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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Thank you sir. Yes I was as shocked as anyone.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 119 February Painting Corner Friday 7th March 2014

Before you start I know, technically my blog would be topical if I rounded up what I painted in February, in February. But we are not too deep into March so I am hoping you will let me off.  As you saw back in Update 116 with January's Painting Corner this is mainly pictures, painting guides and a tiny bit of text – a lot of which I posted on Twitter early. In many senses it's a lot like Warhammer Visions, except you didn't pay £7.50 for your copy of Procrastination by Numbers and it's less useful if you're trying to learn German.

119.1 Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount

This is one of my all-time favourite Warriors of Chaos characters models, absolutely brilliant sculpt. I imagine this character silently observing the enemy position from a cliff top just before sending regiments of armour clad warriors charging down the slopes into the fight.

My Tzeentch colour scheme is pretty well refined with me painting the Lord himself in my usual blue washed silver and multiple shades of gold. I decided to paint his tentacle in the same colour as the odd Pink Horrors that appear in my army as I thought it would tie him in nicely, and contrast well with the other colours on the model. Additionally it serves as a nice homage to the old Citadel Colour Tentacle Pink.

I kept the base relatively simple with a few bits of slate and a broken Chaos icon, which I painted in Khorne brass colours to tie it in with Vilitch, the Curseling, see below.

Painting guides are for losers. But hey this is a gaming blog, so let's painting guide away!

119.2 Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount Painting Guide

Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount Painting Guide – Stage 1

Base: Steel Legion Drab
Skulls/Horns: Steel Legion Drab
Wood: Drybrush Codex Grey
Chainmail: Drybrush Chainmail
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Light Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Dark Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Leather: Scorched Brown
Blue Trim: Necron Abyss
Fur: Codex Grey
Flesh: Tallarn Flesh
Horse Flesh: Abaddon Black
Horse Mane: Abbadon Black
Branding: Abbadon Black
Stones: Stormvermin Fur
Tentacle: 2:1 Warlock Purple/Tentacle Pink
Khorne Metal: Tin Bitz

Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount Painting Guide – Stage 2

Base: Baneblade Brown
Skulls/Horns: Wash Nuln Oil
Wood: Drybrush Fortress Grey
Chainmail: Wash Drakenhoff Nightshade
Silver Metal: Wash Drakenhoff Nightshade
Light Gold Metal: Burnished Gold
Dark Gold Metal: Shining Gold
Leather: Wash Nuln Oil
Blue Trim: Layer Regal Blue
Fur: Wash Agrax Earthshade
Flesh: Layer 1:1 Tallarn Flesh / Dwarf Flesh, then layer Dwarf Flesh
Horse Flesh: Drybrush 1:1 Abbadon Black/Chaos Grey
Horse Mane: Layer 1:1 Abbadon Black/Chaos Grey
Branding: Highlight Warlock Purple
Stones: Drybrush Tausept Ochre
Tentacle: Layer 1:1 Warlock Purple/Tentacle Pink, then layer Tentacle Pink
Khorne Metal: Dwarf Bronze

Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount Painting Guide – Stage 3

Base: Drybrush Bleached Bone
Skulls/Horns: Highlight Baneblade Brown, then Rakarth Flesh
Wood: NONE
Chainmail: Drybrush 1:1 Chainmail/Mithril Silver
Silver Metal: Highlight 1:1 Chainmail/Mithril Silver
Light Gold Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia, then Highlight 5:1 Burnished Gold/Mithril Silver
Dark Gold Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia, then Highlight 5:1 Shining Gold/Mithril Silver
Leather: Highlight Scorched Brown
Blue Trim: Highlight 2:1 Regal Blue/Enchanted Blue
Fur: Drybrush Codex Grey, then drybrush 1:1 Codex Grey/Fortress Grey
Flesh: Wash Ogryn Flesh
Horse Flesh: Highlight Codex Grey, then highlight 1:1 Codex Grey/Fortress Grey
Horse Mane: Drybrush Codex Grey, then drybrush 1:1 Codex Grey/Fortress Grey
Branding: Highlight 1:1 Liche Purple/Warlock Purple, then highlight Warlock Purple
Stones: Selectively Drybrush Gretchin Green, then drybrush Astronomacian Grey
Tentacle: Wash dilute Carroburg Crimson
Khorne Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia, then Highlight 5:1 Dwarf Bronze/Mithril Silver

Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount Painting Guide – Stage 4

Base: DONE
Skulls/Horns: Highlight Bleached Bone, then 1:1 Bleached Bone/Skull White
Wood: NONE
Chainmail: Drybrush Mithril Silver
Silver Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Light Gold Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Dark Gold Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Leather: Highlight Bestial Brown
Blue Trim: Highlight 1:1 Regal Blue/Enchanted Blue
Fur: Drybrush Fortress Grey
Flesh: Highlight 1:1 Dwarf Flesh/Elf Flesh, then highlight Elf Flesh
Horse Flesh: Wash watered down Nuln Oil
Horse Mane: Wash watered down Nuln Oil
Branding: Wash Leviathan Purple
Stones: Drybrush Skull White, then wash Nuln Oil in recesses
Tentacle: Layer Tentacle Pink, then highlight 1:1 Tentacle Pink/Bleached Bone
Khorne Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver

116.3 Vilitch, the Curseling

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I love a Special Character. That said I'm still not buying the hideous Galrauch the Chaos Dragon model. So in Tzeentch terms, that pretty much leaves Vilitch, the Curseling. This is a nice model, and a very characterful sculpt in you can see Vilitch whispering in the ear of his brutish subservient brother. However there are quite a few fiddly bits that don't really enjoy being made in Finecast, if I'm honest, and it's a shame this isn't a plastic sculpt. That said I'm reasonably pleased with how it's come out, and did find that the painted model hides a lot of the casting issues I was concerned with.

Painting wise I was a real fan of the colour scheme used by the 'Eavy Metal team, so decided to try and paint my own version of the bright blue armour. Leaving my traditional Tzeentch silver and gold colours for the trim and weapons, so he remained tied into the rest of the army.  I was really pleased with how the armour came out in the end, and as you can see from the pictures below he stands out in a unit of Chaos Warriors, but doesn't look out of place. Admittedly he doesn't rank up brilliantly!

As mentioned in Update 112 I wanted Vilitch to stand astride a Khorne shield representing a rival Chaos Lord he has tricked and backstabbed – inspired by the background to Archaon in Warhammer Armies: Warriors of Chaos. This was painted using the Khorne guide in November 2012's White Dwarf. The "organic" parts of Vilitch were inspired by the Tyranid painting guides in January 2014's White Dwarf, using the purple in the feathers to tie him into some of the other exotic models in my Warriors army.

Here's the tedious/customary painting guide, during which you may notice his mace and staff broke during various stages. Admittedly this was largely due to me accidentally dropping a box on the model, and deciding it wasn't worth repairing until I finished prodding it with a brush!

119.4 Vilitch, the Curseling Painting Guide

Vilitch, the Curseling Painting Guide – Stage 1

Base: Steel Legion Drab
Leather: Scorched Brown
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Skulls: Steel Legion Drab
Dark Gold: Tin Bitz
Light Gold: Tin Bitz
Stone: Charadon Granite
Armour: Mordian Blue
Vilitch Body: Rakarth Flesh
Vilitch Feathers: Hormagaunt Purple
Khorne Shield: Khorne Red
Khorne Metal: Tin Bitz

Vilitch, the Curseling Painting Guide – Stage 2

Base: Baneblade Brown
Leather: Wash Nuln Oil
Silver Metal: Wash Drakenhof Nightshade
Skulls: Wash Nuln Oil
Dark Gold: Shining Gold
Light Gold: Burnished Gold
Stone: Drybrush Tau Sept Ochre
Armour: Layer 1:1 Mordian Blue/Enchanted Blue, then layer Enchanted Blue
Vilitch Body: Wash Carroburg Crimson
Vilitch Feathers: Wash Leviathan Purple
Khorne Shield: Layer 1:1 Khorne Red/Blood Red, then layer Blood Red
Khorne Metal: Dwarf Bronze

Vilitch, the Curseling Painting Guide – Stage 3

Base: Drybrush Bleached Bone
Leather: Highlight Scorched Brown
Silver Metal: Highlight 1:1 Chainmail/Mithril Silver
Skulls: Highlight Baneblade Brown, then Rakarth Flesh
Dark Gold: Wash Gryphonne Sepia, then Highlight 5:1 Shining Gold/Mithril Silver
Light Gold: Wash Gryphonne Sepia, then Highlight 5:1 Burnished  Gold/Mithril Silver
Stone: Selectively Drybrush Gretchin Green, then drybrush Astronomacian Grey
Armour: Highlight 2:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue, then highlight 1:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue
Vilitch Body: Layer Rakarth Flesh, then layer 1:1 Rakarth Flesh/Bleached Bone
Vilitch Feathers: Layer Hormagaunt Purple, then layer 2:1 Hormagaunt Purple/Codex Grey
Khorne Shield: Highlight 1:1 Blood Red/Wild Rider Red, then highlight Wild Rider Red
Khorne Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia, then Highlight 5:1 Dwarf Bronze/Mithril Silver

Vilitch, the Curseling Painting Guide – Stage 4

Base: DONE
Leather: Highlight Beastial Brown
Silver Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Skulls: Highlight Bleached Bone, then 1:1 Bleached Bone/Skull White
Dark Gold: Highlight Mithril Silver
Light Gold: Highlight Mithril Silver
Stone: Drybrush Skull White, then wash Nuln Oil in recesses
Armour: Highlight Ice Blue
Vilitch Body: Highlight Bleached Bone, then wash watered down Ogryn Flesh
Vilitch Feathers: Highlight 1:1 Hormagaunt Purple/Codex Grey, then highlight Codex Grey
Khorne Shield: Wash Bloodletter, then highlight Mithril Silver
Khorne Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver

Tzeentch Eye: Enchanted Blue, then layered 1:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue, then layered Ice Blue, then layered 1:1 Ice Blue/Skull White, then highlight Skull White, then highlighted Chaos Black, then washed with Gulliman Glaze
Metalwork Eyes: Scab Red, then layer Red Gore, then layer Blood Red, then layer Blazing Orange, then layer Fiery Orange, then highlighted Chaos Black

119.5 Get in Touch

In January I painted 27 models, this month I painted 2 models, fingers crossed this won't be a continuing trend for the rest of the year. If you want to give me words of encouragement or words of abuse feel free to comment on here. Remember you can always find me on Twitter @ProbyNumbers where recently I've been moaning about Warhammer Visions and getting excited about The Lego Movie!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Love the mounted Lord Matt.

I may need to think about nicking the blue metal technique when I get around to painting Richard III and his knights.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Quote from: roland murat on March 07, 2014, 09:10:32 am
Love the mounted Lord Matt.

I may need to think about nicking the blue metal technique when I get around to painting Richard III and his knights.

Thank you sir! I was very sceptical about Vilitch as I started, but I'm pleased with the result. Hopefully he doesn't look too much like an Ultramarine!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 120 Barlow's Final Stand Monday 17th March 2014

120.1 Ogfort Battle 5 - Introduction

Update 118 saw Sorcerer Lord Barlow do something deeply unexpected and shocking. He actually won a game! We'll gloss varnish over the fact that he was only due to him fleeing from the objective that Louis the Sorcering Imp snuck a victory. Say no more of that.

Anyway it was time for the final battle and a mammoth Saturday event it was. The forces of (the noble) Ogfried had been surrounded in their castle by our bitter rivals of Team Oggalyn and it could only be resolved with a mighty siege. Due to a few drop outs/stand ins, Oggalyn's army was an unlikely alliance of Warriors of Chaos, Dwarfs, Beastmen and The Empire. Whilst Sorcerer Lord Barlow was joined by an only marginally less odd alliance with some more Warriors of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos and some Lizardmen.

For this battle I had half the number of points of the besiegers meaning I could pick 1,800 points from my master army list, see Update 111. Deciding that Sorcerer Lord Battle really had to be involved in the final battle, this meant that Daemon Prince Scherzinger would have to remain on the shelf unused in this campaign – to be fair anyone who has heard her sing would probably conclude that's no bad things. Figuring that my army would benefit most from durable infantry to main the castle walls, I plumped for as much infantry as possible – and of course the Chaos Trolls for their ability to absorb a lot of damage. Points-wise this also meant that the Chaos Warshrine, that I'd used this campaign as an excuse to build, would also not see the battlefield. To be fair given the size of the model I wasn't to upset about not having to hire a truck and pack it into a case full of bubble wrap in order to get it to the club.

What that did leave made up the army list that you see below:

Sorcerer Lord Barlow

Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Lore of Tzeentch) Level 4 Magic, with Mark of Tzeentch, riding Disc of Tzeentch. He has the Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command and Scaled Skin, and wears Chaos Armour. (405 points) Yes I realised it was really stupid to give the Crown of Command to an independent character and not use its effects on a unit, but where were you telling me this when I was writing the army? Hmmmm Hmmmm Hmmm.

Louis the Sorcerous Imp

Chaos Sorcerer (Lore of Metal) Level 2 Magic, with Mark of Tzeentch. He has a Dispel Scroll and wears Chaos Armour. (185 points)

Dermot O'Battle Standard Bearer

Exalted Hero bearing the Battle Standard, with Mark of Tzeentch and wearing Chaos Armour. He has a Great Weapon, Helm of Many Eyes and the Dawnstone. (201 points)

Bootcamp Warriors

15 Chaos Warriors with Mark of Tzeentch and full command. They are armed with hand weapons and shields, and wear Chaos Armour. (285 points)

Marauder Auditionees

40 Chaos Marauders with Mark of Tzeentch and full command. They are armed with hand weapons and shields. (390 points)

Audience Trolls

4 Chaos Trolls with extra hand weapons. (152 points)

Chosen of the Judge's Houses

10 Chosen with Mark of Tzeentch and full command. They are armed with halberds and wear Chaos Armour. (260 points)

Although this in theory was a giant multi-player battle each player deployed their own troops together meaning that we had one primary opponent. And, we each had our own magic phase against our opponent rather than a collective magic phase – which worked very well keeping the game moving along speedily.

I ended up opposite Gareth's Beastmen horde 3,600 points of Beastmen primarily consisting of a massive horde of Gor with a siege tower, a horde of Bestigor with battering ram. And a veritable pile of Wargors, Bray Shamans and assorted Razorgor and Chariots.

Spells wise Barlow drew Blue Fire of Tzeentch, Tzeentch's Firestorm, Bolt of Change and Infernal Gateway. While Louis drewSearing Doom and Transmutation of Lead. The Chosen rolled on the Eye of the Gods table and were gifted with an additional attack each.

For sanity's sake this battle report mainly focuses on the results of the battle between myself and Gareth, I've tried to give a flavour of what was going on around us and the developments of the overall battle, but if I'd written down every detail we'd still be playing now!

120.2 Ogfort Battle 5 – Battle Report

Sorcerer Lord Barlow cursed how his luck had turned out, Louis the Sorcering Imp was still the hero of the camp. And now he was packed within the walls of Ogfort castle with the other stinking armies that had flocked to Ogfried's banner. Lizard creature, Deamons and a rival band of Warriors also graced the castle walls. His army had been badly depleted throughout the campaign, although on the plus side John and Edward and their Marauder Horseman seemed to have been killed. But there was still a chance to impress the Lord of Cowell, if he could hold the castle, the Premium Rate Summoning line would be installed and he would be richly rewarded. He seemed almost pleased with his position until Robbie hovered out onto the battlements and he saw the filthy horde of Beastmen facing him. As he looked down the length of the battlements it dawned on him that amongst his allies there wasn't a single bow to bring to bear. Today was going to be a difficult day.


Sorcerer Lord Barlow took to the relative safety of one of the Castle Turrets, too high for the Beastmen to scale but giving him a commanding view of the battlefield. Meanwhile Louis, enjoying his new found popularity, joined the troops on the battlements, while Dermot O'Battle Standard Bearer and the Audience Trolls waited in the courtyard in case the Beastmen broke through the defences.

Elsewhere the uneasy alliance of the Daemons and the Lizardmen controlled the eastern battlements.

And the Beastmen prepared to assault.

Turn 1

With unsurprisingly very little movement on the part of Barlow's army he prepared to unleash a blistering assault upon the advancing Beastmen. Barlow successfully cast Tzeentch's Firestorm onto the large Bestigor unit, however fickly the flames were only Strength 1 and despite striking in the centre of the unit only two Bestigor succumbed. The Bray Shaman read aloud from an ancient Dispel Magic Scroll to suck away the power of Barlow's attempt at Infernal Gateway. And while Barlow successfully cast Bolt of Change against the Bestigor it failed to wound. To make matters worse the fickle flames of Tzeentch rewarded the Bestigor with a 6+ Ward Save.

In response the Beastmen army rumbled forward towards the castle walls as quickly as possible.

The Great Bray Shaman was unable to control the coursing energy of the Winds of Magic, casting Enfeebling Foe on the Marauder Auditionees but having to unleash a small burst of energy that killed two Bestigor and wounded the Battering Ram.

Elsewhere on the battlefield a Level 4 Empire Wizard was sucked into the Realm of Chaos and the Dwarfen war machines took their toll on the walls of the castle guarded by the Lizardmen.

Turn 2

The Beastmen invoked some primeval artefact to summon a storm that lashed the castle limiting the very few firing troops from shooting from the castle walls. The Marauder Auditionees and the Chosen of the Judge's Houses swapped places on the battlements so that the Chosen were facing the siege tower pushed by the Gor unit that was about to meet the battlements.

Note the Ghorgon is playing the role of the siege tower.

Sorcerer Lord Barlow, seeing the Gor block were clearly going to be the first unit to reach the walls changed the focus of his attack towards them. First up he invoked an Infernal Gateway on the Gor block, however Tzeentch continued to deny Barlow meaning the Gateway was only Strength 2 and only two Gor were wounded. Blue Fire of Tzeentch killed a further three, but yet again the fates were cruel as the Gor were gifted a 6+ regeneration save.

The Gor block makes the final push to the walls, throwing their ladders up and scrabbling up to the battlements. The Bray Shamans do their best to help the upcoming combat casting Miasma on the Chosen reducing their Weapon Skill by 3. Though Louis uses his Dispel Magic Scroll to stop Wyssan's Wildform being used.

On the battlements the Beastlord and a number of Gor step forward to fight, with the Gor Champion accepting the Chosen Champion's challenge. Despite the presence of Miasma the Gor Champion is strike down, and the Chosen Champion receives a free re-roll from the Eye of the Gods. The Chosen manage an impressive two wounds on the Beastlord despite his ward save, suffering two casualties in return. The rest of the Gor are struck down before they even got a chance to fight. The Chosen of the Judge's Houses hold the wall, but the Gor aren't ready to flee yet.

Turn 3

Sorecerer Lord Barlow overlooked the oncoming Beastmen horde as they scrabbled up the wall of Ogfort.

Determined to stop their progress he spied the Bestigor unit ahead and drew an enormous amount of power from the Winds of Magic to summon Infernal Gateway, unfortunately the power was too much and Barlow could not control it. The explosion in the Bestigor unit was less than spectacular as it was only a Strength 3, and killed just two Bestigor. But in response a massive explosion engulfed the tower Barlow was standing in and he was thrown through a portal into the Realm of Chaos. Cursing and screaming as he went.

On the battlements the Beastlord accepts the challenge of the Chosen Champion, and using his Eye of the Gods reroll inflicts a single wound, but this time the Beastlord's talisman protects him. In response the Beastlord strikes him dead, but the remaining Chosen again kill all the Gor before they can strike.

The Bestigor reach the gatehouse slamming their battering ram into the gate, which cracks but holds.

Meanwhile the Empire artillery destroys the tower on the left flank of the Chosen, masonry cascading into the courtyard.

With Sorcerer Lord Barlow gone the Beastmen had the upper hand in their magic phase, Louis simply unable to counter their magic.  As Miasma was again recast on the Chosen of the Judge's Houses reducing their Initiative and Weapon Skill by three.

In combat two Wargors from the Gor unit headed up onto the battlements felling four Chosen, the weight of numbers was telling now, the Chosen did however manage to inflict the last wound on the Beastlord before fleeing the wall and letting it fall to the Gor.

Turn 4

The remaining Chosen of the Judge's Houses rally in the courtyard.

Whilst the Marauder Auditiones and Audeince Trolls reposition to face the inevitable brech of the castle gate by the Bestigor.

The Bestigor again crunch the gate with their battering ram, but it still holds, denying them entry.

The Gor charge down the wall into the remaining Chosen of the Judge's Houses, while a unit of Harpies lands in the courtyard blocking the Marauder Auditonee's charge.

The Dwarf Cannons heavily damage the wall between the Bootcamp Warriors and the Beastmen horde.

Meanwhile the Empire bring down an entire wall section ahead of the other Chaos Warband.

The Chosen manage four wounds on the Beastmen, two of which are saved by the ward save Tzeentch gave them. In response two more Chosen of the Judge's House are slaughtered by the Gor. But the Standard Bearer refuses to budge defiantly rolling a double 1 for his break teast and standing his ground.

Turn 5

Dermot O' Battle Standard Bearer led the Audience Trolls into the Gor supporting the one remaining Chosen of the Judge's Houses. The Marauder Audtionees charge the Harpies wiping them out. Dermot kills a Wargor in a challenge, upping his armour save to 3+ thanks to the Eye of the Gods. The Audience Trolls kill four Gors but the last Chosen falls victim to the Gors. The combat rumbles on.

The gate finally breaks under the pressure of the battering ram allowing the Bestigor to pour through and charge the Marauders.

The Dwarven artillery finally completes its work as the wall protecting the Bootcamp Warriors from the rampaging horde collapses.

Seeing the danger to the Marauders, Louis dispels Wyssan's Wildform, but the second Shaman successfully casts it on the Bestigor, and then Enfeebling Foe is also cast on the Marauders reducing their Strength by 3.

At such a disadvantage the Marauders only inflict a single wound on the Bray Shaman for 15 wounds in return! They break and are rundown by the Bestigor.

Meanwhile Dermot O'Battle Standard Bearer and the Audience Trolls inflict four wounds on the Gor for only a single wound in return.

Turn 6

Louis casts Transmutation of Lead on the Bestigor reducing their Weapon Skill, and then Searing Doom on one of the approaching Tuskgor Chariots destroying it outright, however all the surrounding Chariots and Razorgor are unpanicked by the destruction. Dermot O'Battle Standard Bearer and the Audience Trolls manage to kill an impressive 8 Gor and the few remaining survivors run from the castle.

In response Louis and the Bootcamp Warriors are charged from all sides by Bestigor, Chariots and Razorgor, who pour through the collapsed wall section.

Again Louis is unable to stop the deadly combination of Enfeebling Foe and Wyssan's Wildform from being cast

A unit of Empire Archers that has snuck across the walls opens fire on the Audience Trolls causing a wound on both a Troll and Dermot.

Severely surrounded the Bootcamp Warriors only manage a single wound on the Razorgor and one wound on the Bestigor – which is saved by their 6+ Ward Save they gained from earlier Tzeentch Magic. Twelve Warriors die in response and Louis and they few remainder are slaughtered as they try to run.

Turn 7

With the castle almost overwhelmed Dermot O'Battle Standard Bearer and the Audience Trolls make a stand in the courtyard only to be charged in the flank by another unit of Gor.

The Trolls lose and break, leaving Dermot to be ripped apart by the snarling mob of Gor to the end the final turn. While the Lizardmen and Daemons had pockets of resistance left contesting their sections of the castle, both groups of Warriors of Chaos had been wiped out and the western end of the castle lay burning in ruins.


Sadly it was defeat for Team Ogfried, and shame for Sorcerer Lord Barlow. But I really enjoyed the siege game, I think possibly the first of such games I've ever played. At first you see an overwhelming horde of enemy models and think all is lost, then as they start smashing against the walls and you easily repel the first waves you start to think you can hold on. But once the defences crumble and your units to start to fall you have nothing left in reinforcements and it's a real uphill struggle to stop being overwhelmed. I think next siege though I wouldn't mind having a few ranged troops on those battlements – my own fault for never painting a Hellcannon I guess!

I think if I was going to blame anyone for my defeat it was Tzeentch himself, Barlow's magic was appalling with a range the devastating range of Infernal Gateway's and Tzeetnch's Firestorms exploding everywhere Beastmen should have been dying left, right and centre. However when all I could roll was Strengths between 1 and 3 it was comically.  Add that to the fact that all it seemed to do was hand out the Beastmen units a 6+ Ward Save – which they seemed to make far more often than I did, and you can begin to belief Tzeentch had switched sides in his usual fickle way. Then when Barlow was finally blasted into the Realm of Chaos I was overwhelmed as my combats were tipped way in the Beastmen's favour by a combination of spells I just couldn't stop.

I have to say a massive thanks to Pip for organising the campaign and to the various other competitors, and their stand-ins, for making the whole thing very enjoyable. I am hoping to get involved in the next Warhammer campaign soon.

Barlow's near lifeless body was spat into the Chaos Wastes, before the portal to the Realm of Chaos closed. He had lost everything, his armies were destroyed there wasn't a single survivor from the massacre at Ogfort. His powers had gone too, having turned his back on the Lord of Cowell in disgust at the lack of support he was given at Ogfort, Tzeentch had disowned him. His mark had been stripped, even Robbie his Disc had been removed. Rumour had it that the Lord of Cowell had done a deal with a bitter rival, someone he swore he'd never work with again. The Bloodthrister of Cole and the Lord of Cowell were together once again...

120.3 Get in Touch

Sadly that's it from the Adventures of Sorcerer Lord Barlow, I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have. If so why not get involved in the next Warhammer campaign at the club – you're sure to enjoy it.

As always I'm going to ramble on about the fact that you can find me on Twitter @ProbyNumbers where there really isn't very much to see!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Great write up Matt - look forward to seeing what you do for the next campaign
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Quote from: roland murat on March 17, 2014, 12:28:56 pm
Great write up Matt - look forward to seeing what you do for the next campaign

Thanks very much glad you enjoyed it!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 121 Ol Revoir Friday 23rd May 2014

Ok your luck has run out. It's been a while since you've had to endure one of my rambling blogs about nothing. But not anymore your fortunes have changed, I'm back with a vengeance, well I'm back with at least one blog entry. Let's not get carried away with ourselves.

My "idiot's sponge" (like "writer's block" but for people who don't write worthwhile things) has finally lifted. Really life changing events often inspire great pieces of literature The Russian Revolution of 1917 and subsequent historical period inspiring Animal Farm, the hunt for Communist spies in America inspiring the Crucible,  a very large pay cheque inspiring the script for Rocky V. And as you may have gathered, from probably the most brilliant pun ever created, (entitling this blog), Ol's departure from the club has resulted in this very blog entry. Had he known this he'd probably thrown himself under a bus instead, but there we go.

Yes much to the dismay of red wine suppliers of South West London, Ol, our illustrious leader has departed us for pastures new. In honour of this I actually made it down to the club yesterday to partake in a game he no longer plays on literally the farthest table in the club away from him. Still it's the thought that counts. I was there for the metaphorical standing ovation and awarding of the carriage clock for long service. These things were so metaphorical they didn't actually happen, but he did get a hug off me, and probably some contagious disease - sorry about that.

It's at this point I must be serious for a moment (as if this is even possible) and thank Ol for his hard work in founding the club, and his continuous efforts to keep it going - in-spite of my lackadaisical attitude to attendance. We've all benefitted from his hard work securing locations, inspiring campaigns, running tournaments and sourcing battlefields, terrain and new games to consume our time. And it is gratefully appreciated and will be missed. Personally it was Ol's forum and organisation of a Tale of OG Gamers that got this blog's predecessor inspired and off the ground (yes you can blame him). And his continued encouragement got it thriving – mainly through spitting out various food and drink substances all over his computer screen in response to my jokes. Mercifully for his laptop I've become significantly less funny and don't write as much anymore. Ol has also personally taken several thousand pounds of hard-earned cash off me, primarily for his supply of important and discounted wargaming materials – the prostitution racket was just a side line. And obviously all the games of Warhammer, never have dice been angrily thrown at me with such good humour. This might be starting to sound like an obituary for Ol, he's not dead, he's just moving up North – anyone thinking the two events are comparable is very naughty!

So what does that mean for the future of the club? Well as the benevolent dictator in waiting that I am, I have swept to power. There won't be any major changes other than the club will be rebranded from OG Games to the "Matt Is Awesome Club" – with Planet Matt is Awesome Warhammer 40,000 campaigns and the like. And all club members will be forced to read all my blog entries five times over and laugh at ALL the jokes. What do you mean that didn't happen? And if I'd turned up to the Club Council meetings I could have raised these points.

No of course not. Ol's baby of six years couldn't be left in my care – otherwise it would almost certainly end up in a young offenders' institution and I'd have been accosted by social services.
Gareth, Mike, Steve and Sam will be taking over the reins and getting annoyed with me for not turning up enough – it comes with the job, you have to.

On that note I will make yet another promise, that I shall fail to keep, to update this blog. I should probably be punished and made to sit in a gunge tank (it was good enough in the 90s) if I fail yet again. But there's two new campaigns lurking in the wings that I am planning to get involved in, so that might get my fingers working. Plus of course the brand new edition of Warhammer 40,000 is out tomorrow. I've nearly learnt the rules to the last edition – so I am sure this won't confuse me!

So thanks once again Ol, hope to see you very soon! Best of luck in York.

Remember I can always be harassed on Twitter @ProbyNumbers being the best place to do it – otherwise you could harass someone else you don't mean to!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

Steve H

We hated this blog... It was truely horrible.


The New Council.

In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!


Quote from: Steve H on May 24, 2014, 10:34:45 am
We hated this blog... It was truely horrible.


The New Council.


Dam I've been ousted in the equivalent of a cabinet reshuffle!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146