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On the art of rolling 1s

Started by roland murat, July 02, 2012, 09:33:04 pm

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roland murat

Show me your Waaagh face

So I'm a late replacement to even up the numbers at planet OG tomorrow. The Orks will be coming out to play and, most probably, dying in droves. An event of DoC, Eldar and CSM - things are looking tough.

Still I reackon I can't lose - it says so in the fluff. If the orks win, they win; if they die it doesnt count; and, if they run, they will only come back later with their mates. Ol may as well give me the  :1st: right now. Or prehaps not.

Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

Show me your Waaagh face

First of all thanks to my opponents - Oliver, Seb and Jd for the game.

Round 1 saw me up against an unusual CSM army commanded by Oliver. Sadly the heart of my army was ripped apart turn 1 meaning my assault faltered before it even began. The failure of my flanking orcs to break through a small squad of plaguebearers meant it was pretty much all over. The Orks were tabled turn 4 - not a good start.

On a side note the demon prince was horrid - it killed an entire blob squad of boys (30 inc Nob) in a single turn.

I came back from lunch expecting to face frequent planet OG opponent Gary in a second round spoon-off only to be matched against Seb and the counter punching BA. I struggled to get to grips with the dancing assault marines in what was a tough tactical battle. In the end the BA had to try and take an objective at the centre and a mass brawl broke out. The BA were defeated and, overall, the battle won.

A special thanks to Gary for this one. Everytime he got within a metre or so of our table Seb's dice went south - including a double six to give his warlord a second wound from perils.

Game 3 and a chance to try and launch a late charge for a decent placing. JD and the pedro marines the potential victims. JD started with most of his force in drop pods off the table and split his force on the table between the 2 far corners. I decided to ignore the side with lots of plasma cannon to attack his devastator centurians and a tactic squad.

The first 2 pods landed with some sternguard and a tactical squad. A wagon and looted vehicle got destroyed but didnt do much to the blokes inside. Most of my army desended on the incoming marines with one ork squad going after the centurians. The centurians survived until turn 4 or 5 but the other marines weren't as lucky.

It was all going well until pedro arrived. His 9 man stern guard unit was brutal and the game ended with the orks forced to back off. A close fought game with the orks taking the game by a single point.

Two small wins led to an overall finish of 6th - not great but a good day with some unusually close games. Normally I find with GW games big wins and, most often, big losses are more frequent than close games.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Good write up. Sounds like you had a fun day!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

The Onset of Meh

Like many others at the club recently I've suffered from the onset of 'meh' when it comes to wargaming, particularly with all things GW. But why?

I've been thinking about this (on my lunch break I hasten to add) and conclude the following:-

* Big swings - what should be a close game often gets recorded as a massive win or, more likely for me, a loss as the result of a single dice roll. Yes I accept this can happen when chance is introduced but the way games encourage armies to be built makes the bg swing far too common.
* Lack of balance - Far too many bad match-ups in both the main systems and this isn't helped when some armies are just so much better than everything else. In 40k we have the Tau/Eldar nightmare, which is like warhammer in 7th ed - ie only 3 builds could win a game - for example.
* Cost - For me I think the line got crossed when the new DE were priced at £35 for 10 models. Even though it is easy to get models at a reduced cost its not feasible to consider new projects in the way it was when, even though the hobbey was expensive it was managable.

Prehaps it would be good to veer away from the negative. I'm very tempted, and have threaten for some time, to try and get back into historical gaming. Exactly what I do will depend on what turns up from Santa. I've also enjoye getting into MTG this year. Sadly my decks are increasingly vulnerable as everyone else makes tweaks and comes up with new fiendish combos.

Deckbuilding is a challenge and, whilst I won't be drawn into a high spending arms race (after trades, sales etc my outlay has been abput £20-30 I think), will be the way to go for now.

Obviously I'm taking part in the 40k campaign but don't intend to provide a commentary unless anyone is particularly interested. If you ar e, please say so ,otherwise I will probably let this thread die.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Sorry to hear you will not be continuing this blog. Always good to have other stuff in amidst game bookings on the forum. But understand your reasons. Enjoy the 40K campaign!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


No, I demand further blog.  I completely agree with the Meh factor (Exhibits 1 & 2, my own Fantasy/40K plogs, although at least one ended in a completed army so, that's a 10-10, right?) and yes, Eldar Wave Serpents and Tau, just, Tau, are lame armies for lame people who are lame (nothing to do with my repeated failings against them, this is pure science.  I can point to my many losses against other armies as evidence of lack of bias, none do I hate as much as those two).

And I totally agree with the Dark Elves being over priced.  However.  And this is a big however...There's a renaissance on the horizon.  Hopefully the 2 campaigns will re-energise everyone and bring in new lists.   Once I remember to read the rules and (a) bring a legal army, (b) realise what the mission is and (c) not let you psychically control my reserve rolls, it's going to be a blast!

On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.

roland murat

very well - I''ll try to come up with something suitably witty to keep this going
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

Arise, dead thread arise.

Ok so I was inteding to try and get going again with my attempt at kill team over the weekend. But, nothing to see here, keep moving etc.

So, instead a plea for inspiration for all things MTG related. My all white deck is struggling at my attempt to go for something more focussed hasn't really worked. I don't want to copy another deck so cat/weeny is out. I'm thinking of adding some red and/or black.

Ideas on a postcard or in this thread.

Hopefully I'll get some fantasy or 40k in soon so can get the ball rolling
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

Whatever happened to Father Brian?

So, clear MTG isn't to most peoples taste. But with mini-hammer just around the corner its time to answer one of the most repeated questions in the last 10 seconds. What happened to Father Brian.

I don't want to give too much away about what will I'll be using at the club next weeked, however, its time for Brian to return.

Father Brian was last seen on the battlefield wearing the mantle of Arch-Lector. He had been promoted following his heroic victories over the foul chaos spawned skaven but, sadly, just wasn't much good at all the paper work. He retired from public life, becoming a hermit until he got a vision from Sigmar. Thus encouraged, Brian the Blessed cleaned his armour; grabbed his hammer; and rode once more to face the enemies of is god.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!



Thank goodness I'm not running ratties this time.
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.