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On the art of rolling 1s

Started by roland murat, July 02, 2012, 09:33:04 pm

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roland murat

Return to Lustria

Its been awhile but the boys in lustria have been busy.

Most recently a rumour of some kind of map or compass that leads to a great treasure led the regiment of renown to a dark cave. One that had already been entered by Sam's evil chaos warband.

Sam found the compass in his first turn but rejoicing quickly changed to carnage as he also found the guardian of the compass. A Trogledon (spelling may be an issue here) killed half his warband and my cavalry tried to slip around the back to pick up the dropped compass and ride out.

It all went a bit wrong at this point and in the ensuing melee the Trog took down some of my chaps before being killed by Sam's champion. The very same champion then cut down all bar one of my force - taking possession of the compass. All he had to do was evade my last man ( a crossbowman) in the dark and slip to safety.

Instead, Sam did Khorne's will and charged. The crossbowman bravely stood his ground. Despite failing every shot in the game up to that point he managed the perfect stand and shoot. A bolt flew into the eye of the already wounded chaos champion and he dropped dead. Victory for Albion.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

My demigryph, my demigryph, my kingdom for a demigryph

Ok so the title is a bit of a work in progress for this section of the blog. Today I had my first go with the tale of OG Games project Yorkist army. A small skirmish defending a village from a roaming goblin warband. This was using the Hail Ceaser rules and my fantasy conversion army lists

The forces were:

Yorkist - 1 unit billmen (medium infantry, heavy weapon) 1 unit archer (medium inf, bow) 1 unit spear (medium inf, militia, levy) 1 unit archer (med inf, militia, levy, bow)

Goblin - 1 unit wolf rider (Light cav, levy, milita, feigned flight, bow) 3 units goblin spear (medium inf, militia, levy) 1 unit goblin archers (militia, levy, bow).


York (L-R) M. bow, M spear, Bow, bill
Gob (my left to right) Wolf rider, spear, spear, bow spear.

Goblins as attacker went first.

Turn 1

The wolf rider pushed forward and took cover behind a hedge, threatening the flank of the militia bow. The middle spear block then failed a move order so everything stopped.

[In HC if an order is failed that commander can issue no more instructions that turn. In a small battle like this one with one commander per side a failed order can be quite problematic.]

The York archer unit advanced into range of the Goblin battle line with the spear unit advancing to cover its flank. Shooting as uneventful.

Turn 2

The Goblin failed the first order but the wolf riders managed to score a hit on the milita bow with their shooting.

[Each unit has a stamina value to reflect how much damage can be taken before things start to go wrong, normally this is 6. In this case the wolf riders managed 1 hit which wasn't saved.]

The yorkists reacted by sending the bill unit advancing alone towards the goblin lines but it didn't move far

[How well an command test is passed determines how many actions a unit can take. It pays to be bold as units can move up to three times or twice and charge]

The regular bow unit caused a hit on the spearmen on the goblin left (my right)

Turn 3

Only the spear unit in the middle of the goblin line got to move, advancing straight towards the distant village. The militia bow took another hit from the wolf riders hiding behind a hedge.

The yorkist forced failed to move at all and shooting was uneventful

[guess who rolls like a champ as normal] 

Turn 4

The goblins eturn the favour and fail to move (they only need a 7 or better as militia units to move honest) and the goblin bow managed a hit on the advancing yorkist spears.

The yorkist army finally decided to follow orders. The bill unit made 2 moves then charged a goblin spear unit and the milita spear swarmed forward to crash into the spears in the goblin centre. Both bow units advanced. ! hit was scored by the normal bow unit and then it was time for combat.

The militia spear caused 4 hits on the goblin unit, suffering one in return and pushing the greenskin unit back. The bill unit won 3-2  but the goblin unit held its ground.

[In combat each unit has a certain number of dice to roll in the first and then subsequent rounds of combat needing a 4 before modifiers to hit. A unit gets a chance to save as normal with the loser forced to take a break test. This is 2d6 less the amount combat was lost by with each score giving a different result. A 10 after modifiers is much better than a 3.]

Turn 5

The unit of spear on the goblin right charged the flank of the york spear ( which had followed up the unit it pushed back so it was still engaged). The goblin bow unit moved to threaten the flank of the bill unit.

[A unit within 12" can make a single move using the unit commanders initiative rather than relying on an order. In this case the unit tried to go for an order as it had to move into a position to charge before attacking. It was only able to move once so contact wasn't made.]

The bill unit drew combat but as the goblins had reached the limits of their stamina it had to take a break test and became disordered. Meanwhile the militia spear smashed face, breaking one unit and pushing back the other.

Turn 6

The goblin archers charged the bill unit in the flank (meaning it would hit on a 2+). Shooting was again uneventful but in combat the bill unit forced the bowmen to retreat in disorder whilst the unit fighting the yorkist spear was broken.

In the yorkist turn there was a general advance but little happened. As dusk fell the field belonged to the defenders.

Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

Return to Lustria

The campaign has seen a mixed bag of results for the forces of Albion, both living a dead. Some good results by the ROR but also some batterings supplemented by consistent failures in the T&T games.

Today was the final battle. A force of Counts (me), demons, High Elves and Dwarves faced 8,000 points of lizards. All we had to do was kill stuff. How hard could that be.

Turn 1 saw an effective LM magic take down my hexwraighs. Surely no big problem but they were the plan when it came to holding off the herd of stegs I was facing meaning my main battle line was brutally exposed. I won't bore anyone with the details of the game as I was heading home by lunch having been tabled inside three turns.

Maybe next time.....but it won't be with the counts
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

As you may have gathered from Tom's blog we recently had a game of 2,500 points uncomped warhammer. It was bloody; brutal; and a draw. A fitting result between the best (or only active) Empire and Skaven players at the club*.

So this got me thinking. To be fair I normally comp myself with and insist on writing lists which are pretty rubbish but it would be ice to at least provide a test before getting crushed - maybe the odd 17-3 loss would make a change from the normal 20-0. But what do I need to take?

Core is probably limited to knights, halberds and a couple of detachments of archers.  Special a pair of cannon and some demis. I'm not sold on the steam tank as its too unreliable and other than the luminark the rares don't seem very interesting.

Thoughts appreciated.

*G you play DoC so you don't count as an Empire player.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


October 11, 2014, 09:00:24 pm #114 Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 11:16:55 am by TkaiC
I think the problem with Empire is you can have a bit of everything, and so it's tempting to do that.  Your combined arms infantry and knights is a good idea, if it all hits at the same time.  Unfortunately the knights and demis will be in the opponent's face 2 turns before the walkers...why not go all cavalry?

Pistoliers/Outriders to vanguard and pew pew stuff whilst the knights and War Altar roll up behind.  The high armour of your heavy cav should keep them safe whilst the sheer firepower from the fast cav means they can't be left alone and should be able to kill off chaff in short order.  Plus you'd presumably have enough points for a couple of cannons and a small halberdier block to guard them.

As you can do a bit of everything, you have to pick a strategy, be focused about what you want to achieve and select those troops rather than a bit of this and that. 
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.


Quote*G you play DoC so you don't count as an Empire player.

No argument from me buddy having not picked them up for a couple of years  :wink;m::

I'd suggest the Hurricanium over the Luminark if you running Cav... that +1 to hit is huge!

Also Empires access to all BRB Magic lores is huge.. you could use that to your advantage (I'd advocate trying Light/Heavens combo with knight/Demi's it's great!)..

Also in this kinda list Steamtanks are great... still one of the hardest things to kill in the game..

Also why not try out the hellblaster/engineer combo with all that monsterous stuff out there Str 5 AP is nothing to be sniffed at!

roland murat

All mounted?

I'm not sure that is definately the way to go as whilst knights hit hard if they get charged or don't break a unit in one turn they don''t do the damage to get rid of blocks. Personally, I see the knights as a counter punch option although I use them too aggressively. So soften up the meat blocks on the way in, use infantry to engage the front (hopefully with buffs to do some damage) and then use the cav for the break through.

Of course some armies are more defensive (dwarfs and skaven come to mind) so the knights give an offensive option to rush the toys.

Anyone else got any thoughts? Plus, are greatswords any use?
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

A Questing we shall go

So. Warhammer Quest. A game I played once or twice about 6 years ago. What can possibly go wrong? Plenty.

A brave party of intrepid adventurers (well me, Pete, Gary and Pip) headed into a dungeon to recover some lost dwarf treasure at the weekend and much fun was had by all. Apart from the chaos warrior. Despite being told on countless occasions to take a wizard with us as we will need the healing we actually went with an elf ranger, dwarf warrior, imperial noble and I was the chaos warrior.

In short we cleared a room of orcs, got jumped by a wandering rat ogre and a few more orcs and decided we really did need the wizard so fled. The chaos warrior didn't make and was cut down as he waded into the last band of orcs. Which makes me the wizard huzzah.

Having rested in a nearby village we tried again. Now it turns out at the start of each turn the wizard rolls a d6 to determine how strongly the winds of magic blow and how well he can use its power. A 1 is bad, a 6 is good. If a 1 is rolled the party get jumped by wandering monsters. This leads to another roll of the dice to determine how nasty the monster is with 1, again, being the worst result. Again, I was the wizard.

So after multiple 1's being rolled (including three double 1's) we had used up all our stuff and were pretty battered but we had made a ton of cash killing what seemed to be every beastie this side of Brettonia. we had to decided then whether to return to town to re-equip or press on. Like the mighty warriors we thought we were we decided to push on and walk through a magic door that led into the lair of a guard troll. Turns out we were not the warriors of renown we like to pretty we were when chatting up farmers daughters (yes the noble played by pete nearly got married to one when her brothers cam knocking). So we fled. Barely escaping before the wizard died.

With a record of one dungeon attempted, 1 character lost and a second nearly following I can't say I've made the best starts to the game. Still all good fun and I look forward to when we try again. 
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


I think that Chaos Warrior may have trained in my Warriors army by the sounds of his ability!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Nah he was home grown Matt - double ones all the time (except for break tests)
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!