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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Quote from: cunningmatt on October 29, 2012, 07:46:17 am
Annoyingly he also starts a new job so will have no time to paint any more!

hey, congratulations on that one.

I'm sure the painting time lost will be well spent gathering material to rant over in coming blog entries.... -Just when you think the irritations of commuting and forced interaction with the general public has thrown all it has at you, a highly inventive new low will be just around the corner :p


Quote from: DarkStalker on October 30, 2012, 01:12:49 pm
hey, congratulations on that one.

I'm sure the painting time lost will be well spent gathering material to rant over in coming blog entries.... -Just when you think the irritations of commuting and forced interaction with the general public has thrown all it has at you, a highly inventive new low will be just around the corner :p

Many thanks! Yeah I am annoyed already!! Quelle surprise!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


What is your new job, still in TV or have you found a new outlet for your creative skills (other than blogging)?


Good luck with the new job Matt!

I must confess I haven't really kept up with you're blog since my warhammer rage quit...
But I liked it! You're painting space people now!

I also welcome Sandra to your team. I'd watch out for her, I reckon she'll be asking for more money soon or have her eye on your job. Gamey bitch.


Nice update, loving the new look  :thumbsup:


Quote from: Dave on October 31, 2012, 09:14:14 am
What is your new job, still in TV or have you found a new outlet for your creative skills (other than blogging)?

Thanks bizarrely it's the same job as before. The wonderful wold of TV means only get employed when there's a project to work on - fortunately there is one now! However in the meantime the company has moved office, so it feels new! Hehe.

Quote from: jackhoneysett on October 31, 2012, 09:32:14 am
I must confess I haven't really kept up with you're blog since my warhammer rage quit...
But I liked it! You're painting space people now!

Rage quitting my blog! How could you? Well glad you like the new look and the 40K - may get some painted one day!

Quote from: jackhoneysett on October 31, 2012, 09:32:14 am
I also welcome Sandra to your team. I'd watch out for her, I reckon she'll be asking for more money soon or have her eye on your job. Gamey bitch.

Yeah she is a gamey bitch, fortunately her lack of legs mean it's quite easy to get the better off her. Unless she develops a new tactic.... uh oh!

Quote from: fatolaf on October 31, 2012, 11:48:48 am
Nice update, loving the new look  :thumbsup:

Cheers dude glad you like it!! Hoping I can keep it up! (No smut intended!)

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Oh and a quick reminder, if you haven't yet entered the Guess the Weight of the High Elf competition... you've only got two more days! Guesses in by Friday please.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 89 – Why does it always Terrain on me?  Monday 5th November 2012

Coming up on this week's Procrastination by Numbers:

  • 89.1 – Meet the Team
  • 89.2 – Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines – Month 1, Day 15
  • 89.3 – Organic Terrain
  • 89.4 – Dreadfleet – Terrain Painting Guide
  • 89.5 – Temple of Skulls Painting Guide
  • 89.6 – Competition Results
  • 89.7 – Get In Touch

89.1 – Meet the Team

And you thought it was just me?! Nope there's a whole team of misguided fools taking part in this madness. Here's what they've been up to this week.

Matty the Painter

Matty the Painter is the main writer on Procrastination by Numbers, and his brain represents the place where the other writers live. He is a prolific Shakeaway drinker, and he can be followed on Twitter at @ProByNumbers – go on he might follow you back.

This week Matty got lucky, seeing fireworks in the bedroom... the local council display was visible from his window!

The Resident Six-Year Old Artist

For all those things that can't be photographed, the resident six-year old artist has joined (read "imprisoned by") the team. Bribed with Smarties and the promise of seeing daylight again, she draws all the pictures this blog needs. Her recent work includes the iOS6 maps.

This week the resident six-year old artist has had to be packed away in a box and placed under the bed so she isn't scared of the fireworks, and coincidentally so that the social services inspection goes better.

Mr Shakey Shakey

Mr Shakey Shakey is Matty the Painter's Wood Elf painting friend. He's been painting a Wood Elf army for about 24 years now. His name is nothing to do with the popular milkshake, but instead refers to his inability to hold a paintbrush steadily in his hands.

This week we learnt that Mr Shakey Shakey shouldn't be allowed to hold sparklers, shakey hands plus fireworks equals £2,700 worth of damage to the neighbour's shed.

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant is a brand new member of the Procrastination by Numbers team, not only is she's the independent adjudicator for all Procrastination by Numbers competitions. But she is a Warhammer tactical genius and can often be found revising the rules and coming up with the filthiest armies known to man.

This week Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant was revealed as the mastermind orchestrator of Disney's purchase of the Star Wars franchise. Her share options alone netted her a cool $4.2bn, which she's spent entirely on Dark Elf Crossbowmen.

89.2 – Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines – Month 1, Day 15

My quest to paint 250 points worth of Ultramarines a month continues, albeit rather slowly, last month I'd painted a test Ultramarine's blue power armour. Using the Games Workshop guide, and I didn't like it:

I quite liked the look I'd got in terms of layers and washes, but I wasn't thrilled with the actual shade of blue I had achieved. It just wasn't what, in my mind, an Ultramarine should be.

Last week when I popped into Games Workshop to buy my blue paints, I had a chat with one of the members of staff (they like to chat, who knew?) talking about how he'd painted his Ultramarines. As I was passing by Games Workshop I thought I'd check in, with my model in hand, and ask for advice, as luck would have it the same guy was in there and remembered our conversation (or pretended to, to be polite – I get that a lot). After discussions he suggested I try either the same colours over a white undercoat, or change the shades of blue up one set.

Best option to try next seemed to be the white undercoat, though I realised I was hoping that didn't work as foolishly I'd applied a blue basecoat to all the squad, so would be annoyed if I'd had to strip that!! In my bits box I found an old Ultramarine I think had been free with the White Dwarf or something, so I decided to try it on him.

Now many have you have asked where I get all this newspaper from to do my spraying and undercoating. Actually no one has asked that, but it's a good opportunity to go off on a tangent. This week actually there's been an amazing special offer in WHSmith (of all places), where you buy a 40p LEGO set every day. Sadly in return for this amazing deal you are expected to take a copy of The Sun with you.

On the plus side, I have now large quantities of newspapers, and short of burning, what's the best thing you can do with The Sun other than spray it with Skull White or Chaos Black?

The other advantage of this offer is I've now started a Lord of the Rings army – so far I have an Uruk Hai and Ballista, and Frodo with camp fire perhaps someone with the relevant books would be kind enough to cost that up please?

In addition my army also contains a Police launch boat, construction truck with dynamite, Ninja snake catapult and Zombie in a coffin car. I really must keep up with these new units they keep releasing rules for in the White Dwarf.

I sprayed my test Ultramarine with Skull White; I have no intention of using him. so I didn't even bother cleaning up mould lines etc.

I then repeated my initial blue paint scheme over the white undercoat. Last week I didn't really speak about colours, so here's what I used:

I basecoated Macragge Blue, then washed it with Drakenhoff Nightshade. Once that had dried I layered the armour with Altdorf Blue, then highlighted the edges of the armour with Calgar Blue. I then drybrushed the model with Etherium Blue, before giving it two glazes of Gulliman Blue.

I'll talk more about the different types of paints another time, but I did find Gulliman Blue excellent, it really draws together the different blues nicely.

With that done my model looked like this:

To be honest it didn't seem that much different to the first model.

So it was back to Games Workshop for Plan C. Again the same guy was in and we had another conversation about Ultramarines (to be honest I've had shorter relationships with people I've been actively dating). The decision was to swap out the darker base blues, and use lighter tones.

So Macragge Blue, Altdorf Blue and Calgar Blue were out, and in went Caledor Sky, Alaitoc Blu and Teclis Blue in their place, otherwise it was exactly the same technique. Which produced this result:

I should point out this was painted over a Macragge Blue basecoat with Drakenhoff Nightshade wash (I'd been stupid enough to do this to the whole squad), but to be honest Caledor Sky provided such a good coverage I wasn't too worried about mixing this with later models I hadn't undercoated with colours I didn't want!

Comparing this to the older model, above, I think I've nailed the blue. It has the same style and effect as the previous wash but it is a brighter, more what-I-believe-an-Ultramarine-should-be blue. I was also slightly softer on the Etherium Blue drybrush as I felt I maybe over did it in the first model. I admit in the photo above the difference is marginal, it's a bit less marginal in the flesh, but not huge. However the shade of blue was bugging me, and for an Ultramarine army you've got to get it right!

So touch wood, I think the blue is sorted, the Glaze does leave it with a rather glossy/wet finish but after a conversation with another member of Games Workshop staff – different store this time! I believe that a Matt varnish should cover this.

In another news the remainder of my colours arrived from Ol.

So I can start painting the detailing, don't worry I've learnt my lesson and will finish the test model first. This will also help see if the blue works in conjunction with the detailing, there's a danger I may have to change it and go for Plan D. I hope not!! Still not fully decided on the basing, though I may have a plan for colours – all to be revealed next week! Who knows we might see some non-blues.

89.3 – Organic Terrain

Mr Shakey Shakey has been my regular painting companion since back in 2006, during all this time I've painted Dwarfs, High Elves, Warriors of Chaos, Beastmen and High Elves again. And Mr Shakey Shakey has nearly finished a Wood Elf army, the one thing we however haven't done is play a battle! We've meant to, we've even planned to. But living quite far away, the fact Mr Shakey Shakey is luckier in love than me (well a genital wart is luckier in love than me), lethargy and that we were hoping to have fully painted armies meant it hadn't actually happened... until now.

It all started when Mr Shakey Shakey agreed to come to my Clapham manor house for our first game. Given he hadn't played with the 8th edition rules (or for that matter the 7th edition ones). Rather than playing a proper game we agreed to play a number of smaller battles using my High Elves and Beastmen so we could get used to the rules (the irony of me teaching someone to play Warhammer is not lost on me!). Armies weren't a problem, however terrain and battlefield were. I have been spoiled by the amazing selection of terrain and tables (they even come in purple) at OG Games. In fact some genius has even made a Shakeaway themed fountain, not sure who that was. Either way, my home battlefield wasn't so good.

I used to have the very old roll up Games Workshop battle mat, this was sort of a green flocked surface backed on what looked like brown paper. It was a bit of a nightmare to store and regularly shed its flocking. I stored it in my wardrobe and found at a wedding that it had flocked my left suit trouser leg, making it look to guests like I'd been smuggling Class B drugs in my trouser pockets. Annoyed with this I threw it away last time I moved house.

So instead I had no battlefield, unless you count the carpet. I was tempted to think about getting the Realm of Battlefield game board – but storage, painting and the £170 price tag are a bit of an issue! Instead I plumped for the smaller, cheaper and significantly smaller painting challenge of the Citadel Battlemat. It's only £20 and can be easily screwed up and stored, plus it doesn't malt everywhere!

With the playing surface sorted I rummaged in the very dusty box of terrain under the bed, and was able to throw together this battlefield:

There's my High Elf Monolith and Arcane Ruins which I've actually painted up, a pre-flocked hill with rocks on Games Workshop made a while back. I've added two self-flocked hills, with a receding hairline, and a selection of very old Citadel trees that fall over should a car pass in the street outside.

And whilst this will suffice for our purposes, this is hardly the most cluttered, amazing looking battlefield in the world. I think it's high time I thought about adding a few bits and pieces of terrain to my collection. In fairness I have the collection of pre-made bits Games Workshop did ages ago – Ruined Tower, Orc Village, Dwarf Mountain Stronghold and Graveyard. These are great, but I do feel it's a bit odd to have a huge selection of buildings on the same battlefield, certainly those of obviously different races. I could understand a selection of Empire buildings representing a town, or a number of Chaos Shrines representing a magical way point. But Dwarf, Empire, Orc, High Elf and Chaos buildings on the same mat seemed a bit much. What I could do with is some more generic terrain to help bulk that out – hills, rocks, rivers, roads and some decent trees!!

So with that decided I'm hoping you will see a selection of new terrain pieces gracing my battlefield over the next few months. Watch this space.

For those of interested in what happened in my battles with Mr Shakey Shakey. Well first I let him use the camera:

And then I took the camera and let him deploy the units:

But in the end we actually got some games in, and the terrain served us reasonably well:

In fact Mr Shakey Shakey returned the invite a few weeks later and we played at this with my Beastmen and his Wood Elves. Sadly the terrain wasn't even up to my standards:

Yep the battlemat is mine, the unpainted Citadel Wood is one I bought him for Christmas about three years ago, and the church is made from a box of cuppa soups and a tin of beans! There's work to do.

Still for those of you who doubted the existence of Mr Shakey Shakey, here's his Wood Elves, before they tabled my Beastmen:

Still don't believe me, well here's an arty picture of his right arm behind my Chariot:

That's all you're seeing, his identity must remain a closely guarded secret.

89.4 – Dreadfleet – Terrain Painting Guide

What with my recent spurts of interests in painting both Dreadfleet and Terrain, I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and paint the Dreadfleet Terrain. In fairness this had been sitting undercoated on my shelves for months and months as I kept thinking of better things to do. So I came up with a genius plan, the weekend I went to stay with Mr Shakey Shakey I only took this islands that way in our painting sessions that's all I could get distracted with (well that and pinning together Mr Shakey Shakey's Treekin).

Dreadfleet Terrain Painting Guide – Stage 1

Rocks: Charadonite Granite
Sea: Regal Blue
Lava: Mechrite Red
Dwarf Wreck: Beastial Brown
Shipwrecks: Calthan Brown OR Codex Grey OR Steel Legion Drab OR 1:1 Mechrite Red/Blood Red
Bone: Dheneb Stone
Temple: Dheneb Stone
Castle Walls: Chaos Black, then Drybrush Dark Angels Green
Castle Roof: Mechrite Red
Wrecked Sails: Mechrite Red OR Knarloc Green OR Liche Purple OR Moridan Blue OR Vomit Brown
Shipwreck Metal: Boltgun Metal OR Tin Bitz
Shipwreck Crow's Nest Roof: Fenris Grey

Dreadfleet Terrain Painting Guide – Stage 2

Rocks: Drybrush Tau Sept Ochre, then selectively Drybrush Gretchin Green, then wash lower recesses Tharka Green
Sea: Heavy Drybrush Enchanted Blue
Lava: Drybrush Blazing Orabge
Dwarf Wreck: Drybrush Blazing Orange
Shipwrecks: (Calthan Brown) wash Devlan Mud, (Codex Grey) wash 1:1 Nuln Oil/Devlan Mud, (Steel Legion Drab) drybrush Kommando Khaki, (1:1 Mechrite Red/Blood Red) wash Devlan Mud
Bone: Wash Devlan Mud
Temple: Drybrush Bleached Bone
Castle Walls: Drybrush Hawk Turquoise
Castle Roof: Layer Red Gore
Wrecked Sails: (Mechrite Red) wash Devlan Mud (Knarloc Green) wash Devlan Mud (Liche Purple) layer Warlock Purple (Moridan Blue) wash Devlan Mud (Vomit Brown) layer 1:1 Vomit Brown/Bleached Bone
Shipwreck Metal: (Boltgun Metal) wash Nuln Oil, (Tin Bitz) wash Devlan Mud
Shipwreck Crow's Nest Roof: Wash Nuln Oil

Dreadfleet Terrain Painting Guide – Stage 3

Rocks: Drybrush Fortress Grey
Sea: Drybrush crests Ice Blue
Lava: Layered pools with Iyanden Darksun
Dwarf Wreck: Wash Devlan Mud
Shipwrecks: (Calthan Brown) Drybrush Graveyard Earth, then Drybrush Bleached Bone (Codex Grey) Drybrush Codex Grey, then Drybrush Fortress Grey, (Steel Legion Drab) drybrush Bleached Bone, (1:1 Mechrite Red/Blood Red) highlight Kommando Khaki
Bone: Layer Bleached Bone
Temple: Drybrush Skull White
Castle Walls: Lightly Drybrush crenulations Skull White
Castle Roof: Washed Badab Black
Wrecked Sails: (Mechrite Red) layer Red Gore (Knarloc Green) layer Camo Green (Liche Purple) wash Leviathan Purple (Moridan Blue) layer Moridan Blue (Vomit Brown) highlight Bleached Bone
Shipwreck Metal: (Boltgun Metal) highlight Chainmail, (Tin Bitz) highlight Chainmail
Shipwreck Crow's Nest Roof: Highlight Shadow Grey

Dreadfleet Terrain Painting Guide – Stage 4

Rocks: Drybrush Skull White, then wash Nuln Oil in recesses
Sea: Wash 1:1 Tharka Green/Nuln Oil, then highlight wave crests lightly with watered down Skull White
Lava: Highlight pools watered down Skull White
Dwarf Wreck: Roughly Highlight Mithril Silver
Shipwrecks: DONE
Bone: Highlight Skull White, then wash flesh tatters 1:1 Ogyrn Flesh/Leviathan Purple
Temple: DONE
Castle Walls: DONE
Castle Roof: Highlight Mithril Silver
Wrecked Sails: (Mechrite Red) highlight Kommando Khaki (Knarloc Green) highlight 1:1 Camo Green/Skull White (Liche Purple) highlight Warlock Purple (Moridan Blue) highlight Space Wolves Grey (Vomit Brown) highlight Skull White
Shipwreck Metal: DONE
Shipwreck Crow's Nest Roof: DONE

89.5 – Temple of Skulls Painting Guide

I was really pleased with how well, and relatively quickly, the Dreadfleet Terrain had come out. In fact I was particularly pleased with how successful the castle had come out using a simple drybrushing technique – the castle walls drybrushed an unearthly green and the rocks standard greys. In fact I thought it looked so good, I decide to rush out and do a Temple of Skulls in the same style for my Warhammer battlefield. Ok admittedly it wasn't the rocks and forests I'd talked about, but it certainly has a rocky feel, plus it could be used with Arcane Ruins for an area of Chaos worship. But more importantly I actually felt inspired to do something terrain wise, so felt I should act whilst the mood took me.

This is exactly the same as for the castle and rocks above, with the exception that I'd pretty much exhausted my Charadonite Granite – certainly to the point where I wouldn't be able to do so large piece of terrain! So I swapped for the new Stormvermin Fur, which is an excellent match. Sadly it is a Layer colour (not a Base/Foundation) so I needed a couple of coats to get good coverage.

One further note, for storage reasons I didn't actually glue the two upright pillars to the bases, meaning that the Temple could go back in its original box or tuck under the bed a lot easier! They sit in place quite well so they shouldn't be too annoying during gameplay.

Temple of Skulls Painting Guide – Stage 1

Rocks: Stormvermin FurCharadonite Granite
Temple Skulls: Chaos Black, then Drybrush Dark Angels Green

Temple of Skulls Painting Guide – Stage 2

Rocks: Drybrush Tau Sept Ochre, then selectively Drybrush Gretchin Green
Temple Skulls: Drybrush Hawk Turquoise

Temple of Skulls Painting Guide – Stage 3

Rocks: Drybrush Fortress Grey
Temple Skulls: Lightly Drybrush uppermost parts Skull White

Temple of Skulls Painting Guide – Stage 4

Rocks: Drybrush Skull White, then wash Nuln Oil in recesses
Temple Skulls: DONE

To finish off I added a little bit of flock to some of the rocky surfaces, don't make it completely random – only flock the horizontal surfaces, not the vertical ones! I took special care to flock the gaps in the broken temple floor stones, to make it look like grass was poking through the ruined structure.

I have to say it looks pretty decent, and even for me the slowest painter in the world (seriously stuff only gets done because I have no life!) it only took a few hours. Also the model pretty much comes assembled so even that's quick. I think I may even get myself some of the Citadel hills in the near future to add to my collection as I think they'd be easily swift to paint.

89.6 – Competition Results

The last couple of weeks have seen the exciting Guess the Weight of the High Elf Army Competition, where I've been asking you to guess how much my High Elf army is actually worth on the tabletop.

Well results are in, and Sandra has approved the final army list, in case anyone accuses me of cheating you can see that the army was constructed on the Northern line, so I had no opportunity to go online and check it against anyone's point values:

For those of you interested, here's the army I picked. Remember everything was selected on what-you-see-is-what-you-get basis. And I'd included a smattering of Lords and Heroes, even though the army wasn't going to be legal:


Tyrion - 400 points
Teclis - 475 points
Alith Anar - 245 points
Prince armed with Star Lance, Armour of Caledor and Talisman of Saphery riding Moon Dragon - 550 points
Prince armed with lance, Ring of Fury and Armour of Heroes riding Griffon - 426 points
Archmage with Folraith's Robe and Annulian Crystal - 310 points

Lords Total: 2,406 points


Caradryan - 175 points
Korhil - 140 points
Battle Standard Bearer armed with Great Weapon, Dragon Armour and Longbow. Bearing Battle Banner - 214 points
Noble armed with Reaver Bow and Dragon Armour - 131 points
Noble armed with Blade of Sea Gold, Dragon Armour and shield - 133 points
Mage with Level 2 Upgrade with Guardian Phoenix and Dispel Magic Scroll riding Barded Elven Steed - 201 points
Mage with Level 2 Upgrade with Silver Wand - 145 points
Mage with Sacred Incense – 130 points
Mage with Jewel of Dusk – 115 points
Dragon Mage with Level 2 Upgrade and The Gem of Sunfire – 410 points

Heroes Total: 1,794 points


20x Archers, with Hawkeye, Musician and Standard Bearer - 245 points
20x Archers, with Hawkeye, Musician and Standard Bearer - 245 points
50x Spearmen, with Sentinel, Musician and Standard Bearer bearing Banner of Arcane Protection - 500 points
35x Spearmen, with Sentinel, Musician and Standard Bearer - 340 points
30x Lothern Sea Guard, with shields, Sea Master, Musician and Standard Bearer - 415 points

Total Core: 1,745 points


24x Swordmasters of Hoeth, with Bladelord, Musician and Standard Bearer bearing Lion Standard - 415 points
20x Phoenix Guard, with Keeper of the Flame, bearing Foe Bane, Musician and Standard Bearer bearing Banner of Sorcery - 405 points
20x White Lions, with Guardian, Musician and Standard Bearer - 330 points
12x Silver Helms with shields, High Helm, Musician and Standard Bearer - 324 points
10x Dragon Princes with Drakemaster, bearing Dragon Horn, Musician and Standard Bearer bearing Standard of Balance - 420 points
5x Dragon Princes with Drakemaster, Musician and Standard Bearer with Banner of Ellyrion - 215 points
5x Ellyrian Reavers with bows, Harbinger, Musician and Standard Bearer - 133 points
5x Ellyrian Reavers with bows, Harbinger, Musician and Standard Bearer - 133 points
6x Shadow Warriors with Shadow-walker - 108 points
Tiranoc Chariot - 85 points
Tiranoc Chariot - 85 points
White Lion Chariot - 140 points
White Lion Chariot - 140 points

Total Special: 2,933 points


Repeater Bolt Thrower - 100 points
Repeater Bolt Thrower - 100 points
Great Eagle - 50 points
Great Eagle - 50 points

Total Rare: 300 points


6x War Lions – 96 points

Total Magic & Monsters: 96 points

So you can see the final total, as revealed by Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant is:

9,274 points

Which breaks down as:

LORDS: 26.2%
HEROES: 19.5%
CORE: 19.0%
SPECIAL: 32.0%
RARE: 3.3%
MAGIC & MONSTERS: Additional 1.0%

Comparing that to the results reveals that the winner is:

Blotthrower – 6,994 points (2,280 under)
Craig M – 9,001 points (273 under)
DarkStalker – 8,990 points (284 under)
Dave – 9,364 points (90 over)
Fatolaf – 8,998 points (276 under)
Meals – 8,476 points (798 under)
Roland Murat – 8,000 points (1,274 under)
Steve H – 7,845 points (1,429 under)
TkaiC – 8,787 points (577 under)

Some excellent guesses there in the first place, but the winner is clearly Dave!

Congratulations Dave, you win a drawing of an army of your choice courtesy of our resident six-year old artist so please post on this thread what your choice is.

For those of you interested, I explored a couple of army selections with the High Elves and found maxing out all the magic items gives me a total army size of 10,247 points. Sadly due to the small number of units in the High Elf Core section, and my large collection of expensive characters I can't actually select a legal army using every one of my models. Guess I need a couple more hundred Spearmen?

89.7 – Get In Touch

Of course this blog isn't just about me and the team prattling away, we need your input to:

  • How amazing I am
  • Thoughts on Ultramarine colour scheme
  • Army for the Six Year Old Artist to draw
  • Terrain thoughts

Remember you can follow me on Twitter @ProByNumbers where after last week's White Dwarf fun, this week I've managed to get a retweet from another member of the White Dwarf team.

In fact my amusing comment to Ol: "As the old Chinese proverb says 'Never judge a model by it's poorly photographed leaked White Dwarf photo'." managed to get an amazing 10 retweets – slowly but surely becoming a Twitter celebrity. Annoyingly I added a rogue apostrophe in "its" during my moment of fame. My mother would strongly disapprove.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


1. You're amazing
2. They're blue, sounds like ultramarines to me!
3. Army - I considered skaven so would get my money's worth with 300 odd rats but decided that was cruel. Instead I'll go for some nightmare inducing undead in the form of tomb kings. Lets see those big monsters!
4. The garden of morr kit is awesome value and gives loads of bits to play with.

Thankee, top notch stuff but still dubious about the existence of mr shakey shakey. Plays with awfully Matt like lists with 2x big glade rider units and unformed skirmishers!


Wow.  That high elf army is amazing.  Gives you that (brief) moment of insanity when you think, yeah, why don't I have a fully painted army pushing 10,000 points?  Everyone should have one!