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The War of King Ogbert's Crown - WFB Campaign

Started by Pip, October 26, 2013, 12:35:56 pm

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October 26, 2013, 12:35:56 pm Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 08:48:08 pm by Pip
King Ogbert is dead.

His people disagree on what killed him. Some say old age, some say a dish of spoiled meat at his birthday banquet. One thing on which the king's five closest advisers all agree is that the five stab-wounds in his back had nothing to do with his death. "He was like that when we got here," said the Grand Vizier.

Now the border princedom of Ogfort awaits the coronation of Ogbert's son, Ogfried the Simple. A feeble-witted boy of six years, Ogfried's reign is anticipated to be long and prosperous - after all, his father's privy council stand ready to assist and advise the young king.

However, from over the Worlds' Edge Mountains a new threat arises. Ogbert's illegitimate daughter, Oggalyn the Dread, has returned from exile to claim her father's throne. She marches at the head of a mercenary army, stitched together from the bloodiest warlords of the Dark Lands. By the laws of Ogfort, the domain belongs to her half-brother - but law has never meant much in the Border Princes.

Now mercenaries of all stripes flock to the region, in anticipation of the war to come. Unknown to many of them, Ogfort castle is built on the site of a ring of elven waystones. Whoever controls it controls the flow of magic in the region - and so the stage is set for war on a scale the inhabitants of Ogfort have never yet seen.

Who will claim the crown of Ogfort? The answer is up to you.

Alright, welcome to the campaign thread proper!

This will be a tree campaign, with 5 rounds. I am looking for an even number of players (obviously), which we will split into two teams - Team Ogfried and Team Oggalyn.

Note that these are not "Team Good" and "Team Evil" - any army can join any team. The only thing you have to worry about on that front is the final multiplayer battle - we will be using the alliance rules, and you may find yourself sharing table space with an army with whom your men don't get along!

Below are the sign-up lists for the two teams. You're free to volunteer for whichever team you please, but if I think I see too much of an imbalance of Warhammer skillz between the teams I will do some redistribution. Be warned!

Team Ogfried
1. Matt - HE or WoC
2. Pete - DoC
3. Jack - WoC
4. Pip - Lizardmen

Team Oggalyn
1. Edd H. - Empire
2. Glenn - O&G
3. Sam - WoC
4. Tom H - Brets

To avoid subconscious bias, I will drop myself into the last team that needs a space filling. I don't necessarily expect that we make it to twelve entrants - just that we get an even number! A multiple of 4 is best, though, for reasons you'll see below.

Campaign Rules

Army Selection
  • In this campaign, you write one 3,600pt list. This is your Master Roster. It may not be changed throughout the campaign.
  • Each round will call for lists of different points values. You must construct your list each round from units chosen - unaltered - from your Master Roster.
  • You must nominate one character in your Master Roster to be your Warlord. When he is present on the field, this character must always be the general of your forces.
  • Wizards are rare and precious in the Border Princes. To represent this, you may have no more than one wizard of Level 3 or above in your Master Roster.
  • Ogfort is too insignificant to attract the attention of the Warhammer World's greatest heroes. To represent this, Special Characters may not be fielded.
  • Apart from these two restrictions, there is no comp - if you need tournament-level comp to keep your list friendly, you're not getting the idea of this campaign!
  • The one exception to the unalterable nature of the Master Roster is that certain choices may be added as rewards for team victories in certain scenarios.
  • Character names and army fluff are encouraged! Why is your army in the Border Princes, and why has it chosen the side it has?

  • Each round, the two teams will divide themselves evenly into two groups: Vanguard and Rearguard.
  • Team Oggalyn's Vanguard group will then be paired against Team Ogfried's Rearguard group, vice versa. Each of these two groups will play different scenarios: for example, Oggalyn's Vanguard and Ogfried's Rearguard might play Blood and Glory, while Ogfried's Vanguard and Oggalyn's Rearguard play Battle for the Pass.
  • Vanguard armies will usually be on the attack, and Rearguard armies will usually be defending.
  • Looking at overall wins and losses, I will determine which team won each mission. If one team won both missions, or won one and tied another, that team wins the round. If each team won one of the missions, then the round is tied.
  • We then move to the next round according to which team won or lost. This is illustrated in the chart below.

The chart is colour-coded.
White arrow: Team Ogfried wins.
Grey arrow: Draw.
Black arrow: Team Oggalyn wins.

In rounds 2-4, the scenario on the left of each box is played by Ogfried's Vanguard against Oggalyn's Rearguard, and the scenario on the right is played by Ogfried's Rearguard against Oggalyn's Vanguard.

(This can be seen written above the boxes: Team Ogfried are called the "Defenders" (DV and DR) and Team Oggalyn the "Attackers" (AV and AR))

Round 4 is a bonus round - its scenarios will have rewards for the winning team that carry over to the final multiplayer battle in Round 5.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]As mentioned in the Army Selection section, I am hoping to bring some narrative elements into this campaign. Named characters, units etc. are encouraged, as are narrative battle reports and campaign diaries. Matt was saying a while back that this board seemed a bit dead except for game bookings recently - let's liven it up a bit! Maybe we'll give out prizes (pints) out at the end for the most characterful/entertaining general.

In addition to this, I will be making a map of the kingdom that will work as a kind of 'progress meter' for the two sides. It won't have any tactical applications; it'll just be a shiny way of showing who's winning.

Finally, I think I'm going to take a shot at making Ogfried and Oggalyn minis for the final battle (no promises, mind!). If anyone else wants to join in the fun  (taking one of these two off my hands, or making one of Ogfried's treacherous councillors, or any other appropriate campaign minis), I will make sure your work gets used![/spoiler]

Each round will last two weeks - that's four game nights over which to fit in your game. It will be your responsibility to organise your own games and report their results. If for any reason you can't make any of the game nights in one round, it's your responsibility to organise a substitute player to stand in for you.

I'll be appointing a "scribe" for each team to chase people up, make sure the results are reported, and watch that the other side isn't cheating! Whether you want to also make these people the team leaders is up to you. Sam and Matt, I believe you were volunteering for organising duties...?

Each round will last two weeks - that's four game nights over which to fit in your game. It will be your responsibility to organise your own games and report their results. If for any reason you can't make any of the game nights in one round, it's your responsibility to organise a substitute player to stand in for you.

I'll be appointing a "scribe" for each team to chase people up, make sure the results are reported, and watch that the other side isn't cheating! Whether you want to also make these people the team leaders is up to you. Sam and Matt, I believe you were volunteering for organising duties...?


October 26, 2013, 02:12:04 pm #1 Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 03:02:47 pm by Pip
Just a quick note I forgot - if anyone feels they're likely to have trouble making a 3,600pt list from their collection for their master roster, please let me know. That number can be freely scaled to get what's best for everyone.

Anyway, sign-up is open! Please post your name (if I don't know it already), what army book you'll be using, and what team you'd prefer to join.


In with WoC for either team. As I said happy to deal with any organisational duties


Count me in with the Empire army of Baron Adolphus von Uberkampf on the side of Oggalyn the Dread.

(I assume were allowed to run armies that aren't fully painted?).

Edd H



Benevolent Tzeentch has taken an interest in Ogfort and will be sending a Lord of Change to help bring prosperity and happiness to the region.

I'm happy to bat for either side - preferably with the defenders, I think (the LoC emissary is going to be bringing the Rock of Inevitability to commission lots of wonderful new buildings for Ogfort, so defending seems like the more obvious choice, but it could work either way).

But if there's anyone playing with a mostly Nurgle army I'd request to be on the other side. My list is a mix of Tzeentch, Slaneesh and Khorne so I'll probably come up with a narrative reason beyond 'I'm not a fan of the models'. :-)

I'm away for a few more days so I'll finalise my list and narrative stuff later in the week - do you want to keep everything in this thread, or should we each try to maintain our own?


We'll look into putting up team threads for rosters and fluff once we have our full list of participants. In the meantime, I guess I'd suggest keeping it on your hard drive until those threads go up.


Da Orcs 'n' Goblins of the purple finga tribe will ransack whatever you put in there way.

Count me in



Quote from: Pip on October 26, 2013, 12:35:56 pm
I'll be appointing a "scribe" for each team to chase people up, make sure the results are reported, and watch that the other side isn't cheating! Whether you want to also make these people the team leaders is up to you. Sam and Matt, I believe you were volunteering for organising duties...?

I'm in with either Warriors of Chaos or High Elves, depending on what is preferred to balance the fluff etc. More than happy to help with duties - writing and shouting at people my specialist skills!!  :thumbsup:

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Excellent. I pencilled Sam in for Team Ogfried, so I'll make you chief scribe and chaser-upper for Team Oggalyn if that's alright Matt.

Between myself and Matt, we now have six players signed up. I'd really like a minimum of eight; twelve would be ideal but eight should be plenty. Once we have a couple more we can get started!