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The Official OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Started by cunningmatt, December 01, 2011, 07:38:58 am

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Thursday 1st December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Welcome dear reader to this the brand new* official OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar.

If you missed it (where were you?) but last year I featured this advent calendar in my blog Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves. Each day featured a Forgotten Special Character – a special character who once featured in the Warhammer World at one time, but now in the current set of active supplements no longer has any rules – hence a Forgotten Special Character.

I believe at the time it was commented that all the doors should be put on their own separate thread so I've only gone and done it! Veteran readers, don't moan that this is a repeat, because firstly all the doors have been shuffled (so you've got the thrill of not knowing who is next), secondly I've added a 2011 update to each character (it's largely pointless drivel – but it is at least in keeping with the rest of it), and thirdly I've only gone and put a completely brand new Advent Calendar with a brand new set of special characters on my current blog Procrastination by Numbers for you to enjoy.

So the countdown to Christmas starts here with 24 days of double Special Character fun enjoy!!

Simply click on the Spoiler to open up today's door and see who is in today's calendar.

December 1st: Redmaw

Name: Redmaw

Original Points Cost: 75 points

Background: Redmaw was the massive Chaos Hound raised by Khazrak the One-Eye, so in some senses he was halfway to being a guide dog for the blind. Khazrak was famous for raising packs of Chaos Hounds that terrorised Battersea Dogs' Home.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Champions of Chaos – 5th Edition, supplement to Warhammer Armies: Realm of Chaos – 5th Edition.

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Champions of Chaos – 5th Edition, supplement to Warhammer Armies: Realm of Chaos – 5th Edition. Khazrak the One-Eye went on to appear in Warhammer Armies: Beasts of Chaos – 6th Edition:

(Remember when army books were only £12?)

And Warhammer Armies: Beastmen – 7th Edition:

But without his trusty hound, what happened to Redmaw? Did he run away and Khazrak couldn't see him because he was in his blind spot? Maybe Khazrak had him put down? Did he die of natural causes and the other Beastmen tried to find a matching Hound so Khazrak didn't notice? Or was he killed in the Coronation Street tram crash? We just don't know.

Special Rules: Redmaw can be sent by Khazrak to charge any model or unit within Khazrak's charge range. Redmaw must return to Khazrak's side once target is killed. Should Khazrak be killed Redmaw becomes subject to the rules for frenzy.

My Memories of the Character: Having collected quite a sizeable Chaos army in the 4th edition, I had the somewhat difficult task of splitting this into three separate armies when 5th edition came along. Beastmen were never really a priority, Warriors and Daemons were my favourites. However Khazrak and Redmaw made a nice cheap special character to lead my fledgling Beastmen army and the unique idea of character and 'pet' made them stand out on the table. Still have the old Khazrak model too, except I've lost his head – slightly vital part.

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Lassie

Inclusion in 8th Edition: You could as an addition to the existing Khazrak, and I don't even think you'd need to change the rules from above as far as I can see. Probably should insist Khazrak's army takes some Chaos Hounds as he had to in the original rules.

2011 Update: The Coronation Street Tram Crash was relevant this time last year! Also thanks to Tom who has since pointed out that in the Warhammer Armies: Beasts of Chaos – 6th Edition book we find out that Redmaw was killed by Khazrak's bitter rival Boris Todbringer and nailed above his fireplace (nice), leading to Khazrak going on a bitter rampage. Incidentally I also discovered that this year Tom only turned 22 which is enough to make you sick!


And if you haven't been to check it out yet, there's a brand spanking fully new Advent Calendar over on my blog, click here to enjoy: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37095#new

And of course head back tomorrow for Day 2!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146



December 02, 2011, 07:47:08 am #2 Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 08:00:10 am by cunningmatt
Friday 2nd December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Welcome back to the best advent calendar in the world, except one that contains any form of chocolate!

Day 2 and hopefully you're getting the hang of this by now, click on the spoiler and see who is up today! And remember there's a brand new calendar over on the Procrastination by Numbers blog.

December 2nd: Belannaer

Name: Belannaer, Loremaster of Hoeth

Original Points Cost: 555 points

Background: Belannaer spent ages trying to walk to the Tower of Hoeth, only for him to never get there, until he tried to walk away from the Tower of Hoeth when he couldn't avoid it – essentially a fickle version of the Metropolitan line commute. He shrouded the coast of Ulthuan in a maze of spells to prevent Norse raids (the fantastical equivalent of giving them a malfunctioning sat nav). He also trained Teclis, and became jealous of his fame after Teclis appeared in more army books than Belannaer.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: High Elves - 5th Edition

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: High Elves – 5th Edition

Special Rules: Belannaer is a Level 4 Mage, Glamour of Hoeth means any charging unit must roll two dice and subtract the difference between the two from their charge distance (the charge is failed if they don't make the distance). Belannaer has four magic items – Cloak of Stars: all combat and shooting attacks at Belannaer resolved at -2 Strength (to a minimum of 1), first spell cast against Belannaer will be dispelled. Blade of Bel-Korhadris – no armour save from non-magic armour, one combat phase per battle Belannaer may automatically strike first with an extra D6 attacks. Book of the Phoenix – at the beginning of the battle select one of the following rules: 1. If Belannaer is killed causes S6 hits on all models on base-to-base and returns to life with D3 wounds in any High Elf unit on the battlefield (one use only). 2. Belannaer can cast one spell with no magic cards per turn. 3. Belannaer's strength is doubled to 8. Staff of Cyeos – Any spell cast by Belannaer counts as being cast with one extra power card.

My Memories of the Character: None what so ever, he never had a model and I never really used the 5th edition High Elf book.

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Anna Ford, maybe because his name contains the word "Anna", maybe because the artwork looks a little like Anna Ford, or is that me?

Inclusion in 8th Edition: God this is going to be complicated, there's a lot of special rules! Basically we'll go with a Level 4 Archmage. Glamour of Hoeth works as is. Cloak of Stars works as is. Blade of Bel-Korhadris – I'd make it Armour Piercing (as there seems to be no distinction between magic and non-magic armour in 8th) and once per turn Belannaer gains D6 Attacks (always strikes first not being a major boon for High Elves), Book of the Phoenix as before choose one of the options 1. Broken, but don't really know how to tone it down without ruining it, 2. Acts as bound item with randomly chosen High Magic spell (cast at appropriate casting value), 3. Unchanged. Staff of Ceyos adds +2 to casting rolls for all spells. Points – oh who knows? More importantly we have no model, but I do think the picture of Belannaer bares a very strong resemblance to the plastic High Elf mage kit (model on foot), here's my painted example:

I'd probably use the head with long flowing hair if I was to actually build one specifically to make Belannaer, maybe mixed with some parts of the Mage from the Dragon kit. The book definitely sets the character. Worth a go, if you're the kind of person who wants Belannaer in their High Elf army!

2011 Update: Belannaer still hasn't returned to the game, despite all our protestations, though I believe the general consensus at the time was a High Elf Mage more powerful than Teclis was not what Warhammer required! Oh and I never made my own Belannaer model.


Get yourself over to Procrastination by Numbers right now for more advent fun, click here: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37206;topicseen#msg37206

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

The Trampoline

I forget how powerful 4th and 5th edition special characters were, they really were monsters of the game back then.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


They were about half and half, for each super mega broken character there was one who was basically just a named unit champion.
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?


In fairness all characters were pretty powerful back in 4th/5th edition - four magic items for your Wizard Lord with no points limit and a vast number of magic items to pick from... it made army selection turn into a trolley dash!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 03, 2011, 10:01:58 am #6 Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 10:13:55 am by cunningmatt
Saturday 3rd December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Happy Birthday Mummy (she's not reading, but it's the thought that counts). For the rest of you here's today's classic Advent Calendar.

December 3rd: Astrogoth

Name: Astrogoth, High Priest of Hashut (or technically High Priestof Hashut as the typo in the book says!)

Original Points Cost: 358 points

Background: Astrogoth is the oldest living Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer, so old his body has started to turn to stone – that common aging problem you can't get sorted on the NHS. However his body has been replace by a mechanical construct made by his slaves, what everyone wants for Christmas.

Original Appearance: White Dwarf Presents: Warhammer Armies: Chaos Dwarfs – 4th Edition, which for those of you too young to remember (god I hate you) was a compilation of a series of White Dwarf articles.

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Chaos Dwarfs – 4th Edition.

Special Rules: Astrogoth is a Level 4 Sorcerer with four Chaos Dwarf spells (remember them people – lava and magma and stuff?). His mechanical body gives him a 3+ armour save but means he can't ride a monster. Astrogoth cannot move faster than his move of 6" to either march or charge (although he can flee and pursue as usual) – well you wouldn't want a Dwarf moving faster than 6" would you? If all three of Astrogoth's Attacks hit the same target, then he can immediately strike all the blows again against the same target.

My Memories of the Character: Think this was the only Chaos Dwarf special character model, queue everyone desperately replying to correct me. And as one of my regular opponents of the time, it was nice to have some characterful creatures in the army, and someone slower than the blasted Bull Centaur and Lammasu chasing me round the board!

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Bruce Forsyth he's old, and has all the personality of an artificial, mechanical robot – oh no sorry that's Tess Daly I'm thinking off!

Inclusion in 8th Edition: I could, but I'd need to make up rules for a whole army to go with it, and I have better things to do with my time – it may not appear that way but I do. But you never know what will come out of Forgeworld next year, who knows you may be able to pick up a new Astrogoth model for a mere £250 in the summer?

Many thanks to Mr Shaky Shaky, my Wood Elf painting friend, for lending me the book and providing the photograph of Astrogoth.

2011 Update: The forges of Forge World have been busy pumping out new Chaos Dwarf models this year, so far I am yet to see Astrogoth feature, maybe someone can update me as to if he is in Tamurkhan The Throne of Chaos book?!


Remember the brand new Advent Calendar as part of Procrastination by Numbers, click here to enjoy: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37267;topicseen#msg37267

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 04, 2011, 08:30:52 am #7 Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 08:45:34 am by cunningmatt
Sunday 4th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Day 4 of December and hopefully you're using today to do some Christmas shopping, if so High Elf Army Box Set would go down well for me - well you're going to want to thank me somehow for these lovely calendars aren't you?

December 4th: Ariel

Name: Ariel, Queen of Athel Loren

Original Points Cost: 600 points (suggested rules for 6th edition – see below).

Background: Ariel is the Queen of Athel Loren and once starred in the Disney film The Little Mermaid. She has been embodied with the power of the Elven god Isha, god of Nature. She makes the whole of Athel Loren grow, like Alan Titchmarsh and Monty Don combined, and of course is married to Orion, King of Athel Loren. When roused for battle she takes the form of a giant insect with moth-like wings and antenna springing from her, in this state she's often been mistaken for Lady Gaga.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves – 4th Edition

Ok sorry I haven't got the 4th edition Wood Elves book I had to take this picture from White Dwarf 197

Though I did find this which did make me laugh, for some unknown reason!

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves – 4th Edition, her husband did make the next book, but she didn't though she is mentioned throughout the 6th Edition book.

Special Rules: I have a confession I didn't have the 4th Edition book, so I don't know the rules, thankfully James supplied me with the rules from the Games Workshop website to convert them into 6th Edition. She Flies, is a Forest Spirit and causes Terror. She can move through all forms of Difficult Terrain without penalty, all friendly units within 6" are immune to panic, any unit charging Ariel counts as moving through Difficult Terrain, additionally should Ariel flee, pursuing units roll an extra D6 and discard the highest result. Magic Item – The Heartstone of Athel Loren (Magic Resistance 2, if the spell is dispelled then the casting wizard takes a Ld test – if they fail they lose a magic level and can't cast that spell again).

My Memories of the Character: Sorry didn't know any Wood Elf players, can't help you. Looked like a nice model though!

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Charlie Dimmock, but with a bra.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Well the 6th edition inclusion almost does it, need a couple of changes. Ariel automatically passes all Dangerous Terrain tests and all units charging must take a Dangerous Terrain test. The magic item could stay the same, but if Ariel passes the 5+ ward save against any spell taken, then the casting wizard takes the Ld test as described. What do you reckon?

2011 Update: Since 2010, I've picked up the old Wood Elves book on the mighty eBay for a couple of pounds.

So here's an update of her 4th edition rules that were missing from the above:

4th Edition Points Cost: 491 points including magic items Wand of Wych Elm, Acorns of the Oak of Ages, Dart of Doom and Berry Wine.

4th Edition Rules: Ariel is a Mage Lord, can fly, has a 4+ Save against the effects of spells, no armour (or magical armour) saves are allowed against her attacks, Ariel can dodge any attacks or missile weapon blows on a 4+ (never modified). The magic items work as follows – The Wand of the Wylch Elm choose a spell from Ariel's hand to be inscribed on the wand, this can be cast every turn without power cards. The Acorns of the Oak of Ages – once per game Ariel can spread the acorns creating a wood 12" in diameter with Ariel at the centre (wood only sprouts on flat ground), the wood can only be removed when the Drain Magic card is deployed. The Dart of Doom, once per game Ariel can throw the dart (using her BS to hit) if the target is wounded their strength is decreased by D6 to a minimum of 1. The Berry Wine – once per battle Ariel or a character in base-to-base contact may drink the wine regaining D6 wounds.

The general consensus this time last year was the model was awful, has she improved with age?


Remember the brand new Advent Calendar as part of Procrastination by Numbers, click here to enjoy: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37288;topicseen#msg37288

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 05, 2011, 07:34:59 am #8 Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 07:42:30 am by cunningmatt
Monday 5th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

It's the moment you've been waiting for since yesterday, it's Day 5!

December 5th: Plaguestrangler Vilestench

Name: Plaguestrangler Vilestench, Champion of Nurgle.

Original Points Cost: 525 points

Background: Plaguestrangler single handedly defeated over three score of High Elves in combat, destroyed the city of Averheim in a day, and infected the town of L'anguille with Black Fever – and you thought Julian Assange had been a naughty boy. The last feet led to Nurgle rewarding him with a Palanquin of Nurgle – better than a book token. Additionally like most teenagers he has not washed since he was 12.

Original Appearance: Citadel Journal Issue 12.

Last Appearance: Citadel Journal Issue 12. Did anyone read this?

Special Rules: Any enemy in base-to-base with Plaguestrangler must roll a D6 on a roll of 1 they are incapacitated by his smell and may not attack, they may only be attacked by the Palanquin's Nurglings that turn. The Palanquin causes Fear, may not march (for god's sake!), suffers Daemonic Animosity – remember that?! And all Nurgle units within 6" are immune to psychology and add one to their Ld for all break tests. The Plague Sceptre may be used to cast a magic spell Black Fever – the target takes D6 S4 hits, if the spell is not dispelled by next turn it takes 2D6 S4 hits and so on, any unit entering base contact with the target also contracts Black Fever.

My Memories of the Character: The initial fun of having a Nurgle special character for my Chaos army (as there were none at the time) and a special model not everyone knew about was short lived when I realised at Movement 4 and no march move chances are he won't ever cross the battlefield – pointless for Chaos and at 525 points a big waste.

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: The smelly man I had to sit next to on the Tube.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: There is a Palanquin of Nurgle in Warhammer Armies: Warriors of Chaos – 7th Edition, so yes, but this category is annoying me now and I can't be bothered!

2011 Update: There was absolutely no chance this character would get an update in 2011, turns out probability was correct.


In case you've forgotten (how could you?) the brand new Advent Calendar as part of Procrastination by Numbers, is just a click away: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37318;topicseen#msg37318

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 06, 2011, 07:23:07 am #9 Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 07:33:10 am by cunningmatt
Tuesday 6th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Day 6, you know the drill...

December 6th: Inxi-Huinzi

Name: Inxi-Huinzi

Original Points Cost: 85 points – cheap as chips

Background: Inxi-Huinzi came to fame for fighting back the Norse of Skeggi, who formed a colony on Lustria, and for being worth loads of points in Scrabble – which we all know the Slann love to play. Inxi-Huinzi and his Cold One raids were unable to drive the Norse from Lustria but have significantly halted their expansion and holed their longships preventing them sailing up and down the rivers of Lustria to pillage the gold of the Slann.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen – 5th Edition

Thanks again to Mr Shakey Shakey, this time for loan of his Lizardmen book!

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen – 5th Edition, I'm sure he's mentioned in the blurb in the 6th edition, but it's been a long time since I've read it, so couldn't tell you!:

Special Rules: 2+ Save, which never becomes worse than 6+, rides a Horned One – special breed of Cold One, Cold Blooded. Inxi-Huinzi has a number of Poisoned darts he can throw as he charges or is charged. He can throw one dart for each full 4" of charge distance (flyers count as charging from 16"), there is no penalty for long range. Roll to hit using Inxi's BS all hits wound on 4+ due to poison. All casualties count for combat resolution. Inxi-Huinzi cannot throw darts in the Shooting Phase. Inxi-Huinzi rides a Horned One, an almost extinct breed of Cold One, the Horned One is immune to stupidity (as are any Cold Ones in the unit it joins) and causes Fear.

My Memories of the Character: There was no model for it, and I never had Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen – 5th edition, and I'm old and forgetful. How would I remember?

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Timmy Mallet, well #It's an Inzi-Huinzi, Itzi-Bitzi (another Lizardmen special character), Yellow Pokka Dot Bikini#. Follow this YouTube link at your peril: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77tirxSTAWU. Don't blame if that's in your head all day, I did warn you.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: I think all the rules work in the current edition, you might want to specify 16" as the maximum charge distance over which Inxi-Huinzi can fire darts, as now it's possible for cavalry to charge from beyond the range at which his darts are thrown (16" in the book). Points wise 85 seems good, he's not a very powerful character. Still no model for him, but I bet the keen amongst you could convert something by adding horns to a Cold One to make a Horned One. Go on give it a go over Christmas – ok don't then see if I care!

2011 Update: Thanks to Lee for pointing out that I am a fool! There was a model for Inxi-Hunizi all along:


More Advent Calendar fun over on Procrastination by Numbers, click here now: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37366;topicseen#msg37366

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146