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On the art of rolling 1s

Started by roland murat, July 02, 2012, 09:33:04 pm

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roland murat

Its been a whole since I posted any of my random, pointless mutterings on here so now is a good opportunity to waste everyone's time with an update. So what is going on?

With the questing on hold for now I'm using the time to paint up a figure to represent my mighty mage Helmut Goldstriver or, as he is better known, Yo-Yo. I was going to buy the Empire Wizard kit and dream up a suitable conversion until I saw its cost; which is nothing short of silly. So the Heroquest Wizard with a new paint job will have to do. He is going ok so far but it is early days.

Christmas has come and gone. I was lucky enough to get a Dacian Warhost and some Mongol horse archers which i intend to use for my 'counts as' high elves. So its a bit of a shame that the rumours for the forthcoming 9th ed indicate it might change quite radically. Well at least I still have my WotR Empire to finish off having failed to finish them in time for the tale of OG Gamers.

I was thinking about going to the tournie in Croydon in April to make my début at a big event and see what all the fuss is about. But it clashes with Salute so I'll be going to that instead. So this year will probably be much like the last one. I'll try out some board games, get smashed at warhammer whilst flitting between various projects and trying to learn a new system nobody else plays - SAGA anyone? Anyone? Alright then, just me.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

Good stuff Dan

I see your show made the papers
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

A questing we shall go

It had taken far longer than he had expected but Helmut and his colleagues had finally recuperated from their subterranean adventures. Helmut had spent as much time as he could studying ancient tomes to expand his knowledge; cutting a strange, somewhat dejected figure sat in the library swathed in bandages.

The gods alone knew what the others had been up to. Weapons training hopefully, but more likely drinking and getting hit by carts. Still the time would soon be nigh and the brave band would be able to set out once more in pursuit of gold and glory.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

A questing we shall go

It was a funny old session really. It all started with Yo-yo living up to his name and getting battered to the floor; getting up; rinse; repeat.

And then it changed. From being a human punch bag Helmut started to fight back. Cutting down black orcs and goblins galore Pip's dwarf - who is normally an absolute beast in combat - stood in shock as he watched colleague lead the charge. Finally, covered in gore, Helmut found the group politics had changed. Was that fear lurking in the dwarf's eyes? What was that funny smell coming from the wardancer? Whatever the answers might have been the group had a new leader and he had lightning bolts firing from his fingertips
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

A questing we shall go

It must be tough for Thangrim. The only survivor of the original party he was a combat beast, the one everyone looked to to keep us alive. And then it changed.

Helmut learnt how to fight and cast some useful spells that did more than heal people. Andy the Wardancer worked out that funky breakdance thing where he spins on his head, and kills things. So the role of the dwarf is changing. No longer the leader, but still a tank Thangrim is clearly getting frustrated by the rise of those around him. Frustration that led to him attacking the wardancer only for Helmut to put him on the naughty step by making him levitate until he promised to behave.

These are dark times; not made easier by Helmut's desire to start imprisoning souls in random gems to try and sell for a whopping profit. Will the party push on to glory and riches? Will they kill each other? Only time will tell.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

I got a game of warhammer in yesterday, my first for ages. With the club practice event just around the corner it was nice to knock off some of the rust and blimey was there a lot. I knew I was playing Dan so most likely I'd be facing a sub-optimal O&G list which meant I could also take some fun stuff.

I made far too many mistakes to recount here but I really messed up when it came to manoeuvring. This was probably the main factor in my crushing defeat but seeing my cannon and Inner circle knights fail spectacularly didn't help.

When it comes to using the battle to work out how to use my army realistic learning points are few and far between - I doubt I'll ever take a unit of 30 archers again for example. And yes I did know that was a rubbish choice when I did it. Overall it was a game to get a feel for the mechanics of the game again and, hopefully, get the really bad mistakes out of my system; something I know is a forlorn hope.

It will soon be time to turn to choosing my army for the end of the month and try, in the words of my old fencing team captain, not to suck.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Take Chaos Mike, and shove it in face  :analprobe:

roland murat

Quote from: Idiotproof Dalek on March 09, 2015, 08:36:55 pm
Just call me Sub Optimal Dan. Feels a tad insulting lol...

Obviously I didn't intend it that way - do you prefer Fluffy Dan?
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


But if you go with Sub Optimal Dan you get SOD which is pretty great.

roland murat

I saw that too - just didn't fancy pointing it out
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!