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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Quote from: TkaiC on September 05, 2013, 11:45:28 am

What do we want? Procastination!

When do we want it?  Er, in a bit.

Love it!

Right good news I have escaped a recent bit of work hell and even started throwing some paint about on Ultramarines, High Elves and Warriors of Chaos. Hoping to bash out some pics and blog this week, if you're lucky!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 106 – Hello Stranger Friday 13th September 2013

106.1 – Return to Procrastination

Friday 13th, yep it's unlucky for you because that's right I am back. Possibly. Regular readers to this blog will have been even more bored than usual, because this thread has been emptier than Rolf Harris' bookings diary. Despite a brief spurt of activity over the summer I've not really done much over the last few months.

Given we've all had "Hobby Wobbles", which I believe is the correct term, it seemed like a reasonable thing to have a little look at in this here blog.

First up I want to make it clear this wasn't a "Rage Quit" scenario. Rage quit generally involves throwing your hobby toys out of the pram (and presumably rerolling to hit any failed misses on your first turn of throwing), see the jokes haven't got any better? Rage Quitting involves getting annoyed with the game/system and selling all the offending models, and vowing never to play said game (well at least until the next army book/codex release). I am not annoyed with Games Workshop at all, and you've probably noticed that in this blog I very rarely send a bad word in Games Workshop's direction. That's not my style, a hobby is supposed to be relaxing, if you don't like it stop doing it – end off. There's enough s**t in the world to be annoyed about without getting annoyed about the things that are supposed to be relaxing. Yet despite this my Twitter feed seems to be full of so much bile and vitriol aimed in the direction of Games Workshop you'd think they'd deployed chemical weapons in Nottingham. It's probably a reflection on our own moral priorities that I haven't had any moaning about the atrocities in Syria on my Twitter feed. Well that vaguely sensible statement crushed the mood didn't it?

Yes if anything I've been spoiled for choice by Games Workshop, after the last two years (since 8th edition Warhammer), where I've only had a few sporadic releases and no army books for any of my forces. 2013 has seen Warriors of Chaos and High Elves get sparkly new books and a host of impressive models to boot. From Warshrines and Foresaken to Sky Cutters and Phoenix/Phoenixi/Phoenixes/Phini/Phoenixeseses* (*delete as your militant grammatical rules on the pluralisation of non-existent mythical creatures sees fit), my regular armies have been spoilt for choice.

Add to that some tasty editions to the proper Space Marines (I mean Ultramarines), this month and I've been more than catered for this year. So new models hasn't been the issue.

The general problem in fact seems to have been some rather low level hobby fatigue for a number of reasons. Which I shall now illustrate the exciting medium of the bullet point:

  • Competing Time Pressures: There are many precious resources in this world; gold, diamonds, water, fossil fuels, hair gel... but one that often gets overlooked is that of time. I'd like to say my hobby time has been spent doing something really productive, but it's actually been consumed by this:

    A computer game designed to harvest every waking, and most sleeping moments of your life – though I think I've finally broken through the ceiling of Civilization V and life has returned to normal. Oh and probably should mention got a boyfriend too, see him a bit, takes up time. He's actually pretty cool as regards me Warhammering, even he does like to cool it Warcraft just to see my blood boil.

  • Hobby Overload: There was a moment, around mid-February where I finished my Beastmen army and looked around and went I have no fecking room for any more models. Painted models were either getting broken as they couldn't be stored properly or plastered in dust as every single shelf and ledge was covered with ranked up warriors. I know some people's answer to this is to sell an army and move on, but the collector in me can't do that. Plus any model I've painted becomes no longer a model, but my child, I cannot give it up in the same way you cannot give up your firstborn or your leg – though in probably a slightly more mentally deranged way. This problem has actually now been solved by a new cupboard, I know just when you thought my life couldn't get any more boring. But I found this brilliant cupboard in a second hand shop that is perfect for holding painted models – more on this when it has been delivered!!

  • Warhammer 40,000 misfire: My foray into Warhammer 40,000 hasn't perhaps been as successful as I hoped. Don't get me wrong I've enjoy finally painting up the blue clad marines that a little part of me always had an eye on in the White Dwarf:

    However I think the games I've played (absolutely no offence to my opponents who have always been friendly, fair and helped fully with the rules), haven't inspired me yet. A large part of this is my army selection I appreciate; I've built an army around the Core choices, as I'd usually do with a new Warhammer army. But whereas in Warhammer this seems to have served me ok in smaller battles, in Warhammer 40,000 I tend to have seen my squads of Tactical Marines and Scouts blown away by exotic weaponry that I don't really understand the rules for. None of which has been particularly inspiring. Couple that with a bit of a cash flow problem (and the fact I was very lucky to get a huge pile of Warhammer bits for my birthday), has meant I can't really at present justify buying any extra Ultramarine bits (or indeed the new book). Hopefully this will be rectified soon.

  • Forum drought: Ok I'm going to say this, I'm going to be brave, don't hate me, but sadly it is true. As our forum has become a bit unloved of late. Rather than being the rich wealth of painted models, campaigns, opinion, modelling and battle reports it seems to have become simply a place to book games – important as that is, it is missing out on all the other parts I have enjoyed so much. I hold my hands up; that there is a clear irony in the fact I am writing this in a post about why I haven't posted for so long. But I think it fair to say those posts (not necessarily mine) about painted models and battle reports often go up with no comments and no encouragement for the author to update us to how he/she got on. I admit again I am guilty here too, but that coupled with aborted campaigns and unfinished painting tales has led to a bit of a dearth on the hobby front on this forum in my opinion. I aim to try and keep this blog going, and hope to comment a bit more and do my bit, it would be great if loads more people could join in too! There said it, I expect a red laser dot to appear on my forehead at any point before my brains are blown out by a sniper making a terrible mess of my office.

Anyway there are my reasons, hopefully I have overcome them and will be firing on all cylinders very soon!!

106.2 – Hobby Progress

Despite/because of the above discussion (who knows anymore?), I am pleased to report that some hobby progress has been made over the last few months. Here's a little update as to where I am at, for those who care!

High Elves

My massive High Elf is currently in the progress of being updated with all the newest bits and pieces from May's releases. I've finished off a Sea Helm on foot (from my Lothern Sky Cutter), and my unit of Sisters of Avelorn. I've made good progress on my Flamespyre Phoenix which hopefully you will see soon. Then next on the painting table will be a fleet of Sky Cutters and the awesome Loremaster model.

Warriors of Chaos

Thanks to some very generous birthday presents from family and friends I have a bucket load of Warriors of Chaos models I really wanted to get started on. Been dragging my feet obviously! First up I've started on my Shaggoth, which I think is an absolutely amazing model and a joy to paint – so shove off if you are going to tell me it's rubbish in the game! Haha. With a good head wind Tzeentch should be smiling as I've got various characters, Chaos Ogre conversions, Foresaken, Chariot, Warriors and a Warshrine to assemble and add. Phew!!


In shockingly impressive news I've already smashed my Resolution to paint five bits of terrain this year having managed three hills and three forests (see Updates 102 and 104). However I've already got myself some of the basic buildings: Tower, Chapel and Walls and Fences ready and waiting to keep my terrain roll up.


Despite my lacklustre gaming credentials in the Warhammer 40,000 world, painting has not gone too badly. I am currently finishing off my last troops and transports in the shape of a second Tactical Squad, a Rhino and a Drop Pod. Sadly none of this is really going to sort out my underpowered army, but hopefully soonish I can get my mits on some more exciting kits to add to these.

106.3 – Lothern Sea Helm Painting Guide

As mentioned above here's my Sea Helm on foot, from the Sky Cutter kit – absolutely amazing model and looks great with the Lothern Sea Guard from the Island of Blood box. I might even get myself another one on foot with the battle standard!

As is customary below is my guide should you want to copy it/know what to avoid if you hate it.

Lothern Sea Helm Painting Guide – Stage 1

Base: Steel Legion Drab
Rock: Stormvermin Fur
Leather: Scorched Brown
Wood: Steel Legion Drab
Cloak: 1:1 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White
Yellow Trim: Iyanden Darksun
Blue Trim: 1:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue
Silver: Chainmail
Gold: Tin Bitz
Flesh: Tallarn Flesh
Hair: Vomit Brown
Seaweed: Dark Angels Green
Vine: Catachan Green
Dragon: Mechrite Red
Sea: 1:1:1 Dark Angels Green/Chaos Black/Enchanted Blue

Lothern Sea Helm Painting Guide – Stage 2

Base: Layer Baneblade Brown
Rock: Drybrush Tausept Ochre
Leather: Wash Nuln Oil
Wood: Layer Baneblade Brown
Cloak: Layer 1:1 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White// 1:2 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White, then Layer 1:2 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White
Yellow Trim: Layer 1:1 Iyanden Darksun/Golden Yellow, then layer Golden Yellow
Blue Trim: Layer 1:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue//Ice Blue, then layer Ice Blue
Silver: Wash Nuln Oil
Gold: Layer Shining Gold
Flesh: Layer 1:1 Tallarn Flesh/Elf Flesh, then layer Elf Flesh
Hair: Wash Ogyrn Flesh
Seaweed: Layer 1:1 Dark Angels Green/Enchanted Blue
Vine: Pick out leaves in Dark Angels Green
Dragon: Layer 1:1 Mechrite Red/Blood Red, then layer Blood Red
Sea: Layer 1:1 Dark Angels Green/Enchanted Blue at top of Shield

Lothern Sea Helm Painting Guide – Stage 3

Base: Dryrbush Bleached Bone
Rock: Selectively drybrush Gretchin Green, then drybrush Astronomacian Grey
Leather: Highlight Scorched Brown
Wood: Layer Graveyard Earth
Cloak: Layer 1:1 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White// 1:2 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White, then Layer 1:2 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White
Yellow Trim: Layer 1:1 Golden Yellow/Sunburst Yellow, then layer Sunburst Yellow
Blue Trim: Layer 1:1 Ice Blue/(1:1 Ice Blue/Skull White), then layer 1:1 Ice Blue/Skull White
Silver: Highlight 1:1 Chainmail/Mithril Silver
Gold: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
Flesh: Wash watered down Ogryn Flesh
Hair: Highlight Vomit Brown
Seaweed: Layer 1:1:1 Dark Angels Green/Enchanted Blue/Bleached Bone
Vine: Dryrbush Camo Green
Dragon: Highlight Blazing Orange, then highlight Vomit Brown
Sea: Layer 1:1:1 Dark Angels Green/Enchanted Blue/Space Wolves Grey at top of Shield, and Wave Crests

Lothern Sea Helm Painting Guide – Stage 4

Base: Flock with Citadel Grass
Rock: Drybrush Skull White, then wash recesses Nuln Oil
Leather: Highlight 1:1 Scorched Brown/Beastial Brown, then highlight Beastial Brown
Wood: Layer watered down 1:1 Graveyard Earth/Bleached Bone, then layer watered down Bleached Bone
Cloak: Highlight Skull White
Yellow Trim: Wash Ogyrn Flesh, then highlight 1:1 Sunburst Yellow/Bad Moon Yellow, then highlight Bad Moon Yellow
Blue Trim: DONE
Silver: Highlight Mithril Silver
Gold: Highlight 5:1 Shining Gold/Mithril Silver, then highlight Mithril Silver
Flesh: Highlight 1:1 Elf Flesh/Bleached Bone, then highlight Bleached Bone
Hair: Highlight 1:1 Vomit Brown/Bleached Bone, then highlight Bleached Bone
Seaweed: Layer 1:1:3 Dark Angels Green/Enchanted Blue/Bleached Bone
Vine: DONE
Dragon: Wash Baal Red
Sea: Layer 1:1:1 Dark Angels Green/Enchanted Blue/Space Wolves Grey at top of Shield, and Wave Crests

106.4 – Sisters of Avelorn Painting Guide

Finally the famed archers of Ulthuan can add a little bit of punch with the Sisters of Avelorn, mine have already given a Hell Pit Abomination a run for its money on the field of battle. Lovely kit, though I did find it rather tricky gluing the two-armed bow pieces on. In fairness I've had a lot worse kits!!

Sisters of Avelorn Painting Guide – Stage 1

Base: Steel Legion Drab
Skulls: Steel Legion Drab
Ruins: Calthan Brown
Dark Elf Silver: Boltgun Metal
Dark Elf Gold: Tin Bitz
Leather: Scorched Brown
Cloaks: 1:1 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White
Yellow Trim: Iyanden Darksun
Blue Trim: 1:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue
High Elf Silver: Chainmail
High Elf Gold: Tin Bitz
Bows: Necron Abyss
Flesh: Tallarn Flesh
Hair: Vomit Brown or Dheneb Stone

Sisters of Avelorn Painting Guide – Stage 2

Base: Layer Baneblade Brown
Skulls: Wash Nuln Oil
Ruins: Wash Nuln Oil
Dark Elf Silver: Wash Nuln Oil
Dark Elf Gold: Layer Burnished Gold
Leather: Wash Nuln Oil
Cloaks: Layer 1:2 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White
Yellow Trim: Layer Golden Yellow
Blue Trim: Layer Ice Blue
High Elf Silver: Wash Nuln Oil
High Elf Gold: Layer Shining Gold
Bows: Layer Mordian Blue
Flesh: Layer Elf Flesh
Hair: (Vomit Brown) Wash Ogryn Flesh or (Dheneb Stone) Wash Nuln Oil or Devlan Mud

Sisters of Avelorn Painting Guide – Stage 3

Base: Drybrush Bleached Bone
Skulls: Layer Baneblade Brown, then layer Dheneb Stone
Ruins: Drybrush Baneblade Brown
Dark Elf Silver: Highlight Chainmail
Dark Elf Gold: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
Leather: Highlight Bestial Brown
Cloaks: Layer watered down Skull White
Yellow Trim: Layer Sunburst Yellow
Blue Trim: Highlight 1:1 Ice Blue/Skull White
High Elf Silver: Highlight Mithril Silver
High Elf Gold: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
Bows: Highlight Enchanted Blue, then highlight Ice Blue
Flesh: Wash watered down Ogryn Flesh
Hair: (Vomit Brown) Highlight Vomit Brown or (Dheneb Stone/Nuln Oil or Dheneb Stone/Devlan Mud) Highlight Bleached Bone

Sisters of Avelorn Painting Guide – Stage 4

Base: Flock Citadel Grass
Skulls: Highlight Bleached Bone
Ruins: Drybrush Dheneb Stone, then drybrush Bleached Bone
Dark Elf Silver: DONE
Dark Elf Gold: Highlight 5:1 Burnished Gold/Mithril Silver
Leather: DONE
Cloaks: Highlight Skull White
Yellow Trim: Wash Ogryn Flesh, then highlight Bad Moon Yellow
Blue Trim: DONE
High Elf Silver: DONE
High Elf Gold: Highlight 5:1 Shining Gold/Mithril Silver
Bows: Highlight Skull White, then wash Asurmen Blue
Flesh: Highlight Bleached Bone
Hair: (Vomit Brown) Highlight Bleached Bone or (Dheneb Stone/Nuln Oil or Dheneb Stone/Devlan Mud) Highlight Skull White

106.5  – Get In Touch

As I mentioned above it would be great to hear your comments, feedback and even random unconnected thoughts on the above or indeed anything else. I'd love this thread to be a discussion rather than a diatribe!

And in case you've forgotten I am on Twitter @ProByNumbers where there's a panic button you can push if you feel the men in white coats need to step in and save me!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Welcome back to Geekville Matt.

It seems my general musings (sadly without pictures as I never quite get round to buying a camera) have got competition once more. I would love to say this will encourage me to lift my game but we all know the truth - it will remain an occasional round up of my latest crushing defeat with some wondering as to where it all went wrong.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Right, first up, good to see you back.  That Sea Helm alone is worth the entry price, lovely sculpt and a top notch paint job.

More importantly, Tom U is thinking of running a Warhammer Fantasy Campaign. 

Ulthuan needs you Matt.  It really does.
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.


Good to see some well painted Shakeaway elves again  :thumbsup:

I really should finish up my Dark Angels and post on my blog thing agan, but i've been sidetracked by Genestealers (I will put pics up somewhere).

Take note everyone, we all need to be putting more content up, not just Matt's rather lengthy, but brilliant blog!

otherwise the forum will wither and die  :bash;m:
Charge.  Flee.  Your Turn.

roland murat

Too true - we don't want the forum to get like CWG's used to be with a mad rush to book games and nothing else.

The 'tales of..' type thing are normally good for getting people posting its just a shame virtually everyone drops out. Prehaps we need some kind of campaign that people will stick with?
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Quote from: TkaiC on September 13, 2013, 10:59:56 pm
More importantly, Tom U is thinking of running a Warhammer Fantasy Campaign. 

Ulthuan needs you Matt.  It really does.

Jesus Christ Ulthuan is desperate.

Thanks for all the kind comments regarding my return and the Sea Helm much appreciated.

Quote from: Garzini on September 14, 2013, 07:58:13 pm
Take note everyone, we all need to be putting more content up, not just Matt's rather lengthy, but brilliant blog!

Otherwise the forum will wither and die  :bash;m:

Yeah I think most people would prefer shorter posts definitely, anything they can read in say a day or so.

Quote from: roland murat on September 16, 2013, 12:38:12 pm
The 'tales of..' type thing are normally good for getting people posting its just a shame virtually everyone drops out. Prehaps we need some kind of campaign that people will stick with?

Yes it's the thorny problem of maintaining excitement in any project, and making sure it balances with everyone's work/life commitments. Dam the real world!!

Good news (or bad depending on your view), is that I've finished off some Ultramarines this weekend, so will have something to show soon... hopefully!!  :thumbsup:

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


I think Twitter has alot to do with the death of all forums sadly, so any attempt to keep this filled with great Plogs like this is most appreciated...
Gals to see you back Matt, and don't give up 40k, you just need to add a few more units and keep playing..

My top tips..

A unit of centurions, 2 with grav cannons, one with Las cannons
And a storm talon

Then come play my demons.... :thumbsup:


I'll admit I'd let my painting blog fall off a bit because it didn't seem to draw any responses, obviously not the quality of text that Matt brings, but as noone was commenting it just didn't seem worth the effort.  That and work got crazy busy so my usual time for updating it got taken away!

I've also moved house for the second time this  year which has basically pushed me to the absolute limit on top of the work stress so I basically wanted everything to just go away for a while and having no internet for a week helped nicely!


Quote from: fatolaf on September 17, 2013, 10:45:17 am
I think Twitter has alot to do with the death of all forums sadly, so any attempt to keep this filled with great Plogs like this is most appreciated...

Yeah I have to confess even I have been tempted by the urge to shove my finish model pics up on Twitter for simplicity - though the 140 character limit is proving tricky!

Quote from: fatolaf on September 17, 2013, 10:45:17 am
My top tips..

A unit of centurions, 2 with grav cannons, one with Las cannons
And a storm talon

Then come play my demons.... :thumbsup:

So I should build the Assault Centurions right?  :wink;m:: Ok I will add these to my Ultramarine purchase list, tough I may get distracted by the Predator Tank... big tank with big gun - what's there not to love?!

Quote from: Dave on September 17, 2013, 02:51:49 pm
I'll admit I'd let my painting blog fall off a bit because it didn't seem to draw any responses, obviously not the quality of text that Matt brings, but as noone was commenting it just didn't seem worth the effort.

Shame dude was good to see your pics - I tried to comment as and when!! Though I do see them now and again on Twitter.

And a mark of excitement this very post is the 1,000th post on this thread - and the forum's not imploded yet! Wooooo!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146