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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Procrastination by Numbers: Update 113 – More than a Chocolate Today Monday 16th December 2013

113.1 Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar

Hopefully you have been enjoying the two weeks and a bit of the annual Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar. The fourth year (Really? God I feel old!) of Warhammer reminiscing .

If you haven't seen it, then where have you been? Reading a better blog have we? You slut! Any way each day features a Warhammer Special Character that has been forgotten. Either they have no rules in their current army book, or maybe they have rules but no character. Or perhaps they are so old they've disappeared altogether. To qualify as a Special Character all you need is at least one special rule. So they'll be a range of characters from army books in the midst of time, forgotten characters in current books, or even those featured solely in the White Dwarf, and a whole lot more besides.

Today's update you should find above this post, and as always we'd love to hear your comments and thoughts upon the calendar. Oh and remember to keep checking back for the remaining 8 days. S**t it's 8 days to Christmas!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!

113.2 Ogfort Battle 2

Back in Updates 111 & 112 you will have seen how Sorcerer Lord Barlow's Tzeentchian army got on in the Battle for Ogfort (representing Team Ogfried). Well it was time for Battle 2, here is Pip's briefing.

With Ogfried's sentries mercilessly despatched, Oggalyn's main force advances on the sleepy town of Ogford. Known only for an exile from the Empire's ill-fated attempt to found a university there, Ogford has never been important to anyone until now.

Crossing the river in the dead of night, Oggalyn's army catches the garrison of Ogford unawares. Waking from their sleep to the sound of warhorns, they must scramble to defend themselves before it is too late.

All was going well, but sadly this week I have been in Washington, the American one (not the one in Sunderland). It's a tough life, but someone has to do it. Which combined with my opponent Glenn being insanely busy at work, has meant that we weren't able to get our game in. As a result it was declared a draw, I am not complaining it's my best result so far in the campaign!!!

Sorcerer Lord Barlow smacked Louis the Sorcerous Imp around the back of the head. They were supposed to be in the town of Ogford. They were supposed to be defending the town from rampaging Orcs & Goblins. Instead Louis had, had the map upside down and God knows where they were. Barlow cursed. Next time he would make sure to lead the forces personally. Blood would be spilled.

I have actually played Battle 3, but haven't got round to typing that up just yet. Fingers crossed I'll get it done shortly.

113.3 Assembling the Warriors of Chaos

Last edition I showed you the vast wealth of Warriors models I assembled in a flurry of activity. Sadly painting work has progressed a teeny bit more slowly. Stupid real life. But I can confirm there is paint on the Warhshrine, I repeat "paint on the Warshrine!" And not just Chaos Black undercoat either, there's some colours!

More excitement to follow soon. Hopefully.

113.4 Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines – Day 14,256

Even the most able doctor had proclaimed my entry to the Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines long dead. But no against the odds it still clings vainly to life, like that old relative whose house you really want to inherit.

After a mammoth painting session I've finally finished an amazing centre piece model which is really going to pump up the points cost of the army and get me back on track. What do you mean a Drop Pod is only worth 35 points? Seriously? I spent fecking ages painting that bloody thing.

Well anyway here's the finished model:

There's a number of little details I'd like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to, and waste your timee even further. No not the frankly ridiculous amount of glowing red lights I painted on the main supports. Seriously it was a lot! No I'm not sure why I bothered.

Ultramarine Transfers

Secondly the Ultramarine transfers, which were kindly donated by Gary from the club.

I managed to pick up the Drop Pod pre-built, second hand from someone who had dropped it from their list (dropped it, get it? Dropped it? No ok). Anyway the point was it didn't come with any transfers. However after my Thundercats style light in the sky beacon on this very forum. Gary kindly presented me with these Letraset transfers which he had created himself.

These are reasonably straight forward to apply. I clean the target area with some 'Ardcoat, and then cut out the chosen transfer.

I then position the transfer, a bit of masking tape can be helpful here (not as helpful as someone to do it for you, but there we go). Be careful as the transfer will reasonably easily stick to the base surface.

With that done the next step is to carefully rub across the surface of the transfer to push the design onto the hull. I used a coffee stirrer for this particular task. It's much like rubbing off a scratch card though without the excitement.

Occasionally  there's a little bit of damage to the transfers but that's easily touched up with some White Scar. Not that I have OCD (ok I do) but the horizontal strokes on the Ultramarine transfers were a little long, I felt, compared to my existing Ultramarine detailing. So I used a little White Scar and Alatoic Blue to tidy them up.

Thanks again to Gary for taking the time to make the transfers, really, really appreciated.

Hazard Stripes

The final specialist task for the Drop Pod was painting the hazard stripes on the sides of the doors. There's something that really amuses about the concept of the hazard stripes. As if the Space Marine health & safety executive has no qualms with blasting it's men from orbit deep into the heart of a pitched battle with unnatural weapons and evil aliens. But while disembarking do mind the slip or trip hazard posed by the doors. That could kill someone.

The only problem with the doors was how would I paint them so the stripes were the same width and angle across all ten door sides? My own neuroses would not allow anything other than perfection. After what seemed like a hundred failed attempts to try marking out the doors with masking tape I hit on a better idea.

From a cereal box I cut out a section of card that would represent each section of stripe - a parallelogram for those playing the mathematical terminology drinking game. I used this as template to cut a load more out.

I then attached these along the edge of each door panel with some white-tac, being sure to make sure they started at the same point along the door each time.

I then removed alternate card pieces

And painted the resulting gaps yellow.

And hey presto when all the pieces are removed the yellow stripes are marked out.

I then tidying up the stripes and highlighted the black and yellow sections as appropriate. The only thing to note here is to remember to reverse the card templates when painting the opposite of the doors. It was actually surprisingly easy, so feel free to give it a go!

113.5 Get in Touch

Just because this isn't an Advent Calendar posting, don't think I am not going to harass you about getting in touch and essentially giving me some affection in my sad and lonely life. Am I selling it?

Feel free to give us your comments, no matter how bad, here. And of course you can follow me on Twitter @ProbyNumbers where this week I've mainly been staring at a blank wall.

Remember to check in tomorrow for Day 17 of the Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 17, 2013, 10:26:13 am #1061 Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 02:46:15 pm by cunningmatt
Procrastination by Numbers: Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Tuesday 17th December 2013

Tick, tock, tick, tock, it's Forgotten Special Character o'clock!

Oh but first do remember there's a proper blog entry above with all the usual trimmings enjoy!

Ok so this is a current character with no model, but what a model it would be, a stonking model of all proportions? Any guesses?

17th December: Lord Mazdamundi

Name: Lord Mazdamundi

Original Points Cost: 620 points – 7th Edition; 780 points – 8th Edition

Background: Everyone hates being made to feel lazy by someone who gets up early at the weekends and gets stuff done. Well Lord Mazdamundi is the Lizardman equivalent. A Slann who believes there is no point diving the Old Ones plan until all the lesser races have been forced back to the original instructions. Whether they agree or not. And what better way to encourage them than by trampling them under a giant dinosaur!

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen – 5th Edition, and after missing the 6th Edition book returned in 7th Edition, no model currently available.

Last Appearance: N/A – Currently Available.

Special Rules: 7th Edition - Lord Mazadumndi rides a Stegadon! He is a Level 4 mage, he knows the special spell Ruination of Cities. Additionally he carries the Cobra Mace of Mazdamundi (always strikes first, Strength 5, poisoned attack, any hits destroy enemy magic weapons), Sun Standard of Hexoatl (army battle standard).

My Memories of the Character: Everytime I flick through the Lizardmen book I think how amazing the model would look!

Inclusion in 8th Edition: He still features in Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen – 8th Edition, but there's no model.

Stegadon plus Slann Mage Priest minus Howdah and Skinks. Simple?!?!?!?


More madness tomorrow!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Mazdamundi's first appearance wasn't in the 7th Ed book - it was in the 5th Ed book! He's been around for as long as Lizardmen have been an army of their own, he just missed an edition with 6th.


Quote from: Pip on December 17, 2013, 02:39:02 pm
Mazdamundi's first appearance wasn't in the 7th Ed book - it was in the 5th Ed book! He's been around for as long as Lizardmen have been an army of their own, he just missed an edition with 6th.

You have made a very good point. Oops! I shall make the appropriate adjustments!!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Wednesday 18th December 2013

One week to go until the big day! S**T, F**K, B******S there's so much today. Oh well just carry on Procrastinating and read about today's Forgotten Special Character. And hopefully I've got today's character correct!

Deep in the midst of the Warhammer World I've dredged today's Special Character. You'd imagine they'd have an angelic glow, and be surprised to find they don't have a steed. Any ideas?

18th December: The Holy Knight

Name: The Holy Knight

Original Points Cost: 140 points

Background: The Holy Knight has no friends and lives alone defending the chapel Seriene, from the Undead. As no other army would descend upon the Chapel for fear of making friends with The Holy Knight. It is his duty to protect the graves from the Undead and the local council who want to exhume it and put in a car park.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Campaign Pack: The Circle of Blood, model released White Dwarf 211 (July 1997)

Last Appearance: Warhammer Campaign Pack: The Circle of Blood

Special Rules:
The Holy Knight bears the Righteous Hammer, any Undead model struck by the hammer is automatically wounded. Additionally no Undead spell can be targeted anywhere within 6" of The Holy Knight.

My Memories of the Character: Was he in Monty Python? Otherwise no.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: If you take this character and are playing Undead you are cheating, if you take this character and you are not playing Undead you are a moron.

There are so few Bretonnian Character models you cannot make a model for The Holy Knight. It is not possible.


More of this tomorrow. Which is more of a threat than a reminder.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


QuoteThere are so few Bretonnian Character models you cannot make a model for The Holy Knight. It is not possible.

Sez you - think I have the original at home! Although my younger self clipped off the hammer and replaced it with a morning star, because morning stars were obviously cool.


Quote from: Pip on December 18, 2013, 02:48:26 pm
Sez you - think I have the original at home! Although my younger self clipped off the hammer and replaced it with a morning star, because morning stars were obviously cool.

True obviously if you have him or some Bretonnian bits you can. It was more a reference to the fact there are only 4 Bretonnian. Character models currently in production. Three of which are special characters and the other is a set of Damsels, so you'd have a hard time starting from scratch!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: cunningmatt on December 18, 2013, 08:55:12 pmand the other is a set of Damsels

Hey, maybe the Holy Knight likes pretty dresses. It's not for us to judge.


Procrastination by Numbers: Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Thursday 19th December 2013

Bring out the Special Character they cried! So I respond here is your character, enjoy!

Today's Forgotten Special Character lives somewhere hot, they walk on foot, and come from what could be described as a Forgotten Army. What you thinking?

19th December: Lorenzo Lupo

Name: Lorenzo Lupo

Original Points Cost: 225 points – 5th Edition; 300 points – 6th Edition

Background: Lorenzo Lupo is a collector of antiquities, a normal coloured David Dickenson, and a powerful general. Having accidentally eaten a Tesco Lasagne, he prefers to shun the horse and fights on foot with his men.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War – 5th Edition.

Last Appearance: White Dwarf 266 – 6th Edition Rules Update.

Special Rules: Dogs of War 5th Edition: Any unit he fights with gain +1 combat resolution, rolls of to determine whether he gains +1 Strength, Toughness or Attack at the beginning of the game. He has three magic items: Sword of Lucan (ignore non-magical armour saves), Ring of Luccina (Bound Spell, one use only, all fleeing friendly units within 8" rally), Shield of Myrmidia (one close combat opponent loses D3 attacks).

In the 6th edition these were marginally modified mainly to fit the new Warhammer rules.

My Memories of the Character: Dogs of War were weird.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: No. No. No. Dogs of War are dead, I am afraid.


Another character tomorrow if you're lucky, and probably if you're unlucky too!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146