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Wargaming New Years Resolutions 2013

Started by Blotthrower, December 18, 2012, 07:18:15 pm

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Probably a little premature since 2012 isn't finished yet, and off the back of my 50% failure of last years resolutions, here's my 2013 Wargaming Resolutions.

1) Start painting my Warhammer Orcs and Goblins in a coherent colour scheme - I've got tons of Orcs & Goblins, piles and piles of unpainted, part painted, chipped and broken models all for the great green tide. My plan is to sort out the wheat from the chaff so to speak and actually pull together an army of Orcs and Goblins, rather than lots of randomly painted stuff.

2) Play more 40k and Epic - 2012 was the year I really expanded my hobby and I've been drawn into this crazy space age gaming after years of playing just Warhammer. The aim is to get plenty more games of 40k in and actually learn the rules! I may even make it down to one of those legendary OG 40k events if I can get enough models together / painted.

3) Go to some Malifaux Tournaments - Ripped Straight from the 2012 resolutions, I'm determined to at least make 1 Malifaux tournament this year.

4) Go to Whoops! - I went last year and it was such a blast I'm going back again, right up my street in terms of crazy underpowered gaming.

5) Keep all the other projects ticking over - By this I mean actually paint some of the other models I have including my new epic Feral Orc army, my Malifaux Neverborn, my 40k projects, my Betts... so many models, not enough time!

And now its over to you guys!


Ok...I'm a fan of signing up to stuff and then panicking over not getting it done so this thread is right up my street!  My over all rule, as of now, is no new purchasing til the majority of what I've got is at least assembled and played with.  After that:

1.  Write a proper Skaven list. And another one.  And one for luck.
2.  Paint it up. With proper basing.
3.  Take it to a tournament.

I've now been back in the hobby for a year and am getting to grips with the ratties, whilst wishing I played pretty much any non-horde army every time I start racking them up.  Still, I think I am starting to strike a balance between the poles of woefully under-powered and power gamer netlist.  I feel like I'm drowning in rats to paint so the plan is to write 3 decent lists that'll be fun to play, paint up all the models I need for them (including unit fillers and magnetised bases for at least the majority).  I'll then test run them at Waarghs and look for a relatively local tournament where lots of OG-ers will be in attendance.

4.  Get a lot better at painting and converting.
5.  Show that off with my Dark Eldar

They're going to be so pretty.  At the moment I have serious issues co-ordinating my wild fantasies of design and my cack handed, er, hands.  Practice makes perfect and all that so best crack on!

6.  Play lots of different systems.

WFB is totally great at times, skull burningly annoying at others.  So the plan is to try and work my way through some of the board games at the club, try X Wing, play more Magic, Descent, have a crack at Bloodbowl maybe, that kinda thing.
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.

Tom Hale

December 18, 2012, 10:55:13 pm #2 Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 04:55:45 pm by Tom Hale
Once again love the concept so here we go.

1. Get into the Masters. (might be a little arrogant but currently being 15th, and having first 100pts of the season should be doable!)
2. Get the Bretonnian Icon and hold it for a least two month (with Steve Follow and Sedge both gunning for it could be hard fought)
3. Get my Bretts to a state where they never lose a painting point ever again!  :endit:
4. Sort my Dark Angels out when the new book drops
5. Decide on either to keep the Daemons or not when new book comes and get them painted if i keep them
6. Go to at least 2 new venues/ locations for tournaments as well as the regular favourites
7. Do well at the ETC
8. Try out the AGOT living card game
9. play more specialist games: Necromunda, Bloodbowl etc
10. Expand the podcast: new segments, more guests, maybe some video material!
HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn


Ok, lets give this a go this year.

1. Get my Lizardmen up to a consistant (and transportable) standard.
With a new book (or at least a WD update) coming for the High Elves i'm going to put them on the back burner for a while and concentrate on the Lizards. This weekend showed though that the army is a mess, a hodge-podge of colour schemes and i've yet to come up with a sensible way of transporting all the fliers to a tournament without breakages.

2. Get a 2400 point Empire army ready and take it to a Waargh
Painting for events (particularly the 20 Reavers for Beasthammer...) and general laziness means i've only painted up about 1000 points of Empire this year, want to push on with this project and at least get it to a point i can bring it to a Waargh.

3. Continue my hobby clearout
Still got loads of figures that i'll never use cluttering up the place. Want to try and get these ebay'ed off this year.

Only 3 things but suppose that means i'm less likely to fail.....

roland murat

Hmm decisions, decisions.

1) Finish Space Marines - 1,850 fully painted/based
2) Update WOC when new book drops assuming this is either in Q1 or Q2
3) Make Orks a tad more competitive.

and for a really big challenge

4) Top 3 in a waagh
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Not to bad for 2012 compared to my epic fail at 2011...
So lets keep this achievable..

1) Get my Daemons and Necrons painted for 40K and take them to some friendly (non ranked) events

2) Learn Bolt Action and paint up my German force

3) Build and Paint lots of new Boards and Scenery for the Club

4) Get as many people as possible to play different games at the clubs, variety is the key after all.
Next year we will be pushing X-Wing, Netrunner LCG, Star Wars LCG, Descent, Dystopian Legions, Dust Tactics, Bolt Action, Zombicide, Magic to name a few  :thumbsup:

The Trampoline

Hmmmm....well after two years of dismail faliure to complete pretty much any of my hobby resolutions I probably shouldn't set any more. Or third time lucky perhaps :thumbsup:

1) Finish the Space Marines Genesis Chapter, and do so by stikcing to the 250points per month blog. I want to stick at this blog and since this is just a club army then I can afford to do a bit each month rather than rush to do loads in a short run up to a tournament (when I seem to do all my painting.) Although I'm lagging behind at the moment (I'm blaming Winter War organisation and painting Dark Elves for Downfall) I think I can catch up over the next couple of weeks. I probably just need to spend one weekend in the month on these guys and by the end of April I'll have 1500points which is where I'll probably finish them.

2) Step up my warhammer game. After Downfall I've realised how much of a sloppy player I am, and that I need to think much more about how I play the game rather than relying on getting drawn against chumps, having better match ups and luck. I need to practise more games as of late I've hardly been playing any warhammer and I have become qutie bad.

3) Rather than say paint this army, finish that project, my goal for 2013 is just to finish characters/units. I have a really short attention span when it comes to painting and I have many half finished units and characters spread across many different projects. I think I should try to push to complete one unit and stick to it until it's finished. I think I might start a seperate painting blog (like Dave's) to show off a finished unit and help motivate me to stick to it. At the moment though it'll have to be Dark Elf units since this is the army I want to use at tournaments.

4) Speed up my game, I think I got to six turns in only 1 game at Downfall. I think this is partial to do with improving my game as I couple of turns I can spend 15-20 minutes on my movement phase which is quite a big chunk of the game time-wise. Even down Spiky I take ages, so I might start timing myself in an effert to speed up.

5) Make and paint a dirorama. I've always wanted to do one of these and I think it would be a good way to showcase some miniatures I would like to paint but would probably never do so because I wouldn't use them in an army. Also it might help improve my painting skills which is something else I want to focus on.

I think I'll leave it at that, I'm working on a unit of Dark Elf spearmen at the moment so I'll stick to this as my first unit and try and post it up when I hopefully finish it.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


My personal ones last year were an epic fail, and it seems I haven't learned from my mistakes. For the second year running I had get the hang of WFB, and haven't played one single game. Instead of getting a fully painted army, I did a bit of base coating here and there, and diverted attention away by starting a new army and taking up a new game system in X Wing. Plans for the 2013:

a) Continue with the 40k Tale of OG Gamers so that I have a 1750pt CSM army painted nicely by the middle of the summer;

b) Master X Wing. I now have the starter box, at least one of each expansion (Y Wing came through today) and I've got a handful of games under my belt. Movement seems to be key, and whilst I don't have as much stuff crashing into each other as before, there is still a long way to go.

c) Finally play some WFB and get the hang of 8th Ed.

and finally, the unlikely goal of,

d) Get my nids into a state (painting wise) where I'd be happy to take them to events outside of the club.

Check out my Tale of OG Gamers Blog: http://ruinsofcaliban.blogspot.co.uk/

Angelus Mortifer

Like a few already, my 2012 goals ended up looking like this...

So, rather than raising the bar a millimetre off the ground, I'm going to aim for some simpler, less-constrained goals for next year.

a) Get my Dark Eldar done before New Year's Eve 2013. 1850pts with multiple builds, not just one, and a display board.
b) Enter a few non-OG tournies, one of which has to be a weekender so that I can experience the joy of memory loss and run-ins with the law.
c) Play more board games (maybe give X-Wing a dabble, Descent, and that Zombie one Ol mentioned, as well as more Mansions as and when).
d-1) Start thinking about Alpha Legion towards the end of the year ready to start work in 2014.
d-2) Start thinking about Death Korp of Krieg as an alternative army for 2014. (Unless GW bring out a new, interesting race or blatantly Adeptus Mechanicus, I can't see myself being tempted by anything new as a complete army - discounting the odd Allied contingent here and there)

That should do for now...
"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to take us to victory, and wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father - Sanguinius holds it all." Horus


OK here goes.

1. Try to get down to the club once a month for gaming nights AND play a game when I get there.

2. Do not fail at Tale of 40K Gamers.

3. Clear out all my non-used gaming stuff.

4. Get my O&G ready for MK Massacre (Or BeerHammer, whatever Mr Borland does this year.)

5. (and this is a REAL challenge) Top 3 at a Planet OG.
Charge.  Flee.  Your Turn.


With only a couple of days of 2012 left I seem to have achieved 1 of my 3 goals for the year (picked up a Silver Painting Award at a WM/H tournament - although it was only 16-man so not too tough). I did end my resolutions last year with the following comment:

Quote from: CraigMNo 40k ambitions this year, unless an interesting book comes out like Chaos Marines or just 6th ed.

Despite both of these things coming true I have successfully avoided buying any more 40k stuff for the moment (although I may well get a bit more involved in that this coming year. I think my main aims are:

1. I said this last year and will probably say it every year: Finish painting my Legion of Everblight army. I just can't seem to paint them to the standard I want and keep competitive in the game at the same time (new shiny toy syndrome ftl).

2. Finish my gaming table and build more terrain for it. It's almost ready to play WM/H as a 4x4, but I'd like to get all the scenery painted to match the board and also extend it to a 6x4 table and make suitable scenery to be able to play 40k.

3. Play more boardgames. Zombicide looks a lot of fun and I've played a few new boardgames over the Xmas period that have reminded me that boardgames can be just as much fun.

I think that will do. Any more is probably unrealistic for me. I'm also going to try and get to the club more often (which is looking a lot more possible now a few people at OG will play WM/H )

Ted Johansson

Let´s give this a go.

1) finish painting a 2400 pts Skaven army list.

2) Attend my first uk tournament.

3) Attend club nights and play atleast 1-2 times a month.

4) Bring out my Grey Knights and bash some skulls in with them!


Gonna be a nice relaxed year for me, not too many hobby/gaming ambitions as other things in life to focus on.

1. Paint 1850pts Eldar army for tale of OG gamers (about 600pts done so far so fairly confident of this one)
2. Sell off some unnecessary stuff.  I spent a lot of time this year stripping models ready for sale but never getting round to taking pics and selling them, I must do that!
3. Paint the rest of my Malifaux stuff (again). I did everything I had last year then bought a load more with no time to paint it so back to needing to get working again.
4. Paint up or sell off my Bones Kickstarter from Reaper, this is a massive number of figs but know there are many I'll never use, so I want to shift them.
5. Fill out my TK army with every option in the book.  Relatively simple this one as not too much I don't have; Some horse archers, scorpion, Ushabti, stalkers and colossus required for the lot.  (Colossus and Scorpion are part of bones kickstarter too).

Very specifically I'm not signing up to painting 365 models again because I've done it 2 years running and know I'd fail this year as moving to Bath/Bristol in March (finally confimred when) and likely to be buying a house to move into down there some time later in the year, so 2 moves plus Ruari = not enough time I reckon.


Time to see how we all did.....

Quote from: fatolaf on December 19, 2012, 03:53:53 pm

1) Get my Daemons and Necrons painted for 40K and take them to some friendly (non ranked) events

Well half done, did the daemons and did several big comped events, Vanquish, Pillage..
Sold Necrons and I am now having a GW break as the current meta is not fun...

Quote2) Learn Bolt Action and paint up my German force

Bought a Japanese army and lots of scenery, this will be my new mini game of choice for 2014

Quote3) Build and Paint lots of new Boards and Scenery for the Club

Yep, several new tables and scenery built...

Quote4) Get as many people as possible to play different games at the clubs, variety is the key after all.
Next year we will be pushing X-Wing, Netrunner LCG, Star Wars LCG, Descent, Dystopian Legions, Dust Tactics, Bolt Action, Zombicide, Magic to name a few  :thumbsup:

Nice to see this has happened, with many club members moving away from GW and trying out many more games, we have a regular MTG group of players and boardgames have been making a come back, with Memoir 44 my new fave...

The Trampoline


Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum

Angelus Mortifer

Quote from: Angelus Mortifer on December 20, 2012, 02:52:43 pm
Like a few already, my 2012 goals ended up looking like this...

So, rather than raising the bar a millimetre off the ground, I'm going to aim for some simpler, less-constrained goals for next year.

a) Get my Dark Eldar done before New Year's Eve 2013. 1850pts with multiple builds, not just one, and a display board.
b) Enter a few non-OG tournies, one of which has to be a weekender so that I can experience the joy of memory loss and run-ins with the law.
c) Play more board games (maybe give X-Wing a dabble, Descent, and that Zombie one Ol mentioned, as well as more Mansions as and when).
d-1) Start thinking about Alpha Legion towards the end of the year ready to start work in 2014.
d-2) Start thinking about Death Korp of Krieg as an alternative army for 2014. (Unless GW bring out a new, interesting race or blatantly Adeptus Mechanicus, I can't see myself being tempted by anything new as a complete army - discounting the odd Allied contingent here and there)

That should do for now...

a) Nope. Real life sucks.

b) Did Pillage, which was an ace weekend. Wish I could have done a couple more.

c) Started alright at the beginning of the year but then tailed off quite quickly. Will maybe try some new ones in 2014. Always enjoy Mansions, and Zombicide was great for the couple of games I got to play.

d) Started Alpha Legion for about 1.5 months but then realised time, money, and a lack of flexibility in the new CSM Codex to field realistic AL was enough to make that stall fairly quickly. Maybe if they bring out a Supplement it could work, but I think BA building for my new book at the end of 2014, plus a smattering of Dark Eldar will be my focus for next year.
"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to take us to victory, and wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father - Sanguinius holds it all." Horus


OK here goes.

1. Try to get down to the club once a month for gaming nights AND play a game when I get there. : FAIL

2. Do not fail at Tale of 40K Gamers.  : FAIL

3. Clear out all my non-used gaming stuff.  : FAIL

4. Get my O&G ready for MK Massacre (Or BeerHammer, whatever Mr Borland does this year.)  : FAIL

5. (and this is a REAL challenge) Top 3 at a Planet OG.  : FAIL

so, pretty normal for me then.....
Charge.  Flee.  Your Turn.


Quote from: Deathwing_Matt on December 20, 2012, 02:09:40 pm
My personal ones last year were an epic fail, and it seems I haven't learned from my mistakes. For the second year running I had get the hang of WFB, and haven't played one single game. Instead of getting a fully painted army, I did a bit of base coating here and there, and diverted attention away by starting a new army and taking up a new game system in X Wing. Plans for the 2013:

a) Continue with the 40k Tale of OG Gamers so that I have a 1750pt CSM army painted nicely by the middle of the summer;

b) Master X Wing. I now have the starter box, at least one of each expansion (Y Wing came through today) and I've got a handful of games under my belt. Movement seems to be key, and whilst I don't have as much stuff crashing into each other as before, there is still a long way to go.

c) Finally play some WFB and get the hang of 8th Ed.

and finally, the unlikely goal of,

d) Get my nids into a state (painting wise) where I'd be happy to take them to events outside of the club.

a) FAIL - A combination of real life taking over, the publication of the new DA codex, my poor organisation and that I found that the CSM codex ended up being really dull meant that I have a half-built, unpainted World Eaters army I may one day return to. Much like Seb's thoughts on Alpha Legion, a half-decent supplement wouldn't go amis as most CSM armies you see now have a large number of units to Papa Nurgle;

b) SEMI-FAIL - Have played a few games, love the system, but not as many as I'd hoped.

c) FAIL - This has been pushed back into 2014 - my desk is full of dusty WoC who've spent a few years sat at the bottom of my wardrobe;

d) Nids haven't progressed much, but a new codex early next year may spur me on.

On the plus side, I've spent much time playing 40k, trying to get the DA codex to work with mixed success, made the top 25% at GW's Kill Team event in April (despite 20% of players taking Riptides @ 200pts) and have gotten into a wide range of games such as AGOT and Pandemic. Amer's RT campaign has been awesome too!
Check out my Tale of OG Gamers Blog: http://ruinsofcaliban.blogspot.co.uk/


Quote from: TkaiC on December 18, 2012, 08:02:43 pm

My over all rule, as of now, is no new purchasing til the majority of what I've got is at least assembled and played with.  After that:

1.  Write a proper Skaven list. And another one.  And one for luck.
2.  Paint it up. With proper basing.
3.  Take it to a tournament.

4.  Get a lot better at painting and converting.
5.  Show that off with my Dark Eldar

6.  Play lots of different systems.

HUGE fail on the overall rule.  From having one army in a state of semi completion (Skaven) and one planned (Dark Eldar) I now have Chaos Marines, Imperial Guard, Blood Angels and the core of a Bretts army all crying out for some love.  I did get rid of the most of the Dark Eldar though.  So...no, still a huge fail.  Must stop going on Ebay.

1-2:  The Skaven are actually not far off completion - sadly the things that need painting are the big things (Furnace, Bell, Abom) and, well, there're always more slaves to paint.  Basically the rats are in stasis until a new book comes out and they stop being so...meh.  I *did* paint and base a full Chaos Marine army though, with multiple versions...so I'm scoring that as a win.

3.  Well, I've switched to 40K, and went to Portsmouth.  It was ace.

4-5.  I think I have improved here, (ref: The Iron Within) I've started adding more detail to my models and am getting the hang of actually highlighting models rather than just relying on a heavy wash of Devlan Mud.  I'm particularly happy with my converted Daemon Prince - pretty much just sticking wings on an existing model but I had to pin them in place (new thing for me!) and use green stuff (yep, new!).  I also made some Obliterators.  Annoyingly one of my cats has now taken the head off one.

6.  Sadly a change in career has ruined my attendance record, and it doesn't look likely to improve until next year.  Boo hiss to work, except I really like the job, so yay, hooray work too.  I did play a few different games (Rogue Trader is ace, Magic is still fun) so I'll give that a semi tick.

So I'd score that a 5.5 out of 6, although all rather redundant with my massive fail on the STOP BUYING STUFF TOM, PAINT THE ONES YOU OWN one.  Sigh.

So, Tom H, about those Bretts....
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.

Tom Hale

HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn

roland murat

Quote from: roland murat on December 19, 2012, 12:33:21 pm
Hmm decisions, decisions.

1) Finish Space Marines - 1,850 fully painted/based
2) Update WOC when new book drops assuming this is either in Q1 or Q2
3) Make Orks a tad more competitive.

and for a really big challenge

4) Top 3 in a waagh

1) I can field 1,850 of painted chaps so I'll call it a win.
2) Yep - I pickd up a couple of bits that have seen action (ignoring some horrible proxies that emerged).
3) The Orks haven't seen much action this year so hard to say
4)  :moody;3:

Not a bad effort this year. I'll hold off making rasjh promises for next year until later
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

Tom Hale

Quote from: Tom Hale on December 18, 2012, 10:55:13 pm
Once again love the concept so here we go.

1. Get into the Masters. (might be a little arrogant but currently being 15th, and having first 100pts of the season should be doable!)
2. Get the Bretonnian Icon and hold it for a least two month (with Steve Follow and Sedge both gunning for it could be hard fought)
3. Get my Bretts to a state where they never lose a painting point ever again!  :endit:
4. Sort my Dark Angels out when the new book drops
5. Decide on either to keep the Daemons or not when new book comes and get them painted if i keep them
6. Go to at least 2 new venues/ locations for tournaments as well as the regular favourites
7. Do well at the ETC
8. Try out the AGOT living card game
9. play more specialist games: Necromunda, Bloodbowl etc
10. Expand the podcast: new segments, more guests, maybe some video material!

1. it would appear that for the second year i have just missed out. really rather gutted really. FAIL
2. got it, held it for many months. just lost it this week but not an issue. WIN
3. I didn't get docked pts when i used my bretts at any event. my warriors did but i count that as a WIN
4. sorted it right out. ebayed the lot. I will however count that as a FAIL from GW
5. Decided not to keep them and rage sold them. As it transpires they are one of the best books in both systems. FAIL
6. well Serbia for the ETC and MK for Rollcall so i'll count that as a WIN
7. We did well enough: i won some games, lost some where it didn't affect the team result, we did better than Wales ever has. WIN
8. Straight FAIL
9. Played some necromunda early in the year and just coming the end of my second season playing bloodbowl. WIN
10. Well mixed bag, disappeared for quite a while, i have had some new guests and some minor variant ideas so ill count it as a WIN
HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn