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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Quote from: Crompton on November 29, 2011, 10:28:52 am
5 mins and still waiting for this report Matt. You cannot keep me in this kind of suspense!

This has got to be a proper scientific test, I need time to collate results otherwise I'll never get a job with What Sock magazine.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


From my own personal experience, any good scientific investigation also involves lots of tea making and faffing around on forums first.


Quote from: jackhoneysett on November 29, 2011, 10:55:04 am
From my own personal experience, any good scientific investigation also involves lots of tea making and faffing around on forums first.

I'm still in that face, I give it a week and a half!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: cunningmatt on November 29, 2011, 11:10:22 am
I'm still in that face, I give it a week and a half!

I clearly meant "phase" not "face" - what the hell is wrong with my brain this morning? Let's cancel the tea and go for coffee!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


November 30, 2011, 08:06:02 am #184 Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 09:54:08 am by cunningmatt
Update 24 – Wednesday 30th November 2011: Bloody Games Workshop!

"The best laid plans of mice and men are doomed to failure" someone maybe once said, I can't remember the quote, but I just said it so I'm sure that counts.

Everything painting-wise was going so nicely this year, I was on course to finish my High Elf army by the end of December, there had been no new armies (or updates to existing armies) to steer me off this course and my painted to bought ratio was really strong. But of course it all turned out to be too good to be true...

Yes that's right you can always count on the exact moment when you think you've got your model collection under control for Games Workshop to go and release another set of amazing models that you must have – god dam them, and the Finecast crack supply, I've become a user!! In fairness they can't win, if they hadn't released any models for me this year I'd have been annoyed too, but that's how it roles effectively I am married to Games Workshop and they'll have to put up with the moaning!!

December's White Dwarf bounded through the door at the end of last week, thankfully  Games Workshop seem to have sorted the problem of subscribers getting their copy a month after release!!

And it was full of tempting goodies, personally I'd given up hope on any more Beastmen releases and so there would be no temptation to head back to my Beastmen army. But oh no, out pops the amazing Ghorgon/Cygor kit which clearly I will need two off, one for each monster:

Then there's the Jabberslythe – which admittedly is a bit less tempting as I've made my own this year, but still:

Such comments of course give me the perfect chance to show off my own Jabberslythe creation again for no real reason, like a proud mother sticking an awful drawing done by her kid on the fridge door:

And the releases don't even stop there, what with the Citadel Finecast Doombull. My earlier vow to never buy any more metal models again, meant I couldn't buy any more Beastmen characters – now I can. And as was pointed out a few weeks ago, how can I have 5,500 points of painted Beastmen and not a single Doombull?

Then of course I could this as an opportunity to add another unit of Minotaurs, and assemble that bloody Razagor chariot. Annoying as all these Beastmen release are, you'd think they could release another special character or two wouldn't you?!

But then what else do I spy in this month's edition, only a painting guide for the new Skullvane Manse kit – ooooo it looks so easy to paint, and would look amazing on my tabletop. Maybe I should get that too?

Of course I could wait, there's no rush to get the new Beastmen models or Skullvane Manse, but I know there is. I want them, I want them now, I want them more than Gary Glitter wants to disguise his bedroom as a branch of Mothercare. But in theory I could wait...

That of course only applies when you don't see this symbol...

Yes Games Workshop have caught onto the fact that us geeky collectors will bend over backwards to get our hands on a limited edition collectors' anything, I'm sure if they made some Orc & Goblin themed dust particles we'd rush out and buy them. Although my faith in sanity was somewhat restored by the fact that no one rushed to bid on this item:


Nice try seller, but if even I, avid waster of cash, thinks you're just trying to flog rubbish then it ain't flying! However Games Workshop have been a little more targeted with their efforts.

First up with the dreaded hourglass symbol is the Blood in the Badlands book, an opportunity to copy a campaign, and get new rules for underground and siege battles. That sounds like a must. And £20 won't break the bank, primarily because like all European banks, my bank is already well and truly bust. Plus the good thing about a new rule book is it doesn't count towards my painting mountain, it can't be painted so that basically means it doesn't add to my painted-bought ratio and therefore logically doesn't cost any money doesn't it?!

Sadly that's not the only thing with the hourglass this month that has peaked my interest:

Yes a special High Elf army box set, it IS a lot of money at £130. But I worked out that the contents (Lord on Dragon, 32 Spearmen, 20 Archers, 20 White Lions, 10 Dragon Princes & Chariot) would cost £200.50 if bought separately (maths nerds should note I worked out the Archers as a part set) – that's a massive saving of £70.50!! (Incidentally the similar Skaven kit actually offers a £72 discount, but I'm not planning to start a Skaven army? Or am I? That would be a good discount!)

Back to the High Elves, don't get distracted by Skaven, a £70.50 discount is not to be sniffed at, and I was planning to get a Dragon, 20 White Lions and 5 more Dragon Princes soonish anyway that would cost me £100.50 on it's own so for another £29.50 I can have loads of extra bits – makes sense doesn't it? Or am I trying to talk myself into it? Ohhh it's doomed to go wrong!!

This wouldn't be the first time that I've fallen for the old hour glass trick, yep I rushed out and bought Dreadfleet...

...someone had to.

Poor old Dreadfleet, the free supplement in this month's White Dwarf is a virtual admission that they can't sell all the copies they made – please, please, please buy one we're begging you!!

Despite the fact that you HAD to rush out and get it back in October it stubbornly refuses to sell out, now being listed as a stocking filler with the sign "Last Chance to Buy" proudly emblazoned next to it – though you suspect it will still be there in March 2014. In fact no other Limited Edition item has ever stayed on the shelves this long, oh no wait a minute that's not true:

Anyone for a deck of the Lore of Wild – there still here, please buy one. In fact the Beastmen Magic Deck has been limited edition for such a long time that the limited edition sign hasn't even been around that long. No trendy hour glass here!

It's a real shame about Dreadfleet having read the rules the game looks pretty good fun and the models are excellent, and this experience seems only likely to put off Games Workshop from releasing any more stand alone games.

Obviously I haven't ever played my copy and the models haven't even left the box, but there you go!

So there you go that is why I both hate and love Games Workshop at the same time like a confused Marmite enthusiast.

Good news is that despite all these distractions, at least my painting has remained focused...

50 Spearmen in 50 Days – Day 22
As we near the halfway stage you can see that I have finished Stage 1... of 4 sadly – oh dear:

For those of you bonkers enough to copy me, here's a guide to what I have done:

Stage 1 – High Elf Spearmen

Base: Khemri Brown
Boots: Scorched Brown
White Cloth: 1:1 Skull White : Astronomacian Grey
Armour Trim and Plume: 1:1 Enchanted Blue : Ice Blue
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Wood: Khemri Brown
Flesh: Dwarf Flesh

Oh and just as excitingly, I've fully finished the reverse of the 50 shields:

This was simply a basecoat of Khemri Brown, the raised areas were then painted Graveyard Earth and then I finished with a heavy drybrush of Bleached Bone. Not bad I think, particularly as they won't be seen that much.

So 28 Days left to do the front of the shields and the remaining three stages, how could I fail?!

Before I get back to the painting, a couple of bits of business:

You may have noticed yesterday that this blog kicked off with a full sock-based discussion. Thanks Dave for your suggestion on wearing socks with annoying seams inside out, works a treat:

Yes that is my hairy leg, calm yourselves!

And make sure you come back to this very blog tomorrow, because there's something very special coming soon (veteran readers will almost certainly have guessed this already, if not think about today, it's the last day of November what does that mean for tomorrow?)

See you tomorrow, you won't want to miss out!!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 01, 2011, 07:44:37 am #185 Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 07:56:11 am by cunningmatt
Thursday 1st December 2011 – Procrastination by Numbers Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar

You said you wanted a new advent calendar and you said it had to be:

Quote from: sainthale1988 on November 09, 2011, 10:46:14 pm
yes new: new and shiny!

And I should make it shiny like this:

Quote from: roland murat on November 18, 2011, 08:46:54 pm
A shiny varnish - or tinsel

Well hopefully the above banner has done the trick?!

That's right back by popular demand, despite my best efforts to not have to do it, it's the Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar. Now I know everyone hates special characters but once again I will try to change your mind as every day until Christmas you get to pop open a door press back the foil and see what special character I've remembered today.

Veteran readers may remember last year's Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar, which you can have the thrill of reliving, or if you're a new reader just living, right here. Either way each day has been shuffled (so you won't know the order) and given a 2011 update:


However for those of you craving new content here's the Procrastination by Numbers 2011 Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar, we've slightly expanded on last year's rules in that it now includes any Special Character, who once had special rules, who is not in any current Warhammer supplements OR alternatively special characters in current Warhammer supplements who don't have model. I'd argue in both cases these qualify as Forgotten Special Characters – besides we need to expand the rules or we'd run out and otherwise a large number of armies would be excluded. Don't worry there will be still be plenty of nostalgic models for you to reminisce over.

But I do need your help, last year I was able to include a large number of pictures of my own models to represent the Special Characters, however I used pretty much all the characters I owned back in 2011. So if a character pops up which you have a model for, painted or otherwise, take a photo and PM me a link and it'll get added into the appropriate entry – you'd be famous!!

Without further ado here is Door Number 1, remember, as last year, click on the spoiler to open the door. Enjoy!:

December 1st: Skaw the Falconer

Name: Skaw the Falconer

Original Points Cost: 91 points (including falcons and Flail of Claws.)

Background: Skaw the Falconer lives at the top of an old pine tree, painful, but at least festive. He shuns other Elves instead talking to birds of pray (loser), but commands them to attack his foes like living arrows. And allows players to make lots of "caw, caw" noises while using him.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves - 4th Edition, model released White Dwarf 207 (March 1997).

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves - 4th Edition

Special Rules: Skaw may be a champion for Warriors or Scouts units, or an independent character. Skaw has three falcons that can be used in either the shooting phase or combat phase, to shoot they roll against Skaw's Ballistic Skill, range 24" each hit causes a Strength 3 hit. Falcons ignore penalties for cover and skirmishers and can pick out individual characters who cannot make a Look Out Sir Roll. The Falcons can stand and shoot. In combat they fight using Skaw's Weapon Skill. Skaw has a 5+ save for his cloak of feathers. Skaw is armed with the Flail of Claws (which does not benefit from the usual Flail rules), the Flail always strikes first, characters are not wounded but simply lose 1 Attack for the rest of that close combat phase.

My Memories of the Character: I remember Skaw popping up in the White Dwarf release schedule as I was getting all excited about Bretonnians and the 5th edition Warhammer being out. Though not knowing any Wood Elf collectors didn't give him much of a reason to stick in my memory. Except of course for the stripy trousers, something no longer seen in the Warhammer world and I think it's a poorer world for it.

Person most Reminds Me Of: Bill Oddie combined with Raven from the popular CBBC series, of the same name. Look it up now, it's amazing!

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Skaw's Falcons I think convert pretty well to the 8th edition without any changes. And he could be made a unit upgrade for the Warriors or Scouts units as opposed to being a separate listed character. The Flail of Claws would need a rework because it's essentially rubbish. Maybe it would work as a bonus attack in addition to his normal attacks, or do we think the falcons are enough? Much to debate. I'm sure you won't.


Not enough for you? Check out the classic 2010 Advent Calendar goodness right here – http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2697.new#new

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


I like how it lists his flail seperately, does that mean you could choose not to take an item which actually makes him worse?!


If I'm right, back then all magic item costs for special characters were listed seperately. (So you could take them on other characters in campaigns I guess)
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?


All special characters back in 4th were listed with magic items separately - I've done a lot of reseach recently!! But it was always must be fielded as presented with magic items. Somewhere in the dim distant recess of my memory there was some kind of special/rule/ability that affected magic items based on their points cost - which would explain why they were listed separately. Ring a bell to anyone?

I am also very excited that I've made a 1,000 posts on the forum, sadly by posting this excitement I have now made 1,001 posts which ruins it somewhat!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 02, 2011, 07:54:55 am #189 Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 07:59:00 am by cunningmatt
Friday 2nd December 2011 – Procrastination by Numbers Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar

There's another brand new Procrastination by Numbers Forgotten Special Character for you here. Sorry if I seem a little distracted, I'm desperately trying to avoid making a joke about striking public sector workers – mustn't they have no sense of humour, mustn't...

December 2nd: Lotl Botl

Name: Lotl Botl

Original Points Cost: 100 points.

Background: Lotl Botl is the Lizardmen for "Very Hard" (really it is, I haven't even made that up!). He is a great Saurus and acts as chief bouncer for the Mage-Priests of Xlanhuapec (notably for it's high scoring value in Lizardmen Scrabble). His main duties include checking the Skink's ID is valid, not letting anyone bring in their own blow pipes, stopping people getting up to the Slann's DJ booth and keeping the Kroxigor from fighting at the bar.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen – 5th Edition.

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen – 5th Edition. Another victim of the great cull of special characters in the 6th edition.

Special Rules: Lotl Botl is Cold Blooded, with a 3+ armour save (never modified to worse than 6+). Lotl Botl causes Fear. Any unit of Saurus Warriors accompanied by Lotl Botl gain +1 combat resolution.

My Memories of the Character: None sadly, I don't believe there was ever a model (bracing myself for a torrent of abusive correcting e-mails). And never having the book I never found him, though he has got one of the Lizardmen comedy names!

Person most Reminds Me Of: Simon Cowell's bodyguard on The X Factor.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Any Saurus hero could pretty much fit the bill for this character, he hardly has any real distinguishing features, I've chosen this one:

The Cold Blooded rule has barely changed and the Scaly Skin rule replaces the armour save. The other special rules are hardly game breaking so I'd leave them unchanged.


There's more Advent Calendar gooey goodness over here, get clicking: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2697.msg37204;topicseen#msg37204

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146