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On the art of rolling 1s

Started by roland murat, July 02, 2012, 09:33:04 pm

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roland murat

The Setting Dawn

Tom - this ones for you.

My army got minced last night. Minced. Now I won't blame the codex just yet (although such a great player as me shoulnd never lose right?) but I did learn some things about the new book.

Sadly, I'm not great at building an army straight out of the book. By this I mean it takes me time and experimenting to pick an army I'm happy with as what I think looks good on paper rarely works.

So last night I took this list

Captain - Bike, combi-flamer, power sword

10 Tac - MM, melta
5 Tac - combi-melta, flamer
5 Tac - combi-melta, flamer
Razorback - lascannon
5 Bikes - melta, power fist

4 Assault Centurians
Dread - MM, HF

Redeemer - mm
Storm Raven - mm, ass cannon

My early lessons were:-

The assault centurians are rubbish. Yes they are T5 with 2+ armour but the lack of an invun plus the poor number of attacks they throw out means they just don't hit hard enough and are far to easy to kill. If they hit chaff they will get bogged down but fight something good and they are dead.

Razorback - although not expensive it didn't bring much to the party. Running vulkan/salamanders means meltas are very reliable so the lascannon isn't needed.

Bikes - Probably good at range but can't fight for toffee. A decent option to either be held back to take an objective or go for linebreaker. I'm tempted to drop the 5 man bike unit and the captain to go for 2 three man scout bike squads. Not troops but dirt cheap infiltrators - one of which can have a storm talon attached.

Storm Raven - Good and its powerful missiles will cause problems but its not cheap (points or pounds) and is a heavy support choice. HS has tons of good stuff so slots are at a premium unless I ally with another codex chapter (yep I can ally with myself).

Sarge - Vets are the way forward for any unit likely to see combat. The bonus attack and leadership makes a difference. A normal sarge with a powerfist is pretty poor with 1 attack when not charging.

Stalker- Although it didn't do much against the DOC I still see potential and its ability to take down flyers in addition to its anti- light vehicle capacity makes a good bet in my eyes. Maybe I'm to concerned by warwalkers but I wonder if running two of them is a good idea to replace the double vindi (sad panda though). Outside of OG comp the hunter might be a better choice but with 0-1 flyer I think the extra shots are moore valuable.

I have a game of antasy on Thurs so that give me time to tinker with my list.

Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Interesting read, finally thinking about what to add to my Space Marines inspired by new book - want Centurions, hope they are not a lost cause!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Cheers Mike, enjoyed the update!

Centurions strike me as a lazy loyalist version of Obliterators/Mutilators with similar issues - as heavy weapon carriers they're flexible and can still powerfist in combat, as a close combat choice they're just meh.

I'm going to run a stormraven in my Blood Angels list, with a Death Company dread hanging on to the back.  Was yours carrying troops?
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.

roland murat

It was just rocking the dread. For my dread build its better to come down in a drop pod turn one to try and take down a tank to get first blood.

I've knocked up a new list to try - I'm thinking:-

10 Tac - MM, melta
10 Tac - MM, melta
5 Tac - Vet, fist, flamer

3 Scout Bikes
3 Scout Bikes
Storm Talon - Typhoon

5 Assault termies - TH/SS
Redeemer (transport)


I think rocking the two raiders will give me some staying power and can house some troops to protect them from the massed firepower floating around now. The stalkers should also help deal with things like warwalkers and aircraft which can ruin marines day.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

Clouds will form

Its not been a great week for painting despite not being in the office. However, I have noticed something quite surprising. It turns out after pondering, pontificating and procrastinating I nearly have everything I need for 2,400 points of counts.

It looks quite a lot like this:-

Vamp lord - red fury, quickblood, heavy armour, shield, ogre blade, 4+ ward

Vamp - level 2 (death) heavy armour, add. hand weapon
Wight - BSB, 5+ ward, great weapon
Necromancer - scroll

40 Ghouls - Ghast
5 Dogs
5 Dogs
20 Skellies - Full command

28 Grave guard - Full command, great weapons, banner barrows
5 Hexwraith
5 Hexwraith
2 Spirit Host

4 Cairn Wraith

It all comes up to 2,397 so with a bit of effort this army (or a version thereof) may actually see the field before christmas.

If you have any thoughts, comments, tips or just think I should give up - stick it below
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

Sandros Mill-easy

So not many actual games to comment on recently and painting is progressingly slowly so there is is little to comment on for my gaming projects.

However, I have been working on my MTG decks, plus helping a friend so in order to get some new content on the forum I thought 'd bore my regular reader with this - unless even the last brave sole has finally given up.

I bought a mate of mine the 2014 deck builder at the same time as I got one for myself. For those in know I'm rocking a blue/black mill deck and a red/blue irritate-eveyone-before-dying-horribly deck. I've managed to pick up a few new cards prior to the big Theros release, which will hopefully help, and finally got around to elping my mate build his deck.

He went for a red/green sliver deck. Now I'm trying to convince him to pop down at some point for a game as this deck does seem a bit brutal. But, its only been up aganst my R/B deck. However, its quick (and will get quicker when stuff gets taken out and put into a sideboard). Does anyone have any ideas as to wewhat should go in this type of deck? It may already be there but just in case....
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Quote from: roland murat on September 24, 2013, 12:46:05 pm
...in order to get some new content on the forum I thought 'd bore my regular reader with this - unless even the last brave sole has finally given up.

Nope I'm still here.

I have no idea how MTG works at all, so it mad no sense. But I am still here!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Quote from: cunningmatt on September 25, 2013, 03:10:00 pm
Nope I'm still here.

I have no idea how MTG works at all, so it mad no sense. But I am still here!

Good for you.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

Clouds will form

So the Counts made their long awaited debut last night against warriors. For most the game it was pretty close but the end was result was a convincing defeat.

As it was only the first run out the lessons learnt were limited and I'll stick with the force for a while to work out what steps I want to take next. However, I learnt that:-

1) To make the army work I need to play more warhammer - forgetting most of the magic rules didn't help.
2) I'm still pretty rubbish with light cav - when using 2 hexwraith units I need to think about this more.

Until next time
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


For your mates Red/Green sliver deck, the best bet is to look at Lorraine's Sliver deck when she plays on Thursday, hers is all 5 colours but is about as optimised as you can get...