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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Quote from: Angelus Mortifer on September 20, 2014, 11:14:14 pm
You're just a painting machine... excellent stuff :cool3:

Cheers I don't feel like a painting machine - always seems to take me forever, certainly compared to people who buy something on day of release and paint it that day!! Think my main strength is sticking with a project though!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 137 Sorry For Any O-Fence Monday 22nd September 2014

137.1 Tale of OG Gamers: Tzeentch Warriors – Week 15

Last time on Procrastination by Numbers... <INSERT TENSE MUSIC>. I painted Stage 1 of my Chimera... and that literally was it. <END TENSE MUSIC>.

This week I've painted Stage 2. The excitement is literally non-existent. Although one of my Chimera's heads did try and gain independence from the other two. The avian head felt that the tail head, that is in control, is located so far away from it as to be irrelevant. The avian head threatened that should it gain independence it would ask the tail head to remove its poison storage sacks located in the avian region. But the tail head repeatedly asked the avian head what it would use for teeth as the rest of the Chimera would no longer let it use its teeth if there was independence. After a lot of squabbling amongst the heads the avian head decided not to go independent provided if could have extra powers from the tail head and no longer had to be next to the lizard head!

Despite all that I managed to get Stage 2 painted, the main detail of note being I added some stripes which don't (yet) look s**t. Give it time.

137.2 Chimera Painting Guide – Stage 2

Base: Baneblade Brown
Rocks: Drybrush Tausept Ochre
Horns and Teeth: Wash Nuln Oil
Flesh: Wash Agrax Earthshade, then add Scorched Brown stripes
Wing Undersides: Wash Agrax Earthshade
Feline Fur: Wash Agrax Earthshade
Avian Feathers: Wash Agrax Earthshade
Tongue: Layer 1:1 Liche Purple/Tentacle Pink, then layer 1:3 Liche Purple/Tentacle Pink
Feline Flesh: Wash Agrax Earthshade
Beak: Wash Reikland Fleshshade, then Gryphonne Sepia
Khorne Shield: Layer 1:1 Khorne Red/Blood Red, then layer Blood Red
Khorne Metal: Dwarf Bronze

137.3 Matty's Terraining Guide

In order to help the Chimera heads get their own personal space I also managed to paint up this set of Citadel Walls and Fences as part of my personal battlefield terrain project. One of my Hobby New Year's Resolutions this year was to paint up three pieces of terrain - I'm currently counting the walls as one, but if things go tits up later in the year I may count all the fences individually!

My favourite detail of these is the Goblin head hidden under the log - though think I need to get better at painting Greenskins. Sadly these are no longer available from GW, but if you have a kit kicking around I'd really recommend getting them painted up. I'm the slowest painter in the world but found these really quick to get good looking results on. Once I'd got the basecoat on even my rather laborious painting style gave way to multiple washes and drybrushes. Just in case you feel inspired (you won't) here's the painting guide.

137.4 Walls and Fences Guide

Walls and Fences Painting Guide – Stage 1

Base: Steel Legion Drab
Wicker Fence: Steel Legion Drab
Stone Wall: Charadon Granite
Wooden Fence: 1:1 Bestial Brown/Fortress Grey
Trees: Charadon Granite
Rocks: Charadon Granite
Skulls: Steel Legion Drab
Silver Metal: Boltgun Metal
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Vines and Grass: Catachan Green
Lantern Strap: Scorched Brown
Goblin: Knarloc Green, then wash Thraka Green
Bird: Bestial Brown

Walls and Fences Painting Guide – Stage 2

Base: Baneblade Brown
Wicker Fence: Wash Agrax Earthshade
Stone Wall: Drybrush Tausept Ochre
Wooden Fence: Drybrush 1:2 Bestial Brown/Fortress Grey, then drybrush Fortress Grey
Trees: Wash Nuln Oil
Rocks: Drybrush Tausept Ochre
Skulls: Wash Nuln Oil
Silver Metal: Wash Agrax Earthshade
Gold Metal: Shining Gold
Vines and Grass: Highlight Goblin Green
Lantern Strap: Wash Nuln Oil
Goblin: Layer Goblin Green
Bird: Drybrush Snakebite Leather

Walls and Fences Painting Guide – Stage 3

Base: Drybrush Ushabti Bone
Wicker Fence: Drybrush Baneblade Brown
Stone Wall: Selectively drybrush Gretchin Green (towards base), then drybrush Astronomacian Grey
Wooden Fence: Wash Agrax Earthshade
Trees: Selectively drybrush Gretchin Green
Rocks: Selectively drybrush Gretchin Green (towards base), then drybrush Astronomacian Grey
Skulls: Layer Baneblade Brown, then layer Rakarth Flesh
Silver Metal: Highlight Chainmail
Gold Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
Vines and Grass: Drybrush Camo Green
Lantern Strap: Highlight Scorched Brown
Goblin: Highlight 1:1:1 Goblin Green/Golden Yellow/Ushabti Bone
Bird: Drybrush Bubonic Brown

Walls and Fences Painting Guide – Stage 4

Base: Flock with Scorched Grass and Glade Grass
Wicker Fence: Drybrush Ushabti Bone
Stone Wall: Wash odd Stones Gryphonne Sepia or Agrax Earthshade or Reikland Fleshade, then drybush Skull White, then wash recesses Nuln Oil
Wooden Fence: Drybrush Ushabti Bone
Trees: Drybrush 1:1 Codex Grey/Graveyard Earth
Rocks: Drybush Skull White, then wash recesses Nuln Oil
Skulls: Highlight Ushabti Bone
Silver Metal: DONE
Gold Metal: Highlight 5:1 Shining Gold / Mithril Silver
Vines and Grass: DONE
Lantern Strap: Highlight Bestial Brown
Goblin: Highlight Ushabti Bone
Bird: DONE

137.5 Get In Touch

If this week's blog caused you offence, get it o-fence - sometimes I think I'm just too funny! Then do get in touch and let me know either here by replying or on Twitter @ProbyNumbers - hopefully more Chimera to follow next week!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

Angelus Mortifer

Excellent scenery, I like (need a Borat smiley on this forum).
"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to take us to victory, and wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father - Sanguinius holds it all." Horus


Quote from: Angelus Mortifer on September 23, 2014, 11:11:07 am
Excellent scenery, I like (need a Borat smiley on this forum).

Thank you kindly! Touch plastic fence, more to follow!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 138 Finishing Flapping About Monday 29th September 2014

138.1 Tale of OG Gamers: Tzeentch Warriors – Week 16

Welcome back dear reader, this week is probably the most exciting week there has ever been. For I, mere mortal Matty the Painter, have finished my September painting before the month has ended. Whoop de whoop!!

And even more exciting than that, as if that were even possible, I have finally completed my Manticore - the one I bought in 2011? And last mentioned in Update 126!

Last time we saw the Manticore he was awaiting some water effects on the base. These are now done and dry!

The base is supposed to represent a babbling stream travelling through the semi frozen wasteland that my Warriors army is based in. The stream is made up of two layers of water effects, then I've used a tiny amount of watered down Skull White to pick out the wave crests to give the impression of some spray.

The Manticore is magnetised, my new favourite technique. So in the unlikely event that I ever play a Storm of Magic game (does that still exist?), or the more likely event that the rider dies - I can have a riderless mount. Alternatively either the Chaos Lord or Sorcerer Lord can ride the Manticore - not magnetised in this case, just a good fit in the kit!

Of course the Manticore was just a bonus model. This month was really all about the Chimera.

I'm really pleased with the markings and skin tone which came out a lot better than expected. And of course the multiple mouths which is all down to a brilliant wash tip I picked up (see Stage 4 of the painting guide). And as previously alluded to the wreckage of a rival Khorne war band is strewn across his base, which ties him into the rest of my army - despite the lack of overt Tzeentchynessness (it is a word).

138.2 Chimera Painting Guide – Stages 3-4

Chimera Painting Guide – Stage 3

Base: Drybrush Ushabti Bone
Rocks: Selectively Drybrush Gretchin Green, then drybrush Astronomican Grey
Horns and Teeth: Highlight Baneblade Brown, then Rakarth Flesh
Flesh: Layer watered down Camo Green, then layer 1:1 Camo Green/Rotting Flesh. Layer stripes 1:1 Scorched Brown/Bestial Brown, then layer Bestial Brown
Wing Undersides: Layer Iyanden Darksun, then drybrush 1:1 Iyanden Darksun/Bubonic Brown
Feline Fur: Drybrush Dark Flesh, then drybrush 1:1 Dark Flesh/Bestial Brown
Avian Feathers: Drybrush Scorched Brown, then drybrush 1:1 Scorched Brown/Graveyard Earth
Tongue: Layer Tentacle Pink, then 3:1 Tentacle Pink/Skull White
Feline Flesh: Layer Tallarn Flesh, then layer 1:1 Tallarn Flesh/Kommando Khaki
Beak: Layer Balor Brown
Khorne Shield: Highlight 1:1 Blood Red/Wild Rider Red, then highlight Wild Rider Red
Khorne Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia, then Highlight 5:1 Dwarf Bronze/Mithril Silver

Chimera Painting Guide – Stage 4

Base: Flock with Scorched Grass and Citadel Snow
Rocks: Drybrush Skull White, then wash Nuln Oil in recesses
Horns and Teeth: Highlight Ushabti Bone, then 1:1 Ushabti Bone/Skull White
Flesh: Highlight Rotting Flesh, then wash Seraphim Sepia. Layer stripes Snakebite Leather, then wash Seraphim Sepia
Wing Undersides: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
Feline Fur: Drybrush Bestial Brown, then wash Seraphim Sepia
Avian Feathers: Dryrbrush Graveyard Earth, then wash Seraphim Sepia
Tongue: Highlight Skull White, then wash 1:1:1 Agrax Earthshade/Leviathan Purple/Thraka Green
Feline Flesh: Highlight Kommando Khaki, then wash Seraphim Sepia
Beak: Highlight 1:1 Ushabti Bone/Balor Brown
Khorne Shield: Wash Bloodletter, then highlight Mithril Silver
Khorne Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver

138.3 Get in Touch

So with my monsters painted what does next month hold? Well you'll just have to come back next week. Until then Twitter @ProbyNumbers is the place to be largely ignored by me! Until next week...

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Really nice stuff, very varied in colours as well. Quick Question, what varnish are you using to keep them from getting chipped? I'm not exactly sure what to go for, so many different types and people opinions.



Quote from: Berimbolo on October 01, 2014, 09:24:37 pm
Really nice stuff, very varied in colours as well. Quick Question, what varnish are you using to keep them from getting chipped? I'm not exactly sure what to go for, so many different types and people opinions.


Sorry forgot to reply to your question! I tend to use Citadel Matt Varnish (not just as it has my name on it), but it works for me. I use a light dusting and am careful about applying it - unless you can spray in a sheltered area, you don't want too much heat, cold or wind (and obviously no rain). Which basically means I can't varnish again until April!!! Worth having a ruler to hand to make sure you keep the can 30cm away (without you don't realise how much you move about), and then just a light dusting from all four directions and the top. Pretty resistant for plastic and Finecast models though I do get the odd metal chip. Others may have better advice, but that's what I do!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: cunningmatt on October 09, 2014, 07:42:21 pm
Worth having a ruler to hand to make sure you keep the can 30cm away

There's being careful...and there's being a bit too careful.  Having said that, most of my metal minis get chipped so I may break out the ruler for the next batch!
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 139 Ogre Conversions Monday 13th October 2014

139.1 Tale of OG Gamers: Tzeentch Warriors – Weeks 17-18

Sorry there was no blog last week, but hey I'm busy, give me a break!

Regular readers will know that back in September I finished off the next month's worth of models for my Warriors of Chaos army. It was the Chimera and the Manticore, which makes my army look textually like this:

Chaos Sorcerer    Lord      235 points
+ Mark of Tzeentch      15 points
+Manticore         150 points
+Magic Items         50 points
450 points

LORDS: 450 points

20x Foresaken         380 points
+ Mark of Tzeentch      20 points
400 points

Chaos Chariot         110 points
+ Mark of Tzeentch      10 points
120 points

CORE: 520 points

Gorebeast Chariot      130 points
+ Mark of Tzeentch      10 points
140 points

Chimera         230 points
+ Flaming Breath      30 points
+ Regenerating Flesh      15 points
275 points

SPECIAL: 415 points

TOTAL: 1,385 points

So what is happening this month? Well this month I have decided to add a band of Chaos Ogres to my Tzeentchian war band. The Chaos Ogres don't actually have current models, the old metal ones have A) been discontinued and B) were so awful even I didn't buy them (bare in mind I have four Razogor and the Chaos Troll models). So safe in the knowledge there weren't going to be any new Chaos releases for a while (dam and double dam), I started converting knowing I wouldn't get tempted to buy newer Chaos Ogre models (who knows they could come in the next few weeks).

Having read some of the older background to the Chaos Ogres – the current Warhammer Armies: Warriors of Chaos has virtually nothing on them (as if they were squeezed in and the designers really didn't care about them), I read that Chaos Ogres are supposed to be pretty resistant to the mutating power of Chaos. Try telling the bloke who sculpted these models:

In fairness the blurb then goes on to say that eventually they do mutate but that made the joke less funny. Anyway with that in mind, and to avoid the potential cheesy over the top nature of having heavily mutated models (whilst it can be fun having tentacles everywhere, when modelled well I think there can be a fine line before things get silly), I decided to make my Chaos Ogres look relatively unmutated but as if they'd equipped themselves to join a Chaos war band. Perhaps in the calamity of the End Times they've seen which way the wind is blowing and thrown their lot in with a Tzeentch tribe. Perhaps I need to spend longer thinking of decent background. The good news is that Chaos Ogres can have a Mark of Chaos, unlike pretty much all the other monsterous infantry (Blightknights notwithstanding) so I could go to town Tzeentching these bad boys up! I started out with the Ogre Kingdoms Ironguts kit, mainly as the fact they already came covered in armour plating leant themselves to a Chaos tinge more than the other kits – which could then be painted in my standard Tzeentch bluey-silver and golds. Of course I have gone for Great Weapons because let's be honest they look cool – sod how they play! Due to the horrendous weather at the tail end of last week I nipped out onto my balcony to undercoat these in a gap between showers and thus forgot to take photographs of them pre-Chaos Black undercoat which almost certainly makes my conversions harder to spot. But here goes:

For this Ogre I've added a horn from the Chaos Knight kit to make him a Uni-Ogre, then I added a Chaos Warrior shield to his side arm (instead of the other race's shields supplied in the box), and a chain from the Marauder Horseman kit.

This guy got a pair of horns snipped off a spare Chaos Warrior helmet and a Marauder Horseman spear attached to his belt.

Marauder Shields fit really well in place of the Ogre gut plates as I've done on this chap. He's also got some Marauder Horseman chains on the other side.

This one has a Marauder shield on his shoulder, and then chains and a set of spears attached to him from the Marauder Horseman kit.

This one has another Marauder Horseman spear attached to his back, he has some horns from a Chaos Warrior which are slightly comically small (but I quite like them) and a Chaos Icon strapped to his belt, again from the Chaos Warrior kit.

The Bellower (sadly referred to as a Musician in the Warriors of Chaos Book), has a chain around his neck (from a cheap piece of jewellery I sacrificed for such models) with a skull I've added, and a Marauder shield on his shoulder.

The Ogre Mutant has another Marauder shield for a gut plate and I added Tzeentch symbols from the Foresaken kit onto his wrist bands.

Finally the Standard Bearer, he has a Tzeentch banner from the Blasted Standards kit and a rather precarious looking Pink Horror taking the role of the lookout Gnoblar.

Sadly no paint as yet, though on the plus side I have made the unit a movement tray.

It's a start ok. And with eight monstrous infantry to paint up in the next two weeks I am going to need all the help I can get! If this were the X Factor there would be a montage about how hard this month's performance will be. But it's not, so there isn't.

139.2 Get in Touch

That's it, remember unlike Louis I'm not pleading for your votes but I do need your encouragement on Twitter @ProbyNumbers and on here! Hopefully I will return next week..., maybe!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


That Standard Bearer looks mental, for me it's a bit OOT. One of my best mates works for GWHQ and we were discussing those horrid old Chaos Ogre models giving them a slating then realised that the Designer Trish Morrison was sitting right behind us....