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Annie's Necromantic Wood Elves

Started by Annie, April 01, 2013, 08:26:47 am

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Good Morning Sirs and Madams!

I have a new project, I'm being very ambitious and intend that this swine of an army will get me a least one bloody trophy. So Far I've had my VC army, which I think is prtty good but started without any kind of direction and was so big was hard to keep up enthusiasm to really go those extra miles on the models, and unfortunately for the poor sods I am starting to lose interest in them. The gnome army I stand by is a good peice of painting, and was a great break for me in painting something fresh, and practice planning an army out before I started.

Now I really want to get serious and fully plan this army out, and paint it to as good as my skills will allow. This is why you may not get any photos for a while, basically I was going to do these musing in my diary then remembere I can come here and annoy people with them.

This will be more difficult than the gnomes as I pretty much had a set netlist of models for them, wheras this lot I'm still not entirely sure what I want, I want it to be vaguely able to win a game once a year or so but it will be realy hobby based as I want to use the models that will just look good, so perhaps a bit of everything.



Wood Elves. I still need to 100% refine their theme but so far they are mysterious drow from the forest, led by a witch who is rumoured to have powers most sinister. It is said that when they are nearby, the woodland comes alive in a stomping gnarling frenzy, and gravestones become disressingly displaced...

Before I even touch a paintbrush I need to know what I am doing.

It's hard at the moment as I dont have my wood elf book with me for another couple of weeks so a lot of it is off the top of my head..

Green indcates that I have it, or is en route

Spellweaver - I bought a reaper model for this, from a UK supplier so will be 4-5 weeks, plus whenever I can actually get to that address to pick her up
Eagles - constructs made from mantic zombies(?) kinda tar and feathered
Treeman - from magestic bear
Treekin - probabaly just GW finecast
Glade Guard - normal GW
Wardancers - some form of undead thing, need to ponder
dryads - GW dryads
glade riders - prob just GW glade riders
bsb- metal GW one

That's it really isnt it? Note how much normal GW I am using for once! If I can think of somethin good I can use from the undead range I'd take that mantic section out, depends how much I want to play in a GW... I actually never have but now I'm out an about in this van, it may be an option actually... hrum...

Yeah I really need to ponder the eagles and wardancers, i think they will be a good spot to really have the necromantic theme seen as a lot of it is actually the correct models... all the elf models will be fine as they ae the strange hooded creatures... but I need to have enough units of the weird things around them to really set it...

The dryads and the treeman model I got are really fluid, and the treekin from GW seem really out of place, but I don't know what to use.. I like the raging heros but treeman isnt that huge so he'd be overshadowed by them.. I wonder how easy they would be to make and look good from scratch?

Everything else is just a case for colour scheme...

I want to do all the skin blue, and the glowy eyes from the horses, trees and zombies all that icey blue
The cloaks with be black and purple... I need one more though... might have to go for green... just dont want them too bright... possibly red. Something that will stand out against the skin.. not sure.

Also unsure on my basing, which I always pride myself on, I want to do something diferent, and I really cant start anything until I have this nailed.... ideas or mysterious wood floor? I have a load of treemendous leaves...

I don't want them to be any kind of season themed, just ...dark woods....

Anyway that will do for now, off to look at GW undead stuffs for ideas....


Also if you have any wood elf stuff going spare let me know vi twitter or Ol, I migt not be able to check this that much!

I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!


Skeletons perhaps? I have a lot of those....
I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!


Love the theme Annie, in terms of models, for the Eagle Swamp constructs or even the treekin you could use the Albion Fenbeast?


I've offloaded virtually all my unpainted WE stuff except a unit of Eternal Guard I've not gotten round to painting yet but will have a dig round and see if I've anything I can pass along.

Treekin I've seen some nice scratch builds using branches from the GW tree kits (big trunks are too big for treekin) and dryad parts stuck to them.  Alternatively just use dryads with extra branches stuck on to bulk them out then some clump foliage for additional bulk/size.  I think Chris Fitz did this for his, suspect his old army blog is over on the heelanhammer forums still seeing as since having a kid he's dropped off the warhammer scene I dunno if you'd see them on the table anywhere these days?