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On the art of rolling 1s

Started by roland murat, July 02, 2012, 09:33:04 pm

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How are the crew of HMS Vagabond getting on?

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Sadly I've not been able to get any games in and my time is being taken up by trying to move home/work at the moment so I'm struggling to get to the club. Hopefully i'll have some updates soon
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

So yesterday was my first waaaagh in , literally, yonks. I decide to give the Empire a run out using a list of

Arch Lector - GW, 4+ ward, 2+ armour
Lv 4 (life) 5+ ward

Bsb - Sh, dragonhelm, plate
lv 2 (fire) scroll
Brian - horse, sh, gambler's armour, sword might

10 Inner circle - FC, banner swiftness
40 Halberds - FC
30 SPear - FC
29 Spear - FC

2 cannon
10 Reiksguard - FC, standard discipline


Pre game 1

Now I know the list isn't that good but having seen some of the practice games I was a tad concerned. The amount of powerful toys on show would run over my line pretty easily and my plan was to have lots of banners to target the bonus points.

Game 1

Table 6 vs Amit (DE)

For a good turn or 2 I was in the game. The steam tank did nothing of note other than grinding a handful of witch elves (ooo err matron) and my cannon managed even less. My reiksguard launched a brave charge at a tower only to be brutally cut down by massed firepower and I couldn't stop the cold one bus (the number 42 I think).

An early 24-0 defeat but at least I didn't have to move anything for...

Game 2

Next up came Jono and his back of a fag packet High Elf army. As was becoming traditional the tank did nada but my cannon did managed to kill a bolt thrower - panicking the elven general so he ran closer to my troops buut an eagle stopped me getting in the killer charge.

The reiksguard took on a dragonmage and supporting spearmen  - holding for several turns while I lined up a devastating flank charge. Conveniently they died just before the charge could be launched.

Going into the last turns the game hung in the balance. Brian and the inner circle beat off the general led silver helms causing the elf army to reach its break point but the sword masters in turn mopped them up leaving a tired and nervous halberdier block facing the sword masters.

Brian came to the rescue. Sacrificing himself he drew the swordmasters away - allowing a sneaky flame cage to weaken the ranks. No longer confident of victory they didn't throw in the charge. It ended a draw with the lads from the Empire picking up bonus points for breaking the elves. so 16-10

Game 3

The glorious winning draw meant I climbed the table to face G and his demons. Drat.

Turn 1 saw the skill cannons take 5 wounds of the tank (taking it out of the game) and blowing up a cannon - forcing the other one to panic. At a stroke I had nothing left to hold bank the damned tide. Bravely my knights charged, bounced and charged again. Brian slew a vile herald of nurgle in single combat but one man does not an army make.

The end result was a 19-1 loss with 4 bonus points scored for banners in table quarters. It should have been 20-0 so an overall 23- 5 was pretty flattering.

wot I learnt

The tank is rubbish. Too likely to break down, achieved nothing.
Brian is great - we all know this anyway but its worth re-stating.
State troops lack killing power - again nothing new.

With G talking about sending the OG boys out to tournaments far and wide for the greater glory of the club I need to up my game. An army must be raised that can compete with the filth lists and not just cower in a corner trying not to get beaten up too badly.

Empire are not the way forward. Demigryphs, light councils and...snooze don't do it for me. I'd also not take the dull warriors lists doing the rounds so where does this leave me? I guess its a new build army designed not for fluff but the rubbish concept of 'winning is a theme'. Will I see it through maybe, maybe not.

So, what are your thoughts? Can Brian defect to a different cause (is this even possible)? Is there an army I'm overlooking and could actually get some results from? Or should I just stick to playing with [card]wingsteed rider[/card]?
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Obviously wing steed rider gets my vote. But I reckon with the new book coming and you can proxy your existing cav, that Brett's are the way forward for you buddy

roland murat

I was starting to think about that - I could have an army of wingsteed riders! Happy me.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Good write up! Bloody Skull Cannon!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Return to lustria

'Behold we are assailed by the forces of chaos. On both our flanks they press upon us but will..'

A creaking noise cam from the throat of Earl Derby and he collapsed to the floor. With the subsequent loss of concentration the army around him began to fall apart..

So triumph and treachery didn't go so well today. Player 1 turn 1 let loose some death magic and my general was duly killed. With him went a spirit host - that was deployed to stop a couple of chariots turning my flank. It all went downhill from there with my forces chopped up without scoring a single VP.

At least the ROR got a win this round so I'm still in the game

Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Quote from: roland murat on July 26, 2014, 11:02:42 pm
So triumph and treachery didn't go so well today. Player 1 turn 1 let loose some death magic and my general was duly killed. With him went a spirit host - that was deployed to stop a couple of chariots turning my flank. It all went downhill from there with my forces chopped up without scoring a single VP.

At least I will have competition for the wooden spoon!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Quote from: cunningmatt on July 29, 2014, 07:54:02 pm
At least I will have competition for the wooden spoon!

Its mine I tell you, all mine
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


As a victorious player 1 I apologise for my loaded dice allowing me to snipe out 3 characters and a blood knight...

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