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OG Games Team 2013

Started by fatolaf, April 19, 2013, 04:18:20 pm

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A new Year, and again the club has changed with loads of new players.
Copy the questions below, fill in the answers and introduce your self to old and new club members

How long have you been playing Wargames?
What systems do you play?
Favourite system of all time?
Which WFB / 40K armies do you own?
Favorite Film / TV Series?
Best Album you have heard?
Best book you have ever read?
Gaming ambition in 2013?


Name: Ol
How long have you been playing Wargames? 31 years
What systems do you play? 40K, Bolt Action, Dust Tactics, LCG's and many boardgames
Favourite system of all time? Heroquest, Dust Tactics, WFB RPG 1st Edition
Which WFB / 40K armies do you own? Tau, Necrons, Daemons (all for 40K)
Favorite Film / TV Series? Big Bang Theory and Bladeruuner
Best Album you have heard? War of the Worlds
Best book you have ever read? Game of Thrones book 1-3
Gaming ambition in 2013? To Have fun and finish more armies (painted)


Name: Matty the Procrastinator, Painter and Blogger.
How long have you been playing Wargames? Since I was young, literally millions of years ago.
What systems do you play? Warhammer, and am learning slowly how to play Warhammer 40,000.
Favourite system of all time? Warhammer. Don't judge me!
Which WFB / 40K armies do you own? High Elves, Dwarfs, Warriors of Chaos, Beastmen and Ultramarines.
Favourite Film / TV Series? Anything I've made for the children of the UK!
Best Album you have heard? I refuse to reveal my appalling musical taste on this forum.
Best book you have ever read? My Blog - plug, plug, plug :wink;m::
Gaming ambition in 2013? To build enough terrian for my home Warhammer collection, complete my Ultramarines OG Games Tale, learn to play Warhammer 40,000 and keep building my Warriors, and expand my High Elves (apparently).

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


April 20, 2013, 09:21:41 am #3 Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 09:58:08 am by Deathwing_Matt
Ok, a third of the way through 2013, but here goes: -

Name: Matt
How long have you been playing Wargames? 15 years
What systems do you play? 40k, X-Wing, 40k RPG, Bloodbowl, Mordheim
Favourite system of all time? I suppose based on number of games played, 40k. Can't beat the depth and quality of the background!
Which WFB / 40K armies do you own? Dark Angels, Nids, some Warriors of Chaos and Daemons in storage
Favorite Film / TV Series? Film - The Blues Brothers and Empire Strikes Back. TV - Arrested Development and 24, Goddammit!
Best Album you have heard? Master of Puppets by Metallica is the one I play most on my iPod.
Best book you have ever read? I honestly don't read enough!
Gaming ambition in 2013? Have a fully painted 40k army.
Check out my Tale of OG Gamers Blog: http://ruinsofcaliban.blogspot.co.uk/


Matt B, you might want to actually fill in your reply  :wink;m::


Quote from: fatolaf on April 20, 2013, 09:30:44 am
Matt B, you might want to actually fill in your reply  :wink;m::

Yes, was filling it in when you replied  :wink;m::
Check out my Tale of OG Gamers Blog: http://ruinsofcaliban.blogspot.co.uk/


Name:  Tom C, previously Tom K until my mysterious promotion up the alphabet a couple of months back.
How long have you been playing Wargames? A year and half since "the return".
What systems do you play? Fantasy and 40k, plus a spot of Magic and RPG fun.
Favourite system of all time? Way back in the dawn of time, I was quite a fan of Epic.
Which WFB / 40K armies do you own?  Skaven and Chaos Space Marines.
Favorite Film / TV Series? Filmwise, best I've seen recently is Lockdown, surprisingly funny.  TV...well, I'm catching up on Galactica.  That's pretty good.
Best Album you have heard?  Mine.  Ok, probably The Gaslight Anthem's Handwritten album, totally brilliant.  That or Little Mix.
Best book you have ever read?  The Dresden Files (great series of books about a wisecracking wizard PI in Chicago), Joe Abercrombie's The First Law trilogy and follow ups or The Name of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.  All liable to change in the next week, I like books.
Gaming ambition in 2013? Start a new WFB army (High Elves, no question now, lovely models), win a Waargh, win a Planet OG and finish painting my rats and badmarines.
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.


Stevie Boxall

How long have you been playing Wargames?
Returned about a year and a half ago.

What systems do you play?
Bolt Action, Warhammer Fantasy.

Favourite system of all time?
It's becoming Bolt Action, it was a Blood Bowl.

Which WFB / 40K armies do you own?
Ogres, Salamanders and for BA: US Army.

Favorite Film / TV Series?
Can't answer. Recently I watched 50/50 which I can recommend. TV series would be The Wire.

Best Album you have heard?
Cold World - Ice Grills

Best book you have ever read?
Live Ship Traders trilogy by Robin Hobb.

Gaming ambition in 2013?
Finish 1000pts of US Army, play some tournaments with them and not shame myself. Build and play on some new scenery at home.

Convert as many people to Bolt Action as possible.

Finish painting my Ogres and make some time for playing Fantasy again.


Name: Dave Fraser (not really an Ogger, just a hanger onner!)
How long have you been playing Wargames? 24ish years
What systems do you play? WFB, Malifaux and I dabble in 40k & bloodbowl
Favourite system of all time? probably 8th Ed WFB but Necromunda is right up there too.
Which WFB / 40K armies do you own?  WFB: Brets, Dwarfs, Lizardmen, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Tomb Kings, Wood Elves and currently working on Daemons plus Empire, High Elves, Dark Elves and Wozzas in boxes.  40k: Spashe Mahreens and Eldar.
Favorite Film / TV Series? TV - The Wire, Film - Memento
Best Album you have heard? The Bluegrass Tribute to Offspring (Search youtube for some free tracks, it's awesome!)
Best book you have ever read?  Catch 22
Gaming ambition in 2013? Play a couple of events, have some fun.  Paint a shed load more figures.


Ah, this completely passed me by.


How long have you been playing Wargames?
About a year or so.

What systems do you play?
Fantasy (mostly)/40k (absolute beginner)/Dust (a little bit)

Favourite system of all time?

Which WFB / 40K armies do you own?
Skaven and Daemons (for either system)

Favorite Film / TV Series?
Withnail and I / Yes Minister

Best Album you have heard?
Master of Puppets

Best book you have ever read?
oooooh. Tough. Either Rubicon or Persian Fire for non-Fiction. Boringly the answer for fiction is Lord of the Rings with a  bunch of sci-fi vying for second place.

Gaming ambition in 2013?
To win a Fantasy game with a mostly Tzeetch-based Daemon army (definition of the terms 'mostly' will be set at the end of the year)! Also paint them nice and colourful to make your eyes bleed, red period style, before going back into brown-wash-everything-rat-land.

Tom Hale

Name: Tom Hale
How long have you been playing Wargames? 16 years
What systems do you play? WHFB, 40K, Bloodbowl, Rogue Trader RPG and some boardgames (big fan of AGOT boardgame)
Favourite system of all time? Bloodbowl and WHFB 8th Edition
Which WFB / 40K armies do you own? Bretonnians, Warriors of Chaos, Sisters of Battle
Favorite Film / TV Series? Don't have one but recently started rewatching the Westwing and The Tudors
Best Album you have heard? anything by Muse
Best book you have ever read? don't have one
Gaming ambition in 2013? Masters WHFB, continue the podcast, reclaim the 'Top Tom' Icon
HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn


Name: Sam
How long have you been playing Wargames? For a little over a decade now with a lengthy break in the middle
What systems do you play? Warhammer/ Inquisitor/ AD&D 2nd ed(if anyone would play those last two with me!)
Favourite system of all time? Inquisitor
Which WFB / 40K armies do you own? Currently only Warriors of Chaos
Favorite Film / TV Series? Lord of the Rings and The Wire
Best Album you have heard? No World for Tomorrow - Coheed & Cambria
Best book you have ever read? Probably The Prince of Nothing/Aspect Emperor series or The Silmarillion
Gaming ambition in 2013? Achieve wildly better tournament positions (come on 6 elf players in a row)