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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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August 12, 2011, 02:56:30 pm #20 Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 02:58:44 pm by jackhoneysett
Quote from: Dave on August 12, 2011, 02:52:56 pm
Awesome, I didn't even spot that.  I believe everyone should have the right to euthanasia but should be in a slightly more tasteful method than blowing ones own head off.  Current circumstances make me thing it should be taken out of certain peoples control and enforced upon them, though that's a slightly different matter.

You didn't watch "T.O.W.I.E." as well did you?

Quote from: Cyberactivity on August 12, 2011, 08:24:13 am
Bit bad taste, at least not the best phrase to be using. lol.

A bit of bad taste is what I've come to expect (and love) about this forum  :wink;m::


lol. Sorry, it was just my twisted mind putting the pieces together.

Think its because I've been following BadTasteJokes too much recently. lol.


I'm afraid Amy Winehouse is at the farthest reach of my popular culture knowledge, so I have no idea who were talking about! Still as long as we're having fun...!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


August 14, 2011, 12:21:22 pm #23 Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 12:24:14 pm by cunningmatt
Update 4 – Sunday 14th August 2011: Bring on the Brushes!

Ahhhhhhhhhh, my week's been s**t! I am not well, I feel exhausted, my stomach aches, I've been working long hours and my boiler's broken so I've been getting washed in a sink with a kettle for the last seven days. Selfishly everyone at work has decided to have an even worse, busier week so I can't even moan at them – how bloody rude! So instead dear reader I am moaning at you about it. It's crap, and I don't care if your life's worse than mine, because I am a lonely selfish bastard living a loveless life without even the companionship of a cat.

Now that's off my chest we can talk painting. You may have realised that so far I haven't mentioned or done any painting. Oops. Ho hum. Get used to it, to be frank. Alright, we need painting, there needs to be something to tie this blog together or it would just be a random collection of bollocks spewed haphazardly across the internet – which there's probably already some fetish website for anyway. And without painting there would be no objective for me to blindly stumble my way towards, like a mole lost in Ann Summers – sorry that's an odd analogy, I know.

For those of new to my blog, back in the old days I was painting 200 points of High Elves a month to get myself up to 2,000 points over 10 months, blah, blah, bollocks, bollocks, yawn, blah, I've written that so many times even I want to spew in my own face. Anyway I'd like to continue the High Elf army, there's a few bits and pieces (also known as lots of things) I want to add to finish it off – plus I'd like to try it out in a Storm of Magic game someday and could probably do with a mage or six to expand the force. I'd like to make some rules about how much I'm going to paint and how often, but I suspect that any attempt at such a plan will ultimately be more doomed than an appearance on Dragon's Den to try and get investment for an inflatable dartboard. So let's leave at I'll try to paint something every now and again – good enough? Oh you want me to be more specific... hmmm. Ok I will try, with emphasis on the try, to add something every month to the High Elves – I can't promise it will be 200 points though, it might just be one Spearmen, but even so I'll do my best to sell it like a demented shopping channel presenter even if it is nothing.

And if that wasn't enough of an in-depth painting plan, the recent spate of Warriors of Chaos releases as perked my interest in my slightly unloved Warriors army, that and the fact I am a bit knackered of Beastmen – I've really enjoyed it, but five and half thousand points of Beastmen, and only one win with them, may have been a bit much! So for a change I'm heading over to the other branch of the dark side, the Currys to my Dixons full of Beastmen, my Warriors. My current Warriors of Chaos army sits at around 3,000 points, and is themed around the god of Tzeentch – primarily because I like the fact that I can't pronounce that word, and because I like the colour blue – though I should point it's nothing to with stackable ward saves, or Gateway (the spell, not the supermarket chain that rebranded to Safeway in the 1990s). I simply don't have the tactical genius to have worked out, that these things would be useful in battle before I stated painting the force. The current army is a reasonable selection of troops, though it only just has enough Core to scrape through the 3,000 points and lacks any range of characters just a Hero and Sorcerer both on foot. So hopefully I'll be able to add a unit(ish) to this army every month or so, as well.

And just when you thought I'd bitten off far more than even John Prescott can chew, I made a pledge with my painting buddy Mr Shakey Shakey – a Wood Elf player from my last blog, who many suspect is a figment of my own imagination. Despite painting and collecting for about 5 years now, myself and Mr Shakey Shakey have failed to have a battle. So we've agreed a deadline for us to have a 2,000 point battle by the end of October, the catch being Mr Shakey Shakey has to finish (well at least assemble) his Wood Elves by then. I already have a handful of painted armies, so in order to give me a similar challenge – I've agreed to provide a battlefield and terrain to play on, by October – gulp. In fairness it's a good excuse to get round to painting up some terrain for my personal collection, I keep meaning to, but get distracted by units for my armies. But with all my current armies in a reasonably good place, and I have no interest in starting a new army until the new Bretonnian book heads our way (ok I do have an interest in starting many new armies, but I'm talking realistic interest that I could justify), now is a good as time as any. I'll endeavour to keep you up to date with both our efforts over the next few months.

"Good luck with all that painting" I hear you cry. "Thanks" I cry back. "Enough, get on with the painting", I hear you now cry. Alright, sheessh keep your hair on. Well I'll let you into a little secret, I got up to some painting over the last few months, whilst I've been absent from blogland. Back in June myself, Mr Shakey Shakey and some mutual friends (who tolerate us painting) went away to the south of France to spend some time in a villa and bake in the sunshine. Myself and Mr Shakey Shakey planned to use this opportunity to do some holiday painting. If painting is relaxing, painting whilst immersed in golden sunshine is the highest level of relaxation you can achieve without having to change your pants. I decided in order to get ready for this I'd base coat a load of models, as I find basecoating the most boring part of painting – at this point the model looks crap, my painting is always messy and you're nowhere near finishing the model. In typical me style I decided to pack far too many models and therefore set about basecoating far too many things.

The Scions of Tzeentch

For the forces of Chaos, I decided to attack my lack of core problem head on in a ridiculous fashion. Assembling a unit of 5 Marauder Horsemen, from a box I got ages ago that I never got round to opening, and a unit of 40 (yes forty) Marauders (on foot), there that should sort out my Core problem – when I say core problem I mean lack of core troops problem not the problem at the core of my very being, that's along way away of from being fixed.

Already having a unit of Horsemen with spears, I decided to go for the flails option, as nice as the hand weapon and shield option looks on the model - I cannot for the life of me see a point for fielding this selection of weaponry. For the Marauders I went for hand weapons and shields – some may think building a horde unit with a 5+ ward save makes me a git, but quite frankly I'm sick of people moaning my armies are fluffy so here goes. The Marauder Horsemen kit has a vast wealth of spare heads (I had 22 spare heads from two sets!) and shields, so I mixed these in with the smaller range on the Marauder frame to vary the unit a bit more. I also added some of the chains from the Marauder kit to the command group for even more variation – call me crazy!! I know!!

Because I'm a nice guy, I've even written up a little painting guide for you, should you wish to copy my work – and why wouldn't you want to:

Stage 1 – Marauders of Tzeentch

Base: Khemri Brown
Shoes: Chaos Black*
Trousers: 1:1 Chaos Black : Codex Grey*
Belt and Straps: Scorched Brown*
Flesh: Tallarn Flesh
Wood: Drybrushed Codex Grey, then Fortress Grey**
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Dark Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Light Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Horns: Khemri Brown***
Hair: Either Astronomacian Grey OR Codex Black OR Scorched Brown****

*Across the unit the cloths were painted in various combinations of these three colours.
**To avoid mess all the drybrushing for the wood was done at this early stage.
***The astute amongst you will notice I forget to paint the horns at this point, yes I didn't realise until after I'd taken the photo.
****This model has no hair, but some of them do, so I included for completeness, because I'm nice!

Stage 1 – Marauder Horsemen of Tzeentch

The Horseman, which currently look like a pile of bits, were painted in a similar fashion:

Shoes: Scorched Brown*
Trousers: Chaos Black*
Jerkin: 1:1 Chaos Black : Codex Grey*
Belt and Straps: Scorched Brown*
Flesh: Tallarn Flesh
Wood: Drybrushed Codex Grey, then Fortress Grey**
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Dark Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Light Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Horns: Khemri Brown***
Hair: Either Astronomacian Grey OR Codex Black OR Scorched Brown***

Base: Khemri Brown
Hooves: Chaos Black
Flesh: Scorched Brown****
Mane / Tail: Scorched Brown****
Saddle: Scorched Brown
Cloth: Chaos Black
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Dark Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Light Gold Metal: Tin Bitz

*Across the unit the cloths were painted in various combinations of these three colours.
**To avoid mess all the drybrushing for the wood was done at this early stage.
***This model has no hair or horns, but some do!
****The horses were painted using the excellent
How to Paint Horses Painting Guide from the Games Workshop website http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?catId=cat210002&categoryId=500002&section=&aId=14700022. To give the unit the rag tag feel that a Marauder unit should have the horses were all painted differently, the one above is a Roan, but there's also a Dark Bay Horse (Flesh: Scorched Brown; Mane / Tail: Chaos Black), Dark Grey Horse (Flesh: 1:1 Chaos Black : Codex Grey; Mane / Tail: 1:1 Chaos Black : Codex Grey) and two Black Horses (Flesh: Chaos Black; Mane / Tail: Chaos Black)

Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves

Look, I've called the High Elf part Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves, come on classic readers you know that's giving you a hard on!

Moving on.

For my High Elf army I decided I really needed to try and finish up the left over models from my two Island of Blood sets. So I decided to paint up a second unit of Ellyrian Reavers (the Swordmasters will come later). Don't scoff, but I've actually found the Reavers quite useful in my games swiftly scampering around the battlefield, march blocking, harassing smaller units with their bows and performing decisive/flawed charges into the enemies' rear (oh-errr)! Admittedly they're probably a little over priced, but I can see me deploying two units in one game, so here goes.

Much like the original unit, I've converted a standard bearer and musician (as I like my units to have full command) – though in fairness you'd have to go all the way back to Page 3 of the Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves blog to remember this!

The standard bearer has had the icon hanging to his spear removed, and I've added a banner from the Silver Helms kit (yes I do own some Silver Helms, don't mock).

And the musician has a horn from the Archers kit added, with some green stuff modelled as a strap cunningly covering the place where the hand was removed – see not just cunning by name.

These were then undercoated in a very similar fashion to the original Reavers unit, however for distinction I swapped the positioning of the yellow and blue round – this is the nice thing about using two signature colours in a militaristic (as opposed to rabble) army, the fact that you can swap them to differentiate units.

Stage 1 – Ellyrian Reavers

Base: Khemri Brown
Skulls (on base): Khemri Brown
Rocks (on base): Charadon Granite
Hooves: Chaos Black
Mane / Tail: Drybrush Adeptus Battlegrey
Horse Skin: Adeptus Battlegrey
Barding Cloak Outside / Rider Cloth: 1:1 Astronomican Grey : Skull White
Barding Cloak Inside / Feathers: Iyanden Darksun
Barding Metal Trim / Arrow Flights/Trim: 1:1 Enchanted Blue : Ice Blue
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Wood: Khemri Brown
Leather: Scorched Brown
Flesh: Dwarf Flesh
Hair: Vomit Brown or Dheneb Stone or Calthan Brown

And because I was clearly feeling ridiculously ambitious I decided to paint up the "on foot" model of Prince Althran, that I rushed out to buy from Games Workshop on day of release thinking it was a limited edition release – it wasn't, it's still available. Still I don't have a High Elf Noble on foot model painted up, so here's a chance to add that to the army. First of all, like all character models, I like to add a little detailing to the base if possible, so I've added a discarded belt strap with potions and dagger to the base (taken from the High Elf Prince and Noble kit).

And then painted up as follows:

Stage 1 – Prince Althran on Foot

Base: Khemri Brown
Skulls (on base): Khemri Brown
Rocks (on base): Charadon Granite
Inside of Cloak / Sleeves / Shield Design: 1:1 Astronomican Grey : Skull White
Ribbons: Iyanden Darksun
Shield / Outside of Cloak: 1:1 Enchanted Blue : Ice Blue
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Wood: Khemri Brown
Leather: Scorched Brown
Flesh: Dwarf Flesh
Hair: Snakebite Leather

So with all the basecoating done we were ready to head to France, for painting and sunshine. Now it would be exceptionally mean of me to show you some pictures of the wonderful scenery and the clear blue swimming pool to flaunt my holiday in your face, but hey I've had a bad work and it's made me bitter so here goes:

Earlier in the week I promised Ol a little competition, and here it is, all I want you to do is try and answer this question to win a fabulous as yet undetermined prize (that probably won't be fabulous):

In the French villa that I went to stay in, how many chairs were available for people to sit on?

As a clue I will tell you that villa that sleeps a maximum of ten people, we're counting all outdoor seating, including that around our private pool, and for things like sofas and benches I've counted the maximum number of people who could comfortably sit on them. All I'll say is it's more chairs than I expected.

As a further clue here's a picture of a chair, in case you've forgotten what one looks like:

Post your answer here, closest answer wins. And when I've decided that enough of you have bothered to answer, I may allow you to see the second part of my holiday blog and how the painting got on – but not until then (though if you look at my avatar pic, you might see how the Elven Prince got on – dam didn't think about that).

Remember, in the words of Paddy McGuiness from Take Me Out "No Responsey, No Posty" – or something like that!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Number of chairs available outside = 39

I thank you...... :cool3:


For clarification I'm looking for the total of all the chairs (including indoors and outdoors).

Ps thanks for the quote in your footer, I'm flattered!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

Marauder Mitch


I reckon 42 chairs, it is the answer to everything!
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?

Tom Hale

always a pleasure to read matt, do keep it up etc  :cool3:

re the number of chairs i guess ooooooooooooooooooonehundred and eeeeeeeeeighty. (got to love darts  :thumbsup:)
HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn