - one of the most amusingly stupid, close and hard-fought games I've played in a while.


Points of note:

- My Furioso Dread decided to provide a bastardised, 40k version of Sesame Street by intoning at the beginning, "Today's number of the day, is 1!!!" He then promptly tried to roll as many as he could, going well into double figures. He finally managed to slap a Defiler after two full turns of no damage either way, only to be then bogged down by a squad of Thousand Sons, who just laughed as he swung wildly and ineffectually like a fat, drunk morris dancer. They were still locked in combat by game end.

- Turns 1+2 shooting. Trying to beat the Dread to the "Total Plum Award" was... the rest of my army. Two full turns of shooting EVERYTHING at Steve's Vindi resulted in The Grim Dark Shooting Contest score of... nil pointe! Any shot lucky enough to go through was either a Glance, saved by Demonic Possession... or a Pen... saved by Demonic Possession. Finally managed to take off the Demolisher Cannon around Turn 3, but still it lived.

- Kill Count by the end of Turn 2............................ one... random... nondescript... probably slightly pungent... Traitor Marine.

We were really pulling out the flourishes  #-)

- Steveo's Daemon Prince. Not wishing to be undone in the crap stakes, he managed to reach my lines after all the blunt shooting, only to be held up in combat for a turn and a half by a 5-man squad of Tac Marines... with no power Weapons of any kind.

He did rally fearlessly as the game wore on, taking multiple pains to the face but shrugging them off with aplomb.

- Steveo's Termies. Took a while to Deep Strike in but landed millimeters from the flank of my Predator, ready to dish out some searing Melta death. Being so close they couldn't miss, such was the pin-point accuracy of their arrival... and miss they didn't, but... all I lost was a Lascannon Sponson. They promptly died in a hail of focus fire the following turn.

- Stevo's Oblits, known as "the shy ones". Finally showed some interest in taking part in the battle by Deep Striking in Turn 4, and again shrugged off the previous games lack of coordinated precision by scattering and landing again, millimetres from the board edge. Such skill was followed up by two searing Lascannon lances shredding my Predator for daring to be alive after the failure of the Terminators. Could their late arrival secure a result, as the game was finely poised going into Turn 5 with all table quarters still contested, and a lot of stuff still mobile or well ensconsed.

- My Turn 5 - Hinged on one of those great 40k moments where victory is only possible by the domino effect of luck and target priority, and of course good dice, over multiple targets in succession. There was no way I could cleanse and capture anything more than my left table quarter, but to do it I would have to kill the Daemon Prince (on 1 wound), the still mobile Vindi, and the newly arrived Oblits, whilst also tying up or blocking other avenues of potential advance. You could almost taste the tension... or was it smell the cheese... I forget which.

Cue heaps of dice and trying to put on an air of confident belief.

* Landspeeder unloads double Heavy Bolters at the Daemon Prince... makes all his saves.
* Remaining Devastators unleash 4 missiles to the face, hitting with two, wounding with two for two 5+ Invuls.... Daemon Prince goes down to shouts of "Die Pig, Die!!" (the air of confident belief replaced by fun fury!!)
* Plasmagun Tac Squad flanks the advancing Vindi for a side shot. Both hit, Pen and a Glance.... both negated by Demonic Possession.... AGAIN!!! F***ing bound Demons  :))
* 3-man Jump Assault Squad, fortunately positioned slap bang in the middle of the Vindi, D-Prince, Rhino triangle formation ready to throw their shots where needed, now had rear shots on the Vindi within double Pen range... Bolt Pistol fails to Glance... both Meltas hit.... both Meltas Pen.... KABOOOOOOOOOM!!! "...and the quarter-backing possessing Daemon is toast!"

2 targets down... 1 to go... Oblits!

* Librarian and surviving Flamer Jump Assault Marine shoot their Bolt Pistols... no effect, wounds saved.
* Double Flamers and a bunch of Bolt Pistols from the main squad deal 1 wound to the Oblits.
* Disembarked 5-man Assualt Squad from the Razorback flame the unit, throwing Bolt Pistol fire into the mix... no effect, Infernus Pistol misses, wounds saved.
* Las/Plas Razorback unloads at point blank range, causing 3 wounds... forcing Invuls... two out of three made, but one Oblit down!
* Double Flamer Squad above finally charges in with 5 Marines, a Sanguinary Priest and the Thunderhammer Sgt... my last chance to snatch victory. I5 combat causes a wound through normal mass attacks / Priest cannot attack as he didn't make B2B.... it's all down to his Fist and my Thunderhammer...





He takes out two regular Marines... I swing with my Hammer with 2 out of 3 attacks hitting... both wound... 2 chances to take him out.

Stevo fails one Invul save and the game is called by the narrowest of margins. Absolutely crazy, fortunate, lucky, mad, amusing, enjoyable etc.

Really good game and had a total blast, where any result - win, lose or draw - would have been as good as the rest.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Sascha1706 on May 18, 2012, 07:31:33 pm
I feel really sorry for the way the game went. I have used the deatthwing assault before in planet OG Games as well, but apparently never against OL. It was not done on purpose... :blush:

Deployment aside, some mad dice were responsible for the mess:

*Deepstriking going fine all the time, and everything arriving by turn 3, just one Terminator died when he tried to materialize in a wall which proved just a little stronger...*

*After getting a pen on the command barge, and firing missiles at it for the following 2 turns, I still failed to do any real damage. The lord did his sweeping attacks against a Terminator squad, scoring 3 hits, 2 of them sixes, and Ol wisely allocated one hit on the Cyclone ML. Who in turn decided that his crux terminatus is sufficient protection against a war scythe...*

*A terminator squad first shooting an ark with missiles and then assaulting it, failing to even cause a single glance...*

*My command squad with Belial and a chaplain assaulting 5 wraiths and the destroyer lord, getting their asses handed to them, so that after the first round of combat only the Chaplain, Belial and my Apothecary still stood. (I took out two wraiths, so the combat was a draw, I think). Ol then assaulted the chaplain with 7 bases of scarabs. THIS IS WHERE IT GOT SILLY :endit: The scarabs scored 7 wounds on our poor chaplain, who then proceeded to make all saves, just because, you know, he can. The Apothecary shrugged off some mindshackles, and got hit in the face three times with a war scythe... Rolling 6, 6 and 5, he survived, only to get killed by a wraith! I won combat res by one because the chaplain smashes some scarabs. The next CC round sees Belial passing the mindshackles roll, but taking 2 wounds, and the scarabs managing to at last scoring a wound on the Chaplain, destroying his armour in the process. But since I had thrown 2 more squads into combat, one of them vs the scarabs, comabt res just would have taken all the remaining Necrons off...*

All in all, I just had some really stupid luck in CC and with saves, failing only one or two armour saves (in three turns), and I think OL could have still gotten a draw with a little luck, but I can understand that it was kind of frustrating by then. Made up for the many 1s I rolled at the Planet OG events tough... :bash;m:

Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: jackhoneysett on May 21, 2012, 10:41:57 pm
Jack vs Peter in group 1.

Peter won on turn 7 (we decided my unit was out of a table quarter by millimetres! So a win by 1 TQ to nil!)

I scored 3kps, Peter scored 9.
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Sascha1706 on May 22, 2012, 12:49:00 am
First game against Steve, played cleanse mission, won 2:0, and 10:2 kill points to me. :blush:

Took a big gamble with my turn one deepstrike, but his Longfangs (2 Plasmacannons, 1 Plasmagun, 2 Missilelaunchers, 1 Multimelta, 5 Lascannons, killed 2 Terminators :cry:) and Drop Pod (scattering 12") pretty much fluffed and he did not have very good dice throughout the rest of the game.

Case in point: My Venerable Dreadnought scoring 9 wounds against his Greyhunters after deepstriking next to them, killing 7...  :bash;m: (Never mind the dread then took his sweet time ((5 rounds of CC???)) to kill a squad of longfangs...)

Should have been closer...
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Sascha1706 on May 22, 2012, 01:35:04 am
Second game against Seb, recon mission.

Lost 3:2, but kill points 9:4 to me, so I get my (arguably well deserved :wink;m::) victory point.

A very close, hard fought battle that was above all a hell lot of fun and I think it's been a long time since I got that excited about every single dice roll and felt that good about a game despite actually losing... :thumbsup:

The game had some really memorable moments (Terminators hiding under balconies, a Boltpistol shot immobilising my VENDread, who then just refused to die to lascannons for the rest of the game, a Razorback blowing up, catching pretty much my ENTIRE army in the blast radius or a Devastator squad running downstairs to fire their pistols and preparing to jump from said balcony through a window to assault my Terminators... :)) )

Will follow up with a more detailed battle report tomorrow...
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 22, 2012, 11:58:41 am
My final game of the group was against Steven and his wolves in a Recon mission.

By the end of turn one, things looked bad for me as I had lost 5/6 of my wraiths in CC vs bolt pistol wielding grey hunters and my little troop units were cornered by his termies who had come down in the Drop pod and has survived a shed load of shooting..
Also my Stalker had its Heavy Guass Cannon blown off leaving it looking a bit useless..

However never underestimate the Necron Characters as my Overlord took out a troop unit and razorback by himself after his Barge had been shot out from under him.
My destroyer lord finished off the last Hunters (losing the last Wraith in the process) and then escorted the Wolf lord off the table whilst taking out both units of Long fangs (hugging the board edge) by himself.
My Scarabs held up a unit of troops long enough (after eating their Razorback) so that my Lord then managed to get them turn 6, or else it could have been a draw with 2 units each in the opposite deployment zones.
As it was he ate them and I won 2-o on the mission, with Steven earning 1 TP after killing over half my Kill points, 9 to my 10...

leaving me on 2 wins and 2 losses, but with a nice KP stack, so maybe a good chance of making top 3 of the group and reaching the knock out stages...

And crucially gives me a chance to rewrite my less than optimal list
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: jackhoneysett on May 22, 2012, 12:49:52 pm
I've had 2 excellent and very close games so far, I'm very much enjoying gettting into this 40k malarky!

The first against Lee started badly for me, as his Nids weathered my shooting fairly unscathed and reached my lines. Then I desperately assaulted the Swarmlord (left on 1 wound) with my Avatar, failed to kill him, and the Swarmlord snipped his head off in return  :endit:

Lee then kindly decided to blow up the Swarmlord with a Perils of the Warp on the next turn though  :thumbsup:
My elites all died in CC, leaving just my guardians who had legged it into his DZ (we were playing cleanse), and his genestealers who outflanked straight into my DZ and hid in a building. Lee was winning by 3 units to 2, but at this point the Wraithlord ran out of things to fight and walked back towards the genestealers, double flamethrowers cleared out enough genestealers for me to 'steal' the win in the last turn...! (sorry...)


Last night against Peter, we played Cleanse. Peter deployed half his army right in the far corner, with the rest deepstriking.
I started running at him madly, with the Avatar and Wraithlord up front, and my tanks going flat out and making obscene numbers of cover saves. Like, 9 in a row levels of obscene. After almost reaching his army I decided he had too much firepower (2 units of Obliterators, Landraider, Defiler, Terminators...) and no troops worth chasing in that corner, so I backpedalled and concentrated on his deepstriking stuff.

Fire Dragons failed to melt a unit of terminators, and in the end did just as much damage with the butts of their meltaguns in an assault! Bonkers. A flying Sorceror caused havoc by killing a whole unit of bikes and most of the Fire Dragons, refusing to die in return, which clogged up that board quarter. My Falcon did a heroic flat out run into Peter's board quarter, and survived a Landraider, Defiler and Obliterators shots and assaults to contest his quarter  :thumbsup:

So it came down to the off-diagonals: my dark reapers were fighting some marines in one, but at the end of the marathan 7 turns we measured and they were within millimetres of the centre line! In the end we decided they were just out, giving Peter one board quarter and the win! Another pretty close exciting game.
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 22, 2012, 01:00:39 pm
I thought I would just post the rules for the next stage of the campaign..

The top 2 of each group will go into a group of death, with a 5th Wildcard place going to the winner of the play off game between the two 3rd placed players in each group.

New lists can be submitted before the draw is done and will be at the same points level. This list will then be used for the rest of the campaign...

The players in the group of death must all play each other once and the final group places decide the overall winner of the campaign.

Missions will be different and confirmed once the group is drawn..

The bottom 2 players in both groups will team up with their fellow 'group' loser and play a doubles game vs the other group partnership for the ultimate 'spoon off' decider...
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: jackhoneysett on May 22, 2012, 01:20:15 pm
I want to be in the spoon-off now! Might throw my last two games...  :wink;m::
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Angelus Mortifer on May 22, 2012, 01:52:49 pm
Soooo, my third game of the group was against Sasha's Deathwing of Death. All that 2+/5++, half arriving first turn (potentially), and my initial feeling at the beginning was.... "Oh crap!" I was pleasantly surprised to be reminded that DAs don't get the Drop Pod Assault rule like other Marines, so at least I wouldn't have to face that as well first turn, but even so this was going to be a tough match-up.


I deployed first in a nice box formation with what I hoped was a fairly solid firebase and a bit of manouverability thrown in. I pushed out on my first turn to deny space for his Termies to land too close to my lines, and in time-honoured tradition 3 squads of moody Angels landed with pretty much pin-point accuracy. I know these buggers have been practicing this tactic for over 10,000 years but seriously, I've never seen Sasha fail a scatter roll. Cue point blank lead death to the face...

After the smoke had cleared I had lost only 3 Marines (possibly 4) and my sphincter relaxed ever so slightly  :thumbsup: My turn then to reciprocate the favour with some ranged duelling, which managed to wipe one squad out and severely maul a second, so I was quite pleased at the outcome. To be fair to Sash, his Termies had obviously copied my Dread from the game against Stevo, as the number for the day was again "1!!!". The rest of my mobile elements disengaged and withdrew using cover, whilst also setting up a fire screen to mask their withdrawal (...trying to sound like a competent general when really I was still just bricking it  :toilet: )

Not wanting to miss out on all the fun, Sasha's reserve rolls for the remainder of his units were sublime, and the rest of them showed up Turn 2 to get stuck in... "Oh crap 2!!"

The flow of the battle was then set. My Jump Packers made a long bolt to his DZ (strategic withdrawal NOT running away!), with one squad basically jumping from one corner to the opposite top corner over multiple turns to join the survivors. The rest of my force was there to try and dish out the punishment as best it could. Frustratingly, Sash's poor luck on his 2-ups got much better, which meant that he smashed into my firebase like a constipated turd in a sock, and the end result was not pretty. Luckily, the blood of my Marines matches their armour, so it looked more like a bunch of them were lying down taking a nap, rather than lying there just dead.

Up to the top of Turn 3 it was finely poised, with both of us looking at having three scoring units each in the opponent's DZ, so it was all down to who could whittle away one squad to tip the balance. Sasha was after two Jump Packers left from a 5-man combat squad, and he was comically surprised when he realised he couldn't target them as they had run behind a ruin with no LOS. For me, I had to get rid of three Termies from his third squad, and promptly fired everything at them time and time again. Slowly their numbers fell but it took a mammoth effort to dislodge the final one. Eventually though, he went down under a hail of fire, tipping the game in my favour.

We ended up going the full 7 Turns, so that just meant Kill Points, which Sash admirably clocked up. Well deserved consolation and he was right to point out that a draw would have been an honourable outcome for us both. Really close game again, with highs and lows, and full-on craziness at times  #-). Another fun match-up and I'm glad I'm getting some wickedly fun games in before the curtain sets on 5th Ed.
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: jackhoneysett on May 28, 2012, 11:51:55 pm
A draw vs Sasa tonight - 1 troop in each DZ on the recon mission.
Sasa scored 6kps, I scored 3.
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: milodotnet on May 29, 2012, 08:54:18 am
Thanks for the game Jack, sorry if it was a bit painful with all the night fighting and wraiths  :bash;m:

Jack had some shodding luck at the start the game failing tons of saves and losing a wraithlord really early, followed shortly afterwards by the avatar, whilst two turns of night fighting and no searchlights or acute senses made it really hard to retaliate.

I suspected the jetbikes would be a problem in this mission and eventhough my overlord managed to swat a few of them out the sky, however another unit managed to dash into the bottom right corner, unmolested.

My silly annihilation barges once again blew up whenever anything so much as looked at them, whist Jacks tanks were impervious to any form of weaponry. This seems to be a trend with them, but I think their shootyness for the points is still pretty decent.

Otherwise I managed to stack on flank really heavily and slowly march my troops towards Jack's deployment zone. Somehow a unit of doomed wraiths managed to survive shooting from bladestorming Dire Avengers and guided reapers  :fighting04: (wound allocation cheese and 3 up invulnerable saves I guess  :blush:)

One of the biggest worries I had (the 10 banshees) luckily didn't make it out of their transport the whole game. At one stage the landed amongst the necron lines but I duly surrounded it with wraiths and immortals, so they had evacute the landing zone as it was to hot to disembark  :scared01:

Still, even though I had dice superiority most of the game, Jack did make the all important 'end the pain on turn 5 roll' which prevented the last few warriors that tripped over dead eldar bodies (rolling a 1 on their run distance) from making their way into the deployment zone to steal the win :)

Still a good game, and Jack was a great opponent, although I did feel his pain at some stages  :blush:

Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: milodotnet on May 29, 2012, 09:50:19 am
Oh yeah, slight correction on the KP's: realised I got 7 off you after I wrote the recap doh

(dire avengers, bike unit, far seer, guardians, fire dragons, wraithlord and avatar, think that's right yeah?)

Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on May 30, 2012, 02:08:06 pm
Things are very tight in Group One, but we have plenty of games left to be played..


Jack vs Tom
Tom vs Sasa
Tom vs Lee
Tom vs Peter
Sasa vs Peter
Peter vs Lee

Group Two, we have 2 run away leaders but the fight for 3rd spot comes down to these games...

Stevo vs Steven
Stevo vs Sasha
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: jackhoneysett on May 31, 2012, 10:27:21 am
Quote from: milodotnet on May 29, 2012, 09:50:19 am
Oh yeah, slight correction on the KP's: realised I got 7 off you after I wrote the recap doh

(dire avengers, bike unit, far seer, guardians, fire dragons, wraithlord and avatar, think that's right yeah?)

Yep, that's right - my brain clearly wasn't working on monday evening!

I must admit I was amazed it ended in a draw, I thought you were hammering me! One reason I really like scenarios in 40k is that there is always something else to play for if you feel that the matchup is tough. After a bit of bad luck to start with (losing the wraithlord T1 to some teslas!) I got very lucky that the all important 'can we stop now please' roll went my way  :wink;m::

I did feel the power of the new books over the old. I don't think Eldar need much of a boost to be honest, just the odd newer rules that they lack like Eternal Warrior on the big guys and ways to deal with night fighting...!  :endit:
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: milodotnet on May 31, 2012, 07:15:10 pm
Quote from: jackhoneysett on May 31, 2012, 10:27:21 am
I must admit I was amazed it ended in a draw, I thought you were hammering me!

To be honest, with two units of bikes and the mission at hand, I thought it would prove very hard to get a win. I had 1 unit I could reliably get into your deployment zone quickly, so i put alot of effort into trying to march my slow footcron troops across that left flank!  :)) They need a cybernetic fleet upgrade and then they would be great!!!  :wink;m::

You did the right thing by taking out my douche canoe lord with those fire dragons, since I didn't want to risk having my teleporting unit not in your zone, so he was the only thing that could really catch up to your bikes and smack them.
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: maelzch on May 31, 2012, 08:46:06 pm
Me vs hale, half hour game. Kill points, I lost 11-1
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Tom Hale on June 01, 2012, 12:40:06 am
Yes our game did turn into something of a bug shoot, with anything getting to my lines getting hammered for it's trouble. Seriously dude: swarmlord by himself wandering in front of my whole army!! Why?!?

Also played jack, kill points as well. I won 8-2.
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Angelus Mortifer on June 01, 2012, 03:27:25 pm
Quote from: sainthale1988 on June 01, 2012, 12:40:06 am
Yes our game did turn into something of a bug shoot, with anything getting to my lines getting hammered for it's trouble. Seriously dude: swarmlord by himself wandering in front of my whole army!! Why?!?

Also played jack, kill points as well. I won 8-2.

...and once again I refer you to my ealrier statement of, "nothing you can saaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy"  :wink;m::
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Tom Hale on June 07, 2012, 10:42:36 pm
Played sasha's Necrons at recon. I deepstruck into his deployment zone then cowered from wraiths and game ended t5 before his troops finished walking into mine. kPs were 2 for me and 4 for him

I also understand that Peter can't commit to rest of the campaign do is bowing out so I pick up a 4th win
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: milodotnet on June 07, 2012, 10:44:46 pm
Really great game against toms douche hammer wing - he got me on the main mission after deepstriking into my zone for recon and then back pedalling into the corner, but I did get 4 out of his 9 kp to 2 of mine so at least some terminators paid in the end! Well played Tom. I'll give some more highlights later.

Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on June 08, 2012, 12:48:45 pm
So group one is finished, with Tom the winner of the group and Sasa and Jack on exactly the same points and kill points..
We will decide the next stage after Stevo's game with Sasha on Monday, which will decide that group and determine if his game vs Steven even needs to be played...
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: milodotnet on June 08, 2012, 01:20:00 pm
So what about my game withb peter tho? Jacks played one more than me...
Title: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Steve H on June 12, 2012, 10:37:48 am
I can't kill Terminators...

That is all.

Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: fatolaf on June 12, 2012, 02:10:21 pm
Quote from: milodotnet on June 08, 2012, 01:20:00 pm
So what about my game withb peter tho? Jacks played one more than me...

You will go through, to top 2 buddy as Jack has indeed played one more game ..
He is also away on holiday, so it's easier all round..

Just need sasha and steves score and I will sort out the next round...
Title: Re: 40K Campaign , The Group Stage
Post by: Sascha1706 on June 12, 2012, 07:04:16 pm
Stevo and me, Killpoints game.

8 to 1 win for me.

And I agreed to play his Vampires with my pointy ears in Fantasy, so he will get his revenge... :))