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Battles of Westeros

Started by Draig, August 13, 2010, 04:05:11 pm

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So I picked this up for my birthday, having started reading the books on holiday. Anyone fancy a game at some point? It's all still in pieces but it doesn't look too hard to assemble and it's small enough to bring down on the bike.


Oh yes indeed mate, only on the 2nd book myself (damm font is so bloody small) but I have wanted agame of this since it came out...


August 13, 2010, 04:40:44 pm #2 Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 04:42:55 pm by fatolaf
For those who don't know, this is the based on the Game Of Thrones books using the Battlelore rules by FFG games


Available on the shop of course  :thumbsup:


About to finish Book II myself. I'll try and bring it down on the 23rd. Should be all assembled and up to date with the rules by then.


Cool mate, look forwards to it..


August 30, 2010, 08:00:50 pm #5 Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 08:05:48 pm by Draig
Had a blast with Westeros Ol. Sorry for my butchery of the Commander rules. I think we got the gist of most things though. Reread the rulebook on the tube and here's what we did wrong:

1) Non cavalry can't wound cavalry on a valor symbol (fist). This explains that order card we couldn't figure out. Also makes Lannister cavalry a lot more powerful in that scenario.

2) Commanders confer their abilities to their unit. So Maege's becomes nails. Heavy Armour means it defends as a blue and Stalwart means it can counterattack. Nasty. Also those abilities count for capture. So Rickard with Toughness 1 needs 3 symbols to capture.

3) LOS is drawn from the CENTER of the archer's hex to the center of the target's hex, not from any point to any point. This means that a lot of the shots we gave your archers weren't legal.

4) Flanking. Basically we got it right at the end. You get flanking on any house's engagement token. That said you still need to change tokens, so if you attack my unit you put down your house's engagement token. If I then attack that unit back, I remove yours and replace it with one of mine. It becomes important whose token is showing in later battles with buildings.

5) Stalwart. Can be pushed back, but they ignore the FIRST flag rolled against them, so it's hard to do. We got the counterattack right.

6) Morale. Loose a green unit, 1 morale. Blue unit 2 morale. Red unit 3 morale. This explains why our morale track hardly moved!

So I got a fair bit wrong! Small things, but important. Definately keen for a rematch with all that sorted out. I'll be trying to get the models for that opening scenario painted and dipped this week so hopefully they will be done in time for the rematch. Also some kind of box control for those crazy crazy endless tokens.


Right that makes a lot of sense, you let me know when you want to play next and I'm up for it..