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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Great review buddy and come on guys, if you have not voted yet, please do, Matt has put an insane amount of effort into this blog, which you have all read, so please take 5 mins of your time to vote...

I thank you  :thumbsup:


I've voted, would do it again if it weren't frowned upon.

Out of interest how on earth do you calculate your 'points' for the painted:bought calculation, I've not managed to work out the system behind those random number movements.


Quote from: fatolaf on January 11, 2012, 12:12:33 pm
Great review buddy and come on guys, if you have not voted yet, please do, Matt has put an insane amount of effort into this blog, which you have all read, so please take 5 mins of your time to vote...

I thank you  :thumbsup:

Cheers Ol glad you liked the review and thanks for the prompt! We have had a flurry of votes in over the last few days but it would be great to grab any last minute stranglers, as a number of key categories are exceptionally close and every vote counts!!

Quote from: Dave on January 11, 2012, 01:43:44 pm
Out of interest how on earth do you calculate your 'points' for the painted:bought calculation, I've not managed to work out the system behind those random number movements.

Good point Dave, it's calculated on 7th edition unit strength, which broadly seems to work quite well (one for infantry, two for calvary, three for monsterous infantry...) tends not to reflect the effort spent on characters and big models that well though. For terrain and Dreadfleet just made an educated guess as to how many infantry models I'd paint in the same time/effort. But to be honest as long as your consistant with assigning everything the same value when bought as when you then paint it, it works.

Though I am considering as alternate counting it in terms of points value painted:bought next year. Though doesn't help with the whole terrain/Dreadfleet problem.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Update 34 – Friday 13th January 2012: If 2011 had been voted off The X Factor... Part 3

For the superstitious amongst you it is Friday the 13th, indeed for the non-superstitious amongst you it's still Friday the 13th and it's time for the final part of the Procrastination by Numbers look back at 2011 ahead of next week's spectacular 2011 Procrastination by Numbers Awards Ceremony – like a less offensive and overpaid version of The Golden Globes.

I am of course contractually obliged to remind you that this is your very last opportunity to vote for the awards. All you need to do is copy and paste this red bit of text into a PM to me, with your votes and send it over by midnight on Friday 13th of January (that's tonight):

Category 1: Best Games Workshop Model Released 2011

Category 2: Best Games Workshop Army Book/Supplement/Game Released 2011

Category 3: Best Games System of 201

Category 4: Best Tournament of 2011

Category 5: Best Forum Contributor of 2011

Category 6: Best Forum Painting Blog of 2011

Category 7: Best Forum Painted Model of 2011

Category 8: Best Post from the Procrastinator of 2011

Category 9: Best Painted model from the Procrastinator of 2011

Category 10: Worst Games Workshop Model Released 2011

If you don't vote you can't moan at the result, in fact even if you do vote I won't take it kindly if you do moan, but at least you might have a valid reason. Now over to the look back at 2011:

2011 New Year's Resolutions

While we're wrapping up 2011, it only seems appropriate to look back at the New Year's Resolutions I made during 2010's Review of the Year over on the Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves. Here they are and here's how we got on:

1) To keep up to date with the Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves painting.

Well I think we can tick this one as a definite success, with a full 2,000 points done plus loads more extra bits, I was the only OG Gamer to cross the finish line. The blog itself still somehow remains the most viewed thread on the forum with the hit count still increasing (faster than this blog!!) even though I finished it months ago, at the time of writing it stands at 18,193 hits! Why does it keep going up, there's nothing new to see?!!

2) To paint more than I buy, and stop buying random things that just sit on the painting shelf.

Ok so the painting counter at the end of Wednesday's look back kind of suggests I failed at this one, though if you take out those end of year purchases of Dreadfleet and a High Elf Army deal I'd have been alright, and I made good progress at the head of the year. Though on the random things front I did quite well here painting up loads of old High Elf and Warriors bits I've had in my bits box for years, so a fail, but a limited fail I'd say.

3) To keep blogging.

Well some people still read it and though it's not as funny or popular as Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves I'm still churning this s**t out! So a tick here.

4) To try and learn tactics.

Errrr... very difficult to quantify here, I'd say I got better with the High Elves, I did after all get an impressive run of 5 wins in a row – which I'm pretty sure no one expected, least of all me, and managed a couple of less than awful results in the recent campaign. Given that I qualified this statement with the word "try" I think we can call this a tick.

5) To try and complete, well head towards complete, some armies.

This is a bit of an ish certainly I painted more for each of my armies, High Elves, Beastmen and Warriors of Chaos. However none are finished by my standards, being probably more of a collector/painter than a gamer, my army counts as finished when I have at least one of each unit choice (usually more) and a good smattering of characters including special characters. Both High Elves and Beastmen are close, but not quite there so I'll go fail here.

Overall that makes three successes and two fails, not too bad and certainly a lot better than my real life resolutions success rate.

2012 New Year's Resolutions

So that only leaves 2012's resolutions, I've tried to make them a bit more quantifiable than things like "try and learn tactics":

1) To paint all the contents of Dreadfleet.

The whole plan about buying the game as a nice contained painting distraction from High Elves and Beastmen only works if I actually paint them I've found. So by the end of 2012 I want a full finished set of warships and accessories. With any further supplement to the game looking less likely than the national press being happy with the organisation of the 2012 Olympics, I can finish Dreadfleet and finish it good.

2) To paint at least five bits of terrain.

I've noticed that terrain painting seems to be a common theme on the New Year's Resolution board so come on Matty get your own personal collection topped up. Five pieces isn't much, so fingers cross a nice Skullvane Manse may be gracing my own battlefield by 2013 (technically I don't have a battlefield either, so need to work on that).

3) To enter a non-doubles Waaagh.

I enjoy doubles a lot, my favourite type of Warhammer campaign and have done a couple of doubles Waaagh's this year, but I reckon it's about time I went single player at least to see if I can win that wooden spoon. Also apparently a lot of tournaments give away prizes for last place, so I could have a future!

4) To win at least five games of Warhammer this year.

I'm not setting my aims high, I realise last year's five games in a row was complete fluke but we'll see what 2012 brings. Currently this year I've played two and lost two.

5) To carry on blogging.

Sorry there's going to be more of this tosh to come, please read it, else my purpose in life will be gone.

6) To finish the High Elves.

This really is achievable this year, I now have one of every unit bar Silver Helms, White Lions and a Tiranoc Chario painted up, so those a few character and special character options and ok finish that massive army box set and we'll be there.

7) To finish the Beastmen.

This is probably even more achievable than the High Elves only need to add a Ghorgon and Cygor – the new kit will do just fine for those, plus a Doombull and make up my Razagor Chariot (if I can face it). No units just monsters, and they will be done.

8) To buy no more than I paint.

This is likely to be trickier for the simple reason, bar the High Elf army and Dreadfleet I've painted up most of my backlog of miniatures this year. But in fairness just painting what I will buy will sort this plan out.

9) To battle Mr Shakey Shakey.

Veteran readers may remember Mr Shakey Shakey my non-imaginary friend who I often mention on this blog, well we both rejoined Warhammer at the same time but are yet to play a single battle. In fairness to me, Mr Shakey Shakey's poor painting speed hasn't helped but this year we must have a battle.

10) To sort out my life.

Yeah this might be more complex, finding myself a loved one, learning to drive, making sure I have a career and a purpose in life all need to be done. In fairness if I do achieve this I may not have time for the previous nine resolutions but there you go.

So there we go, you've just got a year to wait to see if I can fulfil those ten resolutions, in the meantime can I remind you for the final time ever to please, please, please cast your votes for the 2011 Procrastination by Numbers Awards, they really are appreciated. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE.

All that remains is to wish you an exceptionally happy New Year and I hope that 2012 doesn't pan out anything like the film of the same name (if the world's going to end let's at least try and have a decent plot), or the awful BBC Three spin-off Spooks: Code 9 kudos if you remember that, and indeed Kudos if you made it – a little TV production joke to end with, forgive me.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


If you haven't voted in The 2011 Procrastination by Numbers Awards you've missed out. Lines are now closed please don't call as your vote won't count and you may still be charged.

The results will be announced from Monday, in the mean time while the votes are independently counted and verified here's the theme tune to Challenge Anneka to keep you amused:

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Update 35 – Monday 16th January 2012: The 2011 Procrastination by Numbers Awards... Part 1

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls welcome to the most glamorous night (read week!) in the gaming/hobby world calendar as we celebrate the best of the best of the hobby world for 2011. Much like Antony Worrall Thompson's shopping basket, this awards ceremony will be full of cheese and ultimately won't cost you a penny.

Before we get started a big thank you primarily for putting up with me harping on about voting for the last three weeks, and extra thanks to those who actually voted (particularly if you did it of your own violation without me standing over you in the club with an angry expression on my face- you win bonus points!).

Across the ten categories we've had nearly 250 votes cast which I think is pretty impressive total so thank you so much, and approximately 8.6% of the people registered on this forum have voted which is a turn out much greater than the general election. Over the coming week we'll go through all ten of the categories, we'll list the nominations which is simply a list of everything that received at least one (valid) vote so if you do or don't see something there that you didn't or did want to see you've only got yourself and your fellow OG mates to vote. And we'll then of course announce the winner of each category, who will win an amazing prize which is simply prestige – no money has been spent.

So without further ado let's kick off with our first category.

Category 1: Best Games Workshop Model Released 2011

The first award goes to the best new Games Workshop model released in 2011. This can be a metal model, a Finecast figure or a plastic kit released from the Games Workshop factories. This award is more hotly contested than a two times table competition in The Only Way is Essex dressing room, every Games Workshop figure sculptor would want to win this award, if only they knew about it.

So before I overuse my mediocre allocation of lack lustre jokes this early on let's check out the nominations.

Archanork Spider

What's got eight legs, causes young girls to scream and grown men to head towards it with pitch forks and flaming torches? That's right it's JLS. The Archanrok Spider hit the shelves back in March for Orc & Goblin players to accompany their new army book. The kit can be equipped with or without a Forest Goblin Shaman and now is available for all players on a Scroll of Binding.

Chaos Lord on Manticore

The Chaos Lord on Manticore is unique amongst this list in that it's the only kit listed here I've actually bought, and given my reputation for taste probably means it should be disqualified now. Of course the model is sitting in a pile of bits on my painting table covered in a thick layer of dust, much like Louis Walsh – probably shouldn't have chopped him up with my Razor Saw. The Chaos Lord on Manticore, which can also be assembled without a rider or with a Sorcerer Lord graced our shelves back in July alongside Storm of Magic.


Much like Emu our next nomination the Cockatrice is covered in brightly covered feathers, unlike Emu, Rod Hull isn't hanging out of its arse. Another July release here to accompany the Storm of Magic the Cockatrice's Fine Cast presence can grace any Warhammer army with the inclusion of a Scroll of Binding, or alternatively if you tell your opponent it's representing a Steam Tank – but that's less thematic.

Chaos Dwarf – Bale Taurus

In a dark forgotten corner of the Games Workshop facilities, a team of slave labourers works on an underclass of models not accepted by the rest of the Games Workshop empire. We call this team Forgeworld. And while they are busy carving models from solid Emerald, judging by the pricing, this year they churned out the Bale Taurus. Part of the Chaos Dwarf range from the Tamurkhan book this model is no relation to Christian Bale.


I think I've seen him on an advert for heart burn relief. The Ogre Firebelly, a warning for eating at my local Indian, has been breathing gouts of flame on the enemies of The Ogre Kingdoms since back in September, and gave Ogre players access to another spell deck and a headache working out how to paint that burst of Finecast flame.

Garden of Moor

Don't worry I won't do the Moor/more joke again! The Garden of Moor represents our only entrant from the Citadel Terrain range, and the only entrant available at B&Q just alongside the Patio of Moor and the Hot Tub of Moor. Released in August alongside the last wave of Vampire Counts releases, The Garden of Moor consists of multiple terrain pieces that can be deployed in a number of ways – landscaping has never been so easy!

Ironblaster / Scraplauncher

The model contains a gold cannon so large that it makes a Cash for Gold advert look positively un-bling, though the Rhinox looks arguably more attractive than the usual stars of these commercials. The Ironblaster / Scraplauncher kit is another entrant from this year's Ogre Kingdoms range the kit has never once been built as the Scraplauncher instead launching it's laser-guided cannonballs into my Bolt Throwers, Battle Standard Bearers and Chaos Knights – not that I'm bitter you understand.


Sleaker than Marty McFly's Hoverboard in Back to the Future II and with less propensity to shoot it's own troops than an American Tomahawk missile the Razorwing jet represents the business class of flying with the Dark Eldar. Free mints and moist towelettes are sure to be provided to all passengers. Knowing nothing about Warhammer 40,000 I presume the model can be taken by Dark Eldar players and probably features some kind of guns or something?


Another flyey wooshy thing for Warhammer 40,000 players the Stormraven hit the shelves in February in the Blood Angels wave. Like the privatised railways the Thunderbird 3 clone can be painted in a variety of colours and decked out with different upholstery depending on its operating company. Though be warned on Sundays the Stormraven rail-replacement bus service is a nightmare.

Terrorgheist / Zombie Dragon

With more visible bones and leathery skin than even Doctor Gillian McKeith, though admittedly less fake qualifications this is the Terrogheist. The creature's Death Shrek has been scaring warriors from the face of Warhammer battlefields faster than a Cliff Richard concert. Appearing back in August as a bonus release for Vampire Counts players the model has now has just appeared in it's own army book with the release of Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts – 8th edition just this Saturday, that's how up to date we are. This model can also be constructed as a Vampire on Zombie Dragon.

Thundertusk / Stonehorn

More frozen food based accessories adorn this model than the average Iceland buffet on the plus side Kerry Katona is nowhere in sight. The Thundertusk / Stonehorn kit modelled on Pat Sharp circa Fun House days and gives Ogre Kingdoms players some massive muscle on the tabletop, as opposed to their normal sized muscle, as well as  their third entrant in this category.


Madder than Strictly Come Dancing judge Bruno Tonlioni judging Charlie Sheen on an episode of Lost. Wurrzag is the combination of all the traits of an Orcs & Goblins army – craziness, brutality and squigs. The only special character in our list, is the Savage Orc Shaman that made a return in Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins – 8th edition.

And the winner is – well you'll have to open up the golden envelope to find out (yes I've found another use for the spoiler function):


The Ogre Kingdoms Firebelly

We would obviously ask the Firebelly to give an acceptance speech, but there's a good chance he might incinerate the front row of the audience. Though I think we'd all have to agree a great model certainly not hindered by an impressive paint job.

Category Notes: Interestingly this question provoked a massive range of answers that really suggests beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that there isn't one ultimate best model (except of course the Firebelly!). The other good performers in this category were the Archanork Spider, Cockatrice, Garden of Moor, Razorwing and Stonehorn / Thundertusk Kit. If you didn't see your vote translated into a nomination in this category, then it's almost certainly because our independent adjudicators found out your chosen model had come out in 2010. Sorry!


Time for our next award.

Category 2: Best Games Workshop Supplement Released 2011

The second award of the evening goes to Best Games Workshop Supplement, this wide category covers anything from Games Workshop that isn't primarily a model. So books, Citadel Tools, gaming accessories, cards and even boxed games (even if they include models as part of the package) are all included in these categories. Obviously it's been a big year for this category, what with the release of Dreadfleet the nautical sea battles game which has undoubtedly dominated this category... oh what do you mean, it hasn't got a nomination. Oh this is awkward, let's see who did get the nominations...

Battle Magic Card Decks

More exciting than a Paul Daniels Magic Kit and more useful than a pair of earplugs at a Steps reunion concert, this nomination covers the range of limited edition magic cards that have come out this year including Skaven, Orcs & Goblins, Storm of Magic, Ogre Kingdoms and Tomb Kings. These useful cards, even more useful now numbered, are the perfect way to remember your spells – if only you could get your hands on them. Which of course you can if you're a Beastmen player.

Blood in the Badlands

Not quite Supplement, not quite Army Book, Blood in the Badlands – the rejected tagline for Happy Feet 2 features the tale of eight gamers fighting it out in the Badlands with new rules for underground fighting, siege warfare and a selection of reassuringly average-painted armies on the battlefield so we don't get too scared by the 'Eavy Metal standard. Released just last month this is the most recent nomination in the category.

Liquid Green Stuff

The only fluid that made the nominations stage of this category this little tub of liquid modelling putty is designed to cause you maximum confusion when you try and give your Wood Elves a coat of Snot Green. Perfect for filling small mould lines with the minimum of fuss, clogging up your paint brush and repelling Superman this pot was released back in October.

Paint Station +

The most useful thing you can do with your lap whilst watching telly without having to change your paints. The Paint Station + is a Paint Station plus two mixing palettes, two water tubs and a cutting mat. Allowing you to paint an entire army whilst sat in front of The Biggest Loser or worse whilst reading this blog. If comfort is everything then this is the accessory that co-ordinates best with the universe.

Storm of Magic

The first and currently only supplement to the game of Fantasy Battles, which can be combined with a plastic mat to make the sordid Warhammer version of twister. July's big Warhammer supplement allowed you to add monsters, sorcerous pacts and apocalyptic spells that would make even Hermonie Granger wee her little knickers, especially if you'd actually opened it and played a game!

Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos

Most chairs don't have a name, I found no named chairs in the 120 odd I counted over the summer for the blog, but The Throne of Chaos is different. Forgeworld's only Warhammer supplement so far provides expansions for the Empire, Warriors of Chaos, rules for combining the forces of Chaos and a whole army list for the elusive Chaos Dwarfs returning them to the Warhammer World with a host of exotic cannons. No prizes for guessing at least one of the voters for this book!

Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins

The first army to get the full 8th edition treatment Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins comes with a whole host of brand new green gribblies, full colour pages all the way through and enough "Da"s and misused "z"s to give your English teacher a coronary. Introducing the Archanrok Spider, Mangler Squigs, Goblin Assassins and who can forget flying Snotling Pump Wagons to the Warhammer World this book hit the shelves back in March.

Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings

The second army book of the year gave a much needed revamp to the army with more sand in their toes than me on Brighton beach. Bringing the rules for the Necrocoplis Knights and Warsphinxes to the Warhammer tabletop this supplement emerged from the sand back in May.

Warhammer 40,000 Codex: Necrons

The only 40K supplement to make the nominations in this category. This is probably a good thing as I cannot talk about this with any semblance of knowledge. This book came out in November, almost certainly had the rules and background for the Necrons in, and wasn't hard back. Sorry 40K fans.

And the winner is...


Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings

Another win for Warhammer here, as the second army book released for the new Warhammer sweeps to victory. With it's array of new troops, full colour goodness and flat surface to balance your dinner on whilst watching TV what is there not to like?

Category Notes: Another reasonably widely contested category here, Storm of Magic just lost out to second place and Liquid Green Stuff came an admirable third. If your vote didn't translate into a nomination here it's probably because you choose something that came out in 2010, or you selected a model!


And on that bombshell it's time for a break, of approximately a day in length. The awards ceremony continues tomorrow when we shall be revealing who won Best Tournament of 2011, and whether Games Workshop managed to hold onto the prize of Best Games System of 2011.

See you then.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Hmm mixed feelings about this, the firebelly whilst nice is very much sold by ana amazing paintjob, in the hands of less skilled painters I can imagine a few horrors will be gracing our battlefields.

The TK book was great, it inspired me to starting an army of them, I've read it cover to cover which is something that doesn't usually happen.  Reflecting on it now I'm still not sure of how well it plays in an unrestricted environment but certainly a great book.


the TK win is a great result ( did not actually vote for it myself, did not think of it as an expansion  :blush:)...

Bring on round 2....

Steve H

If anyone's wondering, the one vote for wurrzag was from me... That's an incredible model!!!! :)

Everyone else was seduced by hollywood flames and big monsters I reckon!!! ;)
In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!


My choice was *shockingly* the Bale Taurus, want one!
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?