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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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That BSB looks awesome, you've really got flames down well, a really nice effect.

Seems like you've been on a real streak with the painting, dunno if you find it helps to be working on a couple of different armies or if that's just coincidence?

If I were to pick one model for critique (by which you can tell I'm going to) it would be the daemon prince, the horrors look ace but the big guy himself looks a bit flat.  Perhaps taking the wings up with an brighter highlight for some further contrast would do it for me.  Those big expanses of flesh really need some extra love to get the same effect as a smaller fig.

All in though great stuff, also like your bronze/gold metals on the WoC, what's the technique?


Quote from: Dave on October 03, 2011, 09:56:51 am
That BSB looks awesome, you've really got flames down well, a really nice effect.

Seems like you've been on a real streak with the painting, dunno if you find it helps to be working on a couple of different armies or if that's just coincidence?

Cheers, I find just lots of colours for flames works, and avoid going too red! Maybe I should try magical green or blue flame one time but not sure that would work out so well!

I find different armies do help with breaking it up so it's not so monotonous - though in fairness nearly all these characters were nearly done before this weekend so this post has probably implied a level of speed that isn't actually accurate!

Quote from: Dave on October 03, 2011, 09:56:51 am
If I were to pick one model for critique (by which you can tell I'm going to) it would be the daemon prince, the horrors look ace but the big guy himself looks a bit flat.  Perhaps taking the wings up with an brighter highlight for some further contrast would do it for me.  Those big expanses of flesh really need some extra love to get the same effect as a smaller fig.

I know what you mean, I think he looks a bit better in the flesh than the photo, but I may have overwashed slightly! I'll see what the opinion is when he pops up in the club tonight, maybe some extar highlights would help (I'm sure that'd be fine over varnish, probably?!)

Quote from: Dave on October 03, 2011, 09:56:51 am
All in though great stuff, also like your bronze/gold metals on the WoC, what's the technique?

Cheers there's two golds a darker and a lighter one:

The darker one (which is the same as the High Elf one) is basecoat of Tin Bitz, then completely covered in Shining Gold, wash with Gryphonne Sepia, then highlight with 5:1 Shining Gold : Mithril Silver (find you only need a bit of Mithril Silver to lighten the gold), and then a pure highlight of Mithril Silver (though I only bother with this on characters). This is used on the beak of the Pink Horror and the centre of the arrow on the Daemon Prince's barding.

The lighter one (used on the armour plates on the thighs of the Daemon Prince) is exactly the same swapping the Shining Gold for Burnished Gold. Though my tip if you want to use both on the same model is not to wash them all with Gryphonne Sepia at the same time, as it's being like sort black and navy socks in trying to work out which were Shining Gold and which were Burnished Gold!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


WTF is that? Seriously creepy!

Just caught up on the blog buddy, some stirling work, LOVE the Prince, must see him up close...


Quote from: fatolaf on October 04, 2011, 03:55:29 pm
WTF is that? Seriously creepy!

I know you can imagine how scared I was when I returned to my cabin!

Quote from: fatolaf on October 04, 2011, 03:55:29 pm
Just caught up on the blog buddy, some stirling work, LOVE the Prince, must see him up close...

Cheers man, you missed him last night hacking away through some Mournfang Cavalry (with the help of some Chaos Knights) and an Ironblaster. Sadly the rest of my army was getting butchered elsewhere, but you know them's the breaks!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Update 18 – Monday 10th October 2011: Is Anybody Out There?

First up big thanks for all the responses and suggestions to what hobby projects I should work on next (as mentioned last week) really valued every comment. Oh wait a minute... there weren't any, not one! And I thought a picture of third edition Talisman would definitely make some of you more excited than Bruno Tonioli judging Strictly Come Dancing.

You now sometimes I wonder if anyone is actually reading? Am I just speaking to myself? Is this blog just like bipolar disorder being acted out over the internet?

Well I've thought of a good way to test if anyone actually is paying attention, the rest of the post will be a false post, very similar to a usual weekly post but with a few red herrings let's see if anyone is eagle-eyed enough to notice and spot anything amiss. Then we'll know the devastating truth.

First up I have to insert a couple of paragraphs of blabbering on about nothing, so here goes:

Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah bleurrgh, High Elves, blah blah.  Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah bleurrgh, Shakeaway, blah blah. Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah bleurrgh, moaning, blah blah. Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah bleurrgh, children's television, blah blah. Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah bleurrgh, Warriors of Chaos, blah blah. Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah bleurrgh, blah de blah, blah blah blah LEGO, blah blah. Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah bleurrgh, for God's sake, blah blah. 

Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah bleurrgh, What's In the Box?, blah blah.  Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah bleurrgh, Beastmen, blah blah. Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah bleurrgh, blah de blah, blah blah blah Dreadfleet, blah blah.  Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah bleurrgh, bloody X Factor, blah blah.  Blah blah blah, blah de blah blah bleurrgh, vomit, blah blah.  Blah blah blah, blah bleurrgh, still sodding single, blah blah.  Blah blah blah, blah de blah, blah blah blah blah de blah, blah blah blah blah de blah, blah blah blah  bleurrgh, and maybe some painting, blah blah. 

And of course we need a picture of what I've been doing this week:

Obviously this is a false photo I'd never go into sblended the bitter rival brand to Shakeaway.

Up next we need a joke, here's a good one I heard: "What do you call a woman with two c**ts?"

Answer: N-Dubz

Again clearly false, because A) it's funny, B) I'd never use such rude language and C) I don't know who N-Dubz are.

And finally what have I been painting this week? Well this week I've painted this wall:

For anyone hoping to copy this I mainly used Frosted Dawn from the Dulux paint range. I had to use a small brush to get round the central heating control panel.

There the cunning trap is laid, a post so similar to normal that only someone with a super intellect would spot it's not real.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: cunningmatt on October 10, 2011, 08:51:43 am
High Elves, ...Warriors of Chaos, ... Beastmen,
Cool, sounds like a productive week having done some more work on all your armies.

What happened with the Talisman project, decided to put it on hold till you get the WoC up to a reasonable size?

I've not tried the dulux range, or foundry or P3 for that matter, what's the coverage like?


Good painting update matt, look forward to seeing it finished. You going to try some NMM on the wall?

Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?


Who knew this blog could be so useful. Prior to reading it I thought that Sblended was some type of sugar replacement thingy whereas infact it is some type of shakeaway replacement thingy. Both inferior to the original product but useful when you're totally desperate I assume.
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."


Nice Wall, love the highlights....

Rob Maley