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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Update 84 – Monday 8th October: The Further Adventures of Rashnrak the Beastlord

Those of you who read this blog will probably excitedly be on the edge of your seat to find out what has happened to Rashnrak the Beastlord and his rampaging hordes as they explore (read "die"), all across the Badlands. No? Oh, ok, well I am afraid that is what we have for today. Sorry.

If you want to know the story so far, then make sure you check out Updates 79 and 80 and precede reading them by saying out loud "Previously on Procrastination by Numbers..." in an American voice.

For those of you who just want to read on..., here goes:

Rashnrak regrouped back at the Herd Stone, his army had been running for a long time. Cursed Dwarfs, and their wretched stunty plans, they had wrecked his ambitions of conquering the central city of the Badlands and pulling it down stone by stone. Were he to fight those Dwarfs again, he knew hatred would fill his bones and he would be prepared to fight to the death.

Fortunately better news greeted him when he met his Shamans at the Herd Stone. Delithor had been in a vision for days, communicating directly with the Chaos Gods, thanks to this premonition Rashnrak's armies had gained the upper hand and were able to move more rapidly than those of his rivals. Additionally his gold mine had, had a good haul which would be able to be spent well on reinforcements for the coming battles.

With Spring coming to an end Malagor had been informed by the filthy Skaven that the forces of evil were to make a move on the ruined city of man. Whilst Rashnrak hated colluding with the warpstone mutated things, he could smell the man-things and stunties converging at the central city. And with encouragement from his shamans, he agreed to follow the Skaven's plans. The ironclad metal humans would attack the citadel directly defended by the infernal Empire, whilst the Skaven attacked the Dwarfs directly in the tunnels below, in the hopes of bringing down the walls of the citadel. The ratman had insisted that the Beastmen push their infernal war machine towards the battlefield. With such an important prize on the horizon Rashnrak decided to cooperate with the filthy vermin, well for now at least...

So it was the end of the Spring season, and it was time for a multiplayer battle to take control of the citadel. With the unfortunate, err..., umm..., loss on the Beastmen's part last turn (who was in control of them again?), the forces of good controlled the city. They elected to have the Empire fortify the walls, whilst the Warriors of Chaos assaulted the city. Meanwhile the Dwarfs and the Skaven would fight under the walls as the Skaven tried to destroy the city from below. Rashnrak's Beastmen would attempt to push a potent siege engine through the forests avoiding the Lizardmen patrols. All the battles would be fought simultaneously with the victors of the secondary battles able to join the Empire vs Warriors of Chaos battle with their reinforcements.

The scenario would see my Beastmen attempt to push essentially a mobile building across the battlefield; the Lizardmen would be hidden at strategic positions across the battlefield, and would be revealed as the Beastmen advanced. If I didn't clear the battlefield in 5 turns, then the Lizardmen would win and the remainder of their army would reinforce the Empire, otherwise the Beastmen would arrive with the siege engine and any surviving troops.

For my army selection I was to use 2,000 points of Beastmen, with the restrictions of having to use Rashnrak and my regiment of renown (Ghorros and Centigors) a large chunk of points were already spent – with my other background restrictions – Rashnrak's dislike of Ungor and distrust of Bray-Shamans, the army had quite a few limits so here's what I plumped for:

Beastlord, Rashnrak – armed with the Stone Crusher Mace (+3 Strength, Strength 10 against any chariots, war machines, buildings etc.), the Talisman of Endurance (5+ Ward Save), Heavy Armour and the Chaos Gift Gnarled Hide (5+ Scaly Skin save). 251 points

Wargor Battle Standard Bearer – armed with Great Weapon, Heavy Armour and The Beast Banner (+1 Strength to all models in the unit). 193 points

40 Gor with shields and full command. 345 points

2 Tuskgor Chariots, Gor armed with Spear, Bestigor armed with Great Weapon. 160 points

9 Centigors armed with Spear, Shield and Light Armour with musician, standard bearer with Razor Standard (unit has armour piercing rule, this standard is provided free within campaign rules). Unit is led by Ghorros Warhoof (Centigors in his unit gain +1 Weapon Skill. Should he be killed all Primal Fury tests for remainder of game are taken at +1 Leadership.) armed with the Mansmasher (all unsaved wounds = D3 wounds) and the Skull of the Unicorn Lord (Magic Resistance (2), unit is hated by Wood Elves). 401 points

15 Bestigors armed with Great Weapons and Heavy Armour with full command. 210 points

2 Razorgors. 110 points

5 Harpies. 55 points

Cygor. 275 points

TOTAL: 2,000 points

The plan, yes I actually had one, was to use the Bestigor and Rashnrak to occupy the siege engine, they would march along with the Gor block. The Harpies and Razorgor would get ahead of the army to try and reveal as many of the Lizardmen as possible. The last thing we needed was a unit appearing from a flank and pinning the siege engine in place. The Centigor and Tuskgor chariots would protect my flanks engaging any units that threatened to hold up the Bestigor whilst the Cygor would remain at the back of the army hurling stones into the Lizardmen and plugging any gaps in my line. How could I possibly fail?


The Beastmen deploy vaguely as described above, I know I managed to keep with a plan all the way through to the deployment phase! In case you are wondering the Murmak is playing the role of the siege engine.


The Harpies and Razorgor push forward as quickly as possible in the hope of revealing the hidden Lizardmen, and are soon successful as a large unit of Kroxigor are revealed. The Cygor sends a piece of masonry arcing across the battlefield towards them, but an unfortunate scatter means it only causes a single wound.

In response the Lizardmen reveal their Carnosaur ridden by Oldblood, who heads straight towards the Beastmen flank. The Kroxigor charge the Razorgor, who manages to do two wounds killing the already wounded Kroxigor. However the double-handed weapons of the lizards make quick work of the Razorgor and they overrun into the siege engine. (Oh dear one turn in and I'd already got my siege engine locked in combat!).


The Beastmen begin by charging, the Tuskgor Chariot and the Cygor plough into the Kroxigor supporting the Bestigor pushing the siege engine. The second Tuskgor Chariot ploughs into the Carnosaur in a bid to prevent it hindering the main battleline.

The Harpies meanwhile reveal a large block of Saurus Warriors directly in the path of the Gor block.

The first Tuskgor chariot does a wound on the Carnosaur but is swiftly reduced to matchwood in response. On the other side of the battlefield the Cygor manages to cause two wounds on the Kroxigor, as does the second Tuskgor Chariot, and Rashnrak personally slays another Kroxigor. The Kroxigor in return roll appallingly badly, they just manage to kill the Tuskgor chariot and 2 Bestigor. The Bestigor fight last killing all bar two of the remaining Kroxigors who flee only to be rundown by the Cygor.

The Lizardmen reinforcements arrive on mass with a number of Skink units turning up. The Carnosaur charges the Gor block in the flank, whilst the Harpies flee from the Saurus they revealed early allowing them to also charge the Gors.

The newly arrived Skink Shaman casts Harmonic Convergence on the Saurus. The Skinks prove their reputation with the blowpipe is well-deserved killing the remaining Razargor and taking three wounds off the Cygor.

In combat the Carnosaur Oldblood takes two wounds in return for four Gor casualties, with the attacks of the Saurus the Gor the combat is drawn.


The Bestigor continue their advance with the huge siege engine, whilst the Cygor charges into the Saurus block already locked in combat with the Gors. The Harpies meanwhile rally.

The Oldblood kills 4 Gor, though the beasts do manage to cause a single wound on the Carnosaur. And while a further 8 Gor are killed by the Saurus the Gor wipe out the remainder of the lizards, which is sufficient for the Carnosaur to break. Despite taking them away from their target the Gors can't miss the opportunity to pursue catching and killing the Oldblood.

The Lizardmen strike back as the Cygor is killed by Urannon's Thunderbolt, the Skink units move to block the advance of the Bestigor, whilst the Salamander flames five of the Centigor who have been moving up to block a second unit of Saurus advancing towards the Bestigor flank.


The Harpies charge the flank of one of the units of Skinks, which has now become exposed as they moved to block the Bestigor. The Bestigor and siege engine charge the Salamander killing it outright, giving them an all-important overrun, one unit of Skinks panics fleeing the table, as the Bestigor overrun into a second unit. The Harpies kill three Skinks for no loses, with the bonus of having charged in the flank, the Skink and Mage Priest flee and are ripped apart by the Harpies. At the end of the Beastmen turn, all that is blocking the Bestigor from leaving the board is the unit of Skinks they are engaged with and a Salamander.

The Saurus charge the five remaining Centigor. The Salamander misfires eating all its crew and failing its Monster Reaction test. In an impressive display the Centigors manage to kill 7 Saurus for only two loses, the Saurus break and are rundown by Ghorros and his Centigor. The Bestigor kill the last of Skinks overrunning even closer to the board edge. The final turn begins with just a lone Salamander on the table for the Lizardmen player.


The final turn, means the Bestigor need to get off the table with their siege engine this turn. However they are blocked by the Salamander so Rashnrak and his Bestigor charge in. The Salamander is easily dispatched, but the entire game comes down to the overrun roll. If the Bestigor make the roll to the table edge they will escape with their siege engine. As it is they roll short and fail to make the board edge by Turn 5. So despite the Lizardmen losing every single model they still win the game!!!

Over on the main table the Empire army is being decimated by the assault by the Warriors of Chaos, with Throgg and his Trolls storming the gates and a battery of Hell Cannons smashing down the walls. Help isn't forthcoming, as although the Lizardmen win with no survivors they can't send any reinforcements to the battle!!! Things get worse when the Skaven beat the Dwarfs for very few losses causing a castle wall to collapse and a virtually unscathed Skaven army to join the fight. The men of the Empire are doomed...

Rashnrak cursed his luck, the Lizardmen lay dead all around him, their scaly bodies were being piled up around the hastily constructed herd stones, but they had delayed him long enough to prevent his arrival at the main castle. By the time his Bestigor got to the gates of the Citadel it was in ruins, one of its walls having clearly collapsed from below. The men of the Empire lay dead everywhere, much to Rashnrak's amusement, but the Skaven and Chaos tainted men had already stolen the Citadel's greatest treasures. However clambering through the wreckage Rashnrak found a powerful shield that he held a loft, soon all the civilised races would cower before him. His name would go down throughout the tribes of the Beastmen and his gods would reward him. Because Rashnrak knew an important truth, whilst the humans insisted that "History is written by the victors", he knew the reality that in fact "History is written only by the Beastmen and Skaven!"

High Elves

With all this Beastmen fun, my High Elf army very nearly reaches conclusion! With the last of the units finished off in Update 83, we have a plethora of characters this week – including a long awaiting Battle Standard Bearer – apparently they are useful, who knew?!!!

These four characters are made up from the two High Elf plastic character packs, and whilst I really have no need for yet another Mage on foot. The mounted characters and, as mentioned, battle standard bearer make a welcome addition to the army!

It's time for another exciting guide – I know you've probably just wet yourself with excitement:

Elf Mages – Stage 1

Base: Steel Legion Drab
Masonry: Calthan Brown
Hooves: Chaos Black
Horse Flesh: Adeptus Battlegrey
Leather: Scorched Brown
Magical Cloud: Dheneb Stone
Scrolls: Khemri Brown
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
White Robes: 1:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey
Yellow Robes: Iyanden Darksun
Blue Robes: 1:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue
Flesh: Dwarf Flesh
Hair, Mounted Mage: Vomit Brown
Hair, Foot Mage: Snakebite Leather

Elf Mages – Stage 2

Masonry: Wash Nuln Oil
Hooves: *NO CHANGE*
Horse Flesh: Layer 1:1 Adeptus Battlegrey/Codex Grey, then layer Codex Grey
Leather: Wash Nuln Oil
Magical Cloud: Layer 1:1 Dheneb Stone/Bleached Bone, then layer Bleached Bone
Scrolls: Layer Dheneb Stone
Silver Metal: Wash Nuln Oil
Gold Metal: Shining Gold
White Robes: Layer 1:1 (2:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey)/( 1:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey), then layer 2:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey
Yellow Robes: Layer 1:1 Golden Yellow/Iyanden Darksun, then layer Golden Yellow
Blue Robes: Layer 1:1 (1:1 Ice Blue/Enchanted Blue)/Ice Blue, then layer Ice Blue
Flesh: Layer 1:1 Dwarf Flesh/Elf Flesh, then layer Elf Flesh
Hair, Mounted Mage: Wash Ogryn Flesh
Hair, Foot Mage: Layer Desert Yellow, then layer 1:1 Desert Yellow/Bleached Bone

Elf Mages – Stage 3

Yes the Mage's head has fallen off here!

Base: Layer Baneblade Brown
Masonry: Drybrush Baneblade Brown
Hooves: *NO CHANGE*
Horse Flesh: Highlight 1:1 Codex Grey/Fortress Grey, then highlight Fortress Grey
Leather: Highlight Scorched Brown, then highlight Beastial Brown
Magical Cloud: Layer 1:1 Bleached Bone/Skull White, then wash Thraka Green
Scrolls: Highlight Bleached Bone
Silver Metal: Highlight 1:1 Chainmail/Mithril Silver
Gold Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
White Robes: Layer 1:1 Skull White/(2:1 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White), then layer watered down Skull White
Yellow Robes: Highlight 1:1 Golden Yellow/Sunburst Yellow, then highlight Sunburst Yellow
Blue Robes: Layer 1:1 Ice Blue/(1:1 Ice Blue/Skull White)
Flesh: Wash watered down Ogryn Flesh
Hair, Mounted Mage: Layer Vomit Brown
Hair, Foot Mage: Wash Gryphonne Sepia, then wash Devlan Mud in the recesses

Elf Mages – Stage 4

Base: Drybrush Bleached Bone, then flock with Static Grass
Masonry: Drybrush Dheneb Stone, then drybrush Bleached Bone
Hooves: Highlight Codex Grey, then highlight Fortress Grey
Horse Flesh: Wash watered down Nuln Oil
Leather: *NO CHANGE*
Magical Cloud: Wash watered down Mithril Silver, then highlight Bleached Bone
Scrolls: Wash Gryphonne Sepia, then highlight Bleached Bone
Silver Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Gold Metal: Highlight 5:1 Shining Gold/Mithril Silver, then highlight Mithril Silver
White Robes: Highlight Skull White
Yellow Robes: Wash Ogryn Flesh, then highlight Bad Moon Yellow
Blue Robes: Highlight 1:1 Ice Blue/Skull White, then wash watered down Asurmen Blue
Flesh: Highlight 1:1 Bleached Bone/Elf Flesh, then highlight Bleached Bone
Hair, Mounted Mage: Highlight 1:1 Vomit Brown/Bleached Bone, then highlight Bleached Bone
Hair, Foot Mage: Highlight strands Bleached Bone, then highlight tips Skull White. Wash watered down Gryphonne Sepia across strands.

Elf Prince on Steed and Noble Battle Standard Bearer – Stage 1

Base: Steel Legion Drab
Masonry: Calthan Brown
Hooves: Chaos Black
Horse Flesh: Fortress Grey
Horse Fur (leg/mane): Codex Grey
Leather: Scorched Brown
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
White Robes: 1:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey
Yellow Robes: Iyanden Darksun
Blue Robes: 1:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue
Flesh: Dwarf Flesh
Hair: Vomit Brown
Wood: Khemri Brown
White Eagle Feathers: 1:1 Khemri Brown/Bleached Bone
Black Eagle Feathers: Chaos Black

Elf Prince on Steed and Noble Battle Standard Bearer – Stage 2

Masonry: Wash Nuln Oil
Hooves: *NO CHANGE*
Horse Flesh: Layer 1:1 Fortress Grey/Skull White
Horse Fur (leg/mane): Drybrush Fortress Grey
Leather: Wash Nuln Oil
Silver Metal: Wash Nuln Oil
Gold Metal: Shining Gold
White Robes: Layer 1:1 (1:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey)( 2:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey) then layer 2:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey
Yellow Robes: Layer 1:1 Iyanden Darksun/Golden Yellow then layer Golden Yellow
Blue Robes: Layer 1:1 (1:1 Ice Blue/Enchanted Blue)/Ice Blue, then layer Ice Blue
Flesh: Layer 1:1 Elf Flesh/Dwarf Flesh then layer Elf Flesh
Hair: Wash Ogryn Flesh
Wood: Layer: 1:1 Steel Legion Drab/Graveyard Earth then layer Graveyard Earth)
White Eagle Feathers: Wash Gryphonne Sepia, then drybrush Bleached Bone
Black Eagle Feathers: Drybrush 1:1 Chaos Black/Kommando Khaki

Elf Prince on Steed and Noble Battle Standard Bearer – Stage 3

Base: Layer Baneblade Brown
Masonry: Drybrush Baneblade Brown
Hooves: *NO CHANGE*
Horse Flesh: Layer watered down Skull White
Horse Fur (leg/mane): Drybrush 1:1 Fortress Grey/Skull White, then drybrush Skull White
Leather: Highlight Scorched Brown, then highlight Bestial Brown
Silver Metal: Highlight 1:1 Chainmail/Mithril Silver
Gold Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
White Robes: Layer 1:1 (2:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey)/Skull White, then layer watered down Skull White
Yellow Robes: Highlight 1:1 Golden Yellow/Sunburst Yellow, then highlight Sunburst Yellow
Blue Robes: Layer 1:1 Ice Blue/(1:1 Ice Blue/Skull White)
Flesh: Wash watered down Ogyrn Flesh
Hair: Layer Vomit Brown
Wood: Highlight 1:1 Graveyard Earth/Bleached Bone
White Eagle Feathers: Drybrush 1:1 Bleached Bone/Skull White
Black Eagle Feathers: Drybrush Kommando Khaki

Elf Prince on Steed and Noble Battle Standard Bearer – Stage 4

Base: Drybrush Bleached Bone, then flock with Static Grass
Masonry: Drybrush Dheneb Stone, then drybrush Bleached Bone
Hooves: Highlight Codex Grey, then highlight Fortress Grey
Horse Flesh: Wash heavily watered down Nuln Oil then highlight Skull White
Horse Fur (leg/mane): Wash heavily watered down Nuln Oil then drybrush Skull White
Leather: *NO CHANGE*
Silver Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Gold Metal: Highlight 5:1 Shining Gold/Mithril Silver, then highlight Mithril Silver
White Robes: Highlight Skull White
Yellow Robes: Wash Ogyrn Flesh, then highlight Bad Moon Yellow
Blue Robes: Highlight 1:1 Ice Blue/Skull White, then wash watered down Asurmen Blue
Flesh: Highlight 1:1 Elf Flesh/Bleached Bone, then highlight Bleached Bone
Hair: Highlight 1:1 Vomit Brown/Bleached Bone, then highlight Bleached Bone
Wood: Highlight watered down Bleached Bone
White Eagle Feathers: Drybrush Skull White
Black Eagle Feathers: *NO CHANGE*

Well that just leaves Teclis and the Dragon Mage to do and then the High Elves are done. Fingers crossed that will be very, very, very soon!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Update 85 – Monday 15th October: Dragon-ing On

Yes it's everyone's favourite blog Procrastination by Numbers – guaranteed to be 100% Louis Walsh free.

I've been saying for a long time that my High Elf army is nearly finished. I'm not sure whether it ever was really nearly finished or whether I kept telling myself that in order to stop gouging my own eyes out with a fine detail brush every time the next set of gems came round to paint.

Well the good news is, that unless I've been deeply mistaken and there's a hidden box of Silver Helms under a toadstool in the garden or something, the final models are done! Yes repeat, the final High Elves are done. Last week (Update 84) I proudly boasted that I had only a Dragon Mage and Teclis to finish... well smugly I can announce they are done (who says unemployment is a bad thing?).

So for the final time (unless new models get released), it's time for some finished pictures. Brace yourselves people:

High Elves

Now the guide below is for the Dragon, I have actually painted the riders an embarrassing number of months ago, so I won't draw attention to it by highlighting that you can see their guide in Update 60 – 60 what the dilly dally bum ho have I been doing for the last 25 updates?!?!

Dragon Mage – Stage 1

Flesh: Khorne Red
Scales: Khorne Red
Spines: 1:1:1 Khorne Red / Liche Purple / Chaos Black
Wing Membrane: 1:1:1 Khorne Red / Liche Purple / Chaos Black
Claws/Teeth: Scorched Brown
Mouth: Liche Purple
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Leather: Scorched Brown
Skull: Khemri Brown
Base: Khemri Brown
Rocks: Adeptus Battlegrey
Elven Masonry: Calthan Brown
Reins White Cloth: 1:1 Astronomacian Grey / Skull White
Reins Yellow Cloth: Iyanden Dark Sun
Chair Padding: Necron Abyss

Dragon Mage – Stage 2

Tragically despite many years of getting into the swing of these painting guides, I seem to have completely forgotten to take a picture at Stage 2 of painting the Dragon Mage – which is rather embarrassing. Instead please accept our resident six year old artist's impression of what the dragon looked like at this point:

Flesh: Layer 3:1 Khorne Red/Macharius Solar Orange, then layer 1:1 Khorne Red/Macharius Solar Orange
Scales: Wash 1:1 Devlan Mud/Baal Red, then repaint Khorne Red, then highlight Blood Red
Spines: Layer 2:1:1 Khorne Red/Liche Purple/Chaos, then highlight Khorne Red
Wing Membrane: Layer 2:1:1 Khorne Red/Liche Purple/Chaos, then highlight Khorne Red
Claws/Teeth: Layer Bestial Brown, then layer Snakebite Leather
Mouth: Layer 1:1 Liche Purple/Tentacle Pink
Silver Metal: Wash Nuln Oil
Gold Metal: Shining Gold
Leather: Wash Nuln Oil
Skull: Wash Nuln Oil
Base: Relayer Khemri Brown
Rocks: Drybrush Codex Grey
Elven Masonry: Wash Nuln Oil
Reins White Cloth: Highlight 1:1 (1:1 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White)/1:2 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White), then highlight 1:2 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White
Reins Yellow Cloth: Layer 1:1 Iyanden Darksun/Golden Yellow, then layer Golden Yellow
Chair Padding: Layer Regal Blue

Dragon Mage – Stage 3

Flesh: Highlight Macharius Solar Orange
Scales: Highlight Blazing Orange
Spines: Highlight Blood Red, then highlight Blazing Orange
Wing Membrane: Wash recesses 1:1 Chaos Black/Liche Purple, then wash recesses Chaos Black, then highlight Blood Red followed by Blazing Orange
Claws/Teeth: Highlight Vomit Brown
Mouth: Highlight Tentacle Pink, then highlight 3:1 Tentacle Pink/Skull White
Silver Metal: Highlight 1:1 Chainmail/Mithril Silver
Gold Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
Leather: Highlight Scorched Brown
Skull: Layer Baneblade Brown
Base: Layer Baneblade Brown
Rocks: Drybrush Fortress Grey
Elven Masonry: Drybrush Baneblade Brown
Reins White Cloth: Layer watered down 1:1 Skull White/(2:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey), the layer watered down Skull White
Reins Yellow Cloth: Layer 1:1 Golden Yellow/Sunburst Yellow, then layer Sunburst Yellow
Chair Padding: Highlight Ultramarines Blue

Dragon Mage – Stage 4

Flesh: *NO CHANGE*
Scales: Highlight Fiery Orange
Spines: *NO CHANGE*
Wing Membrane: *NO CHANGE*
Claws/Teeth: Highlight Skull White
Mouth: Highlight Skull White
Silver Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Gold Metal: Highlight 5:1 Shining Gold/Mithril Silver, then highlight Mithril Silver
Leather: Highlight Bestial Brown
Skull: Layer Dheneb Stone, then layer Bleached Bone, then highlight 1:1 Bleached Bone/Skull White
Base: Drybrush Bleached Bone, then flock with Static Grass
Rocks: Wash Nuln Oil, then drybrush 1:1 Fortress Grey/Skull White
Elven Masonry: Drybrush Dheneb Stone, then drybrush Bleached Bone
Reins White Cloth: Highlight Skull White
Reins Yellow Cloth: Wash Ogyrn Flesh, then highlight Bad Moon Yellow
Chair Padding: Highlight Enchanted Blue

And here's the same Dragon with the Dragon Mage swapped for the Arch Mage:

And for those who think I really should be painting another dragon for the Arch Mage, you can poo off. I've done more than enough High Elves!!

Tension music, drumroll, inordinately long reality show announcement pause....................................................................................................................

It's time for the final model for the High Elf army, it's only Arch Mage Teclis. Now before the internet storm of people suggesting I'm a gamey b***ard erupts, bear in mind I've painted about 20 million points of High Elves before getting round to this guy so I can't be too bad!

This was the new Finecast classic Teclis, because it reminds me of the happy days of my childhood – not that they were happy, but they could have been and miserable people need all the happiness they can get. Here you can see him posing next to a Beastmen Shaman I constructed for my next painting wave:

Anyway, for basing I used this stone path base from the Warhammer Basing Kit. I've wanted to use it for a while but it's never quite fitted in with my armies.

It doesn't feel that Elfy. So I stuck some stones around the edges and etched in a High Elf rune on one of the central stones – which I think really made it feel like the High Elf rubble on the other characters – I was pleased. Which frankly is all that matters.

And so ladies and gentlemen, shed a tear for the final High Elf painting guide:

Teclis – Stage 1

Base: Steel Legion Drab
Elven Masonry: Calthan Brown
Leather: Scorched Brown
White Fabric: 1:1 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White
Dark Blue Fabric: Necron Abyss
Light Blue Fabric: 1:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue
Yellow Fabric: Iyanden Darksun
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Flesh: Tallaran Flesh, then layer Dwarf Flesh

Teclis – Stage 2

Base: Layer Baneblade Brown
Elven Masonry: Wash Badab Black
Leather: Wash Badab Black
White Fabric: Layer 2:3 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White, then layer 1:2 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White
Dark Blue Fabric: Layer Regal Blue
Light Blue Fabric: Layer 2:3 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue, then layer Ice Blue
Yellow Fabric: Layer 1:1 Iyanden Dark Sun/Golden Yellow, then layer Golden Yellow
Gold Metal: Shining Gold
Silver Metal: Wash Badab Black
Flesh: Layer 1:1 Dwarf Flesh/Elf Flesh, then highlight Elf Flesh

Teclis – Stage 3

Elven Masonry: Drybrush Baneblade Brown
Leather: Highlight Scorched Brown
White Fabric: Layer watered down 1:1 Skull White/(2:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey), the layer watered down Skull White
Dark Blue Fabric: Layer 1:4 Regal Blue/Enchanted Blue, then layer 1:2 Regal Blue/Enchanted Blue
Light Blue Fabric: Highlight 1:1 Ice Blue/(1:1 Ice Blue/Skull White), then highlight 1:1 Ice Blue/Skull White
Yellow Fabric: Layer 1:1 Golden Yellow/Sunburst Yellow, then layer Sunburst Yellow
Gold Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
Silver Metal: Highlight 1:1 Chainmail/Mithril Silver
Flesh: Wash watered down Ogryn Flesh

Teclis – Stage 4

Base: Drybrush Bleached Bone, then flock with Static Grass
Elven Masonry: Drybrush Dheneb Stone, then drybrush Bleached Bone
Leather: Highlight Bestial Brown
White Fabric: Layer Skull White
Dark Blue Fabric: Layer 3:1 Regal Blue/Enchanted Blue, then highlight 1:1 Regal Blue/Enchanted Blue
Light Blue Fabric: *NO CHANGE*
Yellow Fabric: Wash Ogyrn Flesh, then highlight Bad Moon Yellow
Gold Metal: Highlight 5:1 Shining Gold/Mithril Silver, then highlight Mithril Silver
Silver Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Flesh: Highlight 1:1 Elf Flesh/Bleached Bone, then highlight Bleached Bone

I'm very much pleased with how Teclis came out, while I've used the dark blue night sky with stars on banners before I've never used it on a mage – so not only do I think it came out well, but it makes Teclis stand out amongst the characters. As he rightly should.

So there we go the High Elves are done, next time I'll assemble the full army for the finished army shot and a points round up. Surely I cannot tease you with anymore?

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Great work buddy,  perfect timing with the Elves as you will have plenty of shiny new Chaos to paint very soon  :wink;m::

Tom Hale

Its been really impressive you adding to create the vast shake away hordes!

Any chance of an epic group shot d everything?

Also OmG teclis?!?!? Broken filthy power gamer :endit: :toilet: :whip: :moody;3:

HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn


Quote from: fatolaf on October 15, 2012, 10:54:01 am
Great work buddy,  perfect timing with the Elves as you will have plenty of shiny new Chaos to paint very soon  :wink;m::

Cheers dude, am I the only one feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation at the new Chaos releases - I have soooo many other things to paint!

Quote from: sainthale1988 on October 15, 2012, 11:11:39 am
Its been really impressive you adding to create the vast shake away hordes!

Any chance of an epic group shot d everything?

Also OmG teclis?!?!? Broken filthy power gamer :endit: :toilet: :whip: :moody;3:


Thanking you! Hoping to get a full set of pictures and an army shot up on the blog next update.

And sssshhhhhh people who play like me need broken toys!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


I love it Tom's calling someone who's just posted up a 'how to paint the dragonmage' a filthy powergamer, something not quite right about that!

Also has this blog been going for 2 years, the resident 6 year old artist was 4 at the start of it if my memory serves, they've put 1/3 of their life into your artistic needs, how scary is that!

Great work on finishing it all off, very impressive, don't think I've ever managed that with an army ever.


Quote from: Dave on October 15, 2012, 12:17:24 pm
Also has this blog been going for 2 years, the resident 6 year old artist was 4 at the start of it if my memory serves, they've put 1/3 of their life into your artistic needs, how scary is that!

Surely the scary thing is that I have a captive 6-year old girl drawing pictures for me, not the fact that she was 4 when she started? But there we go!!

Quote from: Dave on October 15, 2012, 12:17:24 pm
Great work on finishing it all off, very impressive, don't think I've ever managed that with an army ever.

How can you not have done this? At your pace it would surely only have taken a week?!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: cunningmatt on October 15, 2012, 11:23:46 am
Cheers dude, am I the only one feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation at the new Chaos releases - I have soooo many other things to paint!

Its just a WD supplement first, with new Monsterous CAv (Hellstriders IIRC) that can be ridden by Marauders and Warriors and new marauder models on foot.
Meaning we get to keep the ace magic items section till approx March, when the proper army book comes out and ruins it all...


Quote from: fatolaf on October 15, 2012, 01:48:46 pm
Its just a WD supplement first, with new Monsterous CAv (Hellstriders IIRC) that can be ridden by Marauders and Warriors and new marauder models on foot.
Meaning we get to keep the ace magic items section till approx March, when the proper army book comes out and ruins it all...

Well that sounds like it won't break the painting bank then, I already have 60 Marauders and if Hellstriders are Khorne they won't fit in my Tzeentch army anyway! The Beastmen may get finished after all!!!!

Less magic items is sad, but still want a glossy new book for one of the armies I use!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: cunningmatt on October 15, 2012, 02:05:34 pm
and if Hellstriders are Khorne they won't fit in my Tzeentch army anyway!

I think you just give them marks as normal.
From what I have read the Marauder ones are special and the warrior ones are Rare