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Blotthrower's Halfling Extravaganza (Pic Heavy)

Started by Blotthrower, March 13, 2011, 01:32:00 pm

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Nice, angry geese bombs ftw!
I will admit though, my first thought re. Halfling doomdivers was treemen throwing halflings. #toomuchbloodbowl
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Thanks Meals, as soon as you said that I started getting idea's about converting up Treemen, but I think these will do for now!

No more work on the doomdivers as yet but I have (finally) completed the 2nd unit of wolf riders:

I've got to admit, having done one unit of wolf riders I have been putting these chaps off, probably for about a year, but seeing as I'm going to Whoops Apocalypse in less than two weeks time I've finally got some incentive to finish them. On my to do list now I have:

Halfling Lord
2 Doom Divers
3 Chariot Crew
6 Archers
6 Trolls
2 Boltthrowers.

All this has to be done before south coast weekend so I'd best get a move on! Next up I'm starting some work on the doomdivers, I will hopefully have them done by the end of this weekend, but we shall have to see how that goes knowing me and deadlines.



Not too much to do, hope you get through it as would love to see this army at SCGT.


Cheers guys, hopefully your right Dave. I'm plowing through it quite quickly at the moment. Luckily tournament deadlines are keeping me ticking over. And on that note, here is the first completed Goose Diver!

Secondly I've entered Whoops Apocolypse this year. As part of the entry process you have to write a background story for your army, so here's mine. Hope you enjoy!

The Last Supper

Perrivale Stroganoff stood hunched over the stove, his face a picture of concentration as he tasted his latest creation, a spicy five bean soup. "Needs a little something..." he said to himself. Selecting spices from the rack, he added a dash of one and a hint of another, took another taste, and nodding in satisfaction poured himself a portion and sat down at his kitchen table.
Outside the sky was a riot of colour. Purples, blues and angry reds were punctuated with bright scars of yellow and swirls of green. Perrivale knew the time had come. He pushed his soup to one side, drew towards him a quill and parchment and began to write.

My Dearest Percy,

I will try and keep this short but I have so much to tell you. If I had but a week, a month or a year it may have been enough but alas I have but this letter, so I will do my best.
As you know, as Grand Master Chef of the Moot, it is my responsibility to collect and store recipes from across the world. I have been to many places in my lifetime that no Halfling has dared to go. I have spent time in the ports at Nagaroth, wintered with the Goldtooth tribe and even delved deep into Nehekhara to hunt for the recipes of those long dead folk, but none of those journey's were quite so significant as my trip to Lustria.

I had made the journey on the Norse longship Reaper, buying my passage by assisting the ships cook Nine Fingered Jordi. You may be wondering my son why I would stoop so low as to chop vegetables for a ships cook, well there is a lesson here for you, when travelling with the Norse it is best that you don't show your true cooking skills as they may well try and keep you on permanently! Not to mention Jordi was a man of foul temper and quick anger and would have gutted me like a fish of I had shown him up. He did however show me how to make the best salt fish casserole I've ever tasted so the journey wasn't all bad. But I digress and with so little time! After many months travel we arrived at Skeggi, the Norse trading port on the edge of Lustria. My initial plan was to delve into the jungles themselves, find a temple city in which I could try and commune with the Lizards to form some sort of trade. However having seen the remains of a Norse border patrol being brought through the city gates, their bodies bloated and purple from poison, I quickly changed my plan. For a month I stayed in Skeggi, wandering the streets, picking up a recipe or two from the locals, frustrated that my true goal was so close and yet so far. I decided at this point I should cut my losses and leave Lustria for good. The night before I sailed back to the old world I dined in the Long Hearth, Skeggi's largest and most famous tavern. As the night wore on and I had consumed a fair few flagons of mead, I was approached by a shifty looking Norseman named Helden. He told me he had heard I was searching for recipes and that he had something that would interest me, a plaque said to contain a selection of recipes for fine Lizardman cuisine. Frustrated by my failed search and emboldened by the mead I jumped at the chance to see the item. Helden produced a small tablet of Onyx, the inscriptions seeming to glow in the candlelight of the inn, eager to study it I payed him most of my remaining funds and headed back to the ship to rest.

The journey back to the Old World was long and hard, but during my voyage I had a chance to study the plaque in great detail. I will not bore you with the details of how I managed it, but I managed to translate the contents of the plaque. Rather than it being a series of recipes for fine Lizardman cuisine, it turned out this was a prophecy heralding the end of the world as we know it. The Lizardmen were obviously keen to reclaim the plaque as the night after I left Skeggi, it was burnt to the ground by the largest Lizardman force in living memory. Ironically this was the first sign of the coming apocalypse. I have spent many years preparing the Moot for what is to come, the great Northern Gates that hold the Realm of Chaos will break and none shall be spared the darkness and insanity that will poor forth. Percy you must lead our people to safety, take them to the Dwarves in their holds or the Wood Elves in their enchanted forests. Gather our people with seed and grain, enough to deal with the harshest of winter. Take sheep, cows and livestock. You must also take Slowroot with you. I know he is slow even for a treeman and no good in a fight, but his seed is strong and hopefully one day he will be the father of the new moot, wherever that may be. I will leave you with this my son. The last line of the prophecy states that "the end of times will be sounded by the lowing of the world cow". Now I cannot be sure of the translation, but if I am right I am the only person who has a chance of stopping this. Take our people and go Percy. Know that I will always be proud of you.

Signing his name, Perrivale put down the quill and stared out of the window. The riot of colour in the night sky had reached its crescendo and a great tear scarred the sky. Perrivale looked across to his meal, now cold and marvelled at the first meal he had missed in his life. Suddenly a great lowing carried across the Moot, shaking the trees and causing the chickens to go mad in their pens. "The world cow" whispered Perrivale. Placing his chef's hat reverently by the side of the letter, Perrivale walked out into the Moot as the world Cow lowed the end of the world.


Percy sat on the rocky knoll, reflecting on the four years since the Apocalypse. It had been hard at first. The people of the Moot were not used to hardship, but slowly as time passed they had grown tougher, ready and able to strike out across the blighted wilderness searching for a new place to call home. A distant lowing brought him out of his revere. In the distance, Bessie, the World cow, the bringer of the end of times was now bringing up the rear of the Halfling March. It turned out that after heralding the coming Apocalypse there was nothing more for Bessie to do, so a few kind words and nine tons of hay later, Bessie was firmly part of group. She even let people ride on her back and regularly carried provisions. Percy looked off into the distance hoping to see some sort of fertile land to end the hardship, but today as with every day, no such salvation existed.

Getting to his feet Percy set off down the knoll to rejoin his people. One day they would found a new Moot, but until that day they would march on and be ready for anything.

roland murat

It that doomdiver (?) defending the box of cheese biscuits? If so, very apt.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Absolutely! You never know when those pesky Goblins will try and steal my biscuits and what better to defend them than a doomdiver lobbing geese...


This is shaping up to be one of the funniest, coolest armies ever.  I hope the dice gods  :oncloud: smile on it should it make the South Coast.


Thanks Toast, I'm very close to finishing the army now, its taken me about a year and 2 months to get the army to this point and I can see the end in sight for the project. I've only got 3 chariot crew to paint this week and the movement trays to be ready for Whoops, then I've got the following to complete for South Coast:

8 Archers (part painted, not too much work to do to complete them)
1 Doomdiver (Undercoated and minor amount of painting started on it)
2 Boltthrowers (Buying on payday - the guys from the Watford Club have persuaded me to do Stale Baguette throwers!)
6 Trolls - I've been using Ogres for these but I'm going to be using these (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Reaper-Miniatures-3377-Rotpatch-Pumpkin-Golem-Dark-Heaven-Legends-/200713398455#ht_3031wt_1023) as my Trolls - again ordering on payday)

So really not much left to do. I did also have a General to paint, but today's endeavours see a fully painted Captain Fiddlesticks guarding the Savoury Biscuits for cheese!


Always good to see the Marks & Spencer Biscuits for Cheese box!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146