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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Procrastination by Numbers: Update 131 That Shrinking Feeling Monday 11th August 2014

131.1 Tale of OG Gamers: Tzeentch Warriors – Week 9

Last update you saw the first completed models in my Tale as I finally finished July's target (only 5 days late). And completed my 20 Forsaken, bringing (and forming) my army so far to:

20x Foresaken         380 points
+ Mark of Tzeentch      20 points
400 points

TOTAL: 400 points

So what's this month's painting task, I vaguely hear you mumble in complete disinterest. Well despite complete mocking from all corners, my Warriors of Chaos army doesn't feature a single chariot. Yes I know they are the optimum gaming choice for ultimate hobby ruining - but chariots scare me - the sub-assemblies never go together and you end up with a finished model that has one horse floating in the air and has been so forcefully pinned together that the base has warped in response. But the time is near I intend to step up to this phobia and face the chariots. I won't be painting 19 you understand that wouldn't be fun in any shape or form - to buy, to paint, to assemble, to transport to the club, to play with, to play against - all of it would be about as much fun as a convention on dentistry. So instead I am aiming for the much more modest target of 2 Chariots - a standard Chaos Chariot and a Gorebeast Chariot. I am tempted to add a second standard chariot but I don't have the models at present and besides three chariots in a month might kill me.

Time has been a bit pressing this week, but the good news is that I have managed to take the Chariots out of their shrink wrap. New hobbyists might be wondering how I achieved such a Herculean feet, well wonder no more as I present this stage by stage guide for removing shrink wrap.

131.2 Shrink Wrap Removing Guide

First up take your shrink wrap sealed box.

There are a number of ways of opening the shrink wrap. The best technique is to locate the seam in the shrink wrap.

Then you can use a sharp fingernail to rip along the seam.

Or failing that a sharp object, such as a Citadel Modelling Tool. Remember to always cut away from yourself. You may need to get an adult to help you here.

If that technique doesn't work for you the other options is to find a large flat section of the box.

Then use your two fingers to push hard apart in opposite directions to try and form a tear in the shrink wrap.

It is not recommended you use a sharp object to puncture the shrink wrap here as you may damage the box.

Once you have formed an initial tear grab one end of the exposed shrink wrap and pull away, widening the hole as you go.

With that done you can now remove the box from the shrink wrap

And then discard the shrink wrap.

You are now free to open the box and remove the contents.

Ok I'll come clean I've done nothing this week. I've wasted your time and mine. I am truly sorry.

131.3 Get In Touch

If you wish to complain further then please contact me by relying below or contacting me on Twitter @ProbyNumbers - I will go away now and think about what I've done.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


All that time spent taking photos of the shrink wrap, you could have built one    :spank: :wink;m::


Quote from: fatolaf on August 11, 2014, 12:11:33 pm
All that time spent taking photos of the shrink wrap, you could have built one    :spank: :wink;m::

If we extend that logic too far this blog wouldn't exist and I would have painted up about 20 more armies by now!!  :wink;m:: I will let you decide whether that would be a good thing or not!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 132 Pimp My Chariot Monday 18th August 2014

132.1 Tale of OG Gamers: Tzeentch Warriors – Week 10

So after last week's disappointing performance, I have taken the hobbiest's equivalent of Viagra and have pumped out a load of gluing action. I disgusted myself during that metaphor.

Basically I've built my two Chaos Chariots.

Sorry about the focus issues – the picture not m writing!

There are a lot of sub-assemblies (sarcastic yay), and quite a lot of fiddly bits of reigns that even the thought of assembling is giving me palpitations. But fingers crossed.

As is my way the Chariots are mainly built straight from the box (though that phrase does imply a whole lot less procrastination than actually occurred) though I did find a few choice bits and pieces from my Warriors bits box to add. I shall now detail these, in the absence of any better content and in the foolish believe that someone reading this might be wondering where that bit came from. They aren't.

I added these small Tzeentch symbols, left over from the Forsaken kit, as extra detailing on the chassis.

These chains I added from the Marauder Horseman kit, alongside the tassels from the actual Chariot kit itself. I added these at a jaunty angle to give the impression of speed!

And lastly I added this Tzeentch symbol from the old metal Bitz pack of symbols Games Workshop used to make. The main point of note here is, this is the only time I used superglue on this model, which I then proceeded to get all over my favourite shorts. Which is my own fault, because literally moments before I thought how neat I am and never spill superglue. Grrr.

I did consider adding one of the Finecast Tzeentch banners to either of the Chariots but both had fabric elements that were hanging straight down and would have betrayed the look of speed - no amount of jaunty angle was going to fix that!

I do quite like the chariot kit, it definitely has the heavy chunk of metal look that a Chaos Warrior chariot should have. And is a thousand times easier to assemble than its old metal counterpart! My only criticism might be there's not really many options for the crew (bar heads and axe).

If you were building 19 of these, let's face it some people are, they'd look very similar! There aren't any options for the horses, though the Gorebeast can be made with or without his helmet - which is good because I don't really like the helmet!!

So I think maybe less fiddly reins components and another breastplate of two would be nice!! Though after painting an extensive number of Beastmen and High Elf chariots for my armies, it's nice to finally paint one with scythes on (stupid Elves and Beastmen)! Finally I get a +1 for my impact hits, which I've been suffering against all my rivals, bringing my average impact hits score up to a mighty 2. Don't laugh you know I'm right.

132.2 Get In Touch

That's it, no I know still no painting, do feel free to shout abuse at me for all the usual things plus not coming down the club - I know, I know, though I do have a litany of passable excuses!! Comments on here or at Twitter @ProbyNumbers always welcome!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


As good as the Chariot box is, you are bang on about them all looking the same, I think you'd have to do some serious work to make them look different. This blog does give me some motivation to do my own and crack on with the HE. What are you working on next?


Quote from: Berimbolo on August 18, 2014, 09:19:33 pm
As good as the Chariot box is, you are bang on about them all looking the same, I think you'd have to do some serious work to make them look different.

Yeah don't get me wrong lovely model compared to it's predecessor, but other than choosing my type of chariot I wasn't really presented with any options. In fairness the same can probably be said of the High Elf Chariot (though think there are more crew choices), but back when that came out the option for two chariots from one kit was new and exciting! Now that's old hat and my expectations have risen!!

Quote from: Berimbolo on August 18, 2014, 09:19:33 pm
This blog does give me some motivation to do my own and crack on with the HE. What are you working on next?

Cheers that's really nice to hear! Next for the Warriors will probably be either Chaos Ogres, or maybe Throgg, hmmm... beyond the Warriors if time allows hoping to get some Terrain, Beastmen Characters and Ultramarines painted up. Though something else may have stolen my interest before that choice happens!!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 133 Going Back into the Closet Wednesday 27th August 2014

133.1 Storage Solutions – The Joy of Middle Age

So what's been my most exciting hobby purchase of 2014? Is it my Flamespyre Phoenix? Is it the Stormclaw starter box set? How about the Wood Elf army book? Warhammer: Nagash? Nope, none of these. It has in fact been my new model cupboard!!!!

Yes I've started getting excited about cupboards - there's no hope for me! But look it is such an exciting cupboard.

I've added a Warhammer Army book for scale, it's a pretty tall cupboard. And admittedly doesn't look too much at present. But just wait until I open it up...

It's a veritable treasure trove full of painted models.

This cupboard is almost purpose built for storing Games Workshop models. The doors are as deep as the back of the cupboard for maximising storage. Each shelf is a little deeper than a unit with four ranks on 25mmx25mm bases. And the shelves even accommodate the tallest model - my Ghorgon. In fact the only models that won't fit in fully assembled are the Phoenix and the Skycutter Chariot - but fortunately I magnetised them for easy disassembly.

So this cupboard is brilliant, not only does it keep all my models - but it's safe storage, the models are dust free. And it's broken my lethargy of not wanting to paint models as I have nowhere to store them anymore. We'll gloss over the fact it's nearly full already :S - though in fairness that's about 7 years' worth of painting, and I'm a much slower hobbyist than I used to be. So hopefully I won't have another full cupboard by 2021!

I picked up the cupboard for £65 (or one Nagash) from a second hand furniture store - the main difficulty was getting it home!!

It's currently home for:

My blossoming Ultramarine task force (many of them are out the cupboard on battle duty!).

My vast High Elf horde which refuses to stay politely on one level.

A giant Beastmen warband who's Latin motto is 'God Knows Why I Painted Them'.

My current hobby focus - the Tzeentch Warriors of Chaos.

My oldest and classic-est (should be a word) army the Dwarfs on classic 4th edition Goblin Green bases.

Various bits of Warhammer terrain, including some deeply fragile trees that I'm scared to touch.

And the much unloved, but quite fun to paint Dreadfleet!

And that's it the full guided tour of my cupboard - please visit the gift shop on your way out.

133.2 Tale of OG Gamers: Tzeentch Warriors – Week 11

In a desperate effort to fill up the aforementioned cupboard I've actually made some progress on the Chariots. Wooooooo-bloody-hooooo. Here's where I've got to so far. And yes I know there's only a week to go!!!! Ahhh!!

133.3 Chaos Chariot Painting Guide Stages 1-2

Chaos Chariot Painting Guide – Stage 1

Skulls/Horns: Steel Legion Drab
Wood: Drybrush Codex Grey
Chainmail: Drybrush Chainmail
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Light Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Dark Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Leather: Scorched Brown
Blue Trim: Necron Abyss
Fur: Codex Grey
Flesh: Tallarn Flesh
Mutated Flesh: Rakarth Flesh
Horse Flesh: Abaddon Black
Horse Mane: Abbadon Black
Gorebeast Flesh: Charadon Granite
Marauder Cloth: Abaddon Black or 1:1 Abaddon Black/Codex Grey
Hair: Abaddon Black

Chaos Chariot Painting Guide – Stage 2

Skulls/Horns: Wash Nuln Oil
Wood: Drybrush Fortress Grey
Chainmail: Wash Drakenhoff Nightshade
Silver Metal: Wash Drakenhoff Nightshade
Light Gold Metal: Burnished Gold
Dark Gold Metal: Shining Gold
Leather: Wash Nuln Oil
Blue Trim: Layer Regal Blue
Fur: Wash Agrax Earthshade
Flesh: Layer 1:1 Tallarn Flesh / Dwarf Flesh, then layer Dwarf Flesh
Mutated Flesh: Wash Leviathan Purple
Horse Flesh: Layer 1:1 Abbadon Black/Chaos Grey
Horse Mane: Drybrush 1:1 Abbadon Black/Chaos Grey
Gorebeast Flesh: Wash Agrax Earthshade
Marauder Cloth: Wash Nuln Oil
Hair: Drybrush 1:1 Abbadon Black/Codex Grey

133.4 Get in Touch

Go on you know you're madly jealous of my cupboard - reply below of let me know @ProbyNumbers on Twitter! Now be gone with you I have painting to do.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


roland murat

Love the cupboard - everyone should have one
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Cheers guys glad you like it!  :thumbsup:

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146