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On the art of rolling 1s

Started by roland murat, July 02, 2012, 09:33:04 pm

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roland murat

A storm subsides

So. The Waagh.

I turned up in the snow with my army from the distant north. Was the weather a portent that the power of chaos was on the up? Would glory fall into my hands? Err...well...um.

Game 1 was against Mike from Texas via New Mexico (I'm fairly sure thats what he said.) OG has gone international. Sadly he was on time so no jokes about the US military turning up late were possible.

He was using ogres - basically the usual supsects in his list. I fancied my chances in a punch up if I could get the charge to negate his impact hits. Turns out I underestimated the ogres a tad. Only one of chariots got in a charge (out of 5) and a most only 2 saw combat at all. My block of Nurgle dudes with Halberds were smashed by Mournfangs and it all went to pieces pretty quickly.

My other warrior block (HW/sh Tzeentch with exalted) tried to turn the tide and dished out some pain but it wasn't enough. Big loss 20-0

Game 2 - Pete

Pete took the list hes been running down at the club. This was his second game vs warriors on the day. His list didn't really have the tools to stop me and when two chariots saw off his A-Bomb it was only a matter of time. Big win 20-0

Game 3 - Tom and WOC

All 4 Warriors played were facing each other with only a few points between us for best warrior. The game started fairly tentively as neiter army wanted to give up the charge. I was seriously outmagicied and tried a coupld of early charges. Some made, others didn't. Then my right flank collapsed. My mage helped by effectively wiping out my Nurgle block with a miscast.

My guys dies. Lots.

Another 20-0 loss and I finished in around 10th place. Yes I made a couple of errors with the list leaving it underpowered in some areas but, overall, not a good day at the office.

Maybe I should have taken Matt's advice and run greenies - doublessly an idea pinched from the tactical genius that is his plant.

Its time for the Easter break. So, until next time....
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Quote from: roland murat on March 25, 2013, 12:42:47 pm
Maybe I should have taken Matt's advice and run greenies - doublessly an idea pinched from the tactical genius that is his plant.

Found me out, Sandra all the way!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Yes, I know. Its been ages since I posted on this thread. Did you notice? No? Oh well.

The office cricket season is hitting my wargaming time fairly heavily so I'm not getting the chance to get to the club, however, yesterday I managed to get to the Waagh. Rocking up with the baby brother of Sam's army my first game was against big G.

Game 1 - DOC

Ouch. Turns out giant toads and soulblight are a nasty mix. My secret mision for the game was to get 3 units in the enemy deployment zone. I ancied my chances at this as it was probably the slowest army I was facing.

My knights (most expensive unit) moved a touch too far forward and got hit by toads and pappa nurgle. They took a long time to get cut down (I expected them to rollover tbh) but die they did. Other toads managed to hold my attacks nicely meaning I wasn't able to touch the big blocks. Big loss to the warriors heading into the lunch break.

Game 2 - DE

Andy wasn't too pleased to see chariot after chariot line up against him followed by knights and crushers as he didn't have too much that could deal with the heavy armour. My secret mission was kill the general.

Andy deployed his general behind impassible terrain making my mission somewhat tricky whilst a failed frenzy roll sent his witch elves  (most expensive unit) directly into the path of my crushers and a gorebeast. I obliged and the fight took several rounds but I managed to grind through for the loss of the chariot and 2 crushers. The last one got killed by shade shooting.

I made a mistake in getting obstructed by my own dogs trying to funnel between buildings. When the troops got in they did well but the elf shooting managed to nibble away the wounds before killing 3 or 4 chariots on a turn.

Eventually a combo of 3 chariots and my lord managed to get the general - assisted by a miscast.

Game 3 - HE

More elves, ok. No BOTWD - that helps. Mission remaining, kill the most expensive unit. Where is that unit? starting of the board after rolling a 1 - as did 3 chariots and a gorebeast.

This game was far closer than the score suggests. Dan had terrible luck with a series of miscasts in the first half of the game and this really helped as the armies collided. Lots died and it all came down to 2 horses and a gorebeast fighting a phoenix guardsman. One horse missed, the other didn't. Getting the guardsman (and the mission) was a huge swing taking the game from a draw to big win. Tough game.

Thanks to all my opponents on the day. Overall a 5th place finish, which is around my usual placing at these events when I don't have a total mare.

So how do I pick up that elusive third win? More chariots? A new army? Bring back magic ( I didnt use any)?

Only time will tell.

Until next time.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

Clouds will form

As I muttered about on the Tom's DE thread I'm thinking about Counts. Nobody seems to use them anymore so they must be rubbish now - ideal for me to lose more games.

I have ummed, pontificated and generally not done much over many years when it comes to the Undead. The idea always appealled but they seemed a bit dull. With cheap models readily available (and some figures I got off Ol yonks ago in the cupboard) I've decided to try and move things forward.


This army needs to have a theme. I started by thinking about the character of my general. Where is he from, what is he like etc? I originally thought about a version of the old Tzeentch lords - big on magic and combat - but having a 530 point general who is killy and a lv 4 in an army that really needs to keep him isn't that clever.

So. What if he was older? One of the earliest vampires from the North of the kingdoms of man - that means not much cavalry and my lord rocking about on foot. Also, if he is so old he must be really powerful. Prehaps to powerful to be a normal Lord.

Then I remembered a film I saw years ago - Brigadoon - about a village that appears for 1 day every 100 years.

I've finally plumped for my Lord being an early vampire from the days before Sigmar but who was defeated by the other tribes that surrounded him. The shamans and witch doctors cursed the very land he controlled, something the Lord and his son worked hard to undo. For a few days every 50 years a small town appears on the landscape it residents cursed in life and death but each time it appears the vampires are able to continue their work and the town survives a little longer. One day the curse will be overcome and revenge will be had.

The army

Lord - Red Fury, quickblood, Talisman of preservation, Sword of might, heavy armour, shield, dragonhelm  384

Vamp - Lv 2 Forbidden Lore (beasts) dark majesty, Heavy armour, ahw, scroll, book of arkhan    197
Wight - BSB, GW, potion of toughness   165

40 Ghouls      Ghast     410
5 wolves                       40
5 wolves                       40
29 Skellies FC             175

30 Grave Guard FC, GW, banner of barrows 440
5 Hexwraith     150
5 Hexwraith     150
Spirit host       45

4 Cairn Wraith 200


Well? Please post below
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


I have absolutely no frame of reference for how good that army is but I love the fluff idea!
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.

roland murat

Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


As Tom said! Would you be converting/painting your army to represent this?

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Not sure at this stage - the ghouls will the more humanoid ones straight out the box as they are just in rags anyway so make suitable peasant types
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

roland murat

Clouds will form

Ok so I've done some more thinking (yes, it did hurt. Thanks for asking.) and I've come up with a second idea.

A necromancer army based on someone who has disturbed a long buried resting place, releasing the spirits of the long departed. The core of the army is pretty much unchanged with the charcters being a Wight BSB plus some necromancers.

Everything else with be a ghost of some type (spirit host, hexwraith or cairn wraith).

This would work against the chariot host but what about the other armies rocking about?

Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Not sure about most armies but could struggle against my Skaven as pretty much all the firepower counts as magical...

Until it blows up, natch.
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.