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WFB End Times - 24000 Game - Pics

Started by anavorn, October 18, 2014, 05:20:41 pm

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(wasn't sure the best place for this, so mods feel free to move it)

So back in September Gareth, Sam, Stevo and I (Edd) gave the End Times rules a run out. Having finally sorted out my photobucket account and uploaded the photos, I thought I'd share them below.

We had 6000 points each, for 12000 a side - played the game over the course of a Saturday giving us ample time to play the game at a leisurely pace, even with copious drink/smoke breaks.

Gareth and Sam ran a Daemon Warrior alliance whilst Steve and I ran Undead and High Elves. I won't run through a list of everything (as there's no way I can recall the full 24k of stuff that was on the table!) but to give a flavour of what was used, we had:

Prince Apophas
2 Star Dragons
About 20 Chariots
Hordes of White Lions, Bloodletters, Plaguebearers, Archers
and of course, the Big Man himself - Nagash.


Army Shot

Inspired by the full army shots on Matt's blog and as it's rare to get 6000 points on the table here's a pic of my full army.

You can also see the cool Nagash which Stevo painted up in the week prior to the game.


Here's the table after deployment. We'd intended to use the big Apoc template as an objective but didn't assign it any points value to it 0]] meaning we probably overcommitted in the centre to no real benefit.

Early Game

Stevo and I threw in multiple charges in the centre but neither of the flanks were looking good.

Left Flank

On this flank the Reavers "take one for the team" and hold off the Beasts and Crushers for a turn to let the archers and Skycutter deal with the Bloodletters on the right of shot.


Originally the Silver Helms, along with a big unit of Chariots, had charged into G's big Crusher unit. This half strength unit of knights was all that survived and it's about to get munched!


This combat between the Bone Giant, Tomb Guard and Plague Toads seemed to go on for the entire game, more units getting thrown in but never quite enough for either side to win decisively.

Nagash himself is staying well out of it. Taken down to 1 wound on the first turn he just managed to survive to the end.

Right Flank

This dragon had it's rider shot off by a Skullcannon (unable to make it's Dragon Armour Ward Save).  :bash;m:

The stack of pennies is a big comet that's about to come crashing down - unfortunately it waited until all the Warriors sat next to it (including Sam's awesome foam wizards) had moved safely out of range.

Mid Game

Although the Elves and Undead are doing well in the centre with the Elven hordes winning multiple combats and Khalida's bowman getting Kairos (seen trying to hide behind a building in the centre of the picture) the forces of Chaos are so strong on the flanks that Gareth feels the need to have multiple pints of Guinness on the go to celebrate the inevitable victory!

End Game

Although Nagash lives to fight another day, most of the army that surrounded him is lost and it's a win to Gareth and Sam and the combined forces of Chaos - boo!

It was a cracking game, played in the right spirit by all - only disappointment was Nagash not being able to get involved (need to teach Steve to roll ward saves!!) but great fun to play this sort of game once in a while.


The Trampoline


Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


Wow that looks amazing! Need to get my life sorted out and get back down to the club - stupid real life. Oh sorry the therapist told me to stop having these breakdowns on the forum!

Hope to see more big games in the club and on the forum!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Looks fun, still not sure on the 50% Lords turning the game into HeroHammer but I really like the Nagash rules and the funness he adds. I need to get my High Elves sorted for a game and obviously get some Undead for raising all over the shop.