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Procrastination by Numbers

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Procrastination by Numbers: Update 144 February Blues Sunday 1st February 2015

144.1 The End Times


Usually January sees a flourish of painting activity as I get loads done in that doldrums period between Christmas and New Year, which then inspires me for January. That's just not happened this year, though I have started reading The End Times – finally. I'm part way through Nagash Book 1 (hence not that far). I think I've pretty much stumbled on every spoiler there is on the way, but hush if you know any just in case. My thoughts so far are – it would be nice if the odd thing went the good guys way and it reassures me that Malagor's Beastmen perform about as well in the book as my Malagor and Beastmen do on the battlefield.

Shockingly I have actually done some painting, it's not really that related to End Times, well not the bit I've read – maybe he pops up later. But I've made some progress on my Throgg, that's not a euphemism.

144.2 Throgg Painting Guide

Throgg Painting Guide – Stage 1

Base: Steel Legion Drab
Skulls/Horns: Steel Legion Drab
Flesh: 1:1 Shadow Grey/Abaddon Black
Belly Flesh: Baneblade Brown
Rock: Stormvermin Fur
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Tin Metal: Tin Bitz
Dwarf Bronze: Tin Bitz
Silver Metal: Boltgun Metal
Dwarf Silver: Wash Nuln Oil
Leather Straps: Scorched Brown
Cream Cloak: Steel Legion Drab
Red Cloak: Scab Red
White Cloak: Astronomican Grey
Brown Cloak: Scorched Brown
Fur: Steel Legion Drab
Grey Beard: Codex Grey
Orange Beard: Macharius Solar Orange

Throgg Painting Guide – Stage 2

Base: Steel Legion Drab
Skulls/Horns: Steel Legion Drab
Flesh: 1:1 Shadow Grey/Abaddon Black
Belly Flesh: Baneblade Brown
Rock: Stormvermin Fur
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Tin Metal: Tin Bitz
Dwarf Bronze: Tin Bitz
Silver Metal: Boltgun Metal
Dwarf Silver: Wash Nuln Oil
Leather Straps: Scorched Brown
Cream Cloak: Steel Legion Drab
Red Cloak: Scab Red
White Cloak: Astronomican Grey
Brown Cloak: Scorched Brown
Fur: Steel Legion Drab
Grey Beard: Codex Grey
Orange Beard: Macharius Solar Orange

144.3 Get in Touch

It's a teeny tiny start, but hey at least it's something. Maybe I will finish Throgg by December or maybe I will have a burst of inspiration and finish him by November who knows.

As always I love to know what you think so throw us some comments, or harass me on Twitter @ProbyNumbers

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 145 Some Actual Painting Monday 16th February 2015

145.1 Painting Corner

Yes regular readers will be shocked to hear I have actually, unbelievably painted some models - cue gasp!

First up, yes first up implies there's more than one thing, I have completed Throgg, King of the Trolls, for my most recently failed Tale of OG Gamers.

Here he is in all his regenerative glory:

I'm really pleased with how he turned out,  I wasn't convinced early on in the painting! And yes the scheme is pretty much a blatant rip off of the Games Workshop paint scheme - but I like it so there! 

The one thing I maybe need to work on is my checkerboard painting,  which looks a little ropey - somewhere along the line my squares stopped being quite so square!

Here is positioned alongside his fellow Trolls, he's come out a little bluer than his loyal subjects - largely because I painted them such a very long time ago that I didn't keep an accurate record of what colours I used. But hey Trolls are naturally  chaotic so it doesn't matter. Plus he's about three times taller than his comrades which is probably more odd than the skin shade.

Adding him to my Tale of OG Gamers Warriors of Chaos army (last seen in Update 139) produces the following list:

Chaos Sorcerer    Lord      235 points
+ Mark of Tzeentch      15 points
+Manticore         150 points
+Magic Items         50 points
450 points

LORDS: 450 points

Throgg            195 points
195 points

HEROES: 195 points

20x Foresaken         380 points
+ Mark of Tzeentch      20 points
400 points

Chaos Chariot         110 points
+ Mark of Tzeentch      10 points
120 points

CORE: 520 points

Gorebeast Chariot      130 points
+ Mark of Tzeentch      10 points
140 points

Chimera         230 points
+ Flaming Breath      30 points
+ Regenerating Flesh      15 points
275 points

8x Chaos Ogres         264 points
+ Ogre Mutant         10 points
+ Musician         10 points
+ Standard Bearer      10 points
+ Mark of Tzeentch      32 points
+ Great Weapons      64 points
390 points

SPECIAL: 805 points

TOTAL: 1,970 points

That leaves for my Warriors Tale Army just a Hellcannon (currently being assembled) and a Hellbrute or Mutilath Vortex Beast (currently untouched in box) to add.

145.2 Throgg Painting Guide Stages 3-4

Throgg Painting Guide – Stage 3

Base: Drybrush Ushabti Bone
Skulls/Horns: Highlight Baneblade Brown, then Rakarth Flesh
Flesh: Layer 1:1 Shadow Grey/Space Wolves Grey
Belly Flesh: Layer 2:1 Graveyard Earth/Ushabti Bone, then layer 1:1 Graveyard Earth/Ushabti Bone
Rock: Selectively Drybrush Gretchin Green, then drybrush Astronomacian Grey
Gold Metal: Wash Seraphim Sepia, then Highlight 5:1 Shining Gold/Mithril Silver
Tin Metal: Highlight 5:1 Tin Bitz/Boltgun Metal
Dwarf Bronze: Wash Seraphim Sepia, then Highlight 5:1 Dwarf Bronze/Mithril Silver
Silver Metal: Highlight 1:1 Chainmail/Boltgun Metal
Dwarf Silver: Highlight 1:1 Chainmail/Boltgun Metal
Leather Straps: Highlight Scorched Brown
Cream Cloak: Layer 1:1 Baneblade Brown/Kommando Khaki, then layer Kommando Khaki
Red Cloak: Layer 1:1 Red Gore/Blood Red, then layer Blood Red
White Cloak: Layer 1:2 Astronomican Grey/Skull White, Highlight squares 1:1 Abaddon Black/Codex Grey
Brown Cloak: Drybrush Vermin Brown
Fur: Drybrush Rakarth Flesh
Grey Beard: Drybrush Codex Grey
Orange Beard: Drybrush Fiery Orange
Mouth: Layer Emperor's Children, then 3:1 Emperor's Children/Skull White
Wood: Highlight Bubonic Brown

Throgg Painting Guide – Stage 4

Base: Flocked with Scorched Grass and Citadel Snow
Skulls/Horns: Highlight Ushabti Bone, then 1:1 Ushabti Bone/Skull White
Flesh: Wash recesses Agrax Earthshade, then wash Drakenhof Nightshade
Belly Flesh: Highlight Ushabti Bone, then wash Seraphim Sepia
Rock: Wash recesses Nuln Oil, then drybrush Skull White
Gold Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Tin Metal: Highlight Chainmail
Dwarf Bronze: Highlight Mithril Silver
Silver Metal: Highlight Chainmail
Dwarf Silver: Highlight Chainmail
Leather Straps: Highlight Bestial Brown
Cream Cloak: Highlight 1:1 Kommando Khaki/Ushabti Bone, then Highlight Ushabti Bone
Red Cloak: Wash recesses Nuln Oil, then wash cloak Carrobourg Crimson
White Cloak: Highlight Skull White
Brown Cloak: Drybrush Vomit Brown
Fur: Drybrush Ushabti Bone
Grey Beard: Drybrush Fortress Grey
Orange Beard: DONE
Mouth: Highlight Skull White, then wash 1:1:1 Devlan Mud/Leviathan Purple/Thraka Green
Wood: DONE

145.3 The Other Tale of OG Gamers

Before I failed the Warriors Tale of OG Gamers, back in Update 129,  I failed an Ultramarines Tale of OG Gamers. As of 2015's resolutions I have vowed to take my army up to 2,400 points. With that in mind I have added a couple of Space Marine Captains (one free with a Web purchase, the other bought in a moment of madness, but I quite like it) and a Predator.

I've magnetised my Predator so that it can be built with either weapon options for the man turret and the side mounted weapons. The sponsons can also be removed, and the whole model converts into a second Rhino for my army.

I don't think this magnetising has added anything deeply ground-breaking to the hobby world! My one useful tip is if you have two parts that need to be magnetised together at a point where the surfaces aren't in close proximity - the gun turret for example, then adding an offcut piece of plastic frame is a useful way of getting the magnets  closer .

I used a few extra magnets on each stack here, simply to keep the two halves of the turret tight so that the gun stays erect (s!@%$#%@).

That takes my total Ultramarine task force to the following list:

Space Marine Captain      90 points
90 points

Space Marine Captain      90 points
+ Power Fists         25 points
115 points

Space Marine Captain      90 points
+ Power Fists         25 points
+ Plasma Pistol         15 points
130 points

HQ: 335 points

Tactical Squad         70 points
+5 Additional Space Marines   70 points
+ Flamer         5 points
+ Missile Launcher      15 points
+ Chainsword (rep. Bolt Gun)   0 points
160 points

Tactical Squad         70 points
+5 Additional Space Marines   70 points
+ Plasma Gun         15 points
+ Missile Launcher      15 points
+ Power Fist         25 points
195 points

Scout Squad         55 points
+ Heavy Bolter         8 points
+ Plasma Pistol         15 points
78 points

Troops: 433 points

Dedicated Transports
Rhino            35 points
+ Storm Bolter         5 points
+ Hunter-Killer Missile      10 points
50 points

Drop Pod         35 points
+ Locator Beacon      10 points
45 points

Dedicated Transports: 95 points

Terminator Squad      200 points
+ 1 Additional Terminator   40 points
240 points

Dreadnought         100 points
100 points

Elites: 340 points

Fast Attack
Assault Squad         85 points
+ 5 Additional Space Marines   85 points
+ Flamer         10 points
+ Power Fist         25 points
+ Plasma Pistol         15 points
220 points

Fast Attack: 220 points

Heavy Support
Devastator Squad      70 points
+ Chainsword (rep. Bolt Gun)   0 points
+ Heavy Bolter         10 points
+ Missile Launch      15 points
+ Flakk Missiles      10 points
+ Plasma Cannon      15 points
+ Lascannon         20 points
140 points

Predator         75 points
+ Twin-linked Lascannon   25 points
+ 2x Heavy Bolters      40 points
140 points

Vindicator         125 points
+ Extra Armour      10 points
+ Dozer Blade         5 points
140 points

Heavy Support: 420 points

TOTAL: 1,843 points

I'm currently using my new found magnet skills to build some  Centurions with multiple weapons  options as the next addition to the list.

145.4 Get In Touch

With two important projects on the go, I have clearly got distracted painting some classic Dwarf models - such is the way of the hobby butterfly.  Any way do feel free to tell me off for losing focus either on here, or by following me on Twitter @ProbyNumbers.  Until next time. Byeeeeeeeeee.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

Angelus Mortifer

Nice Limited Edition Captains, and the Pred came out really well. I picked up the Plasma Pistol dude, ready to be painted around 2023  :wink;m::

Good stuff, paint more!
"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to take us to victory, and wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father - Sanguinius holds it all." Horus


Quote from: Angelus Mortifer on February 17, 2015, 12:26:22 am
Nice Limited Edition Captains, and the Pred came out really well. I picked up the Plasma Pistol dude, ready to be painted around 2023  :wink;m::

Good stuff, paint more!

Cheers dude glad you like it - yes I have many things like that, that I will paint one day!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


You cannot have all those (lovely) photos and then tease me right at the end with a mention of some Dwarfs that you haven't taken a photo of. Booooooooo
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."


Quote from: Crompton on February 17, 2015, 05:03:17 pm
You cannot have all those (lovely) photos and then tease me right at the end with a mention of some Dwarfs that you haven't taken a photo of. Booooooooo

Sorry not meant to be a tease! I have literally only done the base coat will add some Dwarf photos when some progress has been made.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 146 Building Little Men Sunday 8th March 2015

146.1 The Ranting of  a Mad Man

Again another howl of anguish cried out, reverberating off the walls it echoed into the streets below setting rats scurrying from their hiding places and travellers foolish enough to be out at that dark hour running to their destination even more fleet of foot. The air of dismay could be felt throughout the city, no one rested easy that night as the rain beat down, even the dead could not sleep.

There was another loud shriek, the sound of metal clattering across a wooded floor could be heard. The rituals and enchantments designed to bond the scattered fragments had yet again failed and would have to be performed again from scratch. That night the city would not sleep easy...

That's right I have been gluing more models together for all my sins, bit of an eclectic mix of bits and pieces, but that seems to my preferred style of painting at present – the odd bit for this army, the odd bit for that.

First up on the assembly table is the new, well new by more painting speed, Dwarf Slayer model. Yeah he's not as quaint as some of the older models I am adding to my Dwarf army but you have to admit he does look rather impressive.

Then there's Gotrek and Felix (or Go trek and Felixstowe as my autocorrect would prefer), I really love these classic fourth edition models – and let's be honest who when faced with a sprue with a thousand pieces on doesn't look fondly back at the days where you pushed the model in a slotta base and it was done?! I know these are less playing pieces more literary characters but they look fun to paint and surely I can come up with some obscene rules to use them on the table-top that will actually give me a chance of winning.

Carrying on my trio of orange-haired midget loonies I've added Ungrim Ironfist to the painting pile. I'm planning to paint him up in his classic guise, rather than as a flaming ball of incarnate rage. Real shame that Games Workshop haven't added any new models for the "goodies" of The End Times – some good opportunities missed there. I considered removing Ungrim's banner pole, but my Dwarf army is a classic army so I left them on. The banners are from the High Elf Silver Helm kit, and I used green stuff to add loops to the flags.

Speaking of classic Dwarfs I added, probably the best ever, version of the Dwarf Gyrocopter to my army. Yeah he's throwing bombs which a Gyrocopter can't do now, but he looks cool and he was much easier to build than his metal successor (don't know about the current plastic version)! I've masking taped up his flying base here just for spraying with Chaos Black!

Spoiler Alert, Spoiler Alert! I've only just finished reading Warhammer: Nagash – I'm way behind so this is probably only a spoiler alert for me! However I seem to have now assembled a load of characters who have since died.

King Kazador who should have had some rules in Warhammer: Nagash but was sadly overlooked, was next on my list. His banners are the plastic ones from the High Elf Spearmen kit, I've filed off the Elven runes and cut the gems off. The plastic symbols were from the original plastic Dwarf Warrior kit, designed for the shields.

For entirely pointless reasons I have also built Kraggi (the Jar Jar Binks of the Warhammer World) and his furnace, even though I haven't built the Anvil of Doom or the Runesmith to go with it. Yeah I know.

I also assembled Eltharion the Grimm, the only Elf character from the current army book I have painted. Imrik being a tempting new option! This was probably one of the first ever models I bought after getting the 4th edition of Warhammer (although you did get a card version to use in the game). This isn't actually that model, it got "manked" together (technical term) with glue, and bits got least in the many years since I got it. But still it's exciting to be painting a model with such personal history. The joy of pining together metal pieces that really don't fit together was very exciting, but it does seem quite stable. I have green stuffed some pieces of stone to make the base, I'm hoping it will look like a ruined Elven street once painted – we will see.

Lastly I've assembled a Hellcannon of Chaos, I'm told the metal model is even harder to put together than the resin version I did. I feel sorry for metal Hellcannon owners. This was a bloody pain, in fairness my problems may are quite resin specific with warped parts that can't really be reshaped. I am hoping I can pass it off as being misshapen due to its organic components!

I wasn't really sure what to in terms of building appropriate subassemblies before painting. I have decided to build the main frame leaving off the blast doors to the furnace, the two largest cogs (including leaving the large eight-star Chaos symbol separate) and the chains that tie the cannon to its base. I'll let you know if this was a good idea or not as we progress.

For those of you wondering if I got round to assembling anything for my Ultramarines army I started work on my Centurions, got phased by the prospect of magnetising all the weapons options and so just built the legs. It's a start. What happened to the classic sets with no different weapons options?

It wouldn't be a Procrastination by Numbers blog if I didn't get distracted by some other project from that I'm not supposed to be doing. This update it was painting my classic Dwarf Thunderers. I have to confess I started painting this models years and years ago, put them in a drawer and never got back to them. As such all their beards have been completed and I have no idea what I did!!

146.2 Dwarf Thunderers Painting Guide Stages 1-2

Thunderers Painting Guide – Stage 1

Flesh: Talaran Flesh
Chainmail: Drybrush Boltgun Metal
Silver Metal: Boltgun Metal
Light Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Dark Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Bronze: Tin Bitz
Tin: Tin Bitz
Dark Leather: Scorched Brown
Light Leather: Calthan Brown
Wood: Calthan Brown
Black Fabric: Abaddon Black
Dark Grey Fabric: Charadon Granite
Light Grey Fabric: Adeptus Battlegrey
Blue Trim: Necron Abyss
Rope: Calthan Brown

Thunderers Painting Guide – Stage 2

Flesh: Layer Dwarf Flesh
Chainmail: Wash Nuln Oil
Silver Metal: Wash Nuln Oil
Light Gold Metal: Auric Armour Gold
Dark Gold Metal: Shining Gold
Bronze: Dwarf Bronze
Tin: Wash Agrax Earthshade
Dark Leather: Wash Nuln Oil
Light Leather: Layer Snakebite Leather
Wood: Highlight Snakebite Leather
Black Fabric: Highlight 1:1 Abaddon Black/Codex Grey
Dark Grey Fabric: Highlight Codex Grey
Light Grey Fabric: Layer Codex Grey
Blue Trim: Layer Regal Blue
Rope: Highlight Snakebite Leather

146.3 Get In Touch

As always abuse, encouragement, cash gifts all to be sent on Twitter @ProbyNumbers or here.  Pop back soon to see if I finish anything!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Nice to see you rolling with the classics there
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!